
標題: St Paul Boys vs Raimondi, 真係一個母親的決撰(好難選) [打印本頁]

作者: aerogeo    時間: 13-12-2 00:21     標題: St Paul Boys vs Raimondi, 真係一個母親的決撰(好難選)

Which would u choose between St Paul Boys and Raimondi?  SPB thru train but Chinese medium of instruction and Raimondi with English.  Their recent HKDSE results were similar, with Raimondi slightly better result.
作者: GAT    時間: 13-12-2 00:35

回覆 aerogeo 的帖子

both are similar academic level and reputation and 谷的程度。suggest choose the one near home.
作者: cccbaby    時間: 13-12-2 00:41

Raimondi 英文教學好吸引
作者: gobbys    時間: 13-12-2 07:48     標題: 回覆:cccbaby 的帖子


SPB 的數學是中文教,不代表它英文程度不及,有心看看學校的書單就知同學學什麼。

作者: happylol    時間: 13-12-2 08:18

回覆 aerogeo 的帖子


作者: pino    時間: 13-12-2 09:19     標題: 引用:回覆+aerogeo+的帖子 both+are+similar+ac

原帖由 GAT 於 13-12-02 發表
回覆 aerogeo 的帖子

both are similar academic level and reputation and 谷的程度。suggest choose the ...
如果單講名氣,个人感覺好像St Paul Boys高些,不是嗎?

作者: strawberry11    時間: 13-12-2 10:16

你見面試班廣告, 間間都有 ' 本校助小朋友考入以下名校 .... ' 絕大部份都有St Paul boys,但高主教就少d。 名氣應該St Paul boys 大
作者: ludamom    時間: 13-12-2 10:46

作者: cacanov06    時間: 13-12-2 10:51

朋友個仔讀RC, 今年升中一, 佢話同學叻個批會讀SPB, 咁你知道兩間比較了!
作者: candon    時間: 13-12-2 11:17

我估二間應該差不多,講名氣,應該st paul好似出名d,但rc成績又好似好過st paul, st paul要一體一藝.
作者: geppetto    時間: 13-12-2 11:17

回覆 aerogeo 的帖子

SPC 好啲,名氣好啲,聽講SPC學生乖啲。
不過中學部学費六年廿幾萬,RC 免費。
計埋呢笔学費,唔容易揀,因為RC 都幾好。
作者: btrue    時間: 13-12-2 11:27

唔想煩當然st paul boys啦!
作者: Ving    時間: 13-12-2 12:49

Last year, for SPB, almost all P6 students go to SPB Secondary (9x%)

For Raimondi, I don't have the figure.

Put in another way, if you study in SPB, you have very high chance to study for 12 years.
作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 13-12-2 12:54

http://rcps.raimondi.edu.hk/Seco ... 0Result%202013.html

作者: rc1407    時間: 13-12-2 13:18

回覆 candon 的帖子

My son is studying P1 at SPB.  Although the school encourages students to learn musical instructions, there is no requirement on 一體一藝.  
作者: cccbaby    時間: 13-12-2 14:13

gobbys 發表於 13-12-2 07:48

SPB 的數學是中文教,不代表它英文程度不及,有心看看學校的書單就知同學 ...
RC 數用中文同英文書的。
作者: 甘恩    時間: 13-12-2 16:03

我會選St. Paul  Boys , 如果收了囝囝,即放高小位。
作者: miaomama    時間: 13-12-2 16:22

回覆 aerogeo 的帖子

請問st paul boys 出了offer 嗎?
作者: 556699    時間: 13-12-2 16:30     標題: 回覆:St Paul Boys vs Raimondi, 真係一個母親的決撰(好難選)

剛於上星期五出了2bd int信, 明年二三月才出offer。

作者: lugano    時間: 13-12-2 16:34

幾年前小兒小一同一情況,最後我選擇了 SPCPS,因始終都是傳統名校 (Grant School 22) 身份。

但 SPCPS 應該沒有這麼快 Second In 出 offer ?

作者: WingBB-222    時間: 13-12-2 17:36     標題: 回覆:St Paul Boys vs Raimondi, 真係一個母親的決撰(好難選)

Last year, I gave up RC for SPC....  Some of my boy classmates made the same option as well.

作者: Nbranson    時間: 13-12-2 17:42

Academic wise the standard are pretty much the same。i think the location of the schools matter。SPB is so remote i think it is a con to a lot of parents unless u live close to cyberport
作者: Deepblue    時間: 13-12-2 18:11     標題: 引用:朋友個仔讀RC,+今年升中一,+佢話同學叻個批

原帖由 cacanov06 於 13-12-02 發表
朋友個仔讀RC, 今年升中一, 佢話同學叻個批會讀SPB, 咁你知道兩間比較了!
在Bk有見過這批去了SPB 的其中一學生家長的post . 情況似乎是高小top 的一批不會選SPB, 選SPB 的都是中上又不想等大抽獎的。
反之,我則好奇點解SPB 會收這麽多高小生,原因不用多說了。

作者: ludamom    時間: 13-12-2 18:50

唔好意思阻一阻位, 我仔仔有K1 RC and SPCK 的offer... 同樓主相似, 不過早3年... jm有冇少少意見俾我呢個都頭疼梗的媽媽?
**佔幾格..唔好意思..俾少少意見我, 我會番幼稚園版傾架啦...
作者: hogwarts    時間: 13-12-2 19:10     標題: 回覆:aerogeo 的帖子

In my family there is one boy from SPCPS & one in RCPS.  Our experience of both schools are good and will recommend both schools without any reservation.

The main pros are:

1.   Both are school with good traditions and committed old boys network.
2.   Both schools have full support of their school governing body with good resources.
3.   Both secondary schools' principals are very committed to improve schools' all rounded performance.

Cos are:

1.   Both schools demand or encourage (depending on your view) students to be busy as a mean of training up.
2.   Both are not top tier school.
3.   Both schools' locations are not easy for accesses.  

So at the end of the day, I suggest you should take the boy's opinion as prime consideration and location as second consideration factor.

作者: sytw    時間: 13-12-2 20:43

兩年前我地遇到同樣問題,結果選了SPCPS,選擇過程問過唔少人意見,一面倒所有人都選SPCPS,我想絕大原因係佢名氣始終大dd,但名氣好虛無,睇你自己點睇... 當年個人喜歡RC係因為男女校、離家較近、英小,最後選SPCPS則因為較喜歡佢中學,小學又90%直上,加上學生乖巧,又有新校舍,學術程度我相信兩間差不多... 兩年後我地都覺得當初無揀錯!
作者: andrewpapa    時間: 13-12-2 21:02     標題: 回覆:hogwarts 的帖子

Hi hogwarts.  long time no see.  

Agree to ur comment.  現今家長應多問小朋友,但有多少會做到。每年也有家長會叫人幫手揀,但通常quote的資料一定有偏差。兩所學校DSE也表現好。SPC 86% and RC 80% meet DSE minimum.  Better than some so called top tier.


申報: 我是spcps家長

作者: aerogeo    時間: 13-12-2 23:33

hogwarts 發表於 13-12-2 19:10
In my family there is one boy from SPCPS & one in RCPS.  Our experience of both schools are good and ...
Thanks for your detail explanation, hogwarts, much appreciated.  However, may I know if your family boy (studying in RC) also got SPB's offer?
作者: aerogeo    時間: 13-12-2 23:37

ludamom 發表於 13-12-2 18:50
唔好意思阻一阻位, 我仔仔有K1 RC and SPCK 的offer... 同樓主相似, 不過早3年... jm有冇少少意見俾我呢個 ...
RC Kindergarten has some links to RC Primary Section as we saw RC Kindergarten candidates wore school uniform to attend the RC interview.  Heard that this tactic was suggested by the Principal.
For SPCK, I believe u referred to St Paul Church Kindergarten which has no relationship with St Paul Boys or St a Paul Coed.

Hope this helps.

作者: hogwarts    時間: 13-12-3 01:24     標題: 回覆:aerogeo 的帖子

The boy in SPC is in S5 and the boy in RC is in P6.  Talking about busy, when comparing apple to Apple, while in P6, both are scouts, member of sport teams and other activities such as debate or choir.

By the way, maths by English does not seem making big differences, the slight margin SPC enjoying is the secondary is a DSS a school.   However, the church is pouring resources in RC, and in next year, RC class size will be lowered to 27, quite a commitment.

Number of girls in RC is increasing and this may not be good news for RC boys.

作者: hogwarts    時間: 13-12-3 01:29     標題: 回覆:aerogeo 的帖子

The boy in RC did not have SPCPS offer and might be due to the fact that SPCPS was the first interview.

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