
標題: 蔡繼有,ISF 你會點簡? [打印本頁]

作者: kafool    時間: 13-7-5 08:40     標題: 蔡繼有,ISF 你會點簡?


作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-7-5 11:29

回復 kafool 的帖子

Congrats on getting into both schools!  I think you probably have a good sense of the schools already given your similar questions before.  Are there particular things that you would like to know or compare?  What is important to you?
作者: annie40    時間: 13-7-5 13:08

If money is not an issue, I would take ISF definitely.
作者: salsalee    時間: 13-7-5 14:17     標題: 回覆:蔡繼有,ISF 你會點簡?


作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-5 14:21     標題: 引用:兩間好唔同嘅學校,睇你想比小朋友點成長及

原帖由 salsalee 於 13-07-05 發表


Not a good question.  A perfectly good reason for me may be a silly reason for you, right?

作者: Jane1983    時間: 13-7-5 17:19

回復 annie40 的帖子

作者: kafool    時間: 13-7-5 17:43     標題: 回覆:HKTHK 的帖子

Thanks so much!
I love both schools, but I have been hearing a lot of negative comments on CKY's secondary school.... So that's why I want to weigh the pros and cons carefully. Do you have any insight you can share with me?

作者: kafool    時間: 13-7-5 17:43     標題: 回覆:annie40 的帖子

Thanks so much Annie! Why do you prefer ISF over CKY if money is not an issue? Thanks heaps!

作者: kafool    時間: 13-7-5 17:44     標題: 回覆:salsalee 的帖子

Thanks so much! Really appreciate!

作者: kafool    時間: 13-7-5 17:45     標題: 回覆:shadeslayer 的帖子

True, not exactly the best question in the world, but am trying to weigh all the pros and cons and hence want to ask around. Thanks for your kind response ! 😊

作者: elizatyy    時間: 13-7-5 21:24

作者: nintendo    時間: 13-7-5 21:46

本帖最後由 nintendo 於 13-7-5 21:48 編輯

考學校,其實係一個幾複雜的 process,又要拿 (download) form,填 form,收集各樣的文件,report card,etc

其實問其他人就 sai 氣,個個人要求唔同,人地覺得好,你未必覺得好
cky 係本地學校,isf 係國際學校,淨係呢點,都冇話邊間好 d
我覺得兩間學校完全唔同,橙定蘋果好食 d ?

作者: radish    時間: 13-7-5 22:04     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+nintendo+於+13-7-5+21:48+編

原帖由 nintendo 於 13-07-05 發表
本帖最後由 nintendo 於 13-7-5 21:48 編輯

考學校,其實係一個幾複雜的 process,又要拿 (download) fo ...
Isf 唔係國際學校,係私校。

作者: nintendo    時間: 13-7-5 22:07

kafool 發表於 13-7-5 17:43
Thanks so much Annie! Why do you prefer ISF over CKY if money is not an issue? Thanks heaps!

你問我,我都會話 isf
理由係呢度係 "國際學校" 區,大部份家長都係較傾向喜愛國際學校吧
如果你去其他多 d 本地學校家長的區,應該多 d 人會選 cky

國際學校 "大學升學組" 一般都較強較多資源

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-5 22:10     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+nintendo+於+13-7-5+21:48+編

原帖由 nintendo 於 13-07-05 發表
本帖最後由 nintendo 於 13-7-5 21:48 編輯

考學校,其實係一個幾複雜的 process,又要拿 (download) fo ...
CKY 行 GCSE,課程同英基一樣,同學有D唔同,我又看不到同 ISF 有好大分別。

作者: nintendo    時間: 13-7-5 22:11

radish 發表於 13-7-5 22:04
Isf 唔係國際學校,係私校。

呢度係 "國際學校" 版
咁係唔係要版主將個 topic 移去另一版?

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-5 22:13     標題: 引用:一間平民學校、一間貴族學校

原帖由 elizatyy 於 13-07-05 發表
CKY 八千幾學費,是平民學校,咁收六千幾的COED 叫乜?魚仔行叫乜?

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-5 22:18     標題: 引用:Quote:radish+發表於+13-7-5+22:04+Isf+唔

原帖由 nintendo 於 13-07-05 發表
呢度係 "國際學校" 版
咁係唔係要版主將個 topic 移去另一版?
唔行本地 DSE 的應可以在此討論,包括 CKY AND ISF.  

一間貴D一間平D,兩間都係非 DSE 課程,兩間都中英並重,都唔可以叫平民。

作者: nintendo    時間: 13-7-5 22:22

shadeslayer 發表於 13-7-5 22:18
唔行本地 DSE 的應可以在此討論,包括 CKY AND ISF.  

一間貴D一間平D,兩間都係非 DSE 課程,兩間都中英 ...

其實我唔係咁理邊間係 "國際學校",邊間係 "私校"

我先前只係講我覺得 isf 較好的原因
或者等其他高人比樓主多 d  其他意見
點解 cky  isf  家長閃晒?

都係個句,應該一早多 d  看學校資料,而唔係考到先問邊間好

作者: 紅紅    時間: 13-7-5 23:02     標題: 引用:Quote:shadeslayer+發表於+13-7-5+22:18+唔

原帖由 nintendo 於 13-07-05 發表
其實我唔係咁理邊間係 "國際學校",邊間係 "私校"

我先前只係講我覺得 isf 較好的原因

初步決定期間比較需要別人意見,因為要short list幾間報(為免浪費時間和金錢)。

但到school visit & interwiew後,其實都心裡有數邊間先邊間後 。


作者: tingtingting    時間: 13-7-5 23:33     標題: 回覆:蔡繼有,ISF 你會點簡?

ISF is not just another international school.

作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-7-6 01:44

回復 kafool 的帖子

No particular insights on secondary school as we are not at that stage yet.  If you have CKY questions, you should try that school's forum.  I can also try to answer other questions that you might have.  
作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-7-6 01:45

回復 kafool 的帖子

What have you heard anyway?
作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-6 09:44

本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 13-7-6 09:49 編輯

Mighty  英基最近公布的都以IB RESULTS行頭BOR?  發表於 10 分鐘前

Mighty  CKY行GCSE,課程同英基一様????  發表於 11 分鐘前


Apart from the two PIS, which ESF school does not do GCSE/IBDP exams? In fact many other IS in Hong Kong do GCSE/IBDP or GCSE/A-level.  Even SPC secondary do GCSE/A-level.

CKY is the same GSCE/IBDP.  Exams are the same, the curriculum cannot be widely different.
作者: elizatyy    時間: 13-7-6 10:53

講吓笑je, 本人只是路過多咀了, 請見諒
作者: nintendo    時間: 13-7-6 10:57

新界村校同男拔女拔都係考 DSE,係唔係一樣?

作者: nintendo    時間: 13-7-6 11:05

elizatyy 發表於 13-7-6 10:53
講吓笑je, 本人只是路過多咀了, 請見諒


作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-6 11:11     標題: 引用:點為之一樣?讀同一同課程就一樣?新界村校

原帖由 nintendo 於 13-07-06 發表
新界村校同男拔女拔都係考 DSE,係唔係一樣?

作者: kafool    時間: 13-7-6 11:14     標題: 回覆:nintendo 的帖子

Thanks so much!

作者: nintendo    時間: 13-7-6 11:25

shadeslayer 發表於 13-7-6 11:11

我一開始講的,係話校內整體文化,大學申請的 support,等都好唔同
即係新界學校都有好多入 hku,男拔都出了個杜低俗

作者: caa    時間: 13-7-6 12:25

原來杜XX是DBS 怪不得轉數快
作者: radish    時間: 13-7-7 23:05     標題: 引用:Quote:radish+發表於+13-7-5+22:04+Isf+唔

原帖由 nintendo 於 13-07-05 發表
呢度係 "國際學校" 版
咁係唔係要版主將個 topic 移去另一版?
我只係想指出isf唔係國際學校,而唔係話要樓主轉個post, 我只係想指出isf 係一間直資私校。

作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-7-7 23:12

回復 radish 的帖子

It is not 直資
作者: radish    時間: 13-7-7 23:47     標題: 引用:回復+radish+的帖子 It+is+not+直資

原帖由 HKTHK 於 13-07-07 發表
回復 radish 的帖子

It is not 直資

作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-7-8 00:06

回復 radish 的帖子

That means schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme and receives funding from the Government
作者: nintendo    時間: 13-7-8 01:41

radish 發表於 13-7-7 23:47

是 "直資" 還是 "私校",只是學校的 funding  方面

是 "本地" 還是 "國際",只是學校的 curriculum 方面


作者: FattyDaddy    時間: 13-7-8 02:09

本帖最後由 FattyDaddy 於 13-7-8 02:40 編輯
nintendo 發表於 13-7-8 01:41
是 "直資" 還是 "私校",只是學校的 funding  方面
是 "本地" 還是 "國際",只是學校的 curriculum 方面

Well yes and no, DSS (直資) schools are expected to prepare their students for local HKDSE exams, although some of them (e.g. Diocesan Boys) do offer the IB curriculum as an alternative, the percentage of students allowed to take that route is strictly controlled. So funding and curriculum are not entirely separate issues.

In a nutshell, the HK government is saying, if you take my money, you have to do my bidding, you cannot have the money and let your students avoid my exams.

However, both CKY and ISF are not DSS schools but private schools, so this is not a differentiating factor.

作者: fanfanbb    時間: 13-7-8 10:31

本帖最後由 fanfanbb 於 13-7-8 10:31 編輯

My personal view - if money and location is really not a concern, I will go to ISF.  Some of my colleagues' kids are currently studying in CKY, they said it's not a IS though they are doing IB.  My colleagues are "very middle class" and told CKY is not expensive as compared with IS.

To me, the $ difference also matters

作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-7-8 11:53

回復 FattyDaddy 的帖子

There are DSS schools that are completely IB like LPCUWC
作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-8 12:03     標題: 引用:回復+FattyDaddy+的帖子 There+are+DSS+sc

原帖由 HKTHK 於 13-07-08 發表
回復 FattyDaddy 的帖子

There are DSS schools that are completely IB like LPCUWC
Now you mentioned it, how can LPC, as a DSS school, not have a DSE path?

作者: Mukchilee    時間: 13-7-8 12:11

nintendo 發表於 13-7-8 01:41
是 "直資" 還是 "私校",只是學校的 funding  方面

是 "本地" 還是 "國際",只是學校的 curriculum 方面
比我分嘅話, 我反而會咁分:

1. 國際校(學生多為非本港居民) - 本地課程部(應該暫時未出現,亦覺得嘅出現可能性比較低) 和非本地課程部 (ESF, 哈羅及一般國際學校)

2. 本地校(學生多為本港居民) -  本地課程部(只考DSE) 和非本地課程部(考其他海外/國際公開試的校內section)

3. 然後先至再分私立直資

所以CKY呢類要有70%以上本地生嘅PIS(政府口中嘅Private Independent School), 我會覺得佢係國際課程嘅本地私校, 至於男拔聖保羅呢d係屬於開辦左國際課程部嘅本地直資校(不過其實直資攞政府錢去搞IB到底有無違反直資嘅條件呢??)
作者: FattyDaddy    時間: 13-7-8 12:20

shadeslayer 發表於 13-7-8 12:03
Now you mentioned it, how can LPC, as a DSS school, not have a DSE path?
LPC is the exception rather than the norm, and in fact the one and only exception among DSS schools. I believe the HK government intend to use it as a "show school".

作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-7-8 12:22

回復 shadeslayer 的帖子

Thought DSS has free choice of curriculum
作者: FattyDaddy    時間: 13-7-8 12:31

HKTHK 發表於 13-7-8 12:22
回復 shadeslayer 的帖子

Thought DSS has free choice of curriculum
Free choice, as long as at the end of the day the majority of the students sit HKDSE exams, and the percentage of that majority is strictly enforced.

You're right that LPCUWC is an exception, but it is rather like a "pet project".

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-8 12:43     標題: 引用:Quote:HKTHK+發表於+13-7-8+12:22+回復+sha

原帖由 FattyDaddy 於 13-07-08 發表
Free choice, as long as at the end of the day the majority of the students sit HKDSE exams, and the  ...
It would not be fair to other schools like Logos, HKUGA.  Running dual curricula is extremely difficult.

作者: sonicgina    時間: 13-7-8 15:46


作者: radish    時間: 13-7-8 16:15     標題: 引用:回復+radish+的帖子 That+means+schools+u

原帖由 HKTHK 於 13-07-08 發表
回復 radish 的帖子

That means schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme and receives funding from the ...
我家姐個仔讀isf, 我覺得佢普通話講得好好,芵文亦唔差,學校有要求,評估次數都唔小,雖然無名次分,但家長都不能太hea.   最好係佢好鐘意返學,唯一我覺得係相比本地學校較多假期。

作者: LeeMama328    時間: 13-7-9 02:24

你可以分享下你8到CKY 中學的負面意見嗎? 其實ISF 都有幾多負面消息架,有真有假啦。
我自己呢就有幾個主要因素考慮 :
1- 住 香港 或九龍 (unless you dont mind move to where your kids study at.)
2 - is your kid boy or girl.  If a boy, can he be sophisticated/think deep enough to go for MYP at 14?I may be wrong but I found in general boys do better in GCE while girls do better in IB.
3 - values of "local" parents & teachers (因在這方面 CKY 有比較多的 本地家長 和 本地老師)。。。這點是有點深,我不想在這裡go into details, 費是 悶親人。 自己領悟吧。

作者: kafool    時間: 13-7-9 09:25     標題: 回覆:LeeMama328 的帖子

Thanks so much for the valuable feedbacks! I think my daughter would like both schools. I know the positives or negatives of all schools are always very personal. But I just want to ask some feedbacks and let me process better! Thanks so much for your help!

作者: kafool    時間: 13-7-9 09:25     標題: 回覆:radish 的帖子

Thanks so much Radish! Good to hear!

作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-7-9 11:31

回復 kafool 的帖子

Please do let us know what you eventually decide!  Good luck with the decision and don't think you can really go wrong with either choice
作者: LeeMama328    時間: 13-7-9 16:26

kafool 發表於 13-7-9 09:25
Thanks so much for the valuable feedbacks! I think my daughter would like both schools. I know the p ...
but you still haven't "你可以分享下你8到CKY 中學的負面意見嗎? "  
If not convenient here, could you PM me?  

作者: sonicgina    時間: 13-7-12 17:07

作者: 21Ckid    時間: 13-7-13 03:06

作者: kafool    時間: 13-7-14 16:03     標題: 回覆:蔡繼有,ISF 你會點簡?

Thanks for every one's invaluable input. We will let our daughter go with ISF.

作者: kafool    時間: 13-7-14 16:03     標題: 回覆:21Ckid 的帖子

How so?

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-14 17:01     標題: 引用:級數差好遠哦。

原帖由 21Ckid 於 13-07-13 發表
邊方面呢? 學生,老師,校舍,課程,教學原則,成績?

作者: 21Ckid    時間: 13-7-14 19:04

回復 kafool 的帖子

一個喺Chanel, 一個喺coach,唔係邊間好嘅問題。但我相信血統的重要,扮藍血人,係世俗的香港,太重要。
作者: lui    時間: 13-7-14 23:15     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+21Ckid+於+13-07-13+發表級數

原帖由 shadeslayer 於 13-07-14 發表
邊方面呢? 學生,老師,校舍,課程,教學原則,成績?

作者: lui    時間: 13-7-15 00:37

shadeslayer 發表於 13-7-14 17:01
邊方面呢? 學生,老師,校舍,課程,教學原則,成績?
試下考ISF 同CKY 睇下邊間難入d.我認為ISF 易入好多(一定冇3000-4000人考,收費都係因素))亦好多人收左但唔讀(我識得),在IS層面,ISF不是first choice. 而CKY 亦不是IS. 我認為成績不是所謂差好遠,但收費一定係。
作者: 21Ckid    時間: 13-7-15 00:43

回復 lui 的帖子

Honestly who cares, you ask the upper circle who knows what is ISF, and all know, some rushing to buy the debenture. ISF in that circle is a "name", and who ever heard of CKY?

And by the same token, who cares if SPCC DBS or DGS is better than xxx government school.

I am not particularly fond of ISF myself, but despite all the ISF bashers here, it ranks very high among IS, below CIS, on par with HKIS (depends on how much chinese you want) and certainly way about ESF in that upper circle (though ESF is more popular among middle class).

作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-7-15 00:59

回復 lui 的帖子

Of course, I think CKY has a much larger number of applicants
作者: lui    時間: 13-7-15 01:16     標題: 引用:回復+lui+的帖子 Honestly+who+cares,+you

原帖由 21Ckid 於 13-07-15 發表
回復 lui 的帖子

Honestly who cares, you ask the upper circle who knows what is ISF, and all know, s ...
你的回應,往往也只是upper class upper class,upper class 人人識,所以一定好。shade layer 請你客觀分析,一句upper class 係人都識就好咩?to be honest , 好多人當ISF 係backup ,你究竟知唔知?峩不是想得罪isf家長。只是一句級數差好遠,不是什麼有見地評論。CKY 再差,一年都有五個入LPC,LPC你識呱?

作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-7-15 01:33

回復 lui 的帖子

With this post, you have basically stooped to the same level
作者: luckyveronique    時間: 13-7-15 09:08

21Ckid 發表於 13-7-15 00:43
回復 lui 的帖子

Honestly who cares, you ask the upper circle who knows what is ISF, and all know, s ...
Actually, ISF' ranking may be not that high you mentioned, just look back to this year' IB result, even lower than ESF, and the latter is a very huge body...
I agree CIS HKIS are in the leading tier of IS, but ISF is not that satisfactory with its result...Ranking only by $$$, I do not think it is fair enough!

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-15 09:17     標題: 回覆:蔡繼有,ISF 你會點簡?


作者: fanfanbb    時間: 13-7-15 09:54

21Ckid 發表於 13-7-15 00:43
回復 lui 的帖子

Honestly who cares, you ask the upper circle who knows what is ISF, and all know, s ...
To be honest, I share your view.  This is some how related to  "branding" while selecting a school.  In Singapore, some local/government schools are with great academic results but many parents still prefer ACS - might be the same theory, I guess.
CKY is no an international schools, many parents are real middle class
ISF is an IS, also richman school

In my view they are on different levels. But $ also counts while selecting a school. Whether it's worth for the substantial difference. I will only go for ISF when $ isn't a problem - no only the school fee + debenture but also the social functions, contributions, donations, etc.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-15 12:48     標題: 回覆:蔡繼有,ISF 你會點簡?

fanfanbb  但是如何才能成為名牌主人呢?  發表於 半小時前



作者: Annie123    時間: 13-7-15 12:57

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-15 13:25     標題: 引用:CKY+是+BMW,ISF+是+FERRARI,可以這樣比嗎

原帖由 Annie123 於 13-07-15 發表
比著我,比架 FERRARI  我,可能 ...
我唔係話 ISF 唔好,但係如果新校 ISF 係 Ferrari, 咁 HKIS 或 CIS 係乜? Harrow 又係乜? 英國伊頓又係咩呢?


作者: Annie123    時間: 13-7-15 13:49

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作者: annie40    時間: 13-7-15 14:28

Ferrari 摆明是贵, 是否最好, 见仁见智, 但肯定有强劲财力娉请最高薪金最高学厉的老师!

比较贪小便宜, 又大想头的, 可以买部日本车, tune到好似Ferrari甘劲, 甘就是一倍价钱, 十倍回报. 胜过一开始就迷信要开部Ferrari. 点知技術有限, 又唔睇Manual, 有好车却又开唔掂.
作者: 21Ckid    時間: 13-7-15 16:52



同樣,弘立那些成六球幾的債卷同水蛇春咁長的waitlist. 這些是聰明錢定銭,由你們衡量。


作者: annie40    時間: 13-7-15 17:05

牌頭或血統? 出世Day One 就已经无啦! 信唔信重要,是,有就有, 没有就是没有, 不要明明没有又扮到以为有就得勒!
作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-7-15 17:21

回復 shadeslayer 的帖子

If anyone wants blueblood, ISF would not be the right choice.  It is filled mostly with professionals.  There are far better "socially appropriate" schools for the "blue blood" crowd.
作者: annie40    時間: 13-7-15 17:25

以为拥有blue blood的, 是自备的居多!
作者: annie40    時間: 13-7-15 17:29

腹有诗书, 气度自华! 再讲blue blood,必然笑死人了.
作者: hungcheung0720    時間: 13-7-15 17:45     標題: 回覆:蔡繼有,ISF 你會點簡?

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作者: friendlyguy    時間: 13-7-15 19:17

點解有人(red blood)唔做,要做octopus, horseshoecrabs, squids(blue blood)?
作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-15 19:24     標題: 引用:我們當然唔應該教小孩用牌頭同錢作為做人價

原帖由 21Ckid 於 13-07-15 發表

我深信牌頭或血統的 ...

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-15 19:30     標題: 引用:牌頭或血統?+出世Day+One+就已经无啦!+信唔

原帖由 annie40 於 13-07-15 發表
牌頭或血統? 出世Day One 就已经无啦! 信唔信重要,是,有就有, 没有就是没有, 不要明明没有又扮到以为有就得 ...

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-15 19:32     標題: 引用:回復+shadeslayer+的帖子 If+anyone+wants

原帖由 HKTHK 於 13-07-15 發表
回復 shadeslayer 的帖子

If anyone wants blueblood, ISF would not be the right choice.  It is filled ...

Right, you are more sensible.

作者: 21Ckid    時間: 13-7-15 20:01

Even CIS and HKIS are predominantly filled with professionals. Blue blood is born but good pedigree can be groomed. It can start at primary school, secondary, univ, or in your career. The earlier the better chance. That's a fact of life. You could argue against it, but this wouldn't change reality.

Smart money buys branded products to make even greater gains, such as school debentures, art work , 1970s ferraris, while stupid money buys consumables that account for a disproportionate share of their income. Who are slaves?

I am not ISF parent nor can I afford its debenture, but funny enough, these 3 letters always instigate lots of hatred and resentment in BK.
作者: luckyveronique    時間: 13-7-15 22:03

ISF成績都唔算突出個D lor,唔通名牌在收費貴?就算$唔係問題,我都會揀平D,但成績卻勝出一DD既esf
作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-7-15 22:20

回復 luckyveronique 的帖子

If a parent is comparing ISF and CKY, they are going for a certain type of school.  ESF would not be their choice.
作者: fanfanbb    時間: 13-7-15 22:55

21Ckid 發表於 13-7-15 20:01
Even CIS and HKIS are predominantly filled with professionals. Blue blood is born but good pedigree  ...
Yes, this is today's HK albeit pple might have diff views. I totally agree with your view though my hubby said it was wrong. Other than academic results, other factors such as networking, social stratifications, family background, etc. also count.
It's like branding management and pricing strategy when u r doing a business. May be not worth for it but pple still go for it.

作者: gigi812    時間: 13-7-15 22:55

作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-7-15 23:22

本帖最後由 HKTHK 於 13-7-15 23:24 編輯

回復 fanfanbb 的帖子

I don't think there is a right answer but just different belief systems.  Some parents believe affluence and good family backgrounds are a negative in a school community and some don't.  Personally, I believe affluence and wealth are negative factors but education level of parents is a positive factor.  Unfortunately, those factors are correlated.  
作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-7-15 23:23

回復 gigi812 的帖子

Since when is 有錢 = 暴發戶文化?
作者: Littleho    時間: 13-7-15 23:29     標題: 回覆:蔡繼有,ISF 你會點簡?

其實這個post 発言的人有多少是CKY或ISF 家長 。小兒有幾個同學轉往ISF,我認識ISF的家長都不是暴發戶

作者: fanfanbb    時間: 13-7-16 08:32

回復 gigi812 的帖子

作者: kafool    時間: 13-7-16 09:30     標題: 回覆:Littleho 的帖子

Thanks Littleho, for your comment. You speak my mind!

作者: fanfanbb    時間: 13-7-16 10:17

回復 gigi812 的帖子

作者: annie40    時間: 13-7-16 14:56

回復 Littleho 的帖子

世情是我们对不怎么熟悉的事, 往往比较偏爱接受'作大' 或是抹黑'之谣传.反而不会接受幸福得来平平实实的. 因此有点知名度的学校, 有点漂亮的人, 有点钱的爸妈, 有点能力的孩子, 每天总吃上不少死猫,

作者: 112200    時間: 13-7-16 16:24     標題: 回覆:fanfanbb 的帖子

其實個題目根本無野可討論。Cky和任何國際學校都不能相提並論。上課講英文和pth並不就是國際學校。在國際學校無論小息,放學後,在洗手間不會有學生講廣東話。不會強制學生一定要學一種樂器,不會有什麼英語日因為英語係complusory人人都很舒服樂意地用英文。cky其實只係一間貴的英文local school,和st stephen 一樣。比較唔到。

作者: 112200    時間: 13-7-16 16:39     標題: 回覆:annie40 的帖子

我贊同你。可負擔讀國際學校就有罪? 等於有錢就有教育? 大家知不知is比local school 考核更困難。以我所知好多間都要做卷中英數,囗試,智力問題,共二至三小時。本地小一又點考呢?在深灣有間is四千人得一百個位。四千人都負得起學費先去報。香港神級個幾間dss考人數也不是間間有四千。我有朋友考到cky 和st stephen, 個個月連雜費什麼音樂費都差不多成萬銀落樓,學校可以提供的英語pth環境都只限於課室內,這又不是”暴發“嗎?公平點。

作者: Annie123    時間: 13-7-16 17:00

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作者: kafool    時間: 13-7-16 18:31     標題: 引用:Quote:annie40+發表於+13-7-16+14:56+回復+

原帖由 Annie123 於 13-07-16 發表
Yes Annie40! I feel the same too!

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-7-16 19:56     標題: 回覆:蔡繼有,ISF 你會點簡?

第一個在這裏用「暴發戶」三個字的是我,但我的原意不是指 ISF。我是解釋比網友我認為何謂名牌奴隸,以暴發戶的行為作例子,絕無指 ISF 家長是暴發戶。我看不過眼的,是一些只問價錢夠不夠貴,人龍夠不夠長的名牌盲信的心態,和 ISF 或其家長無關。

作者: penguin_chick    時間: 13-7-17 11:00

本帖最後由 penguin_chick 於 13-7-17 23:08 編輯

回復 112200 的帖子

CKY一開始就定位為bilingual學校,不會,也不能收外藉學生(一方面是政府規定,另一方面是中文程度問題),除三兩混血兒外,其他都不是Eng native speakers.所以學校要求學生逢星期一三五 在學校內都講英文,二四則講普通話,上課時則依學科語言。

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