
標題: Ying Wah or Paul Boys [打印本頁]

作者: 3kidsdaddy    時間: 14-7-9 20:28     標題: Ying Wah or Paul Boys

Have offers from these 2 schools. I love them both but really don't know how to choose.
Any expert to provide opinion? Many thx

作者: 爸爸愛您    時間: 14-7-9 20:29     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys


作者: happylol    時間: 14-7-9 20:29     標題: 回覆:3kidsdaddy 的帖子


作者: 小曳人    時間: 14-7-9 20:44



作者: 2ndsister    時間: 14-7-9 21:50

樓主, 你唔係到而家呢刻仲諗緊呀, 據我所知, 兩間己註冊晒, 又買晒書, 會唔會自私左D呀, 諗到而家都未諗掂...你知唔知好多人仲叩緊門架...
作者: kmko    時間: 14-7-9 22:30     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys

Paul boys剛call waiting

作者: pipip929    時間: 14-7-9 22:31

作者: Gerard    時間: 14-7-9 22:32     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys

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作者: fujitasze    時間: 14-7-9 22:47

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作者: lamking    時間: 14-7-9 22:49

回覆 3kidsdaddy 的帖子

作者: lamking    時間: 14-7-9 23:17

回覆 3kidsdaddy 的帖子

Sorry accidentally sent not-yet completed message. You have to check carefully whether the teachers are nice and kind on the whole. Of course some teachers are just so so which exist in every school. I don't know both schools much but some very famous schools can be very 涼薄 and ask your kid to leave school if they have any problem like behavioral, lack of attention etc.  They also do not teach the kids but expect you to teach without any support. My kid is in this type of school which is horrible and both parents and kids suffer.
So try to check this aspect and suggest you choose the one with better teacher quality. If cannot ascertain this aspect, just bring the kid to visit both schools again and let him decide. If he can't decide, you decide for him. This is the best you can do for him and there is nothing to regret. We have groomed him to get admitted by these famous schools, how can we as parents blame ourselves for not foreseeing the future?! I did that for my kid a few years ago and I have no regret. That is the best I can do for my kid at that very moment.  Hope this helps and I totally understand your feeling now.

Remember, there is no right or wrong, just educated "guess" and parental intuition should help guide you to choose a school for your kid coz somehow we know our kid's strengths and personality!

作者: 3kidsdaddy    時間: 14-7-10 00:24

Thx for sharing. Knowing that YW has a charm headmistress Miss Lam and energetic team, the whole family was attracted by the atmosphere. Yet Paul Boys was established more than 100 years, it has good culture in educating youngsters.
Buying YW seems buying the future. Buying Paul Boys seems buying the brand.
作者: emibaby    時間: 14-7-10 00:57     標題: 回覆:3kidsdaddy 的帖子


作者: Gary_family    時間: 14-7-10 01:16     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys

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作者: 3kidsdaddy    時間: 14-7-10 01:24

If address is not a problem, which one would you choose and why?
作者: ASamSam    時間: 14-7-10 02:31     標題: 引用:If+address+is+not+a+problem,+which+one+w

原帖由 3kidsdaddy 於 14-07-10 發表
If address is not a problem, which one would you choose and why?
These two boys school has similar popularity among parents.  But their style are apparently different.  Ask your son and your heart which one is liked.

作者: saintbernard888    時間: 14-7-10 05:07     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys


作者: 柔情爸爸    時間: 14-7-10 05:24

Gerard 發表於 14-7-9 22:32
Agreed, and unless 樓主is prepared to move to live nearer to the school. If this is the case, I choose YW
作者: lam_brenda    時間: 14-7-10 10:09     標題: 回覆:3kidsdaddy 的帖子

I don't know the situation for Ying Wa but I did attend to Paul Boys for a year in Form 6 many years ago. I feel that my classmates at that time were all humble yet confident and have a strong sense of belongings to the school. Majority of them are professionals now, like doctor, architect, engineer, accountant, etc. Many of my ex-classmates  have placed their sons to study there and it seems they are all pleased with the school.

作者: Ericalaw1026    時間: 14-7-10 10:37

lam_brenda 發表於 14-7-10 10:09
I don't know the situation for Ying Wa but I did attend to Paul Boys for a year in Form 6 many years ...
If I were you and the address is not a problem, I will vote for St Paul Boy !!! I like this school so much, and the student helpers during the interview were impressed me a lot.  I got the same feeling of yours which is humble and confident.

For me, St Paul Boy is so far away from me in address wise.  My son is on the 2nd batch of waiting, the chance is tend to Zero.  

作者: Obiepapa    時間: 14-7-10 10:44     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys

Pick one close to home

作者: lambeanmama    時間: 14-7-10 23:25     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys


作者: d-ma    時間: 14-7-11 10:54     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys

事先聲名我唔係英華或林校長嘅fans, 唔會特別幫呢間學校講好話。但唔明啲人點解成日都話英華係概念股,係買future。英華小學已經同英華書院結龍,即一條龍直上中學,而英華書院係band 1B, 前景好清晰好明朗。可來買概念呢?難道學校嘅教學方法非傳統就係新概念,無future??以我愚見,大家選校並唔好單睇學校名,要學懂分析。要睇下學校嘅方向同教學理念係咪同你吻合,是否適合自己嘅小朋友。

註: 論中學,英華書院比聖保羅男校嘅banding還要高。

作者: ckcleung    時間: 14-7-11 11:05

d-ma 發表於 14-7-11 10:54
事先聲名我唔係英華或林校長嘅fans, 唔會特別幫呢間學校講好話。但唔明啲人點解成日都話英華係概念股,係買 ...



作者: kenlau806    時間: 14-7-11 11:15


作者: 芝士BB    時間: 14-7-11 11:24     標題: 引用:俾我一定選PAUL+BOYS中小VS英小...++

原帖由 kenlau806 於 14-07-11 發表
Paul boys 也是中小呀

作者: bubuG    時間: 14-7-11 11:26     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys


作者: bigboy129    時間: 14-7-11 11:26     標題: 回覆:kenlau806 的帖子


作者: bigboy129    時間: 14-7-11 11:28     標題: 回覆:bigboy129 的帖子


作者: 芝士BB    時間: 14-7-11 11:36     標題: 引用:英小好過中小????? +

原帖由 bigboy129 於 14-07-11 發表
之前聽過講座話教育局對中小及英小的定義是:如數學用中文教,就是中小;數學用英文教,就是英小(有錯請更正)。不過現在英華及St Paul boy 數學雖然主要用中文教,但都會有英數,以配合中學英中課程。另,英華是一條龍;Paul Boys是直屬,收最多80%上書院。

作者: kenlau806    時間: 14-7-11 14:56

本帖最後由 kenlau806 於 14-7-11 14:56 編輯

回覆 bigboy129 的帖子

小學 - 唔係
中學 - 係 - 因為大學大部份科目的書本係英文


國際學校 = 愚見, 人地問yw VS st paul

作者: JKR    時間: 14-7-11 15:03

回覆 芝士BB 的帖子

Paul Boys 唔係一條龍, 亦唔係直屬. 只要主科合格同操行良好就可以上書院, 無限最多幾多%上. 近呢幾年都有超過90%上書院.
作者: 甘恩    時間: 14-7-11 16:17

ckcleung 發表於 14-7-11 11:05
其實兩間既中學,都係過百年老校,成績都差不多,SPB名聲上高D,兩間都有過光輝既HISTOR ...
作者: Gary_family    時間: 14-7-11 17:27     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+kenlau806+於+14-07-11+發表

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作者: wingszew    時間: 14-7-11 17:59     標題: 回覆:Gary_family 的帖子

個人覺得Paul Boys 比較好

作者: mmhchung    時間: 14-7-11 18:17     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys

如果地址不是問题,我會楝st Paul Boys.  始終名響D, 而且是港島区,學校活動多會在同区,接觸的社区同人脈會有分别

作者: monsterparentss    時間: 14-7-11 18:28

OMG! 仲有呢啲思想嘅,好在你住港島區,我哋接觸唔到!
作者: Gary_family    時間: 14-7-11 18:33     標題: 引用:OMG!+仲有呢啲思想嘅,好在你住港島區,我

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作者: ckcleung    時間: 14-7-11 18:53

本帖最後由 ckcleung 於 14-7-11 18:57 編輯

作者: mmhchung    時間: 14-7-11 19:03     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys


作者: 2ndsister    時間: 14-7-11 19:08

回覆 mmhchung 的帖子

唔係喎, 我認同, 我都係因為仔仔讀書而住來香港島區, 由細到大係九龍區, 搬來兩年多, 我發覺香港島區的人質素係平均高過九龍...不喜勿插

作者: ckcleung    時間: 14-7-11 19:50

作者: radialforearm    時間: 14-7-11 20:31     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys


作者: 芝士BB    時間: 14-7-11 20:52     標題: 引用:回覆+mmhchung+的帖子 唔係喎,+我認同,+我

原帖由 2ndsister 於 14-07-11 發表
回覆 mmhchung 的帖子

唔係喎, 我認同, 我都係因為仔仔讀書而住來香港島區, 由細到大係九龍區, 搬來兩年多 ...
如此類推,原來住在St Paul Boy 華富邨的人比住在英華南昌邨的人素質高

作者: 3kidsdaddy    時間: 14-7-11 23:44

Dear Buddies,
Thanks all for your expert opinion and sharings. I cannot agree more that both YW and Paul Boys are great schools with apparently different ways of teachings. To me, YW is a school of energetic, creative and it is definitely leaping forward under the leadership of Miss Lam. On the other hand, Paul Boys is a school of humble, confident and bear the good name of tradition. It is really a tough job to drop any one of them.

作者: JKR    時間: 14-7-12 00:23     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys


作者: koala_choco    時間: 14-7-12 08:27     標題: 引用:Quote:ckcleung+發表於+14-7-11+11:05+我係

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作者: AnMViE    時間: 14-7-12 09:23     標題: 引用:Dear+Buddies,Thanks+all+for+your+expert+

原帖由 3kidsdaddy 於 14-07-11 發表
Dear Buddies,
Thanks all for your expert opinion and sharings. I cannot agree more that both YW and  ...
We had the same question last year and chose YW. Our considerations may be different from yours, but we think we made the right decision. The boys at YW learn happily and creatively, and are given many deveolpment opportunities. Also, the principal and the teachers are caring and encouraging.
SPB is good too, but I guess the ways of learning is more traditional.

作者: wendysuperbaby    時間: 14-7-12 14:32

講高貴就一定係SPB. 英華强調平民化, 學費都已反映了。

作者: Gary_family    時間: 14-7-12 14:38     標題: 引用:講高貴就一定係SPB.+英華强調平民化,+學費

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作者: AnMViE    時間: 14-7-12 15:24     標題: 引用:講高貴就一定係SPB.+英華强調平民化,+學費

原帖由 wendysuperbaby 於 14-07-12 發表
講高貴就一定係SPB. 英華强調平民化, 學費都已反映了。
如果比較兩間的價錢, 更令人覺得YW物超所值。

作者: radialforearm    時間: 14-7-12 17:18     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys


作者: neogeo1111    時間: 14-7-13 00:24     標題: 回覆:Ying Wah or Paul Boys

Of course, 100% 英華!文武雙全!SPB...好名一個!

作者: 3kidsdaddy    時間: 14-7-13 01:05

I've discussed with the parents of YW and Paul Boys.

YW parents love YW usually because the students can PLAY HARD (many extra-curricular activities and need to stay behind school even at night) and WORK HARD (all exams, tests, dictations need to have ranking).

Paul Boys parents love Paul Boys because students are being take good care by teachers on individual basis (fewer students in each form) and more concentrate on core stuffs but less extra-curricular activities.

As a result, YW students will become brighter after years of training but to some extent more elbowing. Paul Boys students will become more humanic and less aggressive.  

Any insider please give us some hints and share your expert opinions. Thx
作者: ASamSam    時間: 14-7-13 02:32     標題: 回覆:3kidsdaddy 的帖子

I think both schools have ranking.  As a matter of fact, my son's YW school report only has marks and grades.  We know the ranking through our own intranet account only.

It is true that many our parents like YW very much.  The reasons seem to be variable.  However, I think one main reason is that you can see your son grow and learn happily in this school.

作者: NKpa    時間: 14-7-13 09:52

本帖最後由 NKpa 於 20-9-30 14:43 編輯

作者: ericby    時間: 14-7-13 10:06

Gary_family 發表於 14-7-12 14:38
最緊要讀出嚟個小朋友又乖又叻!係咪交學費時"高貴"啲根本無所謂,亦唔多覺,再講比如喇沙都唔駛$$,但亦 ...
dont think that comparing YW and LS is appropriate.  YW has a God principal.

作者: 甘恩    時間: 14-7-13 16:02

koala_choco 發表於 14-7-12 08:27
你点知yw des 成績?
作者: Nbranson    時間: 14-7-13 17:48

But the principal has no track record at all....  Just talk talk talk... If you ask around people know 英華女校 is top notch.... 英華男校 .... First tier bottom.  People talk about how good the future is..... If it is sooo good why it didn't perform 50 years ago?   There are plenty if great school why need to bet on something to happen in the future???😴😴😴
作者: wingszew    時間: 14-7-13 18:25     標題: 回覆:Nbranson 的帖子


作者: wingszew    時間: 14-7-13 18:27     標題: 回覆:wingszew 的帖子


作者: wendywaiwai    時間: 14-7-13 18:42     標題: 引用:一家藍籌股,一家概念股,看您睇法!特別概

原帖由 wingszew 於 14-07-13 發表

你刨下之前文章,呢個股票概念真的大錯特錯,我是St Paul Boys 也睇不過眼

作者: wendywaiwai    時間: 14-7-13 18:47     標題: 回覆:wendywaiwai 的帖子

我是St. Paul Boys 家長。

作者: akwchan    時間: 14-7-13 19:55

回覆 wingszew 的帖子


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