
標題: Learning Habitat 學之園 VS. Anfield [打印本頁]

作者: selialee    時間: 13-5-15 17:57     標題: Learning Habitat 學之園 VS. Anfield

I'm living in Hung Hom. I want to know if anyone know about these two kindergarten? and which one would you choose and why?

My son is now 19 months and will be going to Anfiled this coming August for their nursery program. I would like to explore other options since I heard 學之園 is pretty good but I don't know anything about it. Thanks for sharing!!!

作者: bettywong80    時間: 13-5-15 18:51

Anfield is international, Lh is not. Totally different schools.
My girl studied in Anfield 2 years playgroup, no Chinese only 15 mins mandarin out of 1.5 hrs.
Lh is like other kinder with English, Chinese and mandarin.
作者: BravenBright    時間: 13-5-15 19:18     標題: 回覆:bettywong80 的帖子

First of all, u need to decide if u'd like to go for int'l or local schools. 學之園 is mainly for local stream but  strongly focuses on languages esp. eng. There r tons of info about 學之園(learning habitat) in EK due to its sound reputation. u shd explore more if u feel interested.

作者: 濼晴    時間: 13-5-15 19:34     標題: 回覆:selialee 的帖子

LH for Sure

作者: selialee    時間: 13-5-15 22:34

濼晴 發表於 13-5-15 19:34
LH for Sure
May I ask your reason for this?

作者: selialee    時間: 13-5-15 22:38

BravenBright 發表於 13-5-15 19:18
First of all, u need to decide if u'd like to go for int'l or local schools. 學之園 is mainly for lo ...
First of all, thanks for sharing!

I'm still thinking if we should go for local stream or int'l school....honestly I'm the only one making the decision...my husband is not interested nor has the time to find out. He thinks Anfield is good enough and just stay there until he's done with primary school and send him to the US....

I just worry that my son may not learn adequate amount of chinese (both reading and writing) from Anfield...
Do you know if 學之園 has strong foundation for English?

作者: selialee    時間: 13-5-15 22:40

bettywong80 發表於 13-5-15 18:51
Anfield is international, Lh is not. Totally different schools.
My girl studied in Anfield 2 years p ...
Thanks for sharing!

May I ask why you didn't let your girl to stay at Anfield for nursery and K?

作者: BravenBright    時間: 13-5-15 23:40     標題: 回覆:selialee 的帖子

Do u hv the same thoughts as ur hubby's, planning to send ur kid to US? if so, dun choose LH. LH is strong at eng curriculum compared to many local kinda. however, it doesn't mean it is on the same level of int'l sch. i'm pretty sure that none of the local sch r able to train a student up to be like a  native eng speaker even though it's... maryknoll or st.paul coed except the kid has eng family background. i share ur feeling that anfield is deficient in chi. some else r chi oriented like esf or kingston (my sister's son is studying there). what kind of chi do u wanna ur kid to hv? i really hope u to know under the effect of DSE (the new exam replacing HKCEE ), the local sch r forced to teach students more & more unrealistic chi..somethg like chi linguistics,focusing on tricky thgs&testing candidates' exam skills only.  if u want him/her to be proficient at practical chi for communication, u shd stick to int'l sch but at the same time, get ur kid more exposure on chi. try to understand more about DSE chi syllabus. u'll know what i'm saying.

作者: selialee    時間: 13-5-16 01:17

BravenBright 發表於 13-5-15 23:40
Do u hv the same thoughts as ur hubby's, planning to send ur kid to US? if so, dun choose LH. LH is  ...
Yes. My husband and I are on the same page regarding sending him to the US because I came back from there...my family is still there...So now,,,to let my son going to Anfield (from TT currently) for nursery and Kinder is fine...the main concern I have is that whether Anfield would be gd enough to prepare him to go to local? Or if I should send him somewhere which has a gd placement to local DSS/private...

I thought that local school would give him more exposure to Chinese....I don't need him to be able to compose Chinese poem...do want him to at least read and write and know/be exposed to some famous chinese poem or history...He may not stay in HK till high school so I don't know how much the DSE would affect him??? I really don't like how they change the education now (like the mandatory national education)....so I once thought int'l schools are the only options. But there are DSS and private local school right?? don't they have more freedom on the curriculum??

sigh!!! Happy learning environment with more freedom VS. better foundation at Math and Chinese (if I can just simply categorize int'l VS. local)......It's really hard to decide...

I really think childhood should be full of fun and play and laughter....if I push him in some hardcore kinder like KV...then the life is totally different...

作者: supermom1    時間: 13-5-16 01:30

本帖最後由 supermom1 於 13-5-16 01:41 編輯

my neighbor's kid is studying at k2 of LH, and she has already been accepted by a few famous international school. As far as i learn, many of the non-chinese kids studying at LH will go to International school after finishing k2 too.  Therefore, the option for going to IS is still open.   
作者: minirat    時間: 13-5-16 15:46

selialee 發表於 13-5-15 17:57
I'm living in Hung Hom. I want to know if anyone know about these two kindergarten? and which one wo ...

Have you also got an offer from LH?  I heard that LH is pretty strong in language.  If you can provide a strong English environment at home, LH will be a better choice in terms of more exposure to Chinese learning.  Personally I think it is not difficult to switch to IS even if you are studying in a LS kindergarten.  Looking at LH's primary one allocations, there were indeed students who moved on to IS after LH.
作者: selialee    時間: 13-5-16 17:17

Do you guys have any idea where to send your kids after Anfield Kindergarten??
作者: elizatyy    時間: 13-5-16 19:32

There is an Anfield primary school in Shatin.
作者: BravenBright    時間: 13-5-16 19:54     標題: 回覆:selialee 的帖子

anfield is definitely not sufficient for local. i know someone w/son who grad fr there & in primary sch. his result was quite frustrating. u hv to know prim sch mainly conduct interview in cantonese. in response to ur q re: dse effect, the hk edu sys is designed for the exam starting w/ prim sch. though u'll send ur kid out of hk, it'll affect u to a certain ext. if u choose local sch. lastly, pls note that LH is not a so-called happy sch. it has extremely intensive & hi-level academic prog w/ huge vol of homework. if u want to let ur kid play & keep relaxed at k stage, LH shd not b ur cup of tea!

作者: BravenBright    時間: 13-5-16 20:12     標題: 回覆:BravenBright 的帖子

one pt to add is: i agree some fd here that LH is a prominent sch providing excellent edu. it's known that some int'l sch r fond of LH students. u can switch there to learn more chi. however, at the end of the day, u need to decide again btw int'l & local for prim sch. if u r v. likely to go along int'l stream, what is the adv of switching to LH at kinder stage & then move bk to int'l prim sch? do u thk ur kid is able to learn adequate amt of chi only thru the 3-yr LH edu?  it sounds quite... unreasonable. no right or wrong! but u hv to  think twice what u want! gd luck!

作者: 6321    時間: 13-5-16 20:17

hi bravenbright.

is LH cantonese/english class as competitive as pth/ eng class in terms of p1 interview result. i am wondering if the good p1 results are mainly contributed by intl class.

作者: BravenBright    時間: 13-5-16 22:14

Not really.  Most of them are local schools.  You may refer to the following link for LH P1 allocation:


作者: bettywong80    時間: 13-5-16 22:48

本帖最後由 bettywong80 於 13-5-16 23:05 編輯
selialee 發表於 13-5-15 22:40
Thanks for sharing!

May I ask why you didn't let your girl to stay at Anfield for nursery and K?

My girl studied in Anfield till she was 3.5 yo. She attended playgroup instead of nursery as I wanted to accompany her to class. She then went to sc which is more all rounded (comparable to lh, York, but v different from Anfield) . I will apply international and local p1. For Anfield, u can only target intl primary.

Anfield is a really good school though, but not my target because I prefer local primary.

作者: supermom1    時間: 13-5-16 23:01

BravenBright 發表於 13-5-16 22:14
Not really.  Most of them are local schools.  You may refer to the following link for LH P1 allocati ...
most of the kids going to international school will leave after finishing k2.   This link does not show those leaving after completing school after k2.
I myself know some kids from Victoria, SC, LH going to international school after finishing k2.

作者: selialee    時間: 13-5-16 23:14     標題: 引用:There+is+an+Anfield+primary+school+in+Sh

原帖由 elizatyy 於 13-05-16 發表
There is an Anfield primary school in Shatin.
Yes Anfield has a primary school in Tai Po....but quite new and I don't know how is its reputation...

作者: selialee    時間: 13-5-16 23:22     標題: 引用:anfield+is+definitely+not+sufficient+for

原帖由 BravenBright 於 13-05-16 發表
anfield is definitely not sufficient for local. i know someone w/son who grad fr there & in primary  ...
Thank you so much!! I value your input! You pointed out what I've been worried regarding the inadequate preparation from Anfield for the Cantonese interview at local primary... That's why I'm considering if we should plan to go somewhere else for kinder....
Definitely need to sit down with my hubby and make a decision...
By referring to happy school...I actually mean Anfield...it seems to be less hardcore than LH, KM and KV

作者: elizatyy    時間: 13-5-17 08:54

Not much comment on their primary school.

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