
標題: IB課程之反思 [打印本頁]

作者: thvicny    時間: 13-10-4 12:46     標題: IB課程之反思

由主流學校走入IB的學生,最需要適應的應該是語文科。IB課程以英文為主,即使是數學、戲劇等學科,均需提交文字作業。英文科則主力教授英詩、文學分析等,這些都是本地學童較少接觸的範疇,若小朋友對英語有抗拒,轉修IB可能會有點吃力。至於中文呢,世事往往難以得一想二,連IB龍頭學校漢基國際的Bilingual Diploma比率,也跌至只有12%的新低,可想而知要同時掌握雙語的難度。


作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-10-4 13:06     標題: 引用:身邊不少朋友近日都在煩惱子女的升學問題,

原帖由 thvicny 於 13-10-04 發表
身邊不少朋友近日都在煩惱子女的升學問題,老友C的女兒剛升上K1,已在籌謀升小安排;女兒的泳友V明年升中, ...
至於中文呢,世事往往難以得一想二,連IB龍頭學校漢基國際的Bilingual Diploma比率,也跌至只有12%的新低,


咁要問真道為何 Bilingual diploma 比率咁高。

作者: ckwliu    時間: 13-10-4 13:24

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作者: nintendo    時間: 13-10-4 14:12

本帖最後由 nintendo 於 13-10-4 14:18 編輯

讀 english b 到底對學生申請大學時,有多少蝕底真係好難講。
香港好似大部份 ib 學校 (包括男拔) 都係讀主要係讀 english a。
我知曾經有外籍學生在國際學校係讀 english b + 例如 french a,但人地將來係回自己國家讀大學。
我相信主流英語國家 (英美澳加),都係 expect  學生讀 english a。

作者: annie40    時間: 13-10-4 14:15

回復 ckwliu 的帖子

All other international schools would define Bilingual Diploma as candidates taking Language English (A) and second language in either French (A), Chinese (A) Spanish (A), or German (A).  

作者: ckwliu    時間: 13-10-4 14:20

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作者: nintendo    時間: 13-10-4 14:21

shadeslayer 發表於 13-10-4 13:06
咁要問真道為何 Bilingual diploma 比率咁高。

如果真係 english b + chinese a 計,有冇資料顯示學生入邊 d 大學,讀邊科。

作者: nintendo    時間: 13-10-4 14:24

本帖最後由 nintendo 於 13-10-4 14:25 編輯

連IB龍頭學校漢基國際的Bilingual Diploma比率,也跌至只有12%的新低,


我又覺得唔可以話係 "跌"。
每個學生背景和能力不同,或者下年 % 又多番都未定。

作者: annie40    時間: 13-10-4 14:28

回復 nintendo 的帖子

2013 年KGV 的其中一位状元是44分, Bilingual Diploma .  一般IS 不会盲目要求学生考Bilingual Diploma, 能考的的PG 估计second language 的 (A) paper standard level, 平均是五或以上, 因此不会明显被language 拖低总成绩的

作者: ckwliu    時間: 13-10-4 14:36

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作者: nintendo    時間: 13-10-4 14:39

annie40 發表於 13-10-4 14:28
回復 nintendo 的帖子

2013 年KGV 的其中一位状元是44分, Bilingual Diploma .  一般IS 不会盲目要求学生 ...

從實用性出發,我唔會只看有冇 bilingual diploma,或總分係幾多。
問題係,我覺得 english b 真係好 "咋" 。
講真,如果靠個咁 "騎呢" 的組合,拿個 bilingual diploma;作為學生/家長,我寧願冇 bilingual diploma,和英文低分少少,都要保住個 english a。
因此,我好想知呢批學生入到 d 咩大學。

作者: ckwliu    時間: 13-10-4 14:50

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作者: annie40    時間: 13-10-4 14:52

如果靠個咁 "騎呢" 的組合,拿個 bilingual diploma
****      *****     ***
据知这个咁 "騎呢" 的組合, 根本不算是bilingual diploma, 是否有人误导群众, 咋咋弟第博大雾?

如果甘都得, 其他IS 都老早跟左呢套啦!
作者: ckwliu    時間: 13-10-4 14:56

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作者: nintendo    時間: 13-10-4 15:03

annie40 發表於 13-10-4 14:52
如果靠個咁 "騎呢" 的組合,拿個 bilingual diploma
****      *****     ***
据知这个咁 "騎呢" 的組合,  ...

幾個月前有討論過,有網友話係正式 bilingual diploma,我都有睇過 ibo 網,的確係 legit。

作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-4 15:18     標題: 引用:如果靠個咁+"騎呢"+的組合,拿個+bilingual

原帖由 annie40 於 13-10-04 發表
如果靠個咁 "騎呢" 的組合,拿個 bilingual diploma
****      *****     ***
据知这个咁 "騎呢" 的組合,  ...
Other IS can follow, but they have to take Chi A. Will any IS be able to do it?

作者: nintendo    時間: 13-10-4 15:25

ckwliu 發表於 13-10-4 14:50
回復 nintendo 的帖子

Ha! but it's a smart move! Logos gets high total marks and at the same time ge ...

如果單看學生選科的情形,我覺得 cky 做法較恰當。
學校成績出來,其實都只係面子問題;學校整體 average 高,當然開心,但學生前路,先應該係最重要。

作者: annie40    時間: 13-10-4 15:26

Exactly! I guess some schools like GSI, French Int., Japanese Int can take German, French and Japanese as Lang A!  
*****      *****
Only FIS can make it possible.  Others are not that good at teaching the foreign languages as 1st language.  
作者: nintendo    時間: 13-10-4 15:37

ckwliu  Exactly! I guess some schools like GSI, French Int., Japanese Int can take German, French and Japanese as Lang A!  


我知有外籍生會讀 english b + 母語 a,但人地會回國讀大學 (如回法國)。
香港學生,在香港讀大學都應該要有 english a,去英美更加唔駛講。
重點係,其他香港 ib 生比較下,人地大部份都係 english a,自己得 english b,一定蝕底。
作者: ckwliu    時間: 13-10-4 15:40

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作者: Artie    時間: 13-10-4 16:02

本帖最後由 Artie 於 13-10-4 16:03 編輯
Oh I mean that CKY insist on Chinese A and insist on getting bilingual diploma ...

選科,都要看學生能力。即係例如 math,都有分 hl ,sl 和 math studies。讀 math studies  的實際用途不大,好多大學不承認 math studies 是 high school math。至於讀 math hl 定 math sl,又要看學生將來大學想讀邊科。好多人都話讀文科可以唔駛讀 math sl,但好多學生都照讀。唔好計 d 分計得咁足。我一定唔會比仔女讀 english b。

作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-4 16:16     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+Artie+於+13-10-4+16:03+編輯+

原帖由 Artie 於 13-10-04 發表
本帖最後由 Artie 於 13-10-4 16:03 編輯
Is English literature that important in HK? I'd rather see the English standard of my child and won't force him to do English A if he is good at Chinese literature instead.

作者: samsam123321    時間: 13-10-4 16:38

本帖最後由 samsam123321 於 14-4-4 12:19 編輯

作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-10-4 17:07

回復 ckwliu 的帖子

I actually thought the way Logos does it would also have been a bilingual diploma before.  The change in 2013 was to take away the extended essay option in writing it in another language.
In any event, one can say Logos way is "smart", though this is not the type of "smartness" that I would like to see in my children.

作者: ckwliu    時間: 13-10-4 17:27

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作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-10-4 17:40

回復 ckwliu 的帖子

I think of it as a challenge?  It is not easy to get and I think a mark of someone's achievement in languages.  Though I agree there probably aren't a lot of tangible value.
作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-4 17:43     標題: 引用:係香港,現在依一刻英文好,仍然係較易揾好工

原帖由 samsam123321 於 13-10-04 發表
So it is wise to take Eng A and Chi B. But we all say in this forum that Chi will be very important for job seeking in HK. I'm confused. My child is in IS.

作者: ckwliu    時間: 13-10-4 17:57

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作者: poonseelai    時間: 13-10-4 18:18

Total IB score and the subjects taken are the most important things to consider in terms of university application.  A bilingual diploma will not give you any added benefit.  HK UST does not care whether you take Chinese A or B.  Chinese B and Math studies plus a high DP score can also lead one to a place to study law in Oxford University.   

US top universities will be a different story, though. They would like to see students are expected to challenge themselves.  So a Chinese student taking Chinese B may be a concern; or a student scores a 7 in math studies may be questioned why not taking math SL.
作者: annie40    時間: 13-10-4 19:23

good point
作者: samsam123321    時間: 13-10-4 20:11

本帖最後由 samsam123321 於 14-3-20 20:38 編輯

作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-4 21:19     標題: 引用:Total+IB+score+and+the+subjects+taken+ar

原帖由 poonseelai 於 13-10-04 發表
Total IB score and the subjects taken are the most important things to consider in terms of universi ...
So, if I want to study in US, better take Eng A and Chi A. Bilingual diploma will be an added benefit then.

作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-4 21:20     標題: 回覆:hkparent 的帖子

Is it possible for an IS student to score well in Chi A?

作者: cowmoon    時間: 13-10-4 22:52

本帖最後由 cowmoon 於 13-10-4 22:53 編輯

I am from a local school myself and in my old days, we had no other choice but HKCEE. My classmates who got a credit (B or C) in English subject (which was definitely "Use of English" without literature element) still got admitted to nice universities in US, Canada or Australia ... and they survived very well.

I just want to say, while we would expect that students from IS should take English A as they are mostly native speakers, I do not agree that Logos let students (who are mostly local HK Chinese) take English B and Chinese A is purely an act of "smartness". It's not just about the language skills but also cultural exposure. And why can't graduates of Logos do well in universities ?

作者: poonseelai    時間: 13-10-4 22:57

hkparent 發表於 13-10-4 21:19
So, if I want to study in US, better take Eng A and Chi A. Bilingual diploma will be an added benefi ...

Probably yes in terms of rigour of curriculum.  This is however only one of the factors considered by US universities.  As far as I know, the US system is very different.  While HK and the UK focus very much on academic results and why a student is interested in the subject he/she applies for, US universities are more focus on the student as a whole.  They require academic results from year 9 onwards, SAT results, predicted IB grades and extra-curricular activities.  

作者: foolish.mom    時間: 13-10-4 23:04

Chinese A is not for every one, even considering those grown up and educated in local schools in HK. At our old times, we only took Chinese up to HKCE level, with limited Chinese literature. At A level, most of us didn't take Chinese. So, Chinese A is too hard for me. I got a B in HKCE Chinese, and I think I can only reach the Chinese B higher level requirement of IB.

The language requirement of IB diploma is really tough, if compared with our time when most of us only took "Use of English" to meet the requirement of HKU.

Meeting one Language A requirement is already tough for our kids, if they want to make a high score. If some of them can study 2 Language A, they are talented indeed.
作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-10-4 23:14

foolish.mom 發表於 13-10-4 23:04
Chinese A is not for every one, even considering those grown up and educated in local schools in HK. ...
True, so CIS's 12% BD is not bad, I think.
作者: poonseelai    時間: 13-10-4 23:18

foolish.mom 發表於 13-10-4 23:04
Chinese A is not for every one, even considering those grown up and educated in local schools in HK. ...

True, if a student takes Chinese A, effectively he/she will competing with students in Mainland China.
作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-10-5 00:54

回復 poonseelai 的帖子

I agree with you that US universities do like to see students challenge themselves and it could be in academics, sports, leadership, ....  I also think it is a much better attitude to have in life than "sandbagging"
作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-10-5 04:57

這篇轉貼文章用了很多二分法的對比,我的看法在0 與1之間有不少組合及優次。


兩年多前我都出貼討論過Bilingual Diploma  , 當時正籍IBO會在今年改變語文課程,因為當時思路是中英皆A,可以沒有太大結論。我會將Bilingual Diploma 當Bonus, 在 Tie break 時作分野,中大醫學院以 Bilingual Diploma作優先選錄。


我看不同學校可以對語文要求有不同理解,如果高比率 Bilingual Diploma,但大部份學生入讀的大學及學科只是普通,已反映大學如何評價學生的英文語文能力及真實成績,當學校贏到掌聲,學生不一定拿到更好的學位及機會,家長及學校是值得反思。

現在學校終於開放英文A,已反映學校吸取教訓,回歸正宗的 Bilingual Diploma 定義,雖然遲左 d,但是有進步。

我嘗試參照不同大學的對照,例如港大醫學院的英文要求,A HL要4,A SL要5,B要7,我會將這批學生成績減 2 分作比較及分析。
作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-10-5 07:50     標題: 引用:這篇轉貼文章用了很多二分法的對比,我的看

原帖由 ANChan59 於 13-10-05 發表
這篇轉貼文章用了很多二分法的對比,我的看法在0 與1之間有不少組合及優次。

我會將這批學生成績減 2 分作比較及分


Thanks. 減兩分比較不是 IBO sanctioned 吧?有這取向的大學有幾多?

作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-5 08:42     標題: 引用:這篇轉貼文章用了很多二分法的對比,我的看

原帖由 ANChan59 於 13-10-05 發表
這篇轉貼文章用了很多二分法的對比,我的看法在0 與1之間有不少組合及優次。

But their students scored well in Chi A, which is very difficult for many of our kids here if they take Chi A. Why reduce by two points then?

I read from earlier newspaper that many of their students go to the 3 universities in HK and some to Imperial College UK. This is impressive. If my son's school can do that I will be very satisfied.

作者: kym    時間: 13-10-5 09:03

本帖最後由 kym 於 13-10-5 09:04 編輯

個人感覺大學對 Bilingual Diploma 也不是太重視。
作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-10-5 09:11

回復 shadeslayer 的帖子


我不是指IBO 或大學正式扣分,我只是用當年會考英文科有甲乙之分,此A不同彼A的類此比較。

作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-10-5 09:21

回復 hkparent 的帖子



作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-10-5 09:23

kym 發表於 13-10-5 09:03
個人感覺大學對 Bilingual Diploma 也不是太重視。
作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-5 10:25     標題: 引用:回復+hkparent+的帖子 你弄錯了,我是指英

原帖由 ANChan59 於 13-10-05 發表
回復 hkparent 的帖子

That's why I prefer IS for my child. Mindset of local students is that only medic, law and global business are good subjects because students can make a lot of money by studying those subjects. I know quite a number of students with IB scores of 43 or above choosing other subjects (eg math, pure science, music) as their first choice, not because they are not qualified for those 3 "good" subjects, but they are truly interested in the other subjects.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-10-5 10:42

hkparent 發表於 13-10-5 10:25
That's why I prefer IS for my child. Mindset of local students is that only medic, law and global bu ...


作者: poonseelai    時間: 13-10-5 10:51

ANChan59 發表於 13-10-5 09:23
兩星期前在學校聽中大和港大代表介紹non-jupas收生程序時,中大只要求考生要識聽講廣東話,因要到醫院實習,始終total IB score才是入門𨶹鍵
作者: poonseelai    時間: 13-10-5 10:53

poonseelai 發表於 13-10-5 10:51
兩星期前在學校聽中大和港大代表介紹non-jupas收生程序時,中大只要求考生要識聽講廣東話,因要到醫院實習 ...
作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-10-5 11:08     標題: 引用:回復+shadeslayer+的帖子 你誤會了!我不

原帖由 ANChan59 於 13-10-05 發表
回復 shadeslayer 的帖子


作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-5 11:14     標題: 引用:Quote:hkparent+發表於+13-10-5+10:25+That

原帖由 ANChan59 於 13-10-05 發表
Are we talking about Logos? It's a kind of school between local school and IS. I don't know if their students are encouraged to pursue subjects of their own interest rather than those 3 "good" subjects only, like what most IS have been encouraging their students to do. It has a different philosophy from other local schools.

作者: caa    時間: 13-10-5 12:23

大學除了中文系,不是所有學科都以英文為教學語言?如只有英文B的程度是否可應付?醫科丶商業甚至哲學等,都是看英文課本和參考書,正常IS都是default Eng A
作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-5 12:37     標題: 引用:大學除了中文系,不是所有學科都以英文為教

原帖由 caa 於 13-10-05 發表
大學除了中文系,不是所有學科都以英文為教學語言?如只有英文B的程度是否可應付?醫科丶商業甚至哲學等,都 ...
So Chi A or bilingual diploma is not necessary for most universities except those in US.

作者: ckwliu    時間: 13-10-5 14:46

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作者: kym    時間: 13-10-5 15:32

美國大學收生要看很多因素,SAT、校內成績、課外活動等。沒有要求一定要是bilingual diploma的。
作者: caa    時間: 13-10-5 15:58

I think most US people do not speak any language other than English. Only European and HK (due to historical reasons) people speak more than one. IB originates from Europe. But when I look at some UK schools with excellent IB results such as Sevenoaks, I can't find any mentioning of bilingual diploma but it gives detailed breakdowns of scores got by its students on each subject listed by HL or SL.
作者: samsam123321    時間: 13-10-5 20:18

本帖最後由 samsam123321 於 14-4-4 12:19 編輯
caa 發表於 13-10-5 12:23
大學除了中文系,不是所有學科都以英文為教學語言?如只有英文B的程度是否可應付?醫科丶商業甚至哲學等,都 ...

作者: caa    時間: 13-10-6 00:20

回復 samsam123321 的帖子

Sorry don't quite get it. Which part is not "真相"?
Actually I was just talking about textbooks and reference books. But why would university students skip classes if a Chinese professor speaks English in class?

作者: slamai    時間: 13-10-6 01:10

回復 caa 的帖子

At the information day of HKUST last week, the briefing session of the Global China Studies mentioned that the admission criteria for DSE applicants were English x 2 + 5 best subjects (i.e. Chinese not necessarily counted except for a minimum 3 to satisfy the JUPAS requirements).  The reason given was that the students would be required to refer to primarily English journals for their academic writings. Given the nature of this programme, we can realise the importance of Chinese as seen from the perspectives of the local Us.
作者: candicemammy    時間: 13-10-7 06:36     標題: 引用:Quote:caa+發表於+13-10-5+12:23+大學除了

原帖由 samsam123321 於 13-10-05 發表
如果真相是這樣,我估會有好多學生走堂。除非個professor 係西人,否則好多都廣東話講,英文課本。
Is it the truth NOW?
I'll be shocked!!!!! Even at local high school, I was taught exclusively in English except Chinese and Chinese related subjects back then! And I don't recall any scenarios with Chinese Prof speaking Chinese during lectures!

I personally don't get the point of having BD with Eng B and Chi A. Chinese is very different from other European languages. HK Chinese do not have as much exposure to 'traditional' Chinese literatures as their counterparts in Europe and also it is totally a different story in Mainland China. Thus, getting high scores in Chi A is harsh while Eng B seems not enough :p

作者: vivicui    時間: 13-10-7 08:19

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作者: sschiu    時間: 13-10-7 09:02

ckwliu 發表於 13-10-5 14:46
Hey guys, don't understand why the debate is on whether Lang A is more "useful"or "better" than Lang ...
Can't agree more!

The beauty of the IB Diploma programme is the choices it offers for students with differing interests and strengths. It offers a wide variety of subjects at different levels. It can be tailored to suit individual needs. However, it's a pity that HK schools and parents are adopting it narrow-mindedly (though may be partially due to resources problems), just like the Logos case.

Comparing IB with DSE, which requires that students must achieve Level 3 in Chinese in order to be accepted by Jupas university places. A student talented in Maths or Science or Art whatever might have been shut out of the university doors! What kind of mentality is this?

作者: poonseelai    時間: 13-10-7 09:29

sschiu 發表於 13-10-7 09:02
Can't agree more!

The beauty of the IB Diploma programme is the choices it offers for stu ...

Choosing DP subjects should be based on students' interest, university/career preference AND ability.  So I just cannot understand how can a school ask all students to take Chinese A.

RE JUPAS' requirement on Chinese, I think it is because in the old days students would have got at lease a pass in Chinese in HKCEE for them to be accepted to AL.  The question is that the current DSE Chinese includes Chinese Lit which was not mandatory in the former HKCEE.  Anyway it is good to see best 5 is becoming more popular as the selection criteria.

作者: daisychan    時間: 13-10-7 17:29

本帖最後由 daisychan 於 13-10-7 17:37 編輯
ANChan59 發表於 13-10-5 04:57
這篇轉貼文章用了很多二分法的對比,我的看法在0 與1之間有不少組合及優次。


ANChan59 發表於 13-10-5 04:57

[“我看不同學校可以對語文要求有不同理解,如果高比率 Bilingual Diploma,但大部份學生入讀的大學及學科只是普通,已反映大學如何評價學生的英文語文能力及真實成績,當學校贏到掌聲,學生不一定拿到更好的學位及機會,家長及學校是值得反思。"]

當日和女兒商討轉校的其中一個原因正是因為學校只提供 English B,沒有 English A 的選擇。

前周末和女兒見面時,問她現在修讀 English A: Lang & Lit 的感覺,她的回應是,她很享受 Lang & Lit 的課程,說可以學習和欣賞一種語文,和 English B 是不一樣的"境界"。

[“現在學校終於開放英文A,已反映學校吸取教訓,回歸正宗的 Bilingual Diploma 定義,雖然遲左 d,但是有進步。”]

舊校當晚在家長會宣佈在今學年提供 English A: Lang & Lit(Standard Level) 時,特別提醒家長,若由 English B(Higher Level) 轉去English A: Lang & Lit(Standard Level) ,不單衹英文科深了,又要有另一科(e.g. Maths, Phy, Chem, Bio, Geog, Psy, etc.) Standard Level升做 Higher Level. 是雙重困難。結果,好似今學年完全沒有學生修讀 English A. LOL

[“我嘗試參照不同大學的對照,例如港大醫學院的英文要求,A HL要4,A SL要5,B要7,我會將這批學生成績減 2 分作比較及分析。”]

我同意在修讀 English A(Standard Level) English B(Higher Level) 之間,加埋一科由
Higher Level
降落 Standard Level的安排,overall score是有 +2分的優勢。


作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-10-7 17:57

回復 daisychan 的帖子

作者: kym    時間: 13-10-7 18:11

作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-7 18:40     標題: 回覆:daisychan 的帖子

If they take Eng A, can they take Chi B? The effort should be the same. Is it foolish to take Chi A if it is not recognized in HK but the student has to study so hard on Chi literature?

But I think all local school students should take Chi A. If they take Chi B, shall we reduce their scores by two points?

作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-7 18:45     標題: 回覆:hkparent 的帖子

Or simply put it like this for comparison: if a student takes both Eng A and Chi A (eg SPCC), don't reduce any point. If a student takes Eng A and Chi B (eg DBS and most IS) or Chi A and Eng B (Logos), reduce by two points.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-10-7 20:43

回復 hkparent 的帖子

DBS from this year onward, Chinese A as compulsory  or taking French or German.
作者: caa    時間: 13-10-7 21:06

ANChan59 發表於 13-10-7 20:43
回復 hkparent 的帖子

DBS from this year onward, Chinese A as compulsory  or taking French or German ...
Is English A compulsory as well?
作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-10-7 21:24

caa 發表於 13-10-7 21:06
Is English A compulsory as well?
By default.
作者: caa    時間: 13-10-7 22:07

ANChan59 發表於 13-10-7 21:24
By default.
Wow both eng A and Chin A. If it were me who don't like chin literature and never think of pursuing a language related career, I would definitely leave for other IB schools such as Li Po Chun or CIS.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-10-7 22:12

caa 發表於 13-10-7 22:07
Wow both eng A and Chin A. If it were me who don't like chin literature and never think of pursuing  ...
For IB Chinese Lang Lit, looks not the same as local Chinese curriculum.
作者: caa    時間: 13-10-7 22:46

ANChan59 發表於 13-10-7 22:12
For IB Chinese Lang Lit, looks not the same as local Chinese curriculum.
I suppose the kids (and parents) don't like HKDSE program hence choose IB. So it is irrelevant whether Chin A is similar to local Chin curriculum. To me personally, I think getting into a real good university studying one's preferred subject is the most important. If the kid doesn't  like Chinese and not too good at it, why would a school force him/her to study Chin A which is unnecessarily too hard for him/her? It is not even a requirement of IB diploma or any university. Secondary school life, no matter how good IB program can be, is by no means comparable to university life. I will definitely go for a school and program that can give the best support and increase my chance of getting into my desired university!
作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-10-7 23:24

ANChan59 發表於 13-10-7 21:24
By default.
That is 100% BD at DBS and is compulsory!  Whoever cannot do both Chi A and Eng A don't even think about doing IB in DBS.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-10-7 23:48

shadeslayer 發表於 13-10-7 23:24
That is 100% BD at DBS and is compulsory!  Whoever cannot do both Chi A and Eng A don't even think a ...
For the first few batches,  a few students permitted to do Chinese B, now school raised the bar.
In the last IB Admission Talk, some parents from ESF and IS complained about the Chinese admission test including literature critique.....

作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-8 00:51     標題: 回覆:shadeslayer 的帖子

I think SPCC has been doing both Chi A and Eng A. So cool. The 40 average score is a real score that we should highly applaud.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-10-8 01:06

hkparent 發表於 13-10-8 00:51
I think SPCC has been doing both Chi A and Eng A. So cool. The 40 average score is a real score that ...
How can you find the evidence to demonstrate they all took Chi A and Eng A to achieve bilingual diploma and not smart route?
In previous years, they posted the choices of Language 1 and Language 2, if my memory don't fool me, Chi B was an option.

作者: annie40    時間: 13-10-8 13:35

*****      ****
假如两者只能择其一, 我会選求學問!!!!  

人生路漫长,习惯于本末倒置的人, 容易养成为惯性的逃避行为.  结果的損失,一定比失掉一两分多很多, 很多吧!
作者: daisychan    時間: 13-10-8 16:02

本帖最後由 daisychan 於 13-10-8 16:07 編輯

回復 hkparent 的帖子
["If they take Eng A, can they take Chi B? The effort should be the same. Is it foolish to take Chi A if it is not recognized in HK but the student has to study so hard on Chi literature?"]

According to their IB curriculum:

The following subjects of IBDP are available for students to study in their first year in 2013-2014:

Group 1: Chinese Language A: Language and Literature (SL)
         English Language A: Language and Literature (SL)
Group 2: English B (HL)

Each student is required to:
(1) take “Chinese Language A: Language and Literature” in Group 1;
(2) choose either “English Language A: Language and Literature” from Group 1 or “English B” from Group 2;

So, Group 1 Chinese Language A: Lang & Lit is compulsory. But for local chinese students, Standard Level wouldn't be too difficult, I think.  Mainland students normally take Higher Level.

作者: daisychan    時間: 13-10-8 16:13

caa 發表於 13-10-7 22:07
Wow both eng A and Chin A. If it were me who don't like chin literature and never think of pursuing a language related career, I would definitely leave for other IB schools such as Li Po Chun or CIS.

For Li Po Chun, I understand that they require all students from local schools to choose Chinese A (HL or SL), unless there are good reasons.
作者: daisychan    時間: 13-10-8 16:34

caa 發表於 13-10-7 22:46
...I will definitely go for a school and program that can give the best support and increase my chance of getting into my desired university!

Depending on which universities and programs you desire, you should choose the right IBDP subjects and levels.
作者: daisychan    時間: 13-10-8 16:57

To my understanding, there is no "Chinese B" under Group 2, but only "Mandarin B" which is much more easier than "Chinese A - Lang & Lit (SL)". Just like "English B" vs "English A".

Therefore, IB schools will require local students to take Chinese A (HL/SL) under Group 1, leading to BD.

Correct me if I am wrong, please.

作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-8 17:21     標題: 回覆:daisychan 的帖子

So LPC is another school that requires local students to take both Chi A and Eng A. Good.

作者: poonseelai    時間: 13-10-8 18:20

daisychan 發表於 13-10-8 16:57
To my understanding, there is no "Chinese B" under Group 2, but only "Mandarin B" which is much mor ...
My daughters' school offers Chinese B (HL and SL) as second language under group 2, not Mandarin B.
作者: Artie    時間: 13-10-8 18:43

本帖最後由 Artie 於 13-10-8 18:46 編輯

回復 poonseelai 的帖子

可能係個別學校內部係叫 chinese b,有時網友討論也會說是 chinese b。
但 ibo dp 的考試,是沒有 chinese b,只有 mandarin b 或 cantonese b。

作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-9 00:43     標題: 回覆:Artie 的帖子

University of Oxford
International Baccalaureate Standard Level (SL): score of 5 in English (as Language A or B)

Excellence in the subjects applied for is far more important than English language unless you take language subjects.

作者: poonseelai    時間: 13-10-9 09:14

hkparent 發表於 13-10-9 00:43
University of Oxford
http://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate_courses/courses/courses_and_entran ...
Well, this is the min requirement.  Just like DSE the min requirement is 3322 but the universities will use Best 5 in most cases.

作者: daisychan    時間: 13-10-9 09:23

poonseelai 發表於 13-10-9 09:14
Well, this is the min requirement.  Just like DSE the min requirement is 3322 but the universities w ...

Agree. This is only the min. requirement. They only require IELTS of 7.0 and GCE O-Level with Grade B!

As I said before, depending on your target Us and programs, you need to choose the right subjects and levels.

作者: daisychan    時間: 13-10-9 09:29

Also, bearing in mind you normally can't get a place in OxBridge without 42+. That means all the applicants will have at least 6 in each subject.

So, what will the OxBridge choose among students with 6 in English A and 7 in English B.

作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-9 12:16     標題: 回覆:daisychan 的帖子

For Oxbridge applications, English won't be a critical point. The most important thing is interview performance. Maybe oral English is even more important.

作者: foolish.mom    時間: 13-10-9 18:20

回復 hkparent 的帖子

I know of a case in which the conditional offer from Cambridge is certain total points in IB, plus at least a 6 in English A. That became the most worried part of the conditional offer of the boy, as his English is relatively weak as compared with other subjects.  Eventually he was admitted.  Don't know if Cambridge set this condition because the interviewer noticed that English was the weakest part of the boy.
作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-9 21:55     標題: 回覆:foolish.mom 的帖子

Probably. If the boy had performed better in the interview, the conditional offer shouldn't be so high. If English is specifically mentioned in the conditional offer, his oral English may not be up to standard.

作者: nintendo    時間: 13-10-10 15:11

本帖最後由 nintendo 於 13-10-10 15:15 編輯
foolish.mom 發表於 13-10-9 18:20
回復 hkparent 的帖子

I know of a case in which the conditional offer from Cambridge is certain tota ...

你呢個例子就更加證明,現實唔可能 english b 都會收囉,連 english a  都一定要 6 分喎。
一向都話唔好跟 minimum entrance requirement 做人。

問過有 d  大學 (唔係一線如 oxbridge 和 ivy league,但都係 "名校"),話佢地 minimum requirement 係 28 分就會 consider。真係得啖笑,我就唔信 28 分可以入到那間大學的 pure science  或 engineering (北美大學,law 和 med  不是 first year entry),話晒都係 "名校",就算係冷門科都唔會 "冇客仔" 都咁卦。

其實真係有部份大學某 d  科,的確講明一定要 english a,要求的分未必高,可能只係合格 (即 4 分) 就得,但佢地寧願要個 english a 4 分,都唔要 english b 7 分。

話說回頭,如果學生真係冇 english a 的水平,要佢讀又真係會好辛苦,讀 english b 都好正常。
公度 d 講,我地唔可能 expect  間間本地學校都有 dbs 和 spcc 的水平,可以全部 ib 學生讀 english a。
不過學生和家長都要明,如果真係讀 english b,將來入大學時選科就有的確有限制,呢個係事實。
舉個例,讀 english b ,應該入本地大學 "神科" 冇可能了。

作者: daisychan    時間: 13-10-10 15:40

本帖最後由 daisychan 於 13-10-10 15:43 編輯
hkparent 發表於 13-10-9 12:16
For Oxbridge applications, English won't be a critical point. The most important thing is interview  ...

No doubt, interview performance is one of the major assessment criteria for university admissions.  My point is under a tie-break situation, when two applicants with a difference in IB scores of less than 2 and their other performances including interviews are very close, just like Oxbridge applications, all the potential successful applicants are 43+. English A or English B will definitely be very critical. Nintendo has also raised this point above.
作者: daisychan    時間: 13-10-10 15:46

nintendo 發表於 13-10-10 15:11
你呢個例子就更加證明,現實唔可能 english b 都會收囉,連 english a  都一定要 6 分喎。
一向都話唔好跟 ...

作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-10-10 16:05

回復 nintendo 的帖子

舉個例,讀 english b ,應該入本地大學 "神科" 冇可能了。




作者: hkparent    時間: 13-10-10 17:30     標題: 回覆:ANChan59 的帖子

Can Chi B enter 神科 in CUHK?

作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-10-10 19:27

hkparent 發表於 13-10-10 17:30
Can Chi B enter 神科 in CUHK?

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