
標題: CDPA / Pario / Dr Poon [打印本頁]

作者: babieblue    時間: 13-1-15 15:49     標題: CDPA / Pario / Dr Poon

本帖最後由 babieblue 於 18-6-12 10:02 編輯


作者: wnimby    時間: 13-1-15 17:14



作者: Catonmama    時間: 13-1-15 17:47

回復 babieblue 的帖子

CPDA有好多間, 我上過北角就覺得唔係咁好, 地方細, 但係又8個小朋友一班, 父母又一齊可以入去上, 超逼, 老師一dd啦...有d都好似唔係好control到d小朋友, admin都混亂, 我個仔上完最後一堂老師都唔知@_@............................
作者: babieblue    時間: 13-1-15 17:55     標題: 回覆:幼潛課程:CDPA vs 基督教Pario vs Dr Poon


作者: tuelovefei    時間: 13-1-15 18:05

幼潛真係麻麻..好鬼hea...join 左一期無join 了... cpda 一般可以接受...
dr. poon 未join 過所以no comment.
作者: alicekeith    時間: 13-1-15 18:25     標題: 回覆:幼潛課程:CDPA vs 基督教Pario vs Dr Poon

幼潛課程ok, 但好睇導師

作者: pp.kitchen    時間: 13-1-15 21:07     標題: 引用:幼潛課程ok,+但好睇導師 +

原帖由 alicekeith 於 13-01-15 發表
幼潛課程ok, 但好睇導師

作者: wanbaby11    時間: 13-1-15 21:35     標題: 回覆:幼潛課程:CDPA vs 基督教Pario vs Dr Poon

我join過north pt CPDA(6-12 months兩期)& CWB幼潛(12-18 months)!幼潛太淺,12-18months的野在CPDA已學了!CPDA則要看老師,之前因為好老師走了,所以不join

作者: humansky    時間: 13-1-15 23:12     標題: 回覆:幼潛課程:CDPA vs 基督教Pario vs Dr Poon

我個仔返緊第3期幼潛,返尖沙咀centre,so far,亞仔都開心,我志在有俾佢見多d人!

作者: mrs.frog    時間: 13-1-15 23:24     標題: 回覆:幼潛課程:CDPA vs 基督教Pario vs Dr Poon

我仔上過兩期CPDA同Dr Poon, Dr Poon 表面hea但實際上教好多同小朋友相處之道。而CPDA就好睇你跟邊個老師、質素好參差

作者: janicew    時間: 13-1-16 08:07     標題: 回覆:幼潛課程:CDPA vs 基督教Pario vs Dr Poon


作者: ritachan2012    時間: 13-1-16 08:32

I joined dr poon n one trial at cpda. Dr poon is a good observer n he will advise ur kids/parents character n remind u the blind spots. True that the place is nothing fancy n those games are simple. However every lesson there are a few takeaways  n I still remember after 6 months. Eg 玩煮飯仔,he said this is an impt for girls n boys as role play n a good way to screen 自閉徵兆。 n my gal was a bit slow in walking n so during his class we trained her more but dr poon said my gal felt the pressure since she cries when we compared her with other kids n asked us to take it easy. Another boy is well built n tall n dr poon reminded his parents that if in kg when he play with other kids, he may hurt others carelessly n other parents may complain... I think as first time parents it is worth a try n the atmosphere is relaxing every parent ask q n advice.
作者: ritachan2012    時間: 13-1-16 08:40

For CDpa, I don't like the small classroom (150-200 sq feet?) n the tight program within 1 hr: toy time, snacks, gross motor, art work etc...Very packed n they have to move tables , chairs n other teaching aids all the time due to  space. The teacher at my session was so so with some 懶音 and the assistant is a pure "worker". Anyway I had one session n other can give more comments. 申報: I am not doing anyone now as too busy for interview preparation.
作者: novelle    時間: 13-1-16 09:31

alicekeith 發表於 13-1-15 18:25
幼潛課程ok, 但好睇導師


作者: fasic88    時間: 13-1-16 09:48

I took all 3 consecutive courses of 幼潜 and appreciate the content of the course, the attitutes, observation and comments from tutors.  I also joined 幼儿乐园  which is for age 2-3.  

I tried 2 lessons from CPDA North Point and did not like their tight schedule, move between rooms and especially snack time has nothing to learn but kill time.  Snack time together is meaningful only after age 2.

Did not try Dr Poon.  Above just my personal experience and hope it helps.

作者: babieblue    時間: 13-1-16 10:52     標題: 引用:I+joined+dr+poon+n+one+trial+at+cpda.+Dr

原帖由 ritachan2012 於 13-01-16 發表
I joined dr poon n one trial at cpda. Dr poon is a good observer n he will advise ur kids/parents ch ...
似乎dr poon pg 最有用係dr poon 的observation and advice.... 但Dr poon Playgroup 而家搬左去新蒲崗,唔會再由dr Poon 親自教,唔知質素如何?

作者: ritachan2012    時間: 13-1-16 11:49

I think snack time is to train kids to wait before starting, raise hands if they want more n return those dishes afterwards. In some playgroups inside kg, kids will line up n wash hands. In cpda, only wet tissue is given.. N some dry animal biscuits...
作者: little_alice    時間: 13-1-18 12:34

我上緊pario, 係銅鑼灣, 可能個導師問題, 我覺得好boring. 相對之前返循道衛理, 我比較like循道衛理, 我仔仔都活躍d, 專心d同開心d.
所以上完呢期pario, 我會報番循道衛理.

作者: Catonmama    時間: 13-1-18 12:50

回復 little_alice 的帖子

請問循道衛理即係邊度呀? 係唔係即係北角衛理o個度呀?
作者: little_alice    時間: 13-1-18 14:17

佢得4個地方有得上, 你入左呢條LINK http://www.methodist-centre.com/fss/index.html, 係左邊選 "親子課程 Pre-shool playgroup", 跟住就有show係邊.
作者: Aprilbaby    時間: 13-1-23 00:14     標題: 回覆:幼潛課程:CDPA vs 基督教Pario vs Dr Poon

我仔1歲時上過尖沙咀幼潛,梁ee教。教得好好,好有得著,我地系新手,問到好多意見,点訓練小朋友。但後尾無返第2,3期,因為要報pn, 所以局住報心儀kinder既pg 。但老公成日都話之前幼潛好d,學既野有用d。

作者: bb2911    時間: 13-1-23 00:46     標題: 回覆:fasic88 的帖子

可以講下幼兒樂園好嗎?形式如何?囡囡兩歲有上其他pg. 不過冇上過幼谮

作者: babieblue    時間: 13-1-24 15:25     標題: 引用:我仔1歲時上過尖沙咀幼潛,梁ee教。教得好

原帖由 Aprilbaby 於 13-01-23 發表
我仔1歲時上過尖沙咀幼潛,梁ee教。教得好好,好有得著,我地系新手,問到好多意見,点訓練小朋友。但後尾 ...

作者: wvan    時間: 13-1-24 15:40

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作者: Chirley    時間: 13-1-24 15:40

Aprilbaby 發表於 13-1-23 00:14
我仔1歲時上過尖沙咀幼潛,梁ee教。教得好好,好有得著,我地系新手,問到好多意見,点訓練小朋友。但後尾 ...

我囝岩先12月中先係TST 上完堂呀, 都係俾梁EE教,

作者: fasic88    時間: 13-1-24 16:35

回復 bb2911 的帖子

幼儿乐园比较象pn 班,一小时,先玩玩具warm up,然后围圈坐凳唱歌(拿摇铃/鼓等),故事时间,手工时间(涂鸦或粘贴),洗手,跳舞做运动,吃茶点。比较适合2岁以上,我觉得几好,可以学坐定定。
作者: fanmama    時間: 13-1-25 15:07

樓上jm講得啱, 幼潛好睇邊個ee教, 大女上過梁ee同馬ee 都好好, 當然梁ee較有經驗, 第一堂巳經講到阿囡有咩問題....
今個學期細囡跟郭ee, so far 上左兩堂都ok, 其實我同老公都覺得幼潛有一套清晰的教學課程, 每堂都有目標地去訓練小朋友....
我無上過另外兩間, 無得比較, 但上過一些西人主導嘅gym group, 真係好hea lor
作者: littlefly    時間: 13-1-29 16:41

我個女都有上緊幼潛, 尖沙咀梁姨姨真係教得好好, 好有心機, 講到俾家長知點樣可以幫到小朋友, 但我地升左班, 轉左另一個姨姨, 我覺得唔太好, 感覺好似hea時間, 每堂都花幾分鐘同家長debriefing, 唔會好似梁姨姨咁細心逐個小朋友跟進, 又成日好似比較各班小朋友咁話「你地呢點點點, 之前o個班都唔係咁ge」, 聽到好煩
作者: babieblue    時間: 13-1-31 15:30     標題: 引用:我個女都有上緊幼潛,+尖沙咀梁姨姨真係教得

原帖由 littlefly 於 13-01-29 發表
我個女都有上緊幼潛, 尖沙咀梁姨姨真係教得好好, 好有心機, 講到俾家長知點樣可以幫到小朋友, 但我地升左班 ...
TST 梁ee係咪淨係教細B班架?

作者: VickyLam1182    時間: 13-1-31 17:44

Been trying CPDA English class at their new center in Wanchai, the teachers are very passionate and give very clear explanation, the center is new and nice - that's what I like
作者: littlefly    時間: 13-2-4 11:00

回復 babieblue 的帖子

i think so, should be under 1 yr old
作者: wailambb    時間: 13-2-27 12:49

我都有上過北角CPDA..我覺得佢地課程內容都OK...雖然有D RUSH..
老師就真係好睇運氣, 我跟過KIWI老師佢好好...而FANNY老師都唔錯,都好有愛心.....^^

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