
標題: 重要消息!!!二○一三年度小一入學報告書出了!! [打印本頁]

作者: iantsang    時間: 14-1-17 15:34     標題: 重要消息!!!二○一三年度小一入學報告書出了!!

http://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment ... ssion/13rept_tc.pdf
作者: siujanjan    時間: 14-1-17 16:03

作者: jayman    時間: 14-1-17 16:08

作者: lauwingtai    時間: 14-1-17 16:43

作者: YIN-MA    時間: 14-1-17 17:08


App. V(a)
Net 41 DPA Type A+B 得139個?真係估佢唔到...
作者: 奥脫福    時間: 14-1-18 04:01


2 927名(6.0%)兒童獲派「不受學校網限制」類別的學位,當中2 365人獲派首志願學校;


作者: Eggchan    時間: 14-1-18 08:21     標題: 回覆:重要消息!!!二○一三年度小一入學報告書出了!!

Net 12都有62個派beyond 10,都唔知去咗邊@@

作者: YIN-MA    時間: 14-1-18 09:53

Net41 DPA 有11間學校揀,淨計LS 90 同MCS 75 個位都唔止報告寫嘅 139個啦...仲未計拔萃、聖家等,真係好多人自行得咗但最後都去直資私校,所以教育局out翻d數出嚟?
作者: iantsang    時間: 14-1-18 09:58

YIN-MA 發表於 14-1-18 09:53
Net41 DPA 有11間學校揀,淨計LS 90 同MCS 75 個位都唔止報告寫嘅 139個啦...仲未計拔萃、聖家等,真係好多 ...
This is not the way to interpret the data.

The numbers shown there are not where the seats are from, but where the applicants live.  So, the numbers you saw under discretionary places stage represent those who live in that net and received seats through DP, from schools in any nets.

作者: YIN-MA    時間: 14-1-18 11:52

作者: ANChan59    時間: 14-1-18 12:01

回覆 iantsang 的帖子

作者: iantsang    時間: 14-1-18 13:32

本帖最後由 iantsang 於 14-1-18 13:34 編輯
YIN-MA 發表於 14-1-18 11:52
真的?但自行甲類同乙類跟住邊區都無關係,那自行個部份的數據有什麼參考價值? ...

Yes, I called EDB a few years ago and go through the reasoning they adopted.

It make senses for them when they listed these data in such format so they know the total number of applicants by school nets, and through which section they have been allocated.

作者: iantsang    時間: 14-1-18 13:33

本帖最後由 iantsang 於 14-1-18 13:33 編輯
ANChan59 發表於 14-1-18 12:01
回覆 iantsang 的帖子


It's not perfect, but I guess they intentionally limited the level of details so this is one of the ways they can put them together reasonably.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 14-1-18 13:46     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+iantsang+於+14-1-18+13:33+編

原帖由 iantsang 於 14-01-18 發表
本帖最後由 iantsang 於 14-1-18 13:33 編輯
Parents need data and transparency.

作者: YIN-MA    時間: 14-1-18 15:45

Thanks Ian! 哈哈,官嘅腦果然不同...
作者: MC1128    時間: 14-1-18 16:30

ANChan59 發表於 14-1-18 12:01
回覆 iantsang 的帖子



作者: ANChan59    時間: 14-1-18 16:56

MC1128 發表於 14-1-18 16:30
我覺得OK,自行的人來自全港,需要分析他們來自其他網嗎?結果可能是每個網幾個人,對選校的參考作用不大。 ...
他們對家長開唔心 ..... 不是重點吧!
作者: lily233242    時間: 14-1-18 18:33     標題: 回覆:ANChan59 的帖子


作者: ANChan59    時間: 14-1-18 18:40

lily233242 發表於 14-1-18 18:33
No problem ......
Do you installed Adobe pdf reader ?

作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 14-1-18 19:06

作者: chrischeung    時間: 14-1-18 19:48

回覆 Charlotte_mom 的帖子

作者: iantsang    時間: 14-1-18 19:52     標題: 引用:唔睇都唔知原來舊年11網好多人派得咁差

原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 14-01-18 發表

作者: iantsang    時間: 14-1-18 19:54     標題: 引用:回覆+Charlotte_mom+的帖子 其實我睇吾明b

原帖由 chrischeung 於 14-01-18 發表
回覆 Charlotte_mom 的帖子


作者: YIN-MA    時間: 14-1-18 21:33

作者: chrischeung    時間: 14-1-18 22:44

回覆 YIN-MA 的帖子


作者: Cowbit    時間: 14-1-18 22:55     標題: 引用:回覆+YIN-MA+的帖子 咁即系41網多吾多人抽

原帖由 chrischeung 於 14-01-18 發表
回覆 YIN-MA 的帖子

41網過去兩年要向黄大仙網借二百幾個位喎。對於一d不惜一切搬入此網博入LS及MCS的人,真係一係天堂, 一係地獄呀!

作者: MC1128    時間: 14-1-18 23:08

係41抽LS,MCS ,幾多人有backup?至少1/4-1/3吧?對於這批家長,如果一念天堂,即一半機會中?係的話,不知幾高興
作者: YIN-MA    時間: 14-1-19 09:25

作者: noplanner    時間: 14-1-19 10:57

本帖最後由 noplanner 於 14-1-19 10:58 編輯

派往? ... hmm ... These 799 children were Net 41 children (they had home addresses in Net 41). In fact, another 28 Net 41 children had chosen and were allocated school places in school nets other than Net 41. In other words and as shown in the report, altogether 827 Net 41 children participated in the central allocation last year.
作者: cherrie129    時間: 14-1-20 13:28     標題: 回覆:iantsang 的帖子


作者: iantsang    時間: 14-1-20 15:35

noplanner 發表於 14-1-19 10:57
派往? ... hmm ... These 799 children were Net 41 children (they had home addresses in Net 41). In fa ...
Instead of what you mentioned here:

In fact, another 28 Net 41 children had chosen and were allocated school places in school nets other than Net 41.

It should be:

In fact, another 28 Net 41 children had chosen and were allocated school places in ANY school nets INCLUDING Net 41.
作者: iantsang    時間: 14-1-20 15:38

MC1128 發表於 14-1-18 16:30
我覺得OK,自行的人來自全港,需要分析他們來自其他網嗎?結果可能是每個網幾個人,對選校的參考作用不大。 ...
Actually, I was surprised that they decided to publish it sooner this year.  However, the fact is this report is ready by end of year every year.  However, last year they didn't publish it in time.  Two years ago, this was posted even earlier than this year.  So, last year was the only year it failed to show up before submitting central allocation form.  

作者: iantsang    時間: 14-1-20 15:40

ANChan59 發表於 14-1-18 13:46
Parents need data and transparency.
Well, we all know they have to limit certain degree of "unnecessary" transparency to meet their objective to not to create competition and comparison.

作者: taktakchichi    時間: 14-1-20 15:45

隨住大家保險線提高, 其實首三志願呢個數字已經無乜意思. 我覺得應該加多個首志願人數先有用. 上年開始, 都唔知有幾多人派去第二, 三志願都要去叩番第一志願..... 今年更加唔駛講
作者: iantsang    時間: 14-1-20 16:37

taktakchichi 發表於 14-1-20 15:45
隨住大家保險線提高, 其實首三志願呢個數字已經無乜意思. 我覺得應該加多個首志願人數先有用. 上年開始, 都 ...
If you pay attention to the full report, there is indeed an overall ratio between first choice and first three choice......

作者: taktakchichi    時間: 14-1-20 17:02

回覆 iantsang 的帖子

但只有整體數字, 無分區, 參考價值唔太高

作者: iantsang    時間: 14-1-21 08:22

taktakchichi 發表於 14-1-20 17:02
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但只有整體數字, 無分區, 參考價值唔太高
Why not?  It's a good reference on an overall basis.

作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 14-1-21 08:29     標題: 引用:Quote:ANChan59+發表於+14-1-18+13:46+Pare

原帖由 iantsang 於 14-01-20 發表
Well, we all know they have to limit certain degree of "unnecessary" transparency to meet their obje ...
家長咪多得佢地唔少lor如果求學不是求分數,咁TSA, pre s1算係點先?!

作者: ANChan59    時間: 14-1-21 08:47

Charlotte_mom 發表於 14-1-21 08:29
家長咪多得佢地唔少lor如果求學不是求分數,咁TSA, pre s1算係點先?!

作者: nieualma    時間: 14-1-21 08:51

本帖最後由 nieualma 於 14-1-21 08:52 編輯

回覆 iantsang 的帖子

Thanks for sharing
作者: iantsang    時間: 14-1-21 10:35     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+iantsang+於+14-01-20+發表We

原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 14-01-21 發表
家長咪多得佢地唔少lor如果求學不是求分數,咁TSA, pre s1算係點先?!

咁講有欠公允,TSA 同 pre-S1 個分影響嘅係學校,唔係學生本身喎!

作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 14-1-21 11:08

iantsang 發表於 14-1-21 10:35
咁講有欠公允,TSA 同 pre-S1 個分影響嘅係學校,唔係學生本身喎!

PRE S1唔影響學生(((本身))), 係個分影響師弟妹BANDING之嘛
TSA都唔影響學生(((本身))), 不過為左學校個分操餐死之嘛

講黎講去, 咪又係分數作怪

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