
標題: Anfield School (Primary Session) [打印本頁]

作者: chiclakids    時間: 12-9-11 10:46     標題: Anfield School (Primary Session)

Anyone know about this school??Heard it is a new school and planning to apply for my kid. Please comment. Thanks

作者: epsonprinter    時間: 12-9-13 14:06

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作者: caramom    時間: 12-9-13 22:34

epsonprinter 發表於 12-9-13 14:06
I want to know too!!  is this school on IB system?

No. Anfield is a British school (ie: British National Curriculum).
作者: ck07hk    時間: 12-9-14 17:07

my girl is studying in Anfield Primary Year 1, what u guys wanna know??
作者: butduck    時間: 12-9-14 17:34     標題: 回覆:Anfield School (Primary Session)

1) How much extra do u need to pay on top of the tuition fee?
2) How many children in year 1? and per class?
3) How is the discipline ?
4) Is it hard to get in for non-Anfield K students?
Sorry so many questions!

作者: ck07hk    時間: 12-9-14 18:53

1) all fees are stated in the web, other than field trip, no other payment.
2) Year 1, my class size is 16 students, there are 3 classes in Year 1, the class size almost the same
3) They emphasized on discipline, my girl even more independent now, the teacher created house point to encourage each student behave well in class.

Overall, I am very satisfied with the progress in school, and my girl loves to go to school and very happy, teachers are caring and I like the small class size.

anymore queries I am pleased to answer.
4) My girl comes from another kindergarten, not Anfield, I donno the next year situation as Anfield Primary will be more famous in future.
作者: butduck    時間: 12-9-15 01:01     標題: 回覆:Anfield School (Primary Session)

Thank you for all these info!
How about the campus size is it big enough and facilitated?  Any comment on this?

作者: ck07hk    時間: 12-9-15 06:49

1) the campus size is not as big as other IS, but is enough for the students since they are small class size.
2) My girl plays baseball, basketball, football and hula hoop at school, and school also using advanced technology for teaching.

My girl enjoy all sport games at school.  The teacher's qualifications also good there.

Hope it helps.
作者: butduck    時間: 12-9-15 19:46

回復 ck07hk 的帖子

Very helpful, thank you!

作者: hkparent    時間: 12-9-15 23:22

回復 ck07hk 的帖子

May I ask: what's your plan for secondary school after Anfield? If all others schools are on waiting list and probably you can't go back to local schools...
作者: ck07hk    時間: 12-9-16 16:15

i am still thinking.... haha
作者: 24112006    時間: 12-9-20 01:28

my daughter studied in Anfield Primary School Y1 last year, but now tranferred to Harrow Int'l already.  Anfield is a very good school, class size is small, teachers are very care to the students.  Good communication in between with teacher and parent.  Each week you will receive a newsletter by email so that you will know what your kids learn on the week.  As they do not have secondary, so that why I transferred my kid to Harrow.
作者: BBbuddy    時間: 12-9-24 14:47

All of your children studied at Anfield kindergarten then Anfield Primary?
作者: ck07hk    時間: 12-9-26 16:00

no, i am from local kindergarten at Kowloon Tong.
作者: adelinemammy    時間: 12-9-27 13:53

hi ck07hk,

thanks for your useful information.  I'm interested in placing my girl (who is now in K1 in a KG in Kowloon Tong) in Anfield too.

According to the school timetable, school starts at 7:45am, is it really that early?

Heard that two extra-curricular activities are compulsory...how much for these activities? Can you quote some examples?

作者: adelinemammy    時間: 12-9-27 13:57


Can u also share why u would like to change from local stream to int'l stream?

作者: 24112006    時間: 12-9-28 11:37

回復 adelinemammy 的帖子

一定要參加的系唔駛收費架...我印象中系art & craft, 同埋min olympic, 如要收費的佢一定通知你同比你決定參唔參加的.
作者: 24112006    時間: 12-9-28 11:38

回復 adelinemammy 的帖子

7:45系開校開門時間. 8:00就系打鐘排隊時間.
作者: adelinemammy    時間: 12-9-29 14:29

回復 24112006 的帖子

Thanks for your reply. I really like this school. But i sent an email asking them how many pupils will be admitted, they replied that about 50 for each year in total? Is it really that few?
When going for interview, what will be asked for the kid/parents?

作者: bb8608    時間: 12-10-1 01:09     標題: 回覆:ck07hk 的帖子

May I know that if the same teacher teach all subjects? I heard the main subjects are taught by the same teacher, only mandarin, PE n music are taught by the specialist teachers.

作者: ck07hk    時間: 12-10-1 12:20

無上黎一排... 多左咁多問題既... 哈哈!

1) 小學上課時間通常都比較早!
2) 學校安排左好多唔同類型既課外活動比小朋友友選擇, 星期一, 三係唔使錢既, 我自己想慳d, 所以無參加要錢既課外活動。
3) 係唔係班主任教哂全部課我就唔係好清楚, 不過體育, 普通話就一定唔係班主任教囉, 其實班主任既質素都好好, 點都好過本地幼稚園嗰d..我認為.. hehe!
4) 至於點解我會轉去國際... 係因為我個女非常慢熱... 我好驚一間私校都唔收..所以擺住個國際位先.. 我都會抽自行及政府大抽奬, 抽到心頭好或者會轉.. 要再諗... 就係咁.... 而且我幾不滿之前我個女讀嗰間幼稚園.... 太谷.. 老師又無愛心.... 咁囉...
作者: ck07hk    時間: 12-10-1 12:23

仲有佢地係天主教學校, 會有宗教課, 不過宗教氣氛唔算濃烈...只係早上念下經, 因為本人係天主教徒, 所以特別喜歡這校.. 還希望宗教氣氛可以更濃...haha!
作者: adelinemammy    時間: 12-10-2 14:14

回復 ck07hk 的帖子

Thanks ck07hk for your reply.  As i am also a Catholic n it is difficult to find an IS with Catholic background, so my target is also Anfield.
How was the interview conducted at your time and what questions were asked?

作者: ck07hk    時間: 12-10-2 16:58

其實都係我個女入左去同校長傾咋... 我見左5分鐘... 傾下點解選擇呢間學校.. 其實都無咩特別喎... 只係我個女in 左半個鐘...
作者: kenoism    時間: 12-10-3 13:03

回復 ck07hk 的帖子

Hi ck07hk,

Thank you for your information ar... very helpful!!!

I have PM you ar, if you don't mind, could you reply me via PM ar?  Thank you!!


作者: 24112006    時間: 12-10-5 17:43

回復 bb8608 的帖子

last year is "yes"
作者: 24112006    時間: 12-10-5 17:45

回復 ck07hk 的帖子

I am agree about it

作者: kenoism    時間: 12-10-9 19:13

本帖最後由 kenoism 於 12-10-18 08:58 編輯

school bus seems quite expensive... what about their uniforms? reasonable?

作者: kenoism    時間: 12-10-9 19:39

sorry one more question... what do the kids bring for lunch? cos the school doesn't provide lunch, right? do they bring sandwiches or proper rice/ spagetti to microwave etc....?

作者: 24112006    時間: 12-10-11 12:28

回復 kenoism 的帖子

隨你架咋...你鍾意比咩野款式既lunch佢地帶都得架...不過留意, 學校系唔會同你整熱佢地個飯的, 所以一定要諗諗.
作者: kenoism    時間: 12-10-11 15:18

本帖最後由 kenoism 於 12-10-16 09:23 編輯

回復 24112006 的帖子

Ok... thanks....  that i still need to consider tim....

We have decided to enroll my little one into Anfield la, will be joining after half term in October!!  Nice to meet you all here : )   

Are you guys full time mum or working mum?
作者: do-re-me    時間: 12-11-23 00:04     標題: 引用:my+girl+is+studying+in+Anfield+Primary+Y

原帖由 ck07hk 於 12-09-14 發表
my girl is studying in Anfield Primary Year 1, what u guys wanna know??
Does it offer Y4 this year? Thanks

作者: chwmama313    時間: 12-11-29 00:05

Anyone can comment on its Chinese level pls? Which textbooks (if any) does it use?
作者: Vianna33    時間: 12-12-30 00:06

What is the diff btw IB and British curriculum?
作者: oceanyau02    時間: 12-12-30 10:23

My daughter is K1 student in kowloon tong camp, she very happy in school。 also, school will provided more types activities to school and caregiver every month, not  extra money , this is so good。 i consider tongo primary school or not, because no secondary schoolm! but school teacher so good also!
作者: chiclakids    時間: 13-1-11 18:05

Hi ck07hk, is the chinese curriculum taught in simplified or traditional? thxx
作者: ck07hk    時間: 13-1-15 17:41


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