
標題: 1-year GCSE [打印本頁]

作者: chloet619    時間: 13-7-4 19:03     標題: 1-year GCSE

其實1-YEAR GCSE對學生會唔會好大壓力/好難?定系等多一年讀A-level?但會唔會浪費左一年?
作者: simontse    時間: 13-7-4 19:46

本帖最後由 simontse 於 13-7-4 11:50 編輯

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There are lots of subjects that involve coursework and usually happen in Year 9 and 10. Moreover, some subjects are Modular courses, which means public exam starts in the Year 10 term by term. Therefore, nowadays, it is very difficult particular in the top-end schools, because they want students to have at least 10 GCSEs at Grade A/A*. This is asking a lot of a child and even if he/she is willing, it will be an unpleasant experience.

So, I recommend that he/she starts the A-level courses. Perhaps consider repeat Year 10 or 4th Form in UK to settle in.

作者: chloet619    時間: 13-7-4 21:51

回復 simontse 的帖子

Thanks a lot. I have heard that some of the students may skip a year to A level right after F.4. So is it possible for her if her results are around the average??
作者: simontse    時間: 13-7-4 22:20

本帖最後由 simontse 於 13-7-4 14:39 編輯

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Skipping years is not very common, but do happen, especially if they have achieved their highest expected grades. With average results, don't have too high hope though, but is still worth a try!

作者: Ding    時間: 13-7-5 08:07     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+simontse+於+13-7-4+14:39+編

原帖由 simontse 於 13-07-04 發表
本帖最後由 simontse 於 13-7-4 14:39 編輯

回復 chloet619 的帖子
sorry Chloet, 借你個 topic 一用!
Simontse, 想問下在英國運動舖易唔易買 rugby 用嘅牙膠?我個仔今年去讀 yr 7,當地有好多不同運動,要唔要預備晒所有game gears 俾佢用呢?萬一佢玩幾次就無興趣咁咪好浪費!請指教

作者: simontse    時間: 13-7-5 08:57

本帖最後由 simontse 於 13-7-5 01:03 編輯

回復 Ding 的帖子

哈哈,無問題,随便問啦。Ding, 英國買到所有日用品,去Sportdirect.com網上買然後送貨去就行,如mouth guard款式多多。他應該無得半途而費的,因為rugby係整個學期主要運動,對孩子的成長有幫助,會亦同時會發生意外,到時看他怎樣面對就是留學的主要原因喇,希望他唔好放棄。

作者: Ding    時間: 13-7-5 10:07     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+simontse+於+13-7-5+01:03+編

原帖由 simontse 於 13-07-05 發表
本帖最後由 simontse 於 13-7-5 01:03 編輯

回復 Ding 的帖子
Thanks, 我會早幾日跟他過去,買晒所有日用品才送佢入學校,所以唔打算網購,想親自去買,如果 rugby 用品在英國好易可以買,咁我去到先買。不過唔只Rugby, 仲有Hockey,  Cricket…都要買?

借用 Chloet 好似唔係幾好,我地有個 "9月開學" 嘅 Topic, 那裡有好多家長需要幫助,以你經驗一定可以解答佢地疑難。

作者: N70    時間: 13-7-10 11:52

本帖最後由 N70 於 13-7-11 09:58 編輯


作者: florence852    時間: 13-7-11 01:22

唔好意思, 個agent 不停叫我早一年過去讀GCSE, 話個仔成績差, 早過去適應. 會唔會A-level重難適應呢, 如果小朋友成績好差, 我想聽吓各位意見.
作者: panda-jojo    時間: 13-7-17 05:32

I know many people who do 1 year GCSE and get A*s and As but problem is the 1 year course sometimes only allow to study 6 GCSE subjects.
作者: appleyummy    時間: 13-8-2 22:46     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+simontse+於+13-7-4+11:50+編

原帖由 simontse 於 13-07-04 發表
本帖最後由 simontse 於 13-7-4 11:50 編輯

回復 chloet619 的帖子
Hi, simontse. I found that most of the Foundation courses in UK usually accept students with at least A-C grades in GCSEs.  Does it mean that C grade is the passing grade?

I foresee that my daughter will not get good grades in GCSE/IGCSE. What should I do? Should let her repeat fifth form or study foundation course? Is it common to repeat in UK? Any advice pls?

作者: simontse    時間: 13-8-3 21:43

appleyummy 發表於 13-8-2 14:46
Hi, simontse. I found that most of the Foundation courses in UK usually accept students with at leas ...
Firstly, Grade C is what univerities and jobs require, although Grade E is consider a pass.
Foundation courses are popular for students who failed A Level or students who are mature. Policies may have changed since my time.

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