
標題: IB Subject Selection [打印本頁]

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 13-11-28 21:29     標題: IB Subject Selection

My kid is thinking of taking either IB History HL or Economics HL.  Looking at the statistics, only 2% of the candidates doing History HL get Grade 7 whereas for Economics HL the percentage of candidates getting Grade 7 is 13%.  Despite the fact that it is so much more difficult to get a good grade in History HL, 34,000 candidates still chose to do it compared with 10,000 candidates taking Economics HL.  I know personal preference and options made available by each school play a part in these decision.  But apart from these factors, are there other reasons that could explain why so many people choose to do a far more difficult subject?  Could it be that Economics HL is considered a "soft" subject by universities?
作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-11-28 23:58

回覆 bobbycheung 的帖子

From 2013 onward, Economics HL paper 3 is maths...... 1 & 2 are essays. History HL all papers are essays. I guess that may be the main reason.
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 13-11-29 00:18

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 13-11-29 00:20 編輯

回覆 ANChan59 的帖子

Thanks ANChan59.  But what I don't quite understand is that there were more than 3 times as many people rushing in to do History HL when only 12% of the candidates would get a score of 6 or 7.  If they had done Economics HL instead, the chance of getting a 6 or 7 would have been infinitely higher (43% of the candidates got it).  Is it because many people couldn't handle maths and they had to do all essay papers in History HL instead?  But you said "from 2013 onwards, Econ HL paper 3 is maths ......".  Presumably, it means Econ HL was also all essay paper exam before 2013, right?  So it might not have anything to do with maths as the results I am looking at are from 2010 to 2012.  Any idea?
作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-11-29 00:36

回覆 bobbycheung 的帖子

My son told me that before 2013, Economics HL, all papers are essays. Economics paper 3 may be the hurdle for some kids.
Very soon, IBO will change the paper format.

作者: est9478    時間: 13-11-29 01:50

I did HL Economics instead of HL History in 2010 and I went to one of the top 10 universities worldwide after IB, so I guess Economics is not a soft subject to many universities. In my year, soft subjects usually refers to Math Studies, English B, etc.
作者: WYmom    時間: 13-11-29 08:43

History HL is a subject many students will take who want to study Law in Universities.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-11-29 08:53

回覆 est9478 的帖子

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 13-11-29 11:26

回覆 WYmom 的帖子

Thanks!  I also looked through the university requirements for various courses.  It seems that there is no pre-requisite for Law.  They say doing IB History is helpful but not essential.  But yes, I guess IB History will be good for their essay writing skills.
作者: annie40    時間: 13-11-29 12:59


Thank you for highlighting the comparison between History (HL) and Economic(HL). Very interesting!

西方人特别重视History, 如非有特定的大学選科所规范, 父母是特别支持孩子修读历史科, 就算因打算向医药科技范畴发展而被迫放弃History.  也是感到非常可惜的. 或许基于这点情意结, 不管高低分, 孩子依然乐于修History 吧!

If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.  ~Pearl Buck

作者: WYmom    時間: 13-11-29 13:09

回覆 bobbycheung 的帖子

Not just essay writing skills, more importantly is analytical skills, logistics, language skills etc. required for studying law.
Economics will be more helpful for studying Business.

作者: tingtingting    時間: 13-11-29 13:51

History is always a highly regarded subject (not in HK though, perhaps).
作者: HIHinsurance    時間: 13-11-29 14:03

本帖最後由 HIHinsurance 於 13-11-29 14:17 編輯


cdnis  2013年 畢業生, 21人讀hl +sl history

21 個人 , 1個7分都冇

喜歡還喜歡, 現實還現實, 需取平衡

今年其中2個45分狀元, ib history 原本六分, 最後remark


有個英基, 直頭predictd出來45分, history  出來5分

你篇essay, 10/20 level 5

13/20 level 6

15/20 level 7



冇興趣真係唔好亂咁來, 前途來

特別是最後同你講,HL, 6,6,6 ,你歷史HL  整科5分

牙擦擦 ,  仲講歷史好易,

到時, 一面眼淚(英基真人真事)


全球 的考試制度

都是歷史的高分 的比例極少

包括英國, 澳洲, 加拿大

因為, 考試制度在調整人才

即, 社會不需這麼多人文科學的畢業生

考試局便SET 歷史少些人高分

社會走勢, 是向科技發展, 理科, 必然較易得高分


有些是IGCSE, 不嬲走向歷史路線

結果HL HISTORY, 不想讀econ

其實econ , 是不少人的護生符

人生, 最後一線, 做什麼專業人士, 可能就是決定

在於今天, 你選歷史 定econ

做人最緊要不後悔, 因為佢地都可以叫做大個仔女, 自己決定



作者: Shootastar    時間: 13-11-29 16:06

Both of my kids took World History at the senior year. I can share their experience with you about taking History.
My son studied LLB in UK. He obtained 4 offers (3 from London). All offers would require him to have a score of 5 in AP World History. Some of his classmates who eventually studied LLB in UK failed to obtain offers from the best two colleges in London. The different treatments seemed to attribute the fact that the other classmates did not take AP World History.

My daughter studied medicine in Hong Kong. Apart from the two offers from the local medical schools, she also had 2 offers from UK colleges.The admission tutors of all the medical schools were keen to know why she studied AP World History when she was interviewed. She gave the obvious reason that History could train her the reading, analytic and writing skills. Those skills are essential to further tertiary education. As a medical student, she needed to read a lot of materials. Dissemination of knowledge was one of the key roles of a medical doctor. Writing and presentation skills were therefore essential in medical study. The day to day work of a medical doctor would require him to have an analytic mind in the diagnosis. Taking History would equip her with the necessary skills to face the challenges in her medical study and future work.

Having said that, I think Economics or Geography would also provide such training to the students.

作者: HIHinsurance    時間: 13-11-29 16:17

本帖最後由 HIHinsurance 於 13-11-29 16:34 編輯

因為AP 歷史, 與IB 歷史 不同

AP 的歷史, SCALE 下, 10% 平均 可以有5分(滿分為5分)

IB 歷史 只有2%

alevel 歷史2-4%

2% 得7分, 除非絕頂天才,  有極濃厚的興趣

歷史學的技巧, 知識 是非常多

很有用, 但今天, ib 的offer conditonal offer 制度下

著重HL, 俾分, IB 歷史 好容易出事

如果1科, 只能有2% 的人最高分



作者: Shootastar    時間: 13-11-29 18:25

回覆 HIHinsurance 的帖子

The percentage of students obtaining in AP World History dropped significantly in the last 2 years:
2013 AP World History

Score               Percentage
5                            5.9%
4                           13.7%
3                            29.4%
2                            30.2
1                            20.9

2012 AP World History

Score               Percentage
5                              6.9%
4                              15.7%
3                              30.5%
2                               29.4%
1                               17.4%

Note: score 1 or 2 is regarded as a failure score.                           

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 13-11-29 22:06

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 13-11-29 23:08 編輯

Another problem with IB History is that SL is not that much easier to get a good grade than HL.  Only 3% of the candidates get 7 score, with 16 to 17% get 6.  So in terms of the final result one is likely to get, there may not be a significant difference between doing HL and SL.  I guess it is more a question of either do it or drop it.
作者: cheng4b    時間: 13-11-30 00:05

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作者: bobbycheung    時間: 13-11-30 01:01

回覆 cheng4b 的帖子

Thanks!  You are right but the problem is that she has no preference and she thinks she will have no particular problem with either subject.  To make matter worse, she hasn't got a clue what she wants to do in university and she can't even decide whether it would be a science or humanity course.
作者: annie40    時間: 13-11-30 09:23




關於History,我也面對差不多的煩惱,是小女的強項兼而有興趣,拿多少分不是重點,,那知她興趣多,話要留番個subjects位讀philosophy, psychology, or sport science. 這三科未讀過,郤十分疑似會乞米,我提議她自己查清楚,最近她好像話大學想修political science or health science. 唔考慮讀Law云云.......

作者: kym    時間: 13-11-30 10:17

作者: cheng4b    時間: 13-11-30 11:43

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作者: bobbycheung    時間: 13-11-30 12:03

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 13-11-30 12:09 編輯

回覆 annie40 的帖子

我本來諗住遲 D 有機會約埋大家嘅女兒見面, 但你家下咁講之後, 我唯有打消這念頭, 驚你見到佢之後會嚇到嘔, 咁就唔好啦.  

佢在大學選修甚麼科目我都無嘜大問題. 心裏只係希望佢唔好讀醫及法律, 唔想佢咁辛苦. 我最想係佢能夠搵到份唔係咁辛苦嘅工, 跟住搵到個好男仔肯娶佢, 有兒有女, enjoy life.  但佢個人係比較勤力, 自己對自己有要求, 希望考得好 , 所以我先至向各位請教, 希望幫到佢.

作者: Shootastar    時間: 13-11-30 14:14


Just let her fly!

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 13-11-30 14:23

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 13-11-30 14:25 編輯

回覆 Shootastar 的帖子

哈哈, 你的 advice 令我想起 "樑上有雙燕, 翩翩雄與雌................".   係嘅, 應該 let her fly.

作者: annie40    時間: 13-11-30 17:42

回覆 cheng4b 的帖子

哈哈!剛好我也在心想,讀乜鬼psychology.又不打算長遠走這條路,小女說就是喜歡喎!看來還是你和shootstar 的話中聽,是否中用由他罷!
作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-11-30 21:01

Shootastar 發表於 13-11-30 14:14

Just let her fly!
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 13-12-8 22:49

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 13-12-8 23:39 編輯

想請問各位 daddy mommy, 如果想在香港D大學讀法律, 需要考獲甚麼中文考試先可以申請?  例如, IGCSE 中文得唔得? 抑或要 A Level 中文或更高呢?
作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-12-8 23:58

bobbycheung 發表於 13-12-8 22:49
想請問各位 daddy mommy, 如果想在香港D大學讀法律, 需要考獲甚麼中文考試先可以申請?  例如, IGCSE 中文得 ...
無考慮他讀 中文課程 A,如果讀 SL 都夠殺,無謂考多個試。
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 13-12-9 00:11

回覆 ANChan59 的帖子


唔好意思, 唔係好明你所指的SL是甚麽.  你是否指 IB Chinese B SL?  但小女中文差勁,  所以 IB Language B 唔會讀中文, 所以先考慮 IGCSE or A Level 中文. 其實有無 minimum requirements?
作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-12-9 00:23

bobbycheung 發表於 13-12-9 00:11
回覆 ANChan59 的帖子

I think she will take IB Chinese A SL. If she doesn't take Chinese A, you can ask the three universities what Chinese exam she can take ......

Language Requirements

Applicants should have attained an acceptable level of proficiency in the English and Chinese languages. Below are the minimum required scores or grades for some of the more common acceptable examinations.

Test (Chinese Language)

Minimum Attainment




E/Level 2


Level 3







Not mentioned as A or B, you may need to clarify. Other exams nd grades are listed as above.

作者: Artie    時間: 13-12-9 00:31

本帖最後由 Artie 於 13-12-9 00:35 編輯

如果 bobby 位千金中文唔好,我假設佢係讀開國際學校,或外國回流,咁就有 exemption 的。我識有朋友的親人,在加拿大長大,現在都在香港讀緊 llb,我估佢中文都唔會叻。另外,今年 cuhk 的 admission booklet,有介紹有一位 nigeria 的學生讀 law,我估真係唔一定要識中文。希望我的理解沒有錯。當然最好係同大學 clarify,甚至高中的 university placement officer 都應該會知。

"Waiver of the Chinese language admission requirement may be granted, at the discretion of the Faculty Deans concerned, on the condition that the non-JUPAS applicant concerned should have pursued a curriculum leading to a recognised non-local qualification at secondary or above level prior to admission."


作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-12-9 00:44

回覆 Artie 的帖子

其他科應該可以exempt , 法律都是問清楚 d 好,因為對手強勁。
作者: Artie    時間: 13-12-9 00:51

本帖最後由 Artie 於 13-12-9 01:11 編輯

回覆 ANChan59 的帖子

non-jupas 成日比人質,真係今日唔知聽日事,最好有多幾條後路。

作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-12-9 01:11

Artie 發表於 13-12-9 00:51
回覆 ANChan59 的帖子

作者: kswong37    時間: 13-12-9 09:34

I think the smaller no. of the sample size may contribute to the higher successful percentage. By the way, may I know where can I get the IB/ GCSE subject selection/ exam statistics please?
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 13-12-9 10:20

回覆 kswong37 的帖子


Indeed the sample size does sometimes make a difference.  However, it may not be so in this case.  If we look at History SL for 2012/2013, only 6,000 candidates took the exam (which is even a smaller sample size), the percentage getting 7 is still only 3%.  I therefore have the feeling that History (be it HL or SL) is a lot harder than Economics.
作者: daisychan    時間: 13-12-9 10:51

女兒喜歡語文,所以中英文都讀 Lang & Lit A. 鍾意 Psy 可惜學校無得讀,喺學校 Course Outline見到 Geog 幾啱佢,就 take 咗,幾忙,但讀得開心!

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