
標題: 28號面試完聖母,有冇消息? [打印本頁]

作者: peterandmary    時間: 13-10-8 12:20     標題: 28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?

作者: daniellucy    時間: 13-10-8 12:22

just called. They have not sent out the lists who interviewed on Sept 28th. They will let us know this week.
作者: Step_C    時間: 13-10-8 12:23     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?


作者: Step_C    時間: 13-10-8 12:24     標題: 引用:just+called.+They+have+not+sent+out+the+

原帖由 daniellucy 於 13-10-08 發表
just called. They have not sent out the lists who interviewed on Sept 28th. They will let us know th ...
Oops! Still have to wait

作者: moonychan    時間: 13-10-8 13:11

咁攪笑, 以為佢in 晒才一起揀添.
原來係第一場揀了一部份人, 第2場再揀另一部份.

作者: 08Baby08    時間: 13-10-8 13:24     標題: 引用:just+called.+They+have+not+sent+out+the+

原帖由 daniellucy 於 13-10-08 發表
just called. They have not sent out the lists who interviewed on Sept 28th. They will let us know th ...

作者: pjbb    時間: 13-10-8 13:25

作者: Step_C    時間: 13-10-10 12:32     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?


作者: sharon26788    時間: 13-10-10 12:36

作者: sharon26788    時間: 13-10-10 12:38

作者: Step_C    時間: 13-10-10 12:41     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?

Thanks. 我地唔係聖幼。

作者: aw285    時間: 13-10-10 12:49     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?


作者: Step_C    時間: 13-10-10 12:53     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?

明白了! 唔該曬希望有好消息

作者: ellie2008    時間: 13-10-10 12:54

received offer letter today. good luck and add oil together!
作者: Step_C    時間: 13-10-10 12:56     標題: 引用:received+offer+letter+today.+good+luck+a

原帖由 ellie2008 於 13-10-10 發表
received offer letter today. good luck and add oil together!
Oh really? So nervous now!

作者: ellie2008    時間: 13-10-10 13:04

Step_C 發表於 13-10-10 12:56
Oh really? So nervous now!
i m not from our lady kindergarten, so i think the others will also receive the letter very soon! good luck!
作者: Step_C    時間: 13-10-10 13:08     標題: 引用:Quote:Step_C+發表於+13-10-10+12:56+Oh+re

原帖由 ellie2008 於 13-10-10 發表
i m not from our lady kindergarten, so i think the others will also receive the letter very soon! go ...
I see. Thanks for your blessing!

作者: 08Baby08    時間: 13-10-10 14:53     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?


作者: donaldsuen    時間: 13-10-10 14:58

作者: Step_C    時間: 13-10-10 15:00     標題: 引用:大家今晚一齊開信箱 +

原帖由 08Baby08 於 13-10-10 發表

作者: hilsonkok    時間: 13-10-10 15:16     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?

Just got offer 感恩!Good luck to all!

作者: bbexpect    時間: 13-10-10 17:18     標題: 回覆:hilsonkok 的帖子

Yes…got the offer too…received letter today

作者: reei    時間: 13-10-10 17:32

Why i always heard good newd but never able to announce good news?
作者: kmmum    時間: 13-10-10 17:36

回復 reei 的帖子

我囡話手帶.無圖案'. 應該無希望. 如今晚收到信,會上來報導.

作者: Step_C    時間: 13-10-10 19:21     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?


作者: 08Baby08    時間: 13-10-10 19:29     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?

Got an offer. Thanks God

作者: she3388    時間: 13-10-10 20:44

Waiting 同正取是否分開寄出?
作者: reei    時間: 13-10-10 21:20

looks like those who received letters today are all offers, probably tomorrow all rejection or waiting
作者: EWSL    時間: 13-10-10 22:35     標題: 回覆:reei 的帖子

I got the rejected letter today.

作者: lovechloelove    時間: 13-10-10 22:37     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?


作者: lsy123    時間: 13-10-10 23:29

get offer letter.
作者: tungtung3179    時間: 13-10-11 02:06

今日都收到信, OFFER.  希望大家都有好消息
作者: HauMiranda    時間: 13-10-11 07:33     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?

放心,學校應該冇分批寄呢回事,因朋友尋日收waiting信,所以今日都會收offer/waiting. 祝願大家好運!

作者: reei    時間: 13-10-11 07:52

EWSL, HauMiranda, thank you for taking care of other ppl's feeling despite  the competitive , pressured environment.
HK need more parents like you,, not those that sent out fake news...
作者: meow08    時間: 13-10-11 09:00

reei 發表於 13-10-11 07:52
EWSL, HauMiranda, thank you for taking care of other ppl's feeling despite  the competitive , pressu ...

作者: 08Baby08    時間: 13-10-11 09:15     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?

仲未收信嘅家長唔好太擔心,我估學校可能係跟interview嘅時間分批出信,今晚返屋企開信箱然後再上嚟報喜,good luck to all

作者: janette_chan    時間: 13-10-11 11:55

收到WAITING信,當嬴咗!!起碼仲有機會WAIT, keep on going!!!
作者: meow08    時間: 13-10-11 13:49     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?

Got offer, 1st among the 6 schools applied

作者: reei    時間: 13-10-11 13:53

i have offer..
作者: Step_C    時間: 13-10-11 14:08     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?

On waiting list only

作者: lovechloelove    時間: 13-10-11 14:10     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?

今日check 信箱都未有信呀,係咪即係冇機會

作者: reei    時間: 13-10-11 14:41

回復 lovechloelove 的帖子

reject or waiting will also have letter. still have hope. maybe tomorrow.
作者: claiclai2003    時間: 13-10-11 14:47

昨天收到信, 有offer了! (小女不是聖幼學生)
作者: lovechloelove    時間: 13-10-11 15:08     標題: 回覆:reei 的帖子


作者: 2boba    時間: 13-10-11 17:42     標題: 回覆:28號面試完聖母,有冇消息?

打開信箱 內裡得一片迷惘,
打開信箱 期待中憂鬱的眼光!

作者: kmmum    時間: 13-10-11 20:02

reject letter
作者: laalaalee    時間: 13-10-12 10:53

Got letter yesterday, so grateful.

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