
標題: $$$$ ESF Nomination Rights Scheme $$$$ [打印本頁]

作者: polyu4537    時間: 12-9-13 08:38     標題: $$$$ ESF Nomination Rights Scheme $$$$

ESF Nomination Rights SchemeThe ESF Nomination Right Scheme has been introduced to replace the Corporate Surety Scheme.
Children whose parents apply for Nomination Rights will gain the opportunity for priority placement in an ESF school*, provided that they meet the admissions requirements.
The scheme costs HK$500,000 for each child and it will be available for all year groups including Years 1 and 7.
At the time of application for Nomination Rights, parents have to put down a deposit of HK$50,000 but do not need to pay the balance until their child has been offered a place after the admissions interview. The HK$50,000 deposit will be wholly refunded if the child is unsuccessful at the interview. However, the nomination rights payment will be non-refundable if the parents decide to give up the place later on.
The scheme will be open to all but during the first month after it opens priority will be given to applicants from overseas and overseas passport holders currently residing in Hong Kong with conditional terms of stay.
The proceeds raised under the new scheme will be exclusively reserved for the funding of ESF’s school capital projects.
We hope that this will be seen by the business community as a step forward in making places available to the children of incoming and resident employees. Previously under the Corporate Surety Scheme we were not able to offer places in the first year of primary school. The new scheme will be made available for application at least a year in advance, and this gives companies and individuals greater assurance about children’s access to education.
The Nomination Rights Scheme will be open for application from 9:00 am on 3 October 2012 for students seeking admission to ESF schools in August 2013 and thereafter.
*The scheme is not applicable for entry to Learning Support Classes and Jockey Club Sarah Roe School (due to separate application process), Discovery College, Renaissance College and the four ESF International Kindergartens.

作者: WYmom    時間: 12-9-13 08:52

Seems that this plan is for reserving 150 seats every year for expatriates.  So now RC/DC's nomination cost will be $100K less than other ESF schools?

(綜合報道)(星島日報報道)繼開徵建校費後,英基學校協會再度為建校及維修校舍推出開源新措施,下月推出提名權計畫(Nomination Rights),家長若先為每名學生購買五十萬元的提名權,只要達到入學要求,即可獲優先分配學位,首年名額一百五十個,預計每年可集資七千五百萬元。有教育界人士認為,英基的新措施有助吸納外資企業員工的子女入讀。
  英基學校協會管理局司庫Robert Gazzi解釋,英基的財政策略目標是每十年籌得十億元,讓所有學校設施維持良好狀態,並在需要時進行重建;隨學校建築物樓齡漸高,期望提名權計畫能為英基每年帶來七千五百萬元收入,解決財政上的需要。
作者: Mighty    時間: 12-9-13 09:45


作者: CWMom    時間: 12-9-13 09:47

Except for big joint venture corporations, I wonder how many local middle-class families are actually going to purchase the Right given it is not refundable at all.
作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 10:21

If the expatriates families only stay in HK for one or two years, that extra $500,000 will be high expense for companies to pay for each expatriate's kid, especially when a family has more kids.
作者: Jackieson    時間: 12-9-13 10:55

"五十萬元對心儀國際學校的中產家長仍是負擔之內,相信影響不大" 開玩笑啦!!
作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 11:00

回復 Jackieson 的帖子

If a family has 2 or 3 kids will be a huge expense...
作者: I/LOVE/3T    時間: 12-9-13 11:31

上星期一早上八點幾經過RC門口,見到有十幾人排隊交 nomination right 申請表。
作者: Radiomama    時間: 12-9-13 11:45

回復 I/LOVE/3T 的帖子


作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 11:55

Radiomama 發表於 12-9-13 11:45
回復 I/LOVE/3T 的帖子

Wow, so many rich people.
作者: Shootastar    時間: 12-9-13 11:56

ESF is making money. That is why the Education Department refuses to increase the public money to them.
作者: polyu4537    時間: 12-9-13 11:59

個人建議 : 最好收 $1M, 看看有沒有人報,出得起$,一定有選擇!!!!

作者: Hedgies    時間: 12-9-13 12:12

回復 Mighty 的帖子

It depends on whether PRC passorts are considered to be overseas passports (which I think are)..
作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 12:18

Mighty 發表於 12-9-13 09:45
俾錢買優先interview 啫,個學生都要pass倒English interview 先收嘅。
作者: kfy    時間: 12-9-13 13:11

OKmom 發表於 12-9-13 12:18
俾錢買優先interview 啫,個學生都要pass倒English interview 先收嘅。
um... 不要小看小朋友。可以拿出 $50萬買提名權的家庭,難道沒有資源去學好英文嗎。

作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 13:22

kfy 發表於 12-9-13 13:11
um... 不要小看小朋友。可以拿出 $50萬買提名權的家庭,難道沒有資源去學好英文嗎。
我意思是新policy是要收$500,000去優先interview 而不能買學位,不必擔心學校胡亂收生。任何小朋友能pass interview ,學校如果有位也應該收,不應分那國藉。
作者: vivicui    時間: 12-9-13 13:41

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作者: Mighty    時間: 12-9-13 13:44

回復 Hedgies 的帖子

作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 14:08

本帖最後由 OKmom 於 12-9-13 14:12 編輯
vivicui 發表於 12-9-13 13:41

用$500,000 來買interview 機會,交咗$500,000之後先唔讀都無得攞番,所以係不能轉售。
作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 14:11

本帖最後由 OKmom 於 12-9-13 14:12 編輯

作者: cppc20    時間: 12-9-13 14:26

作者: polyu4537    時間: 12-9-13 14:55

相信對今年度的申請者影響不是太大,如報ESF, 1/9/12 就報,不會想太多,優先與否,如想優先,一早就RC or DC,其次有錢個班家長,ESF不是他杯茶!
作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 15:02

本帖最後由 OKmom 於 12-9-13 15:02 編輯

In the past few years, all international schools placements became more and more sought after
作者: cppc20    時間: 12-9-13 15:21

回復 polyu4537 的帖子

我就反而覺得本來有機會入ESF, 例如Cat 1 同Siblings,就有點頭痕.突然多了150 NRs.

作者: polyu4537    時間: 12-9-13 15:37

Cat 1 and Siblings Never Pay NR
Cat 2 and .........

作者: WYmom    時間: 12-9-13 16:01

This scheme is to replace the Corporate scheme, so it is used for reserving spaces by the overseas parents who are coming to work in HK...so it is not for Cat 2 but more for Cat 1.
作者: Annie123    時間: 12-9-13 16:11

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作者: cppc20    時間: 12-9-13 16:15

回復 polyu4537 的帖子

But I heard that even siblings are not a sure thing for a place in ESF now.  

作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 16:26

Annie123 發表於 12-9-13 16:11
即係,除了 rc/dc,全部 esf 都有這個新安排,似乎 esf  真係經濟上有點問題
I saw from other source that rc also has its own nomination scheme.
作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 16:28

本帖最後由 OKmom 於 12-9-13 16:30 編輯
WYmom 發表於 12-9-13 16:01
This scheme is to replace the Corporate scheme, so it is used for reserving spaces by the overseas p ...

If the new scheme affects Cat 1, in turns it will affect Cat 2 who wait behind Cat 1. ie. placements will be filled up by the higher priorities first, then Cat 2 has even slimmer chance.
作者: Annie123    時間: 12-9-13 16:29

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作者: Annie123    時間: 12-9-13 16:31

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作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 16:34

Annie123 發表於 12-9-13 16:29
我想說,是除了 rc/ dc 有這安排,現在 esf  也有
ic.  I believe subsidy from government is far from enough for ESF to cover the cost of the ongoing  maintenance of their campuses.
作者: Owens    時間: 12-9-13 16:41

回復 Annie123 的帖子

Agreed!Nothing to do with helping the overseas families, it's simply a market-driven approach.
Would love to see the statistic showing the number of overseas families subscribing the NR vs local families (again it would be difficult to tell as a lot of HK citizens holding foreign passports)
I personally have nothing against this gimmick / scheme as it is a free market.

作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 17:02

本帖最後由 OKmom 於 12-9-13 17:10 編輯
Owens 發表於 12-9-13 16:41
回復 Annie123 的帖子

Agreed!Nothing to do with helping the overseas families, it's simply a market- ...

A maximum of 150 nomination rights will be issued per year, it is open to all but during the 1st month priority will be given to overseas applicants or residents with foreign passport. All  NR applicants are processed in date received.
As the scheme is open to all, so its' obvious that the main purpose is to raise funding for capital projects.

作者: Annie123    時間: 12-9-13 17:09

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作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 17:22

Annie123 發表於 12-9-13 17:09
其實,esf 經濟一向都很緊,不單 esf 家長知,外面的人都知,只是有些人覺得不想提。
但話說回頭,的確多 ...
同意。NR gains interview priority, they still have to pass the interviews to be admitted. 所以不影響收生質素。
作者: lui    時間: 12-9-13 20:24

cppc20 發表於 12-9-13 14:26
Exactly!!!HKIS and CIS cost you 180K every year.

作者: lui    時間: 12-9-13 20:28

CIS changes their admission process this year. The application fee is now 2000 where you may not be granted for an interview. If you are granted, then another 2000 which is the assessment fee has to be paid. but still, that doesn;t mean you will be offered a place. Seems like more and more ppl s want to get in IS.'
作者: 21Ckid    時間: 12-9-13 21:19

回復 Radiomama 的帖子


作者: saikungmom    時間: 12-9-13 21:33     標題: 回覆:polyu4537 的帖子

Sibling is before nomination right

作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 21:42

saikungmom 發表於 12-9-13 21:33
Sibling is before nomination right
Yes. NR is only on the third priority, it is after teachers' children and sibling priority.
作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-13 21:50

In order to apply for NR, applicant has to pay $50,000 deposit for interview priority.  What if a child with NR has passed the interview but reject the offer, will that $50,000 deposit be forfeited?

Wow, if it is the case. This interview charge is very expensive then.
作者: Radiomama    時間: 12-9-13 21:59     標題: 回覆:21Ckid 的帖子

NR Quota of RC: 60

作者: cppc20    時間: 12-9-14 09:02     標題: 回覆:OKmom 的帖子

Tricky thing is that is priority for interview. What if all the NR kids pass the interview but the siblings are too many as well. What would ESF choose?

作者: WYmom    時間: 12-9-14 09:26

回復 cppc20 的帖子

They have set quota for NR applicants, 150 for all ESF primary and secondary schools... so it's around 10 per school only.  It should not affect siblings.
作者: OKmom    時間: 12-9-14 09:41

本帖最後由 OKmom 於 12-9-14 09:42 編輯
cppc20 發表於 12-9-14 09:02
Tricky thing is that is priority for interview. What if all the NR kids pass the interview but the s ...

No, it will not happen. They prioritize the school wait list with teacher's children first, sibling, then NR nominees and so on. Then they interview them in the order of this prioritised list, so you'll see it only affects those are originally at the bottom part of the list. BTW,  a maximum of 150 NR nominees in total  will be issued for any grades within 14 ESF schools, this figure (150) is not that significant in all ESF wait lists as a whole.
作者: bbdmami    時間: 12-9-14 09:47     標題: 回覆:Radiomama 的帖子

I read the details on web lately.... seems like RC has quietly taken away '60'..

作者: bbtigger    時間: 12-9-14 12:26

According to ESF's web page, the quota of 150 is for this year, since somebody has enrolled in ESF through the  corporate scheme.  Therefore, if the corporate scheme becomes history in next few years, I wonder ESF will still keep the quota of 150.

作者: epsonprinter    時間: 12-9-14 15:34     標題: 回覆:$$$$ ESF Nomination Rights Scheme $$$$

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作者: epsonprinter    時間: 12-9-14 15:35     標題: 回覆:$$$$ ESF Nomination Rights Scheme $$$$

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作者: 新人王    時間: 12-9-14 18:30     標題: 回覆:$$$$ ESF Nomination Rights Scheme $$$$

The NR is not fair even it's only buying an interview chance. After all it's the school's decision as to how many NR children to take, therefore if the school is short of money they may tend to take more children with money even they may not be up to the standard. For the school it could recruit more children with money while other more competitive children lose chances.

作者: fwc    時間: 12-9-14 21:16

如果正在就讀esf小學的小朋友將來升讀year 7需不需要面試? 是不是直升? 那麼提名費對他們有沒有影響?

作者: lui    時間: 12-9-14 21:52     標題: 引用:如果正在就讀esf小學的小朋友將來升讀year+

原帖由 fwc 於 12-09-14 發表
如果正在就讀esf小學的小朋友將來升讀year 7需不需要面試? 是不是直升? 那麼提名費對他們有沒有影響?
所有esf primary 是保證直升小學的。

作者: polyu4537    時間: 12-9-17 10:09

回復 21Ckid 的帖子

Nobody know !!!! overall have 60.

作者: bigbighei    時間: 12-9-17 18:42     標題: 引用:Quote:OKmom+發表於+12-9-13+12:18+俾錢買

原帖由 kfy 於 12-09-13 發表
um... 不要小看小朋友。可以拿出 $50萬買提名權的家庭,難道沒有資源去學好英文嗎。

作者: FennieMan    時間: 12-9-17 22:37     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+fwc+於+12-09-14+發表如果正

原帖由 lui 於 12-09-14 發表
所有esf primary 是保證直升小學的。
錯!一樣要interview, 唔保証直升,每年都有少數小朋友升唔返英基小學。

作者: lui    時間: 12-9-17 23:01     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+lui+於+12-09-14+發表所有esf

原帖由 FennieMan 於 12-09-17 發表
錯!一樣要interview, 唔保証直升,每年都有少數小朋友升唔返英基小學。

I mean go straight into secondary . Mistype 小學

作者: Glossimar    時間: 12-9-18 09:26     標題: 回覆:$$$$ ESF Nomination Rights Scheme $$$$

英基小學學生只需申請入讀year 7,不用面試,根據地址派往所屬地區中學。


圖片附件: myphoto.jpg (12-9-18 09:26, 57.05 KB) / 下載次數 9

作者: C_D_E    時間: 12-9-18 10:52

One basic question: so if a "NR" is admitted to ESF and fully pay the $500,000, that amount is not refundable at all? Meaning $500,000 extra of full course of education?

Anyone can answer? Thanks.
作者: FattyDaddy    時間: 12-9-18 10:58

C_D_E 發表於 12-9-18 10:52
One basic question: so if a "NR" is admitted to ESF and fully pay the $500,000, that amount is not r ...
It is neither refundable nor transferable, think of it as a one-off donation to the school.

作者: C_D_E    時間: 12-9-18 11:09

回復 FattyDaddy 的帖子

Thx for your reply. A "one-off donation" is a good descriptor for this then . . . . .

作者: Glossimar    時間: 12-9-18 17:46

回復 C_D_E 的帖子

At the time of application for Nomination Rights, parents have to put down a deposit of HK$50,000 but do not need to pay the balance until their child has been offered a place after the admissions interview. The HK$50,000 deposit will be wholly refunded if the child is unsuccessful at the interview. However, the nomination rights payment will be non-refundable if the parents decide to give up the place later on.

作者: C_D_E    時間: 12-9-19 15:21

回復 Glossimar 的帖子

Well . . . and the fact being that the fund is NOT refundable even you take the offer and complete the education. Pls correct me if I'm wrong.

作者: Glossimar    時間: 12-9-19 19:30     標題: 回覆:C_D_E 的帖子

Yes you are correct.

作者: eneresnat    時間: 12-9-24 11:38

May I ask if the nomination rights will affect the chance of kids in ESF kindy going to ESF primary?
作者: sschiu    時間: 12-9-24 14:05

本帖最後由 sschiu 於 12-9-24 14:36 編輯

回復 eneresnat 的帖子

The nomination rights applicants will come before ESF kindy children on the priority, but there are only 150 places for nominations rights.
作者: FennieMan    時間: 12-9-24 22:21

For sure, if the kids in ESF kindy is Cat. 2, the chance to get in to ESF primary is less than before.

eneresnat 發表於 12-9-24 11:38
May I ask if the nomination rights will affect the chance of kids in ESF kindy going to ESF primary?

作者: polyu4537    時間: 12-9-25 21:57

My friend sent the mail ask RC / DC, They said that NR have fully.
DC : 30

RC : 60

作者: bigbighei    時間: 12-9-25 22:31     標題: 引用:My+friend+sent+the+mail+ask+RC+/+DC,+The

原帖由 polyu4537 於 12-09-25 發表
My friend sent the mail ask RC / DC, They said that NR have fully.
DC : 30
嘩:RC year 1 est 128個位, 提名權佔佐60個,咁即係得返68個位,Cat 1同當中仲有啲有哥哥姐姐係度讀,咪其實Cat 2 仲會唔會有位呢?

作者: Radiomama    時間: 12-9-26 09:52     標題: 回覆:bigbighei 的帖子

There are 6 classes with 28ppl /class = 168 places in RC.

作者: lemon    時間: 12-9-27 01:19

回復 I/LOVE/3T 的帖子

但不是說不適用於Renaissance College 嗎?我很知道呢!

作者: sschiu    時間: 12-9-27 22:41     標題: 回覆:lemon 的帖子

Renaissance College has their own Nomination Rights Scheme. Check their website.

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