
標題: 六英基生IGCSE獲全球最高分 [打印本頁]

作者: elbar    時間: 13-3-14 13:34     標題: 六英基生IGCSE獲全球最高分


西 島 中 學 學 生 徐  豐 ( 左 ) 在 IGCSE 國 際 數 學 考 獲 全 球 最 高 分 , 更 破 格 跳 班 修 讀 IB 課 程 。 旁 為 西 島 中 學 校 長 霍 珍 。







作者: sschiu    時間: 13-3-14 18:54     標題: 回覆:六英基生IGCSE獲全球最高分


作者: Shrimpiggy    時間: 13-3-15 01:29     標題: 回覆:sschiu 的帖子

Anyone can tell those kids achievement besides academic? What the difference for sending them to Elite LS?

作者: steplovebb    時間: 13-3-15 14:07     標題: 回覆:Shrimpiggy 的帖子

All 6 students are Chinese (or have Chinese name)

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-3-15 14:15     標題: 引用:All+6+students+are+Chinese+(or+have+Chin

原帖由 steplovebb 於 13-03-15 發表
All 6 students are Chinese (or have Chinese name)
The majority of student in ESF are Local Chinese, who also tend to be better at getting good grades.

作者: Darth    時間: 13-3-15 14:28

Shrimpiggy 發表於 13-3-15 01:29
Anyone can tell those kids achievement besides academic? What the difference for sending them to Eli ...

Most (if not all) ESF students that can get good grades are local Chinese that have been with local schools before entering ESF. This is not only true for ESF, but other IS as well. I would be interested to know more the performance of 100% ESF/IS students.
作者: caa    時間: 13-3-15 14:41

Can anyone share what is the use of IGCSE? For entering six the form or direct for university?
作者: Mukchilee    時間: 13-3-15 18:52

作者: picture    時間: 13-3-15 22:38     標題: 引用:用地道填鴨法讀IB証明都係可行嘅.

原帖由 Mukchilee 於 13-03-15 發表
the students here are studying IGCSE not IB.

作者: clubmed    時間: 13-3-16 00:43     標題: 回覆:Shrimpiggy 的帖子

1) school made 填鴨
2) home made 填鴨

作者: clubmed    時間: 13-3-16 00:45     標題: 引用:Anyone+can+tell+those+kids+achievement+b

原帖由 Shrimpiggy 於 13-03-15 發表
Anyone can tell those kids achievement besides academic? What the difference for sending them to Eli ...
1) school made填鴨, 2) home made填鴨

作者: Choisumwong    時間: 13-3-16 13:30

作者: goodyma    時間: 13-3-18 11:40

回復 Choisumwong 的帖子


Why?  I don't quite understand.  Do you mind telling me more?  Thanks!

作者: Choisumwong    時間: 13-3-18 22:11

if you are very talented in maths, you are not suitable to study medicine because studying medicine does not need too much logic and thinking. It in fact needs a lot of understanding and memory. My experience is that my classmate very talented in maths ended up depression and change of faculty in only first year of medicine. I strongly believe that medicine is only suitable for all-rounded students. Extremely talented students in one area are likely frustrated in studying medicine.  Every year more than one medicine students will suffer from mental breakdown or even suicide !!

作者: goodyma    時間: 13-3-19 09:56

Choisumwong 發表於 13-3-18 22:11
if you are very talented in maths, you are not suitable to study medicine because studying medicine  ...

"Every year more than one medicine students will suffer from mental breakdown or even suicide !!"

Oh no!  The figure is terrible!  

作者: Shootastar    時間: 13-3-19 10:59

I know CU and HKU would admit the overseas students being transferred to their 2nd or 3rd years because of the vacancies occasioned by the class drop-out. While it is correct that each year one to two students in the pre-clinical stage dropping out the class, I have not heard that every year more than one medicine students suffering from mental breakdown or even committing suicide. Maybe there is one or two every several years but I really do not know.
作者: Mighty    時間: 13-3-19 11:43

本帖最後由 Mighty 於 13-3-19 06:44 編輯
Choisumwong 發表於 13-3-18 17:11
if you are very talented in maths, you are not suitable to study medicine because studying medicine  ...

我対你GE発言非常質疑、医科不等同MEDICINE架。 不要因為是網絡上GE発言、就語不驚人死不優。
作者: Shootastar    時間: 13-3-19 12:15

回復 Mighty 的帖子

"医科不等同 MEDICINE"

Can you share what the difference is; and why it is not equivalent?

作者: 田心    時間: 13-3-19 12:40     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+Mighty+於+13-3-19+06:44+編輯

原帖由 Mighty 於 13-03-19 發表
本帖最後由 Mighty 於 13-3-19 06:44 編輯
So, what is the correct name of the course? I believed it's under the medical school right?

作者: annie40    時間: 13-3-19 13:33

回復 Darth 的帖子

个人直接和间接认识以上四个学生, 全是ESF产品. 值得商确是Chinese as foreign language 的paper 太浅, 是否全港或全球的1st cohort , 没有很大的指标作用,

事实上其它IS 每年也有不少学生是top of HK or top of the world, 只是没有高度宣宣布而已!

作者: Darth    時間: 13-3-19 13:47

annie40 發表於 13-3-19 13:33
事实上其它IS 每年也有不少学生是top of HK or top of the world, 只是没有高度宣宣布而已!回


作者: annie40    時間: 13-3-19 13:48

真正是读书材料的IS孩子, 一般是文理科都掂, 因为凡事用心做, 数学只不过是较为出色的部分, 这等孩子喜欢甚么有自由, 值得尊重 ,不一定那科有点精就要死抱着那科不放的.

天大地大任我行, 今天的水平和知识能力不代表是永远的必然高班马!!!知道条路怎样走就好了!!
作者: annie40    時間: 13-3-19 13:55

回復 Shrimpiggy 的帖子

朋友话哥哥科科都很好, 运动又ok, 竞选school captain 的presentation 就差少少, 证明也是凡人矣, 不用永远追求完美的.
作者: annie40    時間: 13-3-19 13:59

回復 Darth 的帖子

今事今日教育界也要有点PR 头脑, 不然周时功又领不到, 死猫又经常食,很不公平, 学校和老师有头脑总要好的,
作者: annie40    時間: 13-3-19 14:02

每周末才做數約三小時, 比起LS学生的拼搏精神, 提鞋的资格也没有!!!!

作者: annie40    時間: 13-3-19 14:18

填鴨????? 或许应该由认识有关孩子的成长教育的亲朋好友来具体评价!

如果单是一句填鴨, 就抹杀孩子的个人努力, 和学习精神, 倒是非常武断呢!!!

填鴨下的教育, 结果是死鴨数量庞大, 要不要把我们的孩子当填鴨来养, 自己决定吧!!!
作者: Darth    時間: 13-3-19 14:20

annie40 發表於 13-3-19 13:59
回復 Darth 的帖子

今事今日教育界也要有点PR 头脑, 不然周时功又领不到, 死猫又经常食,很不公平, 学校和 ...


作者: annie40    時間: 13-3-19 14:28

回復 Darth 的帖子

Fair comment!  

However, ESF never takes the policy to choose the best or excellence.  So all brand 1-3 students are mixed up in the same classroom.  How is the similar conditions  happened in DGS, DBS and SPCC?  I'm always curious to see this scene, then to judge how easy and difficult it would be.  .  

作者: Darth    時間: 13-3-19 14:48

本帖最後由 Darth 於 13-3-19 14:52 編輯
annie40 發表於 13-3-19 14:28
回復 Darth 的帖子

Fair comment!  

每次成績出來,總有人話學校係 non-selective。其實,呢 d 學校,去到高中有幾多真係 p1 一路上,大家都心裡有數。由 g9 開始年年好多人走,插班的都要經過 admission test,係唔係真係 non- selective  就各有各講,各取所需。
我唔會同 LS 比,大家教學方式不同,路向不同。起碼人地唔會聖公會 (或天主教會,等)  整個教會的學校加埋一齊計。

作者: annie40    時間: 13-3-19 15:03

Here is a place for sharing.  Thank you.

Obversation and research would be always benefit for parents and kids.凡事平常心吧!  
作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-3-19 15:14

annie40 發表於 13-3-19 14:18
填鴨????? 或许应该由认识有关孩子的成长教育的亲朋好友来具体评价!

如果单是一句填鴨, 就抹杀孩子的个人 ...
作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-3-19 15:22

我覺得以上討論問題徵結在何謂 non-selective,這是關鍵。Darth 的觀察亦十分接近事實,但又不應全盤否定ESF及lS的平常生態,Expat come and go 是正常過正常!

以前有家長又話 home grown, 買人如出一轍,忽略定義及漠視背後真相,好難討論。

作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-3-19 15:30


如果已有美國大學 firm offer 在手,提早收爐啦,好難motivate去考好些,肯去考mock已經俾面學校了。

如果學生搏香港英國熱門學科,手上只有conditional offers, 點到你唔搏老命,42/45, 776,頂硬上。揸不同牌,成績會有好大出入!
作者: filicity    時間: 13-3-19 15:45

回復 Darth 的帖子

我認識兩男一女都係一開始 (from year one) 就讀ESF ,佢地考得好好,IB仲係45 分.
作者: Choisumwong    時間: 13-3-19 16:23

回復 Mighty 的帖子

The correct name for medicine is MBBS !我只是想提醒家長們考慮讀MBBS的得失!
My personal experience is that the chance of mental breakdown and suicide is much higher than normal.
It may be related to the stress of the course or over expectation from parents. I do not want talented students in Hong Kong all pushed to study medicine only.
The need to study hard is too harsh for Hong Kong students!!

作者: Mighty    時間: 13-3-19 16:45

作者: Choisumwong    時間: 13-3-19 19:59

回復 Mighty 的帖子

ESF 's academic result is satisfactory because the schools are non-selective, It means that students are selected if they speak English. Many ESF students are academically and intelligently below average. Teachers are satisfactory with their progress. Academically strong students will depend on their parents to give  input.Students in ESF are happy in paradise not until they can not find top university.

作者: Mighty    時間: 13-3-19 20:41

去5去到TOP U,只是一個結果、我反而覚得係過程裏面、全程落後的学生先惨、無自信、係班裏便5知做MAAK. 
作者: HKAUS    時間: 13-3-20 13:27

Choisumwong 發表於 13-3-18 22:11
if you are very talented in maths, you are not suitable to study medicine because studying medicine  ...
I agree with you only to some extent.
The IGCSE tutor of my friend's children told me that he has met many who is really talent mathematics. They mind and brain are really not ordinary! However, they are sometimes indulged in their world of mathematics that make them ignore their surrounding. In fact mathematics theory are the frontier of science that even the field of Physics and engineering uses their finding and theories a few hundred years later.

Of course these mathematics talents do not like to be bounded in practicing medicine that requires them a lot of  memories, patience, and more commitment, besides observation and analysis and much rules and regulations to follows.

On the other hands, medical students have to pay a lot of time and effort in studying, intense pressure to meet the requirement and expectation of the lecturer. This can be a main cause for the drop out after first year.

作者: HKAUS    時間: 13-3-20 13:31

Choisumwong 發表於 13-3-19 16:23
回復 Mighty 的帖子

The correct name for medicine is MBBS !我只是想提醒家長們考慮讀MBBS的得失!
"I do not want talented students in Hong Kong all pushed to study medicine only."
Yes! I totally agree with your statement. Just as talents in Physics go to the engineering for better job prospects.

作者: friendlyguy    時間: 13-3-20 13:39

回復 HKAUS 的帖子

Yes. Hong Kong needs more 科學怪人!
作者: ANChan59    時間: 13-3-20 20:03

HKAUS 發表於 13-3-20 13:31
"I do not want talented students in Hong Kong all pushed to study medicine only."
Yes! I totally agr ...
Engineering has a lot of Physics and Maths fundamentals, may be more focus on application instead of theory.
作者: HKAUS    時間: 13-3-20 21:24

friendlyguy 發表於 13-3-20 13:39
回復 HKAUS 的帖子

Yes. Hong Kong needs more 科學怪人!
. However, scientists should be respected. They use their time and talent to research and being a professor can only be their best reward.

作者: HKAUS    時間: 13-3-20 21:33

ANChan59 發表於 13-3-20 20:03
Engineering has a lot of Physics and Maths fundamentals, may be more focus on application instead of ...
Yes, they are the one to apply some of the theories in Physics, Higher level of engineering is close to some aspect of Physics as they also require to know more theories besides the application side.

作者: circle    時間: 13-4-2 14:55

回復 annie40 的帖子

請留意 private mail,唔該晒!

作者: HIHinsurance    時間: 13-6-6 06:20

elbar 發表於 13-3-14 13:34


1. 故事的男主角是人工打做的天才

2. 父母花的精神不少

3. 最近他考完AP

4.唉, 點止一星期三小時, 咪玩啦

5. 他的哥哥, IB 43分, 42+1

全部7分,TOK/EE 1分

6. 我見過佢爸爸幾次, 我地幾位都叫佢肥佬教授

7. 他爸爸就是怕個仔入不到醫學生, 因為沒有IGCSE, 所以捉個仔去考AP

把AP當作IGCSE, 因為以學校IB predicted grade, 去收生


作者: meimei223    時間: 13-6-6 12:03

Have you ask his father what he did to train up his son?
作者: clifflam    時間: 13-6-6 19:13

回復 goodyma 的帖子

作者: cpmummy    時間: 13-12-11 14:59

HIHinsurance 發表於 13-6-6 06:20

1. 故事的男主角是人工打做的天才


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