
標題: Will you enroll your child to ESF kindergarten?? [打印本頁]

作者: cpmummy    時間: 13-4-17 18:26     標題: Will you enroll your child to ESF kindergarten??

They are not bad, but not particular good, not bad cause they focus on learning through play, so for sure no homework, you child will be happy just play, play and play for 2 years, but if parent target for acadamic result, then this kindergarten will not be your choice, as they won't teach recognition of words, spelling, times table etc...

Under the new admission policy of ESF primary, these kindergartens have no more priority for interview. if we enrol our child into this kinderstandard for K1 2014, they will have no more priority while they apply Y1 in 2015. Does any partent still consider these kindergartens? May i share your view why?

作者: Ononma    時間: 13-4-17 18:48

但見到EK有人講CWS個間今年有billingual 班,如果是教繁体的話,就好有興趣入讀。

作者: luckyveronique    時間: 13-4-17 21:37

講真,如果2014年入讀,我自己就不選ESF kinder了,自問我兩公婆對中文十分重視,所以今年選了ESF算是一個猶豫了很久的決定。

作者: cpmummy    時間: 13-4-18 00:15     標題: 回覆:Ononma 的帖子

CWS 果間係邊到?sorry 我晤明。
唔講ESF的幼稚園,其實入了ESF的小學,他們唔係bilingual school,中文真係唔好有太大期望,中文實在太難,要多做加死背死記,不過我同意如果可在幼稚園開始接觸中文,一定好過year 1才開始。

作者: cpmummy    時間: 13-4-18 00:28     標題: 回覆:luckyveronique 的帖子

其實你係唔係都想讀ESF小學?定係想考直資?我記得我問過ESF kinder, 他們會教簡單的phonic。

作者: Ononma    時間: 13-4-18 00:31

吾好意思,打錯,係CWB 至啱。
作者: cpmummy    時間: 13-4-18 00:45     標題: 回覆:Will you enroll your child to ESF kindergarten??

我到而家都末諗到點解要簡這所幼稚園,沒有好吸引的條件令我山長水遠都要去讀!但我家附近又沒有一所真正的international kinder, 好怕果些local英文幼稚園,標磅課程深,兩歲幾就要畫線條交功課,和好怕行入班房見到貼在牆上的畫全部一式一樣的感覺!

作者: cpmummy    時間: 13-4-18 00:53     標題: 回覆:Ononma 的帖子

I see,我唔見website有講bilingual class,只係CWB有?還是其他的kinders都在計畫中呢?其實他們唔改制都幾難生存。

作者: Ononma    時間: 13-4-18 01:38

http://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum ... &extra=page%3D2

我係在另一個貼睇到,你try 吓上面條 link。我再睇反原來係Abacus, EK 有人話我知今年只得這間有bilingual, 其它遲啲有無就吾知啦。
作者: hb12699    時間: 13-4-18 10:39     標題: 回覆:Will you enroll your child to ESF kindergarten??

If you are target on esf primary school. You could choose esf kinder.

If you still struggling on international school or local stream , you need to think deeply which system is suitable for your child and family status.

Local stream also concern the english is no good
International school also concern the Chinese is no good
As a parents need to take balance

作者: luckyveronique    時間: 13-4-18 16:42

cpmummy 發表於 13-4-18 00:28
其實你係唔係都想讀ESF小學?定係想考直資?我記得我問過ESF kinder, 他們會教簡單的phonic。



但聽說今年都有ESF kinder小朋友考入基督堂幼稚園

作者: cpmummy    時間: 13-4-18 17:48

回復 Ononma 的帖子

我都知你講這間, 但真的晤知他們有bilingual class
作者: cpmummy    時間: 13-4-18 17:59

回復 hb12699 的帖子

of course we target for ESF, but we just not sure what will happen in next 2 years, number of applicants increasing very year, ESF might change their criteria for selecting of students under the new admission policy, no body knows,it make me worry much that if we fail to enter to ESF, we are not able to afford other IS, so we struggled which kinder should we choose.
作者: cpmummy    時間: 13-4-18 18:08

回復 luckyveronique 的帖子

係阿!真係好難返轉頭架, CKY雖然活動教學,但聼朋友講他的女兒功課都晤小, 不過都讀的開心。
不過如果讀完ESF kinder (晤知讀完K1定K2才轉呢?),又轉去CCKG, 奇怪是否跟得上
你的小朋友在那間ESF kinder返學呢?我想報Tsing YI

作者: luckyveronique    時間: 13-4-18 21:26

回復 cpmummy 的帖子


作者: hb12699    時間: 13-4-18 22:01     標題: 回覆:cpmummy 的帖子

其實Cky or esf primary 也是很demanding 的學校,只是和傳統小學,背書默書測驗有別。esf primary school 將某些教材放了在他們的web .你可以參考一下。cky or esf primary 最大分別是language policy 。cky year one 用廣東話教。但esf 用英文教的。

Local school 考Dse
Esf 或cky 考ib or igcse 用non jupas 考HK university 或出國讀書


作者: pppwong    時間: 13-4-18 22:19     標題: 引用:回復+cpmummy+的帖子 我女兒在烏溪沙分校

原帖由 luckyveronique 於 13-04-18 發表
回復 cpmummy 的帖子

我女兒在烏溪沙分校,今年8月入學。至於CCKG,只有K2及K3,ESF考入的小朋友肯定是K1 ...
Do you think ESF primary would accept children from CCKG? I'm targeting thus kindie as well!!

作者: cpmummy    時間: 13-4-18 23:17     標題: 回覆:luckyveronique 的帖子

我以為有人讀完ESF k2才𨍭過去,所以才奇怪這樣的安排,如果讀完k1就轉過,睇怕一開始ESF就不是他杯茶。

作者: cpmummy    時間: 13-4-18 23:23     標題: 回覆:pppwong 的帖子

I think so, if they don't change they just test your child English proficiency not which kinder do your child come from

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