
標題: 朗誦請教 [打印本頁]

作者: Jane1983    時間: 12-8-21 18:23     標題: 朗誦請教


作者: Briana0133    時間: 12-8-21 18:53     標題: 回覆:Jane1983 的帖子

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作者: Jane1983    時間: 12-8-21 19:11

作者: wykamy    時間: 12-8-21 21:59

其實間間差不多都要4-5堂小朋友才可以有自信地朗誦整首詩出來... 要小朋友完全明白地朗誦一首詩出來, 加動作眼神, 還有很自然地大聲地表演朗誦出來, 真不容易... 如果想有好成績, 只上堂還不夠. 還有在家裡還要日日練, 才會有好成績...
作者: chuchu228    時間: 12-8-21 23:21

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作者: Briana0133    時間: 12-8-21 23:25     標題: 回覆:Jane1983 的帖子

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作者: Jane1983    時間: 12-8-21 23:37

作者: Briana0133    時間: 12-8-22 00:25     標題: 回覆:Jane1983 的帖子

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作者: Jane1983    時間: 12-8-22 00:31

作者: 花仔媽咪    時間: 12-8-22 06:28     標題: 回覆:Jane1983 的帖子


作者: Briana0133    時間: 12-8-22 10:01     標題: 回覆:Jane1983 的帖子

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作者: ivycch    時間: 12-8-22 11:17

咁1對1 私人老師, 定係同其他小朋友上堂好?
作者: Briana0133    時間: 12-8-22 12:23     標題: 回覆:ivycch 的帖子

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作者: Jane1983    時間: 12-8-22 13:15

作者: FrancesGraceCon    時間: 12-8-22 13:27     標題: 回覆:Jane1983 的帖子

我個仔仔係1對1上英詩朗誦,家長旁聽,NET 教,每2-3堂一首英詩,有音韻、節奏和表情教。不過老師schedule 幾full,因校際比賽就到。如需要,我可以pm資料和價錢俾你。

作者: rinarina    時間: 12-8-22 16:30

回復 FrancesGraceCon 的帖子


多謝你pm我, 但我發現以前那位自稱係英文老師的人都親自在EK中 pm過我, 不過我住對面海, 地點唔啱, 謝謝你了.......

作者: Koeda    時間: 12-8-22 16:44     標題: 回覆:朗誦請教

May i have the info of teacher?  THX

作者: lukimama    時間: 12-8-22 16:52

回復 Jane1983 的帖子

我都有興趣幇我個小朋友報朗誦, 問詔一個CENTRE, 話6堂就OK. 另一間就話8 堂.  如果勤奮係屋企練多D, 我覺得6 堂都OK.

係呢, 大家有冇好既中心/私人介紹?  KOWLOON 區.

作者: Jane1983    時間: 12-8-23 21:26


作者: FrancesGraceCon    時間: 12-8-23 22:13     標題: 回覆:Jane1983 的帖子


作者: hoihoima    時間: 12-8-23 22:45

回復 Jane1983 的帖子

I trained my child by myself.  The most important thing is that the child enjoys speaking up in front of people.  I still recall that when he attended the speech competition for the first time, I just wish that he could finish the speech, no matter how he performed.  He gradually gained more and more confidence and it became so natural for him to stand on the stage to have the speech by himself.  Having said that, I really spent a lot of efforts to train him.  I was so proud (of myself) when he got the champion.

作者: Jane1983    時間: 12-8-23 23:07

回復 hoihoima 的帖子

作者: 喵媽    時間: 12-8-24 13:04

回復 Jane1983 的帖子

如果係班際, 其實5堂唔多了, 唸一首詩好易, 但要唸得音準, 有感情, 啱節奏就不易, 如果唔係點分高低呢!

作者: MSBOY    時間: 12-8-24 13:19

hoihoima 發表於 12-8-23 22:45
回復 Jane1983 的帖子

I trained my child by myself.  The most important thing is that the child enjo ...

I can relate to you.....I used to let the PTH teacher train my kid, but recently I decided to let him try Cantonese recital and I train him by myselft, all the geture, expression, speed, and intonation was designed and taught by me....

Eventually, he got the champion trophy for old poem recital  which is usually quite difficuult for a k1 kid, I am also very proud of myself and my son.....

作者: cmparent    時間: 12-8-25 00:08

回復 FrancesGraceCon 的帖子

can you give me the information of the teacher? Thanks.
作者: lukimama    時間: 12-8-25 04:45

回復 MSBOY 的帖子

what competition did you kid take?
作者: FrancesGraceCon    時間: 12-8-25 10:41     標題: 回覆:lukimama 的帖子

Mine is in Jordan. If you want info, pls PM me.

作者: mkmiffy    時間: 12-8-26 02:06     標題: 回覆:lukimama 的帖子

其實我覺得六堂可以㗎喇,K1 通常朗讀四句,加嘛係屋企練下。

作者: ssbaby    時間: 12-8-26 16:23     標題: 回覆:朗誦請教

I trained my child Putonghua by myself too. I was so proud (of myself) when he got the champion.

作者: joeylin1017    時間: 12-8-27 03:59

其實如果打算儲紙in小學, 就長期學好啦, 搵個老師1對1, 我囡一堂都練4首詩啦,上足一個鐘, 以前大囡報過出面十堂先果一首, 真系自己練好過:;pppp:
作者: Jane1983    時間: 12-8-27 09:12



作者: jonasmami    時間: 12-8-27 19:39

FrancesGraceCon 發表於 12-8-25 10:41
Mine is in Jordan. If you want info, pls PM me.

can you give me the information of the teacher? Thanks.
作者: HHS    時間: 12-8-27 21:28

回復 FrancesGraceCon 的帖子

Please PM to me, thanks

作者: dais    時間: 12-8-27 23:42     標題: 回覆:FrancesGraceCon 的帖子

What competition can a K1 kid join? Too young?

作者: dais    時間: 12-8-27 23:47     標題: 引用:Mine+is+in+Jordan.+If+you+want+info,+pls

原帖由 FrancesGraceCon 於 12-08-25 發表
Mine is in Jordan. If you want info, pls PM me.
I have sent you PM. Thanks

作者: shan714    時間: 12-8-28 00:48

回復 FrancesGraceCon 的帖子

please pm me , thx!
作者: evapan    時間: 12-8-28 10:13

回復 FrancesGraceCon 的帖子

I would like to know the information too, kindly PM me please!

作者: FrancesGraceCon    時間: 12-8-28 14:08     標題: 回覆:朗誦請教

已回覆各位家長,請check PM啦!^_^

作者: chilokbb    時間: 12-8-30 21:10

本帖最後由 chilokbb 於 12-8-30 21:11 編輯

FrancesGraceCon, Pls pm info of teacher. thx

作者: JoJo    時間: 12-8-31 15:28

版主按 : 請自行 PM 會員查詢, 切勿在版面留下沒有讀取性之文章. e.g. Pls check PM / Pls PM me etc.

如經勸喻後情況仍沒有改善, 此帖會關閉, 敬請注意!

作者: olicheung1    時間: 12-9-4 23:46

回復 FrancesGraceCon 的帖子

Pls kindly PM teacher info to me. Thanks a million.
作者: chloe.leung    時間: 12-9-5 00:09

I also want the teacher info, pls PM to me
作者: chloe.leung    時間: 12-9-5 00:10


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