
標題: Share St Cat K1 Interview Experience at Last Year [打印本頁]

作者: FortuneBB    時間: 12-10-6 21:21     標題: Share St Cat K1 Interview Experience at Last Year

Recently I received some PM from BK mammies who asked me to share the St Cat K1 interview experience. I am willing to share it openly. Hope everybody can find a suitable kindergarten for your beloved kids.

There were two parts of K1 interview.

The first part was group interview.

The kids were play lego in the classroom. Around 5-6 kids in one group and sat at one retangular table, parents sat behinded the kids.
During the lego time, one teacher would hold a picture and sing a birthday song (but i did not know what they want the kids to do and response).

The second part was individual interview.

The teacher brought us to another room for individual interview.
There were 4-5 tables, each table had one teacher, the teacher asked my daughter few questions from their teaching aids.

(1) spot different from three pictures, and name the different one.

(2) Teacher took four things out (toothbrush, biscuit, comb and handkerchief).
The teacher asked her which tool was for brushing teeth, and requested her to name it right.
Which one can eat, and name it also.

(3) The teacher shown her a picture (A4 landscape size), there were many objects in the picture and it was very colourful.
The teacher asked her to find out the objects (totally 3, which were very small) and also requested her to name it clearly.

(4) The teacher took out a toy pot and cup. The teacher demonstrated how to pour out the water into the cup first.
Then asked my daughter to do again and served to the teacher.

Asked my daughter to point out the same card from another three cards.

Lastly, the teacher asked me one question only (I heard most of mammies were asked two) why I choose St Cat for my daughter?

作者: FortuneBB    時間: 12-10-6 21:26

  Sorry very urgly display above.
作者: dwkw333    時間: 12-10-6 21:29

Thanks for your sharing.
作者: sarubuta    時間: 12-10-6 22:02

the format of the post does not matter.   I think you have tried to make the post to display nicely.  
Thanks for sharing
it's good that parent shares experience here
作者: mathpets    時間: 12-10-6 22:35

Very helpful indeed!
作者: LSKLTK    時間: 12-10-6 23:00     標題: 回覆:mathpets 的帖子

本帖最後由 LSKLTK 於 18-1-27 17:31 編輯

作者: ciphert    時間: 12-10-6 23:11     標題: 回覆:LSKLTK 的帖子

The kids have to find out two identical parts out of the other 3 cards. I can tell you it's not easy for the kid to catch out and understand within few seconds, plus the cards are small...

作者: picture    時間: 12-10-7 22:27

回復 FortuneBB 的帖子

Thanks FortuneBB

The birthday song part is quite dumb I think  hahaha

The rest is actually quite difficult.

作者: dick923    時間: 12-10-8 12:13

thank you for your sharing
作者: 小冬姑    時間: 12-10-9 15:12

Thanks a lot for your sharing!!  The interview itself appears to be quite difficult for a 3 year old.....
作者: FortuneBB    時間: 12-10-9 16:53

作者: amkchoi    時間: 12-10-9 22:27     標題: 回覆:Share St Cat K1 Interview Experience at Last Year

May I ask if your daughter can answer all the questions? Just wonder if it is a must to answer the questions to get the offer

作者: Toffee888    時間: 12-10-9 22:57     標題: 回覆:Share St Cat K1 Interview Experience at Last Year

Thx sharing

作者: bearwhat    時間: 12-10-9 22:58

作者: patrique    時間: 12-10-9 23:22     標題: 回覆:FortuneBB 的帖子

Thanks so much!! Your information is definitely useful!!

BTW, how long is the interview?  Can it finish in an hour?   Thanks again!


本帖最後由 FortuneBB 於 12-10-9 23:57 編輯

Hi amkchoi and bearwhat,
My daughter could answer 90% questions correct.   During the interview.  The teacher said she did excellent with very fast response.  

But I would like to share that she was failure at the 1st part interview.  She cried crazily and loudly at the Lego time.  Everybody looked at her (she yelled uncontrollable).  She could not adopt individual interview immediately after the group interview.  The teacher allowed me to suspend the interview, but only 10 mins.  

So, please don't give-up during the interview although your kids are cry or showing uncooperative.  Conversely,this is your show time to let the teacher know how you  react to your kids when they are at the emotional moment.

作者: FortuneBB    時間: 12-10-9 23:46

Hi patrique,

Including queuing time, I stayed at st cat about 30 - 40 mins.
作者: Melobi    時間: 12-10-9 23:50     標題: 回覆:Share St Cat K1 Interview Experience at Last Year

thx for sharing ar, 2號 in 時我女先剛 25個月

作者: patrique    時間: 12-10-9 23:54     標題: 回覆:FortuneBB 的帖子


作者: amkchoi    時間: 12-10-10 09:53

FortuneBB 發表於 12-10-9 23:41
Hi amkchoi and bearwhat,
My daughter could answer 90% questions correct.   During the interview.  Th ...

Thanks FortuneBB !
作者: kobecherry    時間: 12-10-10 10:19

請問你st cat成個interview時間要幾耐? 因為我今次st cat 同 kv撞晒期..想睇下可唔可以趕2場.
作者: FortuneBB    時間: 12-10-10 10:50

整個interview時間都是30-40 mins.  因為我in 0830am,我剛好0830am抵校然後直入校園(好險,差d遲,遲左唔知俾唔俾入),故不用係學校門口排隊。
作者: mariahung    時間: 12-10-10 15:02

回復 amkchoi 的帖子

From my kids' exp., no need to answer all the questions correct.  Actually they are difficult for a 2+yr old and my kids answered 70% right only.  
But the following is important :
- to have eye contact with teacher, to express answers clearly,
- to be polite, like greet the teacher, say "bye-bye" and push in the chair after interview
- parent to remain calm as observer and not to try giving hints to child

For the "Lego" session, I guess the teacher want to spot kids who can quickly shift attention from toys to teacher when the teacher suddenly join in to sing a song and tell a story.  SC has group sessions in class everyday that kids had to shift from toys corner to reading corner to story corner, etc.

I was also asked : What will you do if your kid has conflict with other kids when playing slide? I guess it is to check whether the parent is too protective or not not.

Don't focus only on whether the answers are right or wrong, but more on attitude of kid and parent.  
Keep a "平常心" la!
Add oil and good luck to all who are interested in SC.

作者: himuimui    時間: 12-10-10 15:50

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作者: FortuneBB    時間: 12-10-24 01:06

唔好意思各位,容許我把自己上年面試內容分亨多一次(不致沉抵),因近期又收到一些私人訊息要求分亨內容,希望各位有興趣st cat的可再看看。
作者: ScarlettShannon    時間: 12-10-24 09:03     標題: 回覆:Share St Cat K1 Interview Experience at Last Year

My gal got an offer last year too, but she answered 60% correct only, but she was the only one willing to look at teacher and sang the BD song in session 1. I think they love to accept children with imagination and willing to cooperate rather than academic level.

作者: breadbb    時間: 12-10-24 09:55

thanks for sharing!
作者: bonnieleong    時間: 12-10-26 01:03     標題: 回覆:breadbb 的帖子

Thx guys for all info. I heard choosing english for the interview is better, right? Can I choose back to English?

作者: adelinemammy    時間: 12-10-26 15:29

回復 bonnieleong 的帖子

I think it all depends on which language your kid is more comfortable with. From my girl's current classmates' experience, most of their interviews were conducted in Cantonese.
作者: FortuneBB    時間: 12-10-26 15:35

作者: Heima10    時間: 12-10-26 19:21     標題: 回覆:FortuneBB 的帖子

Hi Fortune bb: I want yo ask for the first question spot the diff, what are the objects? Eg 3 cups and 1 pen; or spot diff types like 2 diff animals and 1 man; or all are hats but one with diff pattern . I want to see the level of difficulty, thks!!

作者: FortuneBB    時間: 12-10-26 20:24

Hi Heima10,
The teacher just shown 3 pictures (not four) to my daughter.  The different one was banana, but sorry that I forgot what were the other two.
In my memory, it was easy to recognize the different.  I can say most of the kids should know the answer.  However, not all the kids are willing to answer the question to strangers.
作者: Heima10    時間: 12-10-27 10:42     標題: 回覆:FortuneBB 的帖子

Thanks a lot FortuneBB! I guess the spot the diff game may have different level of difficulty for diff months of kids. My friend has a big boy but he need to spot the diff pattern one among the same object, I think this is very difficult one ah!!

作者: OooMyGod    時間: 12-10-27 23:36

FortuneBB 發表於 12-10-9 16:53
其實真係有難度,我囡面試時只有兩歲四個月,真的好靠運氣及當日小朋友狀態。 ...
我個女IN時只有1 yr 10 mths.....
作者: babadogcat    時間: 12-10-28 17:27

我小朋友今年K3了, 時間真快.
我都想話, 我個仔係面試唔係答野.
group interview - 係玩lego不過無心機, 仲舉手要去廁所
individual interview - 老師問佢又未必答, 仲問人你問完未, 要去飲茶之後老師比左樣類似解難玩具佢, 佢好快都無聽老師講, 自己整完比番老師.
最後, 無問點解選擇st cat, 比個貼紙打發左走啦.  果刻直頭想暈
但又好奇, 又收左.  所以唔一定要答晒, 好似我地騎呢都收左.
作者: yoyococo    時間: 12-10-28 18:04     標題: 引用:thx+for+sharing+ar,+2號+in+時我女先剛+25

原帖由 Melobi 於 12-10-09 發表
thx for sharing ar, 2號 in 時我女先剛 25個月

作者: FortuneBB    時間: 12-10-30 11:15

Hi Heima10,
Your friend’s question was similar to my daughter’s one.  My daughter was requested to spot the same pattern one with the other three pictures.  She answered wrongly but the teacher also praised her “good”.  I thought the teacher would observe the kids’ how initiative, no matter the answer was right or wrong.

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