
標題: Anfield playgroup [打印本頁]

作者: Skyfans    時間: 12-10-8 14:43     標題: Anfield playgroup

Existing playgroup 學生可以在20號親身遞表優先申請,請問9:15分開始,幾點開始有人排隊呢?有無人可以分享下?
作者: lalawowo    時間: 12-10-8 17:06     標題: 回覆:Anfield playgroup

請問你現在是上哪一班?誰是class teacher?我的小孩上過上兩個term的playgroup(今個term無參加), 正考慮報下一個term.但網上見到今期好多班都未滿,是否少人報了,不用排隊?

作者: himmamme    時間: 12-10-8 17:31

anyone one want a school bag for playgroup? I also have a 2 tee (one long sleeve and one short sleeve(a bit old for the short one). Leave me a message if you want.
作者: Skyfans    時間: 12-10-8 17:54     標題: 回覆:Anfield playgroup


作者: lalawowo    時間: 12-10-8 19:29     標題: 回覆:Skyfans 的帖子


作者: Vianna33    時間: 12-10-9 00:56

I am planning to apply the coming term for my 19mths daughter.

Can any parents comment about their Playgroup?

My girl is attending at TT.

Thank you
作者: Babybaby2011    時間: 12-10-9 11:55     標題: 引用:I+am+planning+to+apply+the+coming+term+f

原帖由 Vianna33 於 12-10-09 發表
I am planning to apply the coming term for my 19mths daughter.

Can any parents comment about their  ...
Why do u plan to go to.Anfield instead of TT?

作者: Babymisaki    時間: 12-10-9 13:42

試過一個term anfield playgroup, 很有保留!
作者: Skyfans    時間: 12-10-9 15:24     標題: 回覆:Babymisaki 的帖子


作者: chwmama313    時間: 12-10-9 22:45

My boy is studying in the playgroup now. He's 18 months old. The program is:

15 min free play
15 min English circle time - talk about days in the week, weather and monthly theme (it was "about myself" last month and "animals" this month)
15 min free play
15 min PTH circle time
15 min outdoor play
15 min snack time
15 min art & craft
15 min circle time (story telling and singing/dancing)

Once a month they have "cooking time". It's not really cooking, but the kids get the chance to use knife to cut and spread. Also, each month there is field trip.

My boy has also been in TT since 7.5 mths old and we have just quitted.
作者: Skyfans    時間: 12-10-9 22:54     標題: 回覆:chwmama313 的帖子

你是否覺得Anfield playgroup 好過TT playgroup ?

作者: Vianna33    時間: 12-10-10 02:23

I applied Anfield pre-k. Also targeting their primary.

So is Anfield Playgroup worth a try or I should just wait for pre-k ??

作者: chwmama313    時間: 12-10-10 23:37

We are targeting at international school and this is the main reason why we stick with Anfield and quitted TT. If we join both Anfield and TT, by boy will have to go to playgroup on 4 consecutive days which is too much for him. If you are not targeting at int'l school, I think both schools are good, but let me give my opinions as well.

- Clean and very toddler friendly. Everywhere seems spotless and spacious. In the classroom, kids have room to walk around and play without much bumping into other kids. Chairs are of suitable height that kids can easier sit on by themselves (of course this is provided that they know how to sit on a chair themselves)
- Circle time. For most of the time, they sing songs and then also read a book. Sometimes there would be group activities like asking kids to match and stick a picture onto the wall or make a group artwork. Generally the songs are sung with music and they are very nice ones. Kids love dancing with the music. In my boy's class, they mostly play Barney songs which I really like as well!
- Activity centres. There are 15 min English and 15 min PTH activity sections each time. They are structured similarly just with different teachers leading them. During each section, there are 3 activity centres with one being art and craft. In other sections, kids get the chance to practice their motor skills by using spoons to scoop, putting straws, popsicle sticks etc. into boxes/bottles. Other activities they do can be matching puzzles, lego, colour/shape matching. I love these activity centres very much ad most of time the materials are DIY by the teachers. I also like the way they have each table for sensory, cognitive and creative (art and craft) activties.

Why I quitted TT? As mentioned, it's mainly because we target in'l. I was a real struggle for me to quit TT because my boy enjoys it a lot, esp the singing/dancing time. However, one thing that is not quite suitable for him is that the current toddler group starts from age 1. This means at the start of Sep, there were a bunch of small kids joining, while my boy was 18 months. This 6 month gap does make a difference and we could feel that the teaching curriculum went backward, i.e they became a lot easier. For the current month of Oct, the theme is "circle" and "colour orange" and yes, it's for the whole month. It seems their themes are quite random. Also, since my boy has been here for nearly a year, some of the activity centres got repeated and he started to lose interest in some of them and refused to play. In a way, it seems he is not learning much new things but in general, he's very happy there. This may be because he's very familiar with the environment and the songs they sing.
作者: chwmama313    時間: 12-10-11 00:05

- Classroom. Comparing with TT, I think Anfield is more suitable for older kids and I suppose that's why they don't have playgroup for below 1.5 yr old. Kids don't have to take off their shoes in the classroom. Classroom is also smaller and it's very easy to bump into each other.
- Circle time. They talk about the days of the week and the weather each time. Kids take turn each lesson to pick up the corresponding card and stick onto the wall. Songs are not as nice as those in TT (sometimes with no music played) but kids still enjoy. They have a theme each month so everything (songs, artwork and storytime) is related to this theme. They each have a handbook and the theme map/details are stuck in it at the start of each theme. In this sense, I think Anfield is more structured and it's very much like a kindergarten.
- Free play. Instead of the activity centres at TT, there is free play time at Anfield. You may think it's free paying with toys, but I think kids can also learn through play. Some of the toys are there in the room every time, but some are rotated. You will get to know what your kids are interested in/ good at and teacher also encourages you to stimulate your kids through play.  
- Morning prayer. When we arrive in the morning, all kids play in the playground (this include kinder kids). When the bell rings, they have to line up in front of their class teachers. The principal will then say a short speech and everyone with then pray. Next they go to their respective classrooms. So toddlers are also treated like kinder kids.
- Field trips. Last month we went to a playground in Kowloon Tong. Apart from free play, there were sections for group ball play, circle time and storytime. Next week we will go to Kadoorie farm which fits in well with this month's theme which is "animals".
- Cooking time. Each month they get to make their own snacks and this is led by the principal.

Anfield stresses more on discipline, e.g. at the start of the term, the principal literally came into our classroom and advised the caretakers to speak in English with the kids, switch off mobile phones, not to speak to each other but to encourage their own kids during class.

We have also applied for the pre-K program and targeted at their primary school at the moment.
作者: Vianna33    時間: 12-10-11 01:19

Do you know is it hard to enter ther pre-k?

I applied for the coming sep pre-k 6mths ago.  Is there a bigger chance as I applied earlier?
作者: lalawowo    時間: 12-10-11 08:49     標題: 引用:Anfield-+Classroom.+Comparing+with+TT,+I

原帖由 chwmama313 於 12-10-11 發表
- Classroom. Comparing with TT, I think Anfield is more suitable for older kids and I suppos ...
Seems the structure of the Anfield playgroup is different from the one that i joined in August this year. Maybe it is modified by the new principal. Btw, is teacher Sally your playgroup teacher?

作者: 24112006    時間: 12-10-11 12:31

回復 chwmama313 的帖子

Totally agree

作者: JYFC    時間: 12-10-11 12:53

回復 Babymisaki 的帖子

I think it depends on which teacher you have.
作者: AhKaAhKa    時間: 12-10-11 15:17

回復 chwmama313 的帖子

when did you apply Anfield pg? did u take long time to get their offer? my daughter is attending TT pg now and i want to change to Anfield when she is 18 months. pls advice, thanks!
作者: chwmama313    時間: 12-10-11 22:09

回復 Vianna33 的帖子

I'm not sure if it's difficult to get into Pre-K or not. After I submitted my application, I rang them up and asked about the chance of getting in. I was told that as long as they still accepted your application, it's not yet too over applied. They will confirm acceptance in the coming Dec/Jan.
作者: chwmama313    時間: 12-10-11 22:11

回復 lalawowo 的帖子

Yes, Miss Sally is my boy's teacher. She has only joined Anfield for a few months.
作者: chwmama313    時間: 12-10-11 22:14

回復 lalawowo 的帖子

Were you in Miss Sally's class in the Summer term as well? How was it different from what I have described? I quite like the Acting Principal now, but the original one is going to come back from the primary school in Nov. I haven't met her so don't know how she is like.
作者: chwmama313    時間: 12-10-11 22:30

回復 AhKaAhKa 的帖子

I think you can either ring them up and ask or keep checking their website to see when the application is ready for download. They will contact you soon after (a few days may be) they have received your application. It's first come first served.
作者: lalawowo    時間: 12-10-12 08:32     標題: 回覆:chwmama313 的帖子

Yes she joined in August this year. I joined the playgroup since early this year until Aug. At that time, there were 2 very good playgroup teachers,  but after the principal had left, they left as well. I know quite a lot of 'associated' teachers left as well. It's a pity.

作者: lalawowo    時間: 12-10-12 08:52     標題: 回覆:chwmama313 的帖子

Who is the original principal that you are referring to? For my understanding, the original principal had left Anfield.
In previous pg, we just had one field trip in each term, but seems you had 2; we did not have assembly with other kg students, we just pray in a small group after the pg teacher had rang the bell, etc.
I quite like Anfield pg and I am planning to enrol the next term pre-program (for 2yrs and 3 mths up), do you have any ideas who is the current pre-program teacher?

作者: AhKaAhKa    時間: 12-10-12 10:15

回復 chwmama313 的帖子

thanks chwmama313, actually i already applied their N class next year. now my daughter is 12.5 month, i may try their pg begining of next year when my daughter is 18 month.  
作者: chwmama313    時間: 12-10-12 22:30

lalawowo 發表於 12-10-12 08:52
Who is the original principal that you are referring to? For my understanding, the original principa ...
I was referring to Ms. Jarrett. It mentioned in the notice that she is now at Anfield School and will return to Kowloon Tong kindergarten campus in Nov12. That's why I thought she's the original principal. Is it not the case? As my boy is attending the morning class which starts at the same time as the kinder kids, they pray together in the playground. Was your kid in the next section from 11am to 1pm? There is actually another field trip in Nov so all together in autumn term there are 3 field trips. There are two playgroup classes in our early morning section. The teacher is Sanam. I'm not sure if that's a pre-program, but kids do look older.

作者: lalawowo    時間: 12-10-15 18:51     標題: 回覆:chwmama313 的帖子

Oh yes she is the original principal. I like their field trips and it's good to have more:)

作者: minirat    時間: 12-10-29 15:01

回復 chwmama313 的帖子

Hi, thanks for the detailed info!  Is your boy attending the playgroup at Whampoa or Kowloon Tong campus?
作者: chwmama313    時間: 12-10-29 15:58

Kowloon Tong
作者: minirat    時間: 12-10-29 19:45     標題: 引用:Kowloon+Tong

原帖由 chwmama313 於 12-10-29 發表
Kowloon Tong
I see.  Thks!

作者: himmamme    時間: 12-11-1 19:54

I have a school bag for free. leave me an msg if you like.
作者: aheihei    時間: 12-11-2 14:25     標題: 引用:We+are+targeting+at+international+school

原帖由 chwmama313 於 12-10-10 發表
We are targeting at international school and this is the main reason why we stick with Anfield and q ...
May I know which TT campus your son went to ? Who are the teachers taught your son in TT? Since I am planning to let my daughter go to TT pg. It's seams your son were happy in TT. Please advise me. Thank you.

作者: chwmama313    時間: 12-11-2 15:36

My boy was at Dorset campus, Wed and Fri classes. Morning class Eng teacher was Ms Katie and afternoon one was Ms Lynn. Both are very good teachers!
作者: DonaldTsang    時間: 12-11-7 22:54     標題: 引用:回復+chwmama313+的帖子 thanks+chwmama31

原帖由 AhKaAhKa 於 12-10-12 發表
回復 chwmama313 的帖子

thanks chwmama313, actually i already applied their N class next year. now m ...
Hi what do u mean N class? Is it a pg?

作者: DonaldTsang    時間: 12-11-7 22:56     標題: 引用:My+boy+was+at+Dorset+campus,+Wed+and+Fri

原帖由 chwmama313 於 12-11-02 發表
My boy was at Dorset campus, Wed and Fri classes. Morning class Eng teacher was Ms Katie and afterno ...
Sorry I might miss something from your thread. May I know again when u start to send you kid to join TT pg? How often do u attend? Twice a week? Thanks

作者: chwmama313    時間: 12-11-8 00:50

DonaldTsang 發表於 12-11-7 22:54
Hi what do u mean N class? Is it a pg?
N class means Nursery (2yr old) class. Only Whampoa campus has N class and Kowloon Tong campus only has Pre-K.
作者: chwmama313    時間: 12-11-8 00:52

DonaldTsang 發表於 12-11-7 22:56
Sorry I might miss something from your thread. May I know again when u start to send you kid to join ...
My boy joined TT since he's 7.5 months old. Started off with once a week, then when he reached a year old, he attended twice a week.
作者: DonaldTsang    時間: 12-11-8 13:34     標題: 引用:Quote:DonaldTsang+發表於+12-11-7+22:54+H

原帖由 chwmama313 於 12-11-08 發表
N class means Nursery (2yr old) class. Only Whampoa campus has N class and Kowloon Tong campus only  ...
Oh I see cuz I didn't check the whampoa campus. So are these classes different?

作者: Vianna33    時間: 12-11-8 23:51

My daughter will be attending Anfield pg for this coming jan. does anyone know where is the nearest parking lot or where to park?

Thank you ^^
作者: Babybaby2011    時間: 13-1-25 23:18     標題: 引用:My+daughter+will+be+attending+Anfield+pg

原帖由 Vianna33 於 12-11-08 發表
My daughter will be attending Anfield pg for this coming jan. does anyone know where is the nearest  ...
How's your daughter class?

作者: Vianna33    時間: 13-1-28 11:17

回復 Babybaby2011 的帖子

She is enjoyin the class. She loves her teacher ^^It would be better is less free play in class though

作者: minirat    時間: 13-1-28 11:28

Vianna33 發表於 13-1-28 11:17
回復 Babybaby2011 的帖子

She is enjoyin the class. She loves her teacher ^^It would be better is le ...

I agree there are too much free time.  We are attending the Sat playgroup class at Whampoa campus.

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