
標題: Anybody rec'd ESF 2013/14 KI letter? [打印本頁]

作者: LEELEE123456    時間: 12-11-28 17:23     標題: Anybody rec'd ESF 2013/14 KI letter?

My child apply for ESF 2013/14 K1, anybody rec'd the interview letter?

作者: Mom2One    時間: 12-11-28 19:24

Depends on which kindie. I heard (unconfirmed) that ESF WKS has sent their first batch of letters out to those with priority. But ESF Hillside definitely has not sent them yet. Hillside principal told me they were sending their letters out early to mid-Dec.
作者: LEELEE123456    時間: 12-11-29 10:47

Dear Mom2One
Thank you very much
作者: luckyveronique    時間: 12-12-3 19:53

I applied ESF WKS kinder for 2013/14, and do not receive any letter yet, so that means I must be the none-privileged one, am I right?
作者: ckfcyf    時間: 12-12-3 23:47

Received a call from kindergarten today my son will have an interview on Dec 17 at the WKS campus.
作者: swing829    時間: 12-12-4 09:39     標題: 引用:Received+a+call+from+kindergarten+today+

原帖由 ckfcyf 於 12-12-03 發表
Received a call from kindergarten today my son will have an interview on Dec 17 at the WKS campus.
may i know your son is cat. 1 or 2 ? Thx!

作者: catnthecity    時間: 12-12-4 11:30     標題: 回覆:Anybody rec'd ESF 2013/14 KI letter

I have got the play visit invitation letter today!

作者: steplovebb    時間: 12-12-4 14:27     標題: 回覆:catnthecity 的帖子

Why ESF sent letter to some parents but gave phone call to others
Any different between invitation letter and phone call?

作者: brian1118    時間: 12-12-4 14:30     標題: 回覆:catnthecity 的帖子

Hi may I know which campus ??

作者: HelloKittyBB    時間: 12-12-4 14:40     標題: 回覆:catnthecity 的帖子

May I know which campus you applied for?

作者: Littlexbb    時間: 12-12-4 15:14

I applied for ESF WKS and have got a letter to invite my kids for school visit. Does that mean we didn't get the interview?
作者: rakui    時間: 12-12-4 17:12

I got the letter too, it's very confusing. We are invited to attend a play visit in late January, sounds like it's an interview, but they said no places can be offered for now. Really have no idea how they process the applications.
作者: adios    時間: 12-12-4 17:15

I apply for TY campus, but not yet rec'd any letter from ESF:;pppp:
作者: HelloKittyBB    時間: 12-12-4 17:45     標題: 回覆:rakui 的帖子

Which campus you have applies?

作者: luckyveronique    時間: 12-12-4 19:47

no phone & no letter so far from ESF WKS! Very down... really very low chance for cat II
作者: catnthecity    時間: 12-12-4 22:21     標題: 回覆:Anybody rec'd ESF 2013/14 KI letter

For me, no call from the school (wks) but play visit invitation by regular mail.

作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 12-12-4 22:45     標題: 回覆:adios 的帖子

I applied TY campus too, no feedbacj yet, my gal is cat 2!

作者: catnthecity    時間: 12-12-4 22:59     標題: 回覆:Anybody rec'd ESF 2013/14 KI letter

My child invitation didn't mentioned anything like "no place offer at the moment or waiting list" or related wordings. Are they sending out different type(s) of invitation out?

作者: HelloKittyBB    時間: 12-12-5 09:22     標題: 回覆:Anybody rec'd ESF 2013/14 KI letter?

Heard that Hillside already sent out their invitation letter, anyone applying Hillside got the letter already?

作者: adios    時間: 12-12-5 09:28

回復 菠蘿媽媽 的帖子

I got the letter from ESF yesterday.

Unfortunately, due to the large no. of applications we have received, we are not in a position to offer your child a place at this time.
Your child's application is still placed on the waiting list, within the appropriate category and according to the random no. generated by computer. We will be in contact if we are able to offer any opportunity for you to come in for a play visit with your child upon review of our admissions status.

作者: 小中子    時間: 12-12-5 09:43

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: luckyveronique    時間: 12-12-5 10:01

回復 adios 的帖子

意思即係,無的in就入左waiting list?我仲更慘!連封letter都冇,申請第一日已提交application form,等左甘耐啦
作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 12-12-5 13:03     標題: 回覆:adios 的帖子

Too bad… try again in next year then!

作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 12-12-5 20:39     標題: 回覆:Anybody rec'd ESF 2013/14 KI letter

Just received TY campus letter,  play visit on 25 Jan!

作者: ckfcyf    時間: 12-12-5 20:40

swing829 發表於 12-12-4 09:39
may i know your son is cat. 1 or 2 ? Thx!
Cat 2 but her sister studied there before so I assume he has a priority on sibling.
作者: swing829    時間: 12-12-5 22:51     標題: 引用:Quote:swing829+發表於+12-12-4+09:39+may+

原帖由 ckfcyf 於 12-12-05 發表
Cat 2 but her sister studied there before so I assume he has a priority on sibling.
thank you for your reply . i got the letter today . and that's waiting list…btw congratulations!!

作者: ckfcyf    時間: 12-12-5 23:48

swing829 發表於 12-12-5 22:51
thank you for your reply . i got the letter today . and that's waiting list…btw congratulations!! ...
Can't imagine this is the case today as no one wants to go to esf wks few yrs ago when it was new.... I think whoever went for an interview would just be admitted.  Keep it up and hope you will find a space soon.

作者: Mom2One    時間: 12-12-6 11:39

I think ESF kindies model their intake after ESF primaries, in which case they will send out 3 types of letters:
1) letters offering an interview time slot for a confirmed space (they don't say this but may state on letter a specified date of acceptance if an offer is received )
2) letters offering an interview date but for a non-guaranteed place (if you child passes, you go on an entry list and the moment a space opens up(someone from the 1)  group fails an interview or does not take up the offer). This is a genuine waitlist place and very likely your child will get a spot for the coming school year
3) no interview but just waitlist for an interview (this can be considered a "rejection" as it is unlikely that they will go back to the pool for interviews for this school year.)
作者: Mom2One    時間: 12-12-6 11:41

Btw, for those posters asking earlier, "play visit" IS the interview.
作者: rollingcat    時間: 12-12-6 12:44

HelloKittyBB 發表於 12-12-5 09:22
Heard that Hillside already sent out their invitation letter, anyone applying Hillside got the lette ...
I got the letter this Monday and the play visit held on next Thu!!!
作者: do123alex    時間: 12-12-6 13:00     標題: 回覆:rollingcat 的帖子

Are you Cat 1 or Cat 2? Or with sibling priority?

作者: heloooB    時間: 12-12-6 13:57

anyone else who applied for hillside also received letter?
作者: HelloKittyBB    時間: 12-12-6 16:23     標題: 回覆:rollingcat 的帖子

U are applying Hillside? Is your child in Cat 1 and having any priority?

作者: Sunsunmama    時間: 12-12-6 16:31     標題: 引用:回復+菠蘿媽媽+的帖子 I+got+the+letter+f

原帖由 adios 於 12-12-05 發表
回復 菠蘿媽媽 的帖子

I got the letter from ESF yesterday.
Which campus did u apply to?

作者: catnthecity    時間: 12-12-6 21:51

My daugther and husband both hold a canadain passport and we attend their Saturday play group so we should be in Cat 1.
作者: chechaichai    時間: 12-12-7 09:18

I received an play visit invitation from Abacus on 18 Jan.  Infact, I received 2 letters from them.

They sent out another letter in November telling us that they will have a new Billingual Class - staffed by two qualified teachers, one of which has English first language and the other Mandarin first language. The Bilingual class will have an additional cost of $1000 per month.

Parents were asked to indicate their preference for class(Eng/Billingual) and the session (am/pm).

Do you know wether the new Billingual class is unique in Abacus?

作者: fellow    時間: 12-12-7 10:58     標題: 回覆:catnthecity 的帖子

We are cat 1 too. Applied hillside but no reply yet.

作者: heloooB    時間: 12-12-7 14:47

fellow 發表於 12-12-7 10:58
We are cat 1 too. Applied hillside but no reply yet.
I guess Hillside still haven't sent out any letters yet
作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 12-12-7 15:50     標題: 回覆:do123alex 的帖子

Actually, my daughter is candian possport holder, but CAN speak cantonese, i did report in the application form… so should be cat 2.  but now we got play visit letter!

作者: FattyDaddy    時間: 12-12-7 16:35

Cat 1 or 2 is not determined by the nationality of the child but by the language they speak, for example, children from China who don't speak Cantonese are Cat 1.

Although it is widely believed that having foreign citizenship does give a slight advantage, this remains a rumour only.
作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 12-12-7 20:09     標題: 引用:Cat+1+or+2+is+not+determined+by+the+nati

原帖由 FattyDaddy 於 12-12-07 發表
Cat 1 or 2 is not determined by the nationality of the child but by the language they speak, for exa ...
That means my gal is very lucky, coz we are Cat 2

作者: FattyDaddy    時間: 12-12-8 00:02

本帖最後由 FattyDaddy 於 12-12-8 00:06 編輯
菠蘿媽媽 發表於 12-12-7 20:09
That means my gal is very lucky, coz we are Cat 2

Yes you can say luck is on your side, because the school don't invite all applicants to play visits and those who are invited have a high chance of being admitted.

During the play visit you'll be asked to play with your daughter, if you could show them that your daughter could understand and respond to your spoken English and interact with you then they should be satisfied.

作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 12-12-8 14:52     標題: 引用:+本帖最後由+FattyDaddy+於+12-12-8+00:06+

原帖由 FattyDaddy 於 12-12-08 發表
本帖最後由 FattyDaddy 於 12-12-8 00:06 編輯
Thx FattyDaddy, maybe TYcampus take more Cat 2… will see!

作者: liulokyi    時間: 12-12-9 22:59     標題: 回覆:Anybody rec'd ESF 2013/14 KI letter

I've received a letter from wks and invite us a play visit in Jan.

作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 12-12-10 16:26

回復 liulokyi 的帖子

May I know you are Cat 1 or 2?
作者: heloooB    時間: 12-12-11 13:18

Received letter from Hillside, play visit in Jan
作者: toto66    時間: 12-12-11 13:47     標題: 回覆:heloooB 的帖子

Are you cat 1 or 2? Do you hv sibling priority?

作者: HelloKittyBB    時間: 12-12-11 14:43     標題: 回覆:heloooB 的帖子

May I know the content of your letter? Is it a invitation letter for a visit with a guarantee place?

Are u in cat 1? Anyways, congrats!!

作者: heloooB    時間: 12-12-11 15:16

toto66 發表於 12-12-11 13:47
Are you cat 1 or 2? Do you hv sibling priority?
Cat 2, but have priority!
作者: heloooB    時間: 12-12-11 15:21

HelloKittyBB 發表於 12-12-11 14:43
May I know the content of your letter? Is it a invitation letter for a visit with a guarantee place? ...
Thanks!It did not guarantee my child a place, it mentioned how many people applied and how many places they are offering this year.
Also they mentioned they'll start offering places to successful applicants in early Feb. Hope this helps!

作者: HelloKittyBB    時間: 12-12-11 15:51     標題: 回覆:heloooB 的帖子

Thanks for your info. You are having sibling priority?

作者: Mom2One    時間: 12-12-12 09:26

本帖最後由 Mom2One 於 12-12-12 09:29 編輯

For ESF Hillside, there are apparently 770 applicants applying for just under 180 places. All interviews for Hillside will take place in one day - Jan 18.  (This is a new practice, as in prior years, they used to stagger the play visits throughout January.)  So it should be more efficient from the school perspective.  

But because of this arrangement, the school is closed for the day so no students will be there, which is a pity as it means interviewing parents will not have a chance to see the current students interacting in open play.
作者: FattyDaddy    時間: 12-12-12 10:18

Mom2One 發表於 12-12-12 09:26
interviewing parents will not have a chance to see the current students interacting in open play ...
Previously they conducted the "play visits" on normal school days but after class, so there were no chance to see the current students either. The only way to see the school running under "normal conditions" is to go on a parent tour.

770 applicants for 180 places isn't as bad as it sounds, about one in four applicants will be successful. Many famous local kindergartens receive a few thousand applicants each year and the success rate is more like one in ten or even less.

作者: do123alex    時間: 12-12-12 10:26     標題: 引用:Quote:Mom2One+發表於+12-12-12+09:26+inte

原帖由 FattyDaddy 於 12-12-12 發表
Previously they conducted the "play visits" on normal school days but after class, so there were no  ...
The success rate for those without priority is much lower if we discount those with siblings priority, which I guess is not small in number.

作者: Mom2One    時間: 12-12-12 10:45

Really? Back when we went to Hillside for the play visit (2 years ago), we did the visit during school hours and we mingled with the regular students during the open play period. Maybe they changed the practice last year...
作者: FattyDaddy    時間: 12-12-12 11:04

Mom2One 發表於 12-12-12 10:45
Really? Back when we went to Hillside for the play visit (2 years ago), we did the visit during scho ...
You are probably right, may be they are changing the practice.

I guess their aim is to have as little impact on their regular classes as possible, so they shifted to after hours last year and to a day off this year, which makes sense too, one full day off is less disruptive than having hordes of new children and parents coming in and out over many days.

作者: rollingcat    時間: 12-12-12 18:48

Mom2One 發表於 12-12-12 09:26
For ESF Hillside, there are apparently 770 applicants applying for just under 180 places. All interv ...
Really???? I don't think so because my son will go to play visit tomorrow and the letter mentioned the result will release at early January!!!!!
But the letter didn't mention how much of applicants and how many seat they are offer!!!!

作者: heloooB    時間: 12-12-12 20:19

rollingcat 發表於 12-12-12 18:48
Really???? I don't think so because my son will go to play visit tomorrow and the letter mentioned t ...
Are you applying for Hillside? I think Mom2One is right here because I have the same information in my letter as what Mom2One said.Which cat are you in?

作者: heloooB    時間: 12-12-12 20:20

HelloKittyBB 發表於 12-12-11 15:51
Thanks for your info. You are having sibling priority?
No sibling priority, parent is former ESF student
作者: rollingcat    時間: 12-12-12 20:50

heloooB 發表於 12-12-12 20:19
Are you applying for Hillside? I think Mom2One is right here because I have the same information in  ...
Yes, I'm talking about Hillside
作者: rollingcat    時間: 12-12-12 20:57

But the letter mentioned the play visit for the families who has child studied before!!!
作者: heloooB    時間: 12-12-12 21:03

I guess we are in different categories? Or either we are in the same category but with different priorities?
I guess you have siblings priorities?
作者: Sikki    時間: 12-12-12 23:57

My elder daughter in Glenealy. My little son got the invitation for play visit in Hillside on 18 Jan 2013.
作者: Sunsunmama    時間: 12-12-13 18:31     標題: 回覆:Mom2One 的帖子

I wonder if Hillside will send rejection letters like the ESF primary will do?

作者: luckyveronique    時間: 12-12-17 16:07

Does anybody can help to check if all the play visit letter are in a same format:


Thank you for your recent application for a place at ESF International Kindergarten, Wu Kai Sha. I am pleased to inform you that your child has been chosen to attend the kindergarten for an informal play visit on 21st December, 2012 at 9.30am.

The purpose of the play visit is to provide us an opportunity to meet your child and to determine whether Wu Kai Sha is an appropriate educational setting for meeting his/her needs. Your child will be invited to take part in informal ‘play’ activities with a small group of children of the same age. The visit will be conducted by our experienced teaching staff and the whole process should take no longer than 30 minutes. We encourage the attendance of at least one parent.

We will contact you to let you know whether your child has secured a place. Should we have any questions about whether the kindergarten can meet your child’s needs we may ask you to return for a further visit and meet with the Principal.
作者: luckyveronique    時間: 12-12-17 16:09

Visits are being conducted throughout December 2012 and January 2013 and we will inform you of the outcome of the visit by letter or email before the end of January 2013. Contracts will be issued at this point. Please see the attached admissions process sheet for more information.

If you have not yet visited the kindergarten and would like to have a school tour in advance of the play visit, please indicate on the form overleaf and we will confirm by return. Please note these school tours are for parents only.
作者: AL1987    時間: 12-12-17 17:20

I called Hillside today and was told that we were not selected for play visit, they said other than those with priorities, like siblings, all others were selected by random drawing, does anybody know whether this is true or not?
作者: catnthecity    時間: 12-12-17 21:11     標題: 引用:Visits+are+being+conducted+throughout+De

原帖由 luckyveronique 於 12-12-17 發表
Visits are being conducted throughout December 2012 and January 2013 and we will inform you of the o ...
I got the same letter as yours

作者: Sunsunmama    時間: 12-12-19 02:20     標題: 引用:I+called+Hillside+today+and+was+told+tha

原帖由 AL1987 於 12-12-17 發表
I called Hillside today and was told that we were not selected for play visit, they said other than  ...
Did they say if they will send out reject letters?

作者: rollingcat    時間: 12-12-19 14:41

My boy went to play visit last week and got the email for offering the place already!!! I found out the kids attended play visit last week were the sibling of the same primary school!!!

Good luck everyone!!!
作者: Yippie    時間: 12-12-19 15:00

回復 luckyveronique 的帖子

Yes we got the same letter. Our son belongs to category 1.
作者: ckfcyf    時間: 13-1-9 21:26

Got an offer letter from WKS ESF yesterday.  good luck to the others!
作者: Mom2One    時間: 13-1-10 19:40

Rollingcat, you are applying to Wu Kai Sa? Not Hillside (the kindie on Stubbs Rd, HK island) right? Because I know for a fact that Hillside is doing all of their interviews on Jan 18 and so no one has received offers from there yet.
作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 13-1-11 10:25

I applied ESF Tsaing Yi, my "play visit" date is 25/Jan, I'm not sure whether someone got the offer TY campus yet?!
作者: rollingcat    時間: 13-1-24 15:28

Mom2One 發表於 13-1-10 19:40
Rollingcat, you are applying to Wu Kai Sa? Not Hillside (the kindie on Stubbs Rd, HK island) right?  ...
I'm talking about Hillside!!!! Not wks!!! But my kid with priority that why the play visit is earlier that standard date!!!
作者: Mom2One    時間: 13-1-24 20:52

回復 rollingcat 的帖子

My mistake, sorry. You had Hillside sibling priority (ie elder sibling currently at Hillside) so yes indeed, your interview was in Dec. the regular sibling priority (ie sibling in ESF primary) were interviewed together with everyone else on Jan 18.
作者: heloooB    時間: 13-1-29 13:24

Received offer letter from Hillside.
Good luck everyone!
作者: Shrimpiggy    時間: 13-1-29 13:31     標題: 回覆:heloooB 的帖子


作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 13-1-29 23:04     標題: 回覆:Anybody rec'd ESF 2013/14 KI letter


作者: shermancaicai    時間: 13-1-30 22:20

i got the offer for my daughter from Hillside today.
作者: LEELEE123456    時間: 13-2-16 20:58

Got an offer, thank God, Good luck everyone!
作者: catnthecity    時間: 13-2-17 17:31     標題: 回覆:Anybody rec'd ESF 2013/14 KI letter

We also received the letter but still need to wait for confirmation if is am or pm class.

作者: LittleChelsey    時間: 13-2-17 22:33     標題: 回覆:catnthecity 的帖子

Hi catnthecity, may I know when you received the letter? I went to the play visit at WKS on 18/1 but still haven't got the result yet

作者: Yumitsang    時間: 13-2-17 23:16     標題: 回覆:LittleChelsey 的帖子

I've got the letter yesterday. It said thank you for our attendance of play visit at wks, but we didn't go actually.

作者: catnthecity    時間: 13-2-18 07:03     標題: 回覆:LittleChelsey 的帖子

We got the letter on Saturday, but we attended the play visit back in December. I had called WKS school last week and they said that all letters should be out within this week. Good Luck to you.

作者: LittleChelsey    時間: 13-2-18 07:19     標題: 回覆:catnthecity 的帖子


作者: Yippie    時間: 13-2-18 16:51

We just received an offer letter today from WKS campus. We belong to Cat 1 (English speaking). I've just created a group on FB:


Look forward to meeting those parents whose kids are attending K1 this Aug!! =)

作者: catnthecity    時間: 13-2-18 18:43     標題: 回覆:Yippie 的帖子

Hi Yippie, just wanted to know how you can tell cat 1 or cat 2 from the letter? My letter just say that i am accepted and pending for the contract so i know if i am AM or PM class.

作者: Yippie    時間: 13-2-18 22:58

The letter doesn't tell you which cat. you belong to (it's more likely that you'd be able to identify which cat. your kid belongs based on ESF's definitions). I think you and I received the same letter as I still don't know whether my son will go to the am or pm class.
作者: luckyveronique    時間: 13-2-19 18:31

May I know if there is anyone joined the play visit but cannot successfully save the place so far?

I have joined the WKS play visit on 18th Jan(postponed by myself due to some personal reason), but still not get any letter yet.
作者: herberh    時間: 13-2-19 18:51

luckyveronique 發表於 13-2-19 18:31
May I know if there is anyone joined the play visit but cannot successfully save the place so far?

the same as you!
is there any one went to the play visit of WKS on 18th Jan. and got letter?

作者: luckyveronique    時間: 13-2-19 18:54

herberh 發表於 13-2-19 18:51
the same as you!
is there any one went to the play visit of WKS on 18th Jan. and got letter?

the admin just said they will send out all the results within this week
作者: herberh    時間: 13-2-19 19:06

回復 luckyveronique 的帖子

Thank you!
it means this week is the last chance to get an offer....

作者: luckyveronique    時間: 13-2-19 19:09

回復 herberh 的帖子

don't you have any other IS kinder offer as backup? Wish you good luck~
作者: herberh    時間: 13-2-19 19:19

回復 luckyveronique 的帖子

we hold an offer from boxhill.at the beginning, i think boxhill may be more academic, as they offer english, mandarin and cantonese.
but i have to say the chance to go to esf primary is much higher in WKS.

作者: luckyveronique    時間: 13-2-19 21:19

回復 herberh 的帖子

same here, we hold boxhill PM offer, and it is true that boxhill is more academic than esf kinder. I think boxhill will be more competitive from next academic year, given esf kinders will have no more inteview priority

I am still wondering between this two if I could get the offer from esf wks.

作者: luckyveronique    時間: 13-2-20 10:56

本帖最後由 luckyveronique 於 13-2-20 18:43 編輯

got the offer finally from wks

But does anyone know when the contract will be sent out? As our family timeline is just ok with AM class
作者: steplovebb    時間: 13-2-20 12:48     標題: 回覆:luckyveronique 的帖子

Do write to school about your request before they send out the letter
I think most of the parents prefer AM class. The chance of swapping is quite low

作者: gorbb    時間: 13-2-20 16:05

Really disappointed.

Just received a letter from WKS which stating that although my girl was succeeded in the play visit but she is only being put in the “active waiting list” due to the enrolment capacity had already been reached. It’s really suprised me as there’s no indication that we were on waitlist in the invitation letter to the play visit. Does anyone receive the same letter like ours? We are on Cat 2. Any parent can share whether the chance of being admitted is high or low?


作者: LittleChelsey    時間: 13-2-20 17:20     標題: 回覆:gorbb 的帖子

I also got the 'active waiting list' letter, really disappointed too

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