
標題: "蔡繼有" 的IB 成績是否比"真道" 差? [打印本頁]

作者: apple8356    時間: 13-10-15 16:11     標題: "蔡繼有" 的IB 成績是否比"真道" 差?


蔡繼有D學生考完ICGSE走哂去邊???    如唔去外地,可否轉校讀DSE ?
作者: taktakchichi    時間: 13-10-15 16:19

apple8356 發表於 13-10-15 16:11

蔡繼有D學生考完ICGSE走哂去邊???    如唔去外地,可否轉校讀DSE ?  ...
可以睇下呢個帖: http://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2680812&extra=page%3D1&page=3


作者: poonseelai    時間: 13-10-15 16:20

回復 apple8356 的帖子

CKY has not yet announced its first IB results, and not sure whether it will do so.
作者: Jane1983    時間: 13-10-15 17:05


作者: Christi    時間: 13-10-16 14:22

本帖最後由 Christi 於 13-10-16 14:37 編輯

回復 apple8356 的帖子

點解咁問? 沒有數據,怎比較?

作者: 112200    時間: 13-10-16 14:44     標題: 回覆:Jane1983 的帖子

In fact even u study cky igcse figure carefully, u will find cky igcse result is not that high especially compare with other IS. Just a figure game. Last year cky result isnot outstanding indeed, just PR effect by zooming out that only one pupil perfermance. My view and this is the info i heard from an insider of CKY .  Their first yr IB result is quite disappointed among the headmaster and subject heads the result i heard was 29.x . Seems just marginal pass the minimum required to be certificated. I didnt check the details of IB system but i got it from IB familiar parties. If any correction pls advise for learning more.

作者: Jessica_chung    時間: 13-10-16 23:07     標題: 回覆:112200 的帖子

I also heard that the outstanding guys tramsit to LPC after y10. seems over 10 ppl , so only not outstanding left in yr 11

作者: 786    時間: 13-10-16 23:33

taktakchichi 發表於 13-10-15 16:19
可以睇下呢個帖: http://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&;tid=2680812&extra=page%3D1&page= ...

真道, ST PAUL COED 同男拔都係以最TOP那一些去考, 其他DSE. 但CKY係無DSE, 全人類去考. 一條龍亦不能送走不及能力的那些(其他都是, 但它們不是全部去考IB). 好難咁比較. 國際版有一個TOPIC專講, 可以去看看支持和對立的陣容.
作者: poonseelai    時間: 13-10-16 23:45

786 發表於 13-10-16 23:33
真道, ST PAUL COED 同男拔都係以最TOP那一些去考, 其他DSE. 但CKY係無DSE, 全人類去考. 一條龍亦不能送走 ...

"全人類去考. 一條龍亦不能送走不及能力的那些"


I think school would have set a min. GCSE requirements before students can take IBDP.  Perhaps CKY parents can share if there is any.

作者: 786    時間: 13-10-16 23:49

poonseelai 發表於 13-10-16 23:45
"全人類去考. 一條龍亦不能送走不及能力的那些"


oh. you are correct. I miss this point... frankly speaking, I don't really follow CKY's syllabus. I just by chance read the topic in 'international school' forum and raise their points here.
作者: 556699    時間: 13-10-16 23:49     標題: 引用:Quote:taktakchichi+發表於+13-10-15+16:19

原帖由 786 於 13-10-16 發表
真道, ST PAUL COED 同男拔都係以最TOP那一些去考, 其他DSE. 但CKY係無DSE, 全人類去考. 一條龍亦不能送走 ...
But St Paul CoEd also performed very well in DSE, not all elites took the IB stream.

作者: poonseelai    時間: 13-10-17 00:26

786 發表於 13-10-16 23:49
oh. you are correct. I miss this point... frankly speaking, I don't really follow CKY's syllabus. I ...
I also heard that all students were required to take both Eng A and Chi A irrespective of ability and university subject choice. This may make a difference in students' total IB scores.
作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-10-17 00:29

回復 786 的帖子

Even compared to other schools that do not offer alternative curriculums, a score of 29 is still pretty close to bottom of HK
作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-10-17 00:30

回復 786 的帖子

Of course, have to take into account this is the first batch of graduates and results should improve over time
作者: 786    時間: 13-10-17 00:34     標題: 引用:Quote:786+發表於+13-10-16+23:49+oh.+you+

原帖由 poonseelai 於 13-10-17 發表
I also heard that all students were required to take both Eng A and Chi A irrespective of ability an ...
Yes, I read another topic in the same forum that logo is deliberately making eng b to obtain high mark..... I should say - I am echoing what had been said in another forum only. Please go to the correct topic to make comments.

作者: 786    時間: 13-10-17 00:39     標題: 引用:回復+786+的帖子 Of+course,+have+to+take

原帖由 HKTHK 於 13-10-17 發表
回復 786 的帖子

Of course, have to take into account this is the first batch of graduates and resul ...

作者: gowgowgow    時間: 13-10-17 09:11

To be fair, heard from a friend of mine. The excellent CKY students left for St. Paul Co-ed, LPC, DBS etc.. so the school can train good students
作者: 112200    時間: 13-10-17 10:59     標題: 回覆:786 的帖子

你可跟其他國際學校比較,國際學校也是全人類要考。不一定拿coed and dbs 比。起碼到現在cky都對ib成績隻字不提,但igcse就超音波速公布。不是特意批評只是對這inconsistent行徑感覺不太好

作者: bbb330    時間: 13-10-17 11:08

今年cky第一年考IB, 共14 人考. 最後7 人考入香港本地大學, 其餘出國繼續升讀外地大學.

作者: bbb330    時間: 13-10-17 11:09

回復 bbb330 的帖子


作者: cherrieshum    時間: 13-10-17 11:13

作者: MrBeast    時間: 13-10-17 11:14

Nothing to write home about.  我又唔覺是大問題,但如果我心儀cky, 我一定會去簡介即場問校長,睇下佢點答。
作者: Jane1983    時間: 13-10-17 11:15

回復 gowgowgow 的帖子


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