
標題: Harrow - Need some advice [打印本頁]

作者: bombombb    時間: 12-9-6 22:39     標題: Harrow - Need some advice

For some reasons, all my friends are talking about Harrow these days and there are both positive and negative. I want to
know more from the parent a here ;

1  For those kids who will start P1 at Harrow, what schools are they coming from?

2. Any idea what quality of students they are looking for ? English skills ? Academic results ? Sports ?

3. Did anyone decline  an offer, why?  

4 it is not an apple to apple comparison but if you have offers from ESF, SIS, KCIS, Harrow ? What would you pick (if financials is not a concern though we are only a middle class working couple)

Many thanks.

作者: Atticus    時間: 12-9-7 11:15     標題: 回覆:Harrow - Need some advice

Our 5-year old got an offer earlier this year but we didn't accept it due to the location of the school and hence the daily traveling time involved. We are not comfortable with letting a 5-year old spend 2 hours on the road each day. We considered moving the whole family to Tuen Mun but decided against it.

In terms of their admission standards, they do look for fluent (even close to native) English speaking candidates. They also observe the kids' personalities. A bubbly, outgoing and friendly character would definitely be a plus.

Our kid is fluent in English, Cantonese and Putonghua. He first went to Victoria's trilingual (English + Cantonese + Putonghua) and then bilingual (English + Putonghua) classes.

Harrow is very British. I have a strong preference for Harrow over other international schools because I went to school in England myself and intend to send my kids to school in England when they are older.

ESF, CIS, SIS, GSIS, HKIS, CDNIS, etc. are very established and very popular international schools in HK. They all have different strengths and one can't really comment on which one is better than the others. It all depends on what you believe is good for your kid(s).

作者: topkidsmom    時間: 12-9-16 12:44

本帖最後由 topkidsmom 於 12-9-19 22:22 編輯

enough is enough
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-9-16 22:34

回復 topkidsmom 的帖子

"All I can say in academic way is that there is no comparison with the facility and the qualifications of the teachers of Harrow"

To me, that's a pretty bold statement.  Did you actually compare the qualifications of Harrow's teachers with those of all other schools' in Hong Kong?  Any data that you could share with us?

作者: topkidsmom    時間: 12-9-17 21:03

本帖最後由 topkidsmom 於 12-9-19 22:23 編輯

enough is enough
作者: topkidsmom    時間: 12-9-17 21:14

本帖最後由 topkidsmom 於 12-9-19 22:23 編輯

enough is enough

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-9-17 21:31

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-9-17 21:34 編輯

回復 topkidsmom 的帖子

The way you answered my question says a lot about you and your opinion.  Anyway, thank you for clarifying for us the basis of your opinion.
作者: hkparent    時間: 12-9-17 22:36

I would concur with topkidsmom. The harrow website tells us a lot about their teachers' qualifications and background - if you have ever studied in the UK you will know about those top boarding schools from which the teachers have come from, and of course those universities where they graduated. The thing is - how many of us in HK can afford to study in Harrow ?:(

As mentioned by a parent above, it's not very meaningful to compare schools. But it would be helpful for parents like us to know more about the teachers of different IS in HK. Can anyone share? I can't locate similar information in the websites of HKIS, GSIS, CIS, ESF etc.
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-9-17 23:28

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-9-17 23:34 編輯

回復 hkparent 的帖子

Thank you for the information.  That's in fact what I was asking for in the first place - data based on which topkidsmom formed her opinion.  Once we know what the data are, people are then free to form their own opinion.  We may agree or disagree with each other, but I don't see the need to be defensive, let alone offensive.

Anyway, I am not aware of any such qualification details disclosed in the websites of other schools either.  But I note from Harrow's website that, amongst others, the Head of Harrow's Lower School comes from Quarry Bay School and the Deputy Head of Lower School and Pre-Prep Phase Leader is from Kennedy School.  There are also a number of teachers coming from other international schools in Hong Kong.  In the circumstances, I don't know if it's justified to come to a conclusion that "there is no comparison with the qualifications of the teachers of Harrow".  In fact, I wonder how one can make a comparision if we don't even know what the other IS's teachers' qualifications are.  

作者: Scotman    時間: 12-9-18 21:50

To be honest, I think everyone is entitle to air their opinion in this forum, and just an opinion. If bobbycheung wants to look for something from experts, he should find this our himself by doing the research himself. By commenting what topkidsmum stated here,it seems to me bobbycheung is a bit harsh. To be honest, this is un-gentleman like and should be condemmned by all of us here.
作者: hkparent    時間: 12-9-18 22:02

Bobbycheung only quoted that some Harrow teachers have come from ESF or other IS. What a pity that he/she did not know about Harrow London, Tonbridge, CLC, King Edward V, King's Canterbury ...

I hope there would be a time they lowered their "entry barrier" :p
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-9-18 23:20

回復 Scotman 的帖子

Obviously I was not looking for something from "experts" as the "experts" themselves couldn't tell me how they managed to make the comparsion without knowing the qualifications of the other IS teachers.  If what I said was a bit harsh, then what would you call the reply of topkidsmom?  Would you call it a polite response to my request for data?.  If you take the view that everyone is entitled to air her opinion in this forum without any justification or simply out of her own imagination, then I have nothing to say.
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-9-18 23:31

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-9-18 23:35 編輯

回復 hkparent 的帖子


May I know how you managed to find out about the qualifications of the other IS teachers in Hong Kong?  None of them graduated from Oxbridge or other top UK schools?  None of them ever taught in Harrow London, Tonbridge, CLC, King Edward V, King's Canterbury ......?   When you said you hoped there would be a time they lowered their "entry barrier", do you mean no other teachers in Hong Kong are good enough to teach in these schools?  If you take the view that only Harrow London, Tonbridge, CLC, King Edward V, King's Canterbury ...... are good enough, perhaps Harrow should start by sacking both its Head of Lower School and the Deputy Head of Lower School and Pre-Prep Phase Leader as neither of them came from these schools.   Making them part of the Senior Leadership Team is obviously a big mistake as they are nether from Oxbridge nor from Harrow London, Tonbridge, CLC, King Edward V, King's Canterbury .......   

作者: topkidsmom    時間: 12-9-18 23:43

本帖最後由 topkidsmom 於 12-9-19 22:24 編輯

enough is enough
作者: topkidsmom    時間: 12-9-18 23:44

本帖最後由 topkidsmom 於 12-9-19 22:25 編輯

enough is enough
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-9-18 23:54

回復 topkidsmom 的帖子

I have nothing against you nor Harrow School.  People who read through the entire post will notice I am not the one who started it all.  
作者: hkparent    時間: 12-9-19 08:14

Oh such a debate and misunderstanding. My meaning of "entry barrier" in my earlier post - $3 million capital note for early years entry :(

作者: nintendo    時間: 12-9-19 08:39

本帖最後由 nintendo 於 12-9-19 15:46 編輯
topkidsmom 發表於 12-9-17 21:14
That is just my personalopinion, to share with bombombb

, not you,:;pppp:
why should I include your point of view?

Ha ha.................... if you want a fullreport you should pay for someone to do it for you.

Remember there is no free lunch in this world.

呢位朋友,你都幾唔客氣,甚至可以用冇禮貌形容你呢個 message

作者: nintendo    時間: 12-9-19 08:45

Scotman 發表於 12-9-18 21:50
To be honest, I think everyone is entitle to air their opinion in this forum, and just an opinion. I bobbycheung wants to look for something from experts, he should find this our himself by doing the research himself. By commenting what topkidsmum stated here,it seems to me bobbycheung is a bit harsh. To be honest, this is un-gentleman like and should be condemmned by all of us here.

Bobbycheung 都係想問 topkidsmum 係憑乜野資料話 harrow 師資最好,你都可以話佢 harsh ?
重話要禁佢言 ?

咁你有冇睇 topkidsmum  個 message #6 ?

作者: nintendo    時間: 12-9-19 08:56

hkparent 發表於 12-9-19 08:14
Oh such a debate and misunderstanding. My meaning of "entry barrier" in my earlier post - $3 million  capital note for early years entry :(

我識有人,就係比了一大筆錢,將兩個仔女送入 harrow,佢地話佢地早申情,連面試都唔駛
或者就如網友話齋,harrow 有全香港最好的師資,學生一定得到全港最好的教育

作者: Scotman    時間: 12-9-19 11:15

yes, i had read topkidsmum the message # 6. but judging from the reply of bobbycheung message # 4, I could not blame her. After all, to say that one's statement is "bold" in this kind of forum invites criticism. Nevertheless, let's move on !!!
作者: Scotman    時間: 12-9-19 11:30

in replying to message #20, i did not say to "禁" his words ! if there are misunderstanding, i am willing to apologize . But this is a forum and all parents are entitle and encourage to share their opinions and feeling. If you don't like it , fine, it is up to you. But it is rude to challenge one's basis for his/her feeling, whatever it may be.

作者: HKTHK    時間: 12-9-19 11:49

Are the teacher's qualifications different from those of Bangkok and Beijing?
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-9-19 12:04

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-9-19 12:10 編輯

回復 Scotman 的帖子

In fact I deliberately chose to use the word "bold" as opposed to "pretentious" in order to avoid bad feeling.  How else would you describe a statement saying that "in academic way there is no comparison with the qualifications of the teachers of Harrow"?  I wouldn't call it "modest or humble", would you?   As she said Harrow's teachers are so much superior than all the other teachers in Hong Kong, I thought it's only natural that I should ask why she said so.  She could have replied saying it's her own opinion without in depth comparision as in her Message #5.  She could have even ignored my question altogether.  But I don't think I deserve Message #6 as a reply.  
(topkidmom. sorry, I don't want to bring you into this again but there is a few things that I need to clarify and I couldn't do so without reference to you)

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-9-19 12:08

回復 Scotman 的帖子

Asking one's basis for her opinion or feeling is not rude.  If I say XXX school sucks, would you ask why?  If I say XXX school is the worst school in Hong Kong, would you ask why?...............

作者: nintendo    時間: 12-9-19 12:35

Scotman 發表於 12-9-19 11:15
yes, i had read topkidsmum the message # 6. but judging from the reply of bobbycheung message # 4, I ...


其實,ek 個個家長性格不同,有 d 好有風度
有 d 就係唔係都打一大堆公仔,又 "秒咀" ,又恥笑人

不過,在 ek 耐,就會知網友品德性格,道不同不相為謀
我以前見到有網友資料不詳,都會問清楚 d
有時明知係人地  "主場",都係不出聲為妙

作者: hkparent    時間: 12-9-19 12:46

By the way, teachers' qualifications are not everything.  We will have to wait and see its results as its a new school.  It takes time for results to build up.  See the example of ISF - it's a good school and very suitable for HK students.  But the first year IB results do not seem impressive.  If it's good, it will show up in years to come.
作者: whitesky    時間: 12-9-19 13:12

My friend sent her son to Harrow this Sept. She  wanted to send her son to ESF but her son came from Victoria Kinder, Cat 2. He didn't even has a chance for interview and now his name was on wait list.

His mom told me not that she wanted to go to Harrow but the bottom line is he couldn't get into any IS. Her child's English is not as fluent as those you see in most IS. Her mom hopes to switch him to other IS if he has a chance to be interviewed in the future. So for now, he needs to stay at Harrow.

I have no comments about the teacher qualifications at Harrow. However I do think Topkidmom's reply was childish, rude and impolite. Bobbycheung didn't challenge you at all, instead he just asked you based on what data or information lead you to make your conclusion. It was very rational and relevant. Why would you get overacted, sensitive and said you didn't want to attract cyber bullying while your words did the opposite way? I'm so puzzle.

作者: hkparent    時間: 12-9-19 13:27

Why didn't your friend choose Victoria primary school instead?  It's much cheaper and runs the IB system.  It'll save a lot of money and won't need to switch schools.
作者: 24112006    時間: 12-9-20 01:21

大家都系討論下, 唔好咁激動. 我個囡入左佢地Y1, 基本上學校新, 所以行政上可以話系亂. 但系睇得到佢地改善得好快. 而佢地有個好處就系成日用email同家長溝通, 今個term會點會點, 功課又會點, 樣樣....有一樣野明顯既系阿囡既英文講得好左好多......雖然阿囡一路都系讀國際幼稚園...系屋企都系講英文....可能佢果班小朋友唔系多, 定系我錯覺....我覺得佢既英文系好左好多.
作者: jessicaso    時間: 12-9-20 17:55

to 24112006:  May I know if you have bought debentures from Harrow or if you have paid the non-refundable capital levy of HK$50,000?   I am told that their debenture first batch are sold out and have no idea when will issue the second batch...   I am thinking about enrolling my son to their Year 1 but I think I will have to ask if there are any 'vacancy'...   
作者: 24112006    時間: 12-9-21 13:25

I paid capital levy $50,000
作者: jessicaso    時間: 12-9-21 17:26

I see. That's a lot more 'affordable' for normal people  
作者: Scotman    時間: 12-9-22 12:40

In reply to Bobbycheung # 26, no. I wont ask you "why" . You must have your justification for saying so and I will respect your views and I will not ask you how and why and on what justification to made such bold statement. As a matter of fact, I will not expect a short answer from this forum and I do not believe I will get a objective answer from any participant here because we are human, after all. you. You see everybody is entitle to his /her own views and this is a forum to share one's feeling. And if you want to  seek clarification or classification from anyone here, yes , you may ask but not to , say, cross examine and challenge one basis for such opinion. If you needs this, yes, go and do a research on your own. ! But to imply that those who airs his /her opinion here , must be objective is too much to ask for. After all, I  believe all participant in this forum has the ability to know what is a personal opinion and what is not. So , no. I will not ask you why !
作者: caa    時間: 12-9-22 13:47

回復 Scotman 的帖子

Agreed. This is not newspaper here and we are not reporters. How can one expect another to prove his/her opinion (not fact) with facts or statistics in this kind of forum? I may ask why though, but it is more than sufficient to tell how you feel or what you see that lead to your conclusion (opinion). I won't expect to see any research paper here!
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-9-22 20:08

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-9-22 23:24 編輯

回復 Scotman 的帖子

There are so many obvious faults and mistakes in what you said in #35...............!!!!!!
作者: HKTHK    時間: 12-9-23 00:44

回復 Scotman 的帖子

I don't see how it is a way to respect others by not questioning their statements or basis of opinions. I would have thought one should ask questions and probe since this is the way we, and our kids, are supposed to learn.  Be respectful by being courteous, giving others benefit of the doubt and accepting that there will be differences of opinions and perspectives.  But not to question?  Don't see how that is a way forward.
Flippant remarks, on the other hand, are uncalled for.

作者: HKTHK    時間: 12-9-23 00:47

回復 Scotman 的帖子

BTW, I am questioning your statement "they want their children to get a job in Hk after graduation and they think US system is different from HK system and so they dont sent their children to USA" in another thread.  Care to explain on what basis are you forming this judgement?

作者: nintendo    時間: 12-9-23 12:21

HKTHK 發表於 12-9-23 00:44
回復 Scotman 的帖子

I don't see how it is a way to respect others by not questioning their statemen ...

其實,我都唔明 bobbycheung 有幾唔禮貌

有人話 harrow 的師資比其他學校好,bobbycheung  問下佢點得出呢個結論
結果唔答不特止,重要出 "藐咀公仔"

最好笑係有人撐,話 bobbycheung 唔應該咁問喎

最好笑,係而家有人 delete  晒 d  message
不過好采我呢個 ek/bk  舊人知道好多人中意改/delete message
一早在 #19 做晒 quote

你可以 delete  晒原 post 的 "藐咀公仔" ,但係 delete 唔到我 quote 了的 post

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-23 12:37

回復 nintendo 的帖子

將來用到藐嘴icon ,我都要三思而後行。

作者: hkparent    時間: 12-9-23 13:24

It's good to hear more negative comments so that fewer people will apply and they can lower their fees :)
作者: nintendo    時間: 12-9-23 13:46

hkparent 發表於 12-9-23 13:24
It's good to hear more negative comments so that fewer people will apply and they can lower their fe ...

其實關於學校本身,都冇講任何 negative comments
我真係唔明點解有 d 人咁敏感,反應咁大

作者: lui    時間: 12-9-23 13:51     標題: 引用:Quote:hkparent+發表於+12-9-23+13:24+It's

原帖由 nintendo 於 12-09-23 發表
其實關於學校本身,都冇講任何 negative comments
有人提供資料,有人問資料 ...

作者: nintendo    時間: 12-9-23 13:57

ANChan59 發表於 12-9-23 12:37
回復 nintendo 的帖子


anchan59  你就算好嬲,都肯定唔會亂出藐咀 icon  

作者: Shootastar    時間: 12-9-23 14:34

回復 ANChan59 的帖子

Totally agree! That is why it is always a pleasure to discuss and share with parents who are prepared to reason and would not demean or ridicule others.
作者: Scotman    時間: 12-9-23 18:50

To HKTHK# 39. No. I dont. this is not my judgment, this is my feeling. Shared by some parents I talked to. On what basis? You have no right to know if I dont want to share with you such basis.
作者: lui    時間: 12-9-23 23:21     標題: 引用:To+HKTHK#+39.+No.+I+dont.+this+is+not+my

原帖由 Scotman 於 12-09-23 發表
To HKTHK# 39. No. I dont. this is not my judgment, this is my feeling. Shared by some parents I talk ...
Then please incorporate a word "maybe" in your view. That makes more sense.

作者: lui    時間: 12-9-23 23:25     標題: 引用:Quote:HKTHK+發表於+12-9-23+00:44+回復+Sc

原帖由 nintendo 於 12-09-23 發表
其實,我都唔明 bobbycheung 有幾唔禮貌

有人話 harrow 的師資比其他學校好,bobbycheung  問下佢點得出 ...

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-9-23 23:27

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-9-23 23:44 編輯
Scotman 發表於 12-9-23 18:50
To HKTHK# 39. No. I dont. this is not my judgment, this is my feeling. Shared by some parents I talk ...

That's really an elegant and ingenious way to say there is no basis.  

By the way, this is my feeling + view + opinion and hence, in your own words, you would respect my view without saying a word, won't you?

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-24 00:00

本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 12-9-24 00:40 編輯

回復 bobbycheung 的帖子


1. 對方提供來源或詳加解說;道理越辯越明,不打不相識。

2. 對方發爛渣.... 可能變網絡陌路人。

作者: HKTHK    時間: 12-9-24 02:03

回復 Scotman 的帖子

You have no obligation to reply but, like it or not, anyone here has a right to question.

Congratulations, you have just taken 自圓其說 to a whole new level.  I rest my case.

作者: 21Ckid    時間: 12-9-24 02:54

Although I also want to look for impartial comments and true info about all IS, but honestly, for some schools, say ISF, Harrow, Yew Chung etc, it wouldn't be possible, any discussions about these schools will always end in agony and bitter arguments. Perhaps they attract mainlanders, or perhaps they are really bad, but it seems there are a few bloggers always very eager to come out whenever a new topic comes out about these schools, and they will fight to the end.

So, please do not ask any questions about these schools any more, unless what you want is not opinion, but a fight.  
作者: nintendo    時間: 12-9-24 08:59

bobbycheung 發表於 12-9-23 23:27
That's really an elegant and ingenious way to say there is no basis.   

其實兩位網友的回應,都算源出一徹 ---------   總之就係一問佢資料來源,一問佢原因,就發難收場

作者: nintendo    時間: 12-9-24 09:06

21Ckid 發表於 12-9-24 02:54
Although I also want to look for impartial comments and true info about all IS, but honestly, for some schools, say ISF, Harrow, Yew Chung etc, it wouldn't be possible, any discussions about these schools will always end in agony and bitter arguments.

咁講,其實都有 d 其他學校的 discussion  都試過鬧交收場,唔單單係講呢幾間。
今次呢個 topic  ,可以話係完全冇深入討論過,第一個回合就發難咋。

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-24 10:08     標題: 回覆:nintendo 的帖子


作者: Shootastar    時間: 12-9-24 11:58

本帖最後由 Shootastar 於 12-9-24 12:03 編輯

Harrow UK certainly is one of the best schools in the UK which has a very long history (several hundreds). However, if we focus on college placements alone, we can find from the relevant webpages that the college placements of its branches operated in Bangkok and Beijing are not as good as the main branch.

I hope very much that Harrow HK can overtake its sister schools in Beijing and Bangkok and can match the Harrow (UK) soon. I have no doubt that Harrow HK can provide a very good education to the students in years to come (if not yet already in place).
作者: Scotman    時間: 12-9-24 12:23

To: #50

Of course I respect your view and I did not challenge your right to say so. I just stated my feeling.

And what wrong with this ? did I say : "don't be childish, behave yourself, I had already make my case clear and i am not going to answer you." No. i did not .
I just stated I am not going to share with you whatever you ask ? and what wrong with that ? If you are asking for the basis of opinion every time , it simply meant that you had not learnt your lesson. My unwillingness to share did not mean "no basis". That is a rather silly statement from you.

作者: Scotman    時間: 12-9-24 12:29

To: # 52.what wrong with my stating my feeling , or opinion that  I do not want to share my basis of observation with BoobyCheung ? Sure, I respected his right to ask me and so I answered him.

And what wrong with that ? why and what basis did you cite,  to, to quote your words" 自圓其說"

Yes, you have your right to say whatever you want, but you are challenging me with both Chinese and English for things i did not deserve, If you want to support anyone here, fine, you have every right to do so, but dont quote me wrong. And think before you write.
作者: Scotman    時間: 12-9-24 12:35

To AnChan 59:  # 41.

you are very right . I never use Icon because many are allergic to such Icon, especially those who are over -sensitive. No. I am not talking about dermatology.

The truth is : I dont know how to use Icon. Anyone helps me ?
作者: Scotman    時間: 12-9-24 12:37

I agree with what Nintendo said in all his/her message. Want to add an Icon but cannot for reason stated above.
作者: Shootastar    時間: 12-9-24 12:55

It is not a matter of right in asking or an obligation in answering a question post.

EK is a discussion forum and a place for sharing by dedicated parents on the kids' education affairs. To make EK a good media, we have to observe the rules of courtesy, proper demeanour and also maintaining good decorum.
作者: Scotman    時間: 12-9-24 14:06

To: Shootastar. reply to #62.

I agree wholeheartedly, without reservation on my part.
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-9-24 14:35

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-9-24 14:42 編輯
Scotman 發表於 12-9-24 12:37
I agree with what Nintendo said in all his/her message. Want to add an Icon but cannot for reason st ...


我相信nintendo所講哥個 "第一個回合就發難渣" 嘅人係指topkidsmom, 唔係我!   Are you sure you've got your "feeling" right this time?  I know I shouldn't have asked you about your "feeling".  But when your "feeling" is based on total misunderstanding, perhaps you would make an exception.  I mean this is so hilarious.  

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-9-24 14:42

Scotman 發表於 12-9-24 14:06
To: Shootastar. reply to #62.

I agree wholeheartedly, without reservation on my part.

So you agree wholeheartedly and without reservation with Shootastar's statement that "it is not a matter of right in asking or an obligation in answering a question post"?   My understanding of what Shootastar is saying is clearly different from yours.

作者: hkparent    時間: 12-9-24 15:38

May I know which IS your kids are studying at?  It would be nice to know this do that we parents who are choosing schools for our kids can make a fair judgement by ourselves of the validity/intention of the statements made by participants in this forum. If you can provide more information of your IS, that will also be very helpful.  Thank you very much.
作者: HKTHK    時間: 12-9-24 21:07

回復 Scotman 的帖子

I don't know bobbycheung and have only come across his posts from time to time.  But he was not the one who raised a ruckus.  You are the one who asked everyone to condemn him for obviously the wrong reasons.  "Bold" has both positive and negative connotations in case you don't know.  Let's just leave it at that.  Your fallacy of logic has degenerated into incomprehensible responses.  No need to beat a dead horse.

作者: Scotman    時間: 12-9-24 21:31

ha, i love that Boobbycheung icon which is cool!!!
作者: mirage    時間: 12-9-25 19:34

成日嘈不如講D有建設性的話。本人仔女不是(也俾唔起),但本人的屋苑有好多kids讀harrow.我知道有人用3球買capital cert 仲特登大馬搬到HK但也有人只俾capital levy 就讀到,G1,G3,G7我都識人只俾school fee 及capital levy 就入到。收生在higher grade 有要求,但lower grade english 我見有人麻麻都入到。kinder 用電子textbook ,冇功課。upper primary 中文有人話深、有兩個由saint paul co-ed轉來話教得深。但local/Chinese student 仍是大多數。來年應會多人揀因我識有在beacon hill,yc, cis 都話出年想轉來讀。
作者: papaof2    時間: 12-9-25 20:26

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作者: mirage    時間: 12-9-25 21:04

papaof2 發表於 12-9-25 20:26
My boy will be in Y3 in Jan. Can anyone share with us more about the school? About the teachers, les ...
The school bus is not good and not sufficient. It is run by City bus and I knew some parents complained on first day for poor service. Moreover, there also not sufficient bus service. For other questions, hope can helkp you later on.

作者: 24112006    時間: 12-9-26 15:23

我個囡讀緊y1, 學校真系好大好靚, 無裝修味. 至於上堂學咩, 阿囡仲未可以好清潔講到出黎, 不過學校就比左佢地Y1, term 1要學既內容同功課分配比我地知. 我每日問阿囡, 返學開唔開心, 佢都話好開心. 因為佢地一個星期有2堂系法文堂, 我問佢識唔識, 明唔明...佢話佢識. 而學校而家開始安排緊課外活動, 睇落好多元化的. 雖然系真系有內地及本地生讀, 但系本地生的英文(講)一d都唔差, 佢地唔講中文的, 全以英文溝通...口音仲好好的. 唔會有港人講英文的口音. 可能老師是真正的金頭駛髮外國人, 同學亦有部份系外國人, 所以系英文的溝通上系真系好好.
作者: papaof2    時間: 12-9-26 16:44

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作者: HKTHK    時間: 12-9-26 17:28

Does this mean French is a required language?  It sounds like the playground language is English then.
作者: mirage    時間: 12-9-26 18:28

Chinese is more than 60 % no matter which grade according to many parents, and for foreign student ,less than half are white .
作者: hkparent    時間: 12-9-26 22:24

From the various threads in BK, it seems that IS on HK Island have more foreigners (except ISF and CIS where the proportion of Chinese is very high). I don't mean it is good or not. It's just the impression.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-9-27 10:11

回復 hkparent 的帖子

I have similar impression.
作者: HKTHK    時間: 12-9-27 11:55

ISF is certainly mostly Chinese.  My personal observation is about 30-40% HK Chinese, 20-25% mainland Chinese with the rest from mixed or expat families or families whose primary language is English, e.g. families returning from the US or Australia.  If you are in an auditorium filled with parents, 70-80% of them will look Chinese to you though most of them would have spent significant amount of time abroad.  
作者: hui916    時間: 12-9-27 15:34

The Harrow Hong Kong campus is a franchised operation, driven by profit instead of quality of education. No doubt it is one of the elite schooles in UK. Unfortunately, it has elected to franchisee its operations in Beijing, Bankok and Hong Kong to busienss people. Many people I know of within the international school circle has a great doubt about the quality and integrity of this school. The tuition and other debenture fee it charges it is a rip-off. Its Beijing and Bankok campus has very poor reputation and image. Better stay away from this school until it establishes a sound track record in HK.
作者: HKTHK    時間: 12-9-27 16:12

This is part of the reason I asked before if the faculty in HK is different from those in Bangkok and Beijing.  Looking at university placement alone, the results are so-so (though it still maybe early for Beijing?).  How does one then reconcile this with some parent's opinion that they have the best faculty in HK?  Is it because HK's faculty is better?  Or does better faculty not necessarily translate into better placement (not that placement is the only gauging factor but one that is easier to judge)?  It would be especially interesting to compare the faculty and placement between Harrow and ESF.
作者: hkparent    時間: 12-9-27 18:42

回復 mirage 的帖子

Mirage, why do CIS and ESF students want to change to Harrow? It's so difficult to gain a spot at those schools!
作者: WYmom    時間: 12-9-27 22:06

回復 hkparent 的帖子

Some BHS students switch to Harrow because of their school zone, those students live near Gold Coast to Tuen Mun study in BHS for primary but have to study in Island school for secondary, obviously too far for them.  So if they switch to Harrow, they can save a lot of travelling time going to school.  Both ESF and Harrow are UK schools, so they have no problem to switch.
作者: Atticus    時間: 12-9-27 22:14     標題: 回覆:WYmom 的帖子

ESF is not an UK school. It is an international school primarily catered for non-Cantonese speaking students. Kellett and Harrow are very British but ESF isn't.

作者: hkparent    時間: 12-9-27 22:57

If I study at Beacon Hill, can I go to Island School? Not KGV?  If they live in Tuen Mun, they should study at Shatin Junior, right? I'm puzzled.
作者: do123alex    時間: 12-9-27 23:11     標題: 回覆:hkparent 的帖子

Harrow has students coming from...GSIS, ESF, CDNIS, South Island School, Singapore IS, Yew Chung, Anfield, Victoria  St Paul Co-edu, Maryknoll.  Reasons to choose Harrow? every family has their own reasons.  For those white students, some are the UK family.   Continuity  of UK curriculum is the reason for the move

The students in higher form speak fluent English, no different from other IS.

作者: WYmom    時間: 12-9-28 08:15

本帖最後由 WYmom 於 12-9-28 08:17 編輯

回復 hkparent 的帖子

Living in Tuen Mun will go to BHS in primary and Island school in secondary according to school zone allocation.  You can check the school zone if you have doubt.  Very simple.
ESF is a British and IB school.

作者: hkparent    時間: 12-9-28 09:44

Thanks for your clarification. I have mixed up Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun. But the fees of Harrow are about doubled. They must be quite rich :)
作者: evatsoihk    時間: 12-9-28 10:46

回復 Shootastar 的帖子

作者: Shootastar    時間: 12-9-28 11:16

回復 evatsoihk 的帖子

As far as I know, HK Harrows is franchised from Harrows (UK). Each year, 5% of the HK Harrows' school fee collected will be paid to Harrows (UK) as support fee so that Harrows (UK) may send staff to HK Harrows and train the staff here and set up a learning system and environment in line with Harrows (UK).

Harrows is a brand name in education. Like other commercial corporations, they would maintain the image and qualify of their brand names even if they give franchises to others for operation.

I have no doubt that Harrows (UK) would do whatever support to HK Harrows so that the education provided by HK Harrows would be in line with that of Harrows (UK).

作者: 24112006    時間: 12-9-28 11:34

回復 papaof2 的帖子

有架, 佢地有一科叫chinese culture study. 而法文科系因為為開學前有張通告叫你選科的, 你可以選西班牙文, 普通話, 英文或法文, 自己選修其中一科就可以. 而我簡左法文.

作者: 魅影    時間: 12-12-29 17:16

24112006 發表於 12-9-28 11:34
回復 papaof2 的帖子

有架, 佢地有一科叫chinese culture study. 而法文科系因為為開學前有張通告叫你選科 ...

my son now K2, I'm planing put him in Harrow!
Could you tell me about the interview?
When you send the application form and how long you recieved the call to interview?
If I apply Y1 in 2013, is it too late for application, I go through their website, doesn't list the expired date for application. I went their parent tour days before, the school is really pretty and huge! I'd asked about the application, they said they didn't set the expired date, but they suggest I apply as soon as possibe!
But I think my son's english standard may not meet their requiment, now he has native english class twice a week, I hope that he'll improve english before interview!

作者: 24112006    時間: 13-1-7 14:46

回復 魅影 的帖子

我系系阿囡3歲時就同佢伸請入harrow, 因為佢地y1系由5歲開始, 所以我交左表成大約2年後先有得in., 佢同我地講, 首要要求系小朋友一定要有流利的英文說及聽的水平....如果你fail左個interview, 佢地話會比半年時間你自己去準備好個小朋友先, 之後會再比多一次機會做second interview. 學校雖然新, 但好講究小朋友自己既獨立自主能力...由y2開始的學生已經可以組成不同的小組, 提出各方意見比學校, 再進行選舉.  語文方面亦要求小朋友上法文, 西班牙文或普通話, 全部系課時入面的, 唔駛另外比錢學.  我覺得佢雖然系第一年開, 不過我作為家長的, 我覺得佢基本上做得好好. 因為佢地真系系小朋友既行為上都有好高既要求.

作者: 24112006    時間: 13-1-7 14:48

以我所知, 佢每級每班的人數都不過20人, 但最少會有2個老師系課室.  大部老師都由英國來的.

作者: 魅影    時間: 13-1-8 13:47

回復 24112006 的帖子

Thank you!

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