
標題: SKH vs St.Cat K3英普"告急" [打印本頁]

作者: c1c2    時間: 14-7-4 14:02     標題: SKH vs St.Cat K3英普"告急"

收到S K H,K3插班通知,原本打算去年插,點知等到現在!
作者: kyleebc    時間: 14-7-4 14:07

Repeat K3 or not?
作者: c1c2    時間: 14-7-4 14:14

作者: kyleebc    時間: 14-7-4 14:42

除非孩子讀st cat.唔好(唔好可一樣或多樣),若果覺得唔讀就哂咗的心態似乎武斷D噃!
作者: ngokwan    時間: 14-7-4 14:58     標題: 回覆:SKH vs St.Cat K3英普"告急"

要k3 轉校,小朋友會有何感受?

作者: yubaba    時間: 14-7-4 15:40

k3小朋友面對小一面試已經很疲憊, 若果又要適應新環境, 樓主小朋友能應付嗎? 這點要考慮, 亦只有你最清楚, 免得得不償失。另外, 相信SKH有其優點吸引你才使你考慮插班, 我大擔假設是SKH的升小或面試訓練, 但K3才加入, 是否真的有用呢?
作者: Unclejt    時間: 14-7-4 15:53

作者: lovebb2    時間: 14-7-4 16:16     標題: 引用:多一事不如少一事。

原帖由 Unclejt 於 14-07-04 發表

作者: happyeveryone    時間: 14-7-4 16:18

回覆 c1c2 的帖子

Let me share my experience to you.  

My son and I in June 2012 (he's in K2 in another kindergarten) to attend SKH interview (for applying to study K3 in Sept).  I interviewed on Friday in June and SKH called me to give me the offer next day (Sat).  I and my husband were very happy and consider whether to take the offer or not, but finally we gave up SKH seat because I really don't want my son to change to a totally new school environment to face new classmates, teachers and principal.  I don't want to be selfish and don't want to take away all his happy school life in his own kindergarten (with happy classmates and teachers and principal).  Another reason is I also target to apply some DSS / private schools for him in Sept, so I really cannot take the big risk for him to study in a new environment (SKH) but at the same time to ask him to take the Sept - Nov school interviews for P.1 DSS / private schools.   I will consider that the sudden change of new school for him may bring the bad effects and will affect his performance in the DSS / private school interviews.

If he's good learning and happy life in St Catherine, I think you should not change the new school for him.

作者: c1c2    時間: 14-7-4 16:57

回覆 happyeveryone 的帖子

Thank you for your sharing.I'm totally agree your point of view
作者: happyeveryone    時間: 14-7-4 17:41

回覆 c1c2 的帖子

You are welcome.
作者: janelle427    時間: 14-7-4 18:46     標題: 回覆:SKH vs St.Cat K3英普"告急"

咁如果由st cat 插skh k2 呢?

作者: c1c2    時間: 14-7-4 20:09

回覆 janelle427 的帖子

作者: lovebb2    時間: 14-7-5 08:32     標題: 引用:咁如果由st+cat+插skh+k2+呢? 会否考慮? +

原帖由 janelle427 於 14-07-04 發表
咁如果由st cat 插skh k2 呢?

作者: HaYi    時間: 14-7-5 10:24

SKH 其實對考DSS or 私小未必有利, 如果抽得好又同幼稚園無關. K3插讀的意義不大.
作者: Audreynov    時間: 14-7-5 11:47

happyeveryone 發表於 14-7-4 16:18
回覆 c1c2 的帖子

Let me share my experience to you.  
Why u go for interview  at the first place ? Sorry  I am just curious
作者: Siusammama    時間: 14-7-5 21:51     標題: 回覆:SKH vs St.Cat K3英普"告急"


作者: happyeveryone    時間: 14-7-5 21:52

回覆 Audreynov 的帖子

好簡單,SKH確實係一間好同出名的幼稚園,而當初我仔K1時考唔到,到SKH有插班機會我也想試下他的實力,結果有offer都感到好開心,但正如我所講,我並唔想攞走亞仔自己讀緊K2學校的happy life, so I call up SKH to give up the offer.

作者: c1c2    時間: 14-7-6 09:47

回覆 happyeveryone 的帖子

因為大女在港島區上學,所以去年想插K2。正如你所講,给小朋友試試面試,準備P.1!Anyway,昨天已放棄了S K H offer

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