
標題: Anyone from ESF with a special need place [打印本頁]

作者: lovesumsum    時間: 14-2-18 23:01     標題: Anyone from ESF with a special need place

I wonder how much support they can offer in the mainstream class.

作者: Letter_lalaland    時間: 14-2-19 00:19

本帖最後由 Letter_lalaland 於 14-2-19 00:20 編輯

Which ESF are we looking at though?
作者: lovesumsum    時間: 14-2-19 20:36     標題: 回覆:Letter_lalaland 的帖子

Don't know yet but will be in Hong Kong island.

作者: cksy_bb    時間: 14-2-27 10:41     標題: 回覆:Anyone from ESF with a special need place

I m on the queue of year 1, I wonder how long should I wait for..1...2...3 years? Does anyone got the offer successfully and could share your opinion with us?

作者: sky_chan88    時間: 14-2-27 22:15     標題: 回覆:Anyone from ESF with a special need place

When you apply, how to put the child's issues on the form? Thx

作者: cksy_bb    時間: 14-2-28 23:34     標題: 回覆:sky_chan88 的帖子

I provided doctor s  reports that shown my son is a mild grade, Autism with development delay! I put my priority to apply Sara Roe ! The ESF reply "to put my son on priority order" by email. I guess they means my son could get a place once any student quit the school! In my view of point, there are many pupils are waiting for make up and my son isn't on the first priority , may be 10 or 100 !

作者: pollybell    時間: 14-3-1 14:57

Sara roe 重難入過mainstream,special need support我朋友個仔原本排等一,但有些mainstream 既跟唔上要去Sara roe,所以最優先係收返呢類學生。
作者: cksy_bb    時間: 14-3-3 16:02

回覆 pollybell 的帖子

sad to hear that ! Dear Pollybell, do you have any comment. I need some observation or view point for assistance because my son will get into P1 in Academic year of 2014.

作者: pollybell    時間: 14-3-3 18:10

ESF有冇去你小朋友學校做interview.?你小朋友2014 學年足六歳未?有冇諗下報local既英小,有support既官津小學,當然比較多南亞小朋友,如果想繼續等你可以上網搵下陳智思老婆開,果間IS都收呢類小朋友,學費貴過ESF,其實你有冇諗定幾手準備?還有其他IS呢?有冇申請?
作者: cksy_bb    時間: 14-3-3 22:53     標題: 回覆:pollybell 的帖子

Dear polly bell,

It's seldom of people could explain point by point like you, I am fortune because you are willing to tell me what should I prepare! Million thanks !
In fact, I ve visited International Christian School and I am going to visit Sara Roe school on Wednesday which is organized by Watchdog! My son d already turn 6 , I applied ICS bridges programme , and we still waiting for the result! Hence, I submit application form to Sara Roe and Rainbow Project , of course SR school put us to the waiting list , I may interview Rainbow Project next week, the only thing I concern  ed the transportation and travel time between Tsing Yi and Sai Wan! Honestly , I am very very tired on the past 3 years on pick and send my son to Tung Chung Special school everyday, at that time , S seat is very hard to get in around Kowloon and NT, so we moved from Sai Kung to Tsuen Wan , Tsuen Wan to Ting Kau , finally we chose to take a place were situated far from home -Tung Chung, then we moved to Tsing Yi, we also keep to bring my son go to ST at Jordan on Monday, Pst on Tuesday , watchdog from Thursday to Friday  , it was very hard but valuable because (I brought him to do assessment every year by Psychologist) his grade from 50, 56 to 69) today he is a mild grade child, thanks god ! Therefore , I promise to myself, to give him a happy school life, to learn with relaxation, to give him freedom, I recognize the autism rehabilitation basis what environment the parents provide , it's a place he adapted! Government school is too hard to my child, there's many dictation and homework ! I have consider with 陳智思太太 school , but not now ! in order to adapt mainstream curriculum, I will let him stay in special class few years to build up his confidence and learn more about social skills! Now Is challenging but I m so headache on how to arrange time shuttle from Tsing Yi to Sai wan Once we fail the ICS ! PS : All our family member works in NT and Kln !

作者: pollybell    時間: 14-3-4 13:18

本帖最後由 pollybell 於 14-3-4 13:31 編輯

回覆 cksy_bb 的帖子

即ESF從冇interview過你小朋友.如果未跟本無安排位,正常程序in 左會通知你去learning support or Sara roe,唔係你決定,經過呢個程序先可以有offer,watch dog 既training 係政府位定私家,如果係政府位而你從來都係英語幼稚園,而從來冇轉過教學語言,有offer機會好大,除非你中途轉語言,咁你有offer機會微乎其微,其實你可以叫watch dog 既高層幫手推薦去KIS既rainbow program.以我知ICS都好難入,揀些叻小小既,如果比較嚴重冇乜機會。
作者: cksy_bb    時間: 14-3-4 13:33     標題: 回覆:pollybell 的帖子

Thank you very much

作者: lovesumsum    時間: 14-3-4 21:28     標題: 回覆:pollybell 的帖子

Dear pollybell,

My child has been queuing for mainstream with learning support for 2 years, already had 2 interviews, my child is turning 6 in fall, need to go to primary school this year. I  am really not sure if ESF is serious about offering a place or just doing this as mandatory because of the government funding.

So I would like to find out if there is any successful case of getting a place. If not, I should find an alternative solution (even though very limited choices) rather than paying $xxxx pyschologist report and having a false hope that ESF could offer a place every year.

作者: sailobb    時間: 14-3-5 11:10

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作者: sailobb    時間: 14-3-5 11:11

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作者: sailobb    時間: 14-3-5 11:20

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作者: lovesumsum    時間: 14-3-5 11:34     標題: 回覆:sailobb 的帖子

Hi Sailobb,  do u mind to tell me which IS your friend's son got in?

作者: sailobb    時間: 14-3-5 11:43

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作者: lovesumsum    時間: 14-3-5 12:43     標題: 回覆:sailobb 的帖子

Sorry what is RC?

作者: pollybell    時間: 14-3-5 13:54

lovesumsum 發表於 14-3-4 21:28
Dear pollybell,

My child has been queuing for mainstream with learning support for 2 years, already ...

咁interview 後(係咪去學校),ESF 有冇通知你,小朋友係排LEARING SUPPORT?.如果有機會好大.

你小朋友細仔,還有時間等,ESF一般係會適齡入學,即5歲讀P1,以我所見所知一般6歲大陪份有有位,7歲入P.1都有不過極之小,有些小朋友未READY父母都安排遲些interview即使已通知有得in,希望表現好些,大部份父母都希望小朋友入LEARNING SUPPORT,無人想自己小朋友去SARAH ROE 除非真係覺得自己小朋友跟唔上,而ESF都會俾機會一些兩者之間比較差既去LEARNING SUPPORT,我知道每年都有小數既需要掉回SARAH ROE.
我眼見好多人有位,問題係我先前回應 某POST,所講,有無經政府排訓練,英語為第一語言,等等,好多背景資料都影響小朋友入讀機會,ESF收仔最多係WATCH DOG,(政府位).你還可以等多一年,如果過左7歲你真係唔好諗啦,早些為小朋友打算.

作者: lovesumsum    時間: 14-3-6 09:41     標題: 回覆:pollybell 的帖子

Dear pollybell,  thanks very much for sharing your info

作者: happy001    時間: 14-5-13 19:27

Dear all,
   我的情況乜一樣,我仔本身係IS讀要learning support,佢報咗Esf Y7 central exam考埋試,報時講明要learning Support, 但interview完之後話唔知要幾多learning support,所以要做埋psychology report.現在等reply,非常擔心

作者: siulumjing    時間: 14-5-16 20:10     標題: 回覆:lovesumsum 的帖子

Hi lovesumsum,

Do u mind telling me if your kid went to an ESF kindy? My son should be going to P1 this year, just got result from ARP that he should go to LSC. The ESF primary school that he interviewed does not have vacant LSC place for him. Now dreading there is no place across all school for him to start in coming August! What do i do, keep him at home?

作者: lovesumsum    時間: 14-5-20 01:54     標題: 回覆:happy001 的帖子

Just wondering 點解你仔仔本身讀IS with learning support 要𨍭 ESF?

作者: happy001    時間: 14-6-8 09:56

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