
標題: delete [打印本頁]

作者: dingu    時間: 12-7-28 11:43     標題: delete

本帖最後由 dingu 於 12-8-1 14:24 編輯


作者: Tommy    時間: 12-7-28 12:08


作者: rarama    時間: 12-7-28 14:45


作者: Chris852    時間: 12-7-28 14:57

本帖最後由 Chris852 於 12-7-28 14:58 編輯

家長們如何教子女? 最好 是以身作則! 不是所謂思考訓練.

正如國民教育, 中國做好各方面, 已是對國民最好的教育~!
作者: rarama    時間: 12-7-28 15:12


作者: longandhong    時間: 12-7-30 17:29

rarama 發表於 12-7-28 15:12
贊成,在學校撥足夠的時間讓師生以中國有關的主題學習,好的、壞的,古的、今的,別使學校以公開考試內容教 ...


作者: simpleway    時間: 12-7-30 17:43

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作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-7-30 18:01

longandhong 發表於 12-7-30 17:29
「.....下一代如何激勵國家向民主自由邁進?!」先看一看李旺陽的下場吧!噢!對不起,李旺陽事件並不包括 ...
只係漏咗幾隻字,  應該係「.......下一代如何激勵國家以龜速或更慢的速度向民主自由邁進?!

作者: dingu    時間: 12-7-30 18:32

本帖最後由 dingu 於 12-8-1 14:36 編輯


作者: dingu    時間: 12-7-30 18:41

本帖最後由 dingu 於 12-8-1 14:36 編輯


作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-7-30 19:10

dingu 發表於 12-7-30 18:41
Yesterday I read an article on Apple Daily attacking a secondary school girl for her composition sup ...
I prefer to live in a place where a newspaper can openly insult a child than in a place where the newspapers have no option but to glorify the government.  If people think the "insult" is wrong or unjustified, people are free to air their views and readers could boycott the newspaper.  The child who has been wronged could take the newspaper to court.  Are these options available in places where the newspaper has a mandate to support and glorify the government?

作者: simpleway    時間: 12-7-30 19:32

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作者: Alex123    時間: 12-7-30 19:38     標題: 回覆:反洗腦?


作者: simpleway    時間: 12-7-30 23:59

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作者: dingu    時間: 12-7-31 07:24

本帖最後由 dingu 於 12-8-1 14:36 編輯


作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-7-31 14:03

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-7-31 14:15 編輯

回復 dingu 的帖子

As I said, the child is not exactly helpless.  You are standing up for her, aren't you?  You are drawing people's attaention to the case and if there are other people who share your view, they will air their grievances too.  If people find the newspaper's conduct repugnant, they won't buy or read the newspaper anymore. The child's parents can take the newspaper to court.  You may think that's not enough.  But could you think of a better option?  By the way, I think people are getting angry because they are really fed up with the government.  Over the years, people came to realise that the government is incompetent and is making tons of mistakes.  If you want examples, just look at the 審計署報告 every year and they are enough to drive you mad.  Then comes Donald Tsang who managed to destroy the government's 廉潔形象.  Now comes the new government who insists on pushing forward a policy despite massive protests.

We are living in an imperfect world.  You could only choose between the lesser of 2 evils.  You could choose to stay in Hong Kong or go to live in China.  I wish I could say the same about the billions of people in China who have no choice.

作者: samuel89    時間: 12-7-31 14:18

dingu 發表於 12-7-28 11:43
我未知政府推出國民教育有幾洗腦,但看看今天的蘋果/商台等傳媒,不停以扇情誇大手法一面倒反政府。遊行支 ...

我直情唔信政府推出國民教育有本事可以幫香港d學生洗腦.......但非常"莫名其妙"地政府d高官就一定要下年就推行, 既然唔系洗腦, 又唔系緊急課程, why 要非推不可???
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-7-31 14:23

回復 samuel89 的帖子

因為咁快收皮, 會形響政府管治威信及特顯他們的無能
作者: samuel89    時間: 12-7-31 14:26

bobbycheung 發表於 12-7-31 14:23
回復 samuel89 的帖子

因為咁快收皮, 會形響政府管治威信及特顯他們的無能
問題系強推既結果,最後更加會形響政府管治威信及特顯他們的無能.......你睇23條, 替補機制呢d教訓就知啦.....

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-7-31 14:33

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-7-31 14:39 編輯

如果政府好似你咁醒目, 就唔會用咗咁多年時間都係搞咗依堆屎出嚟啦.  
作者: samuel89    時間: 12-7-31 14:46

bobbycheung 發表於 12-7-31 14:33
如果政府好似你咁醒目, 就唔會用咗咁多年時間都係搞咗依堆屎出嚟啦.
我諗你低估左政府啦.....依堆屎may be 系貪曾送俾梁生既"賀禮"呵.......

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-7-31 15:06

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-7-31 15:09 編輯

回復 samuel89 的帖子

可能係嫁, 梁生仲以為冷手執個熱煎堆, 盡快餵比我地食, 以顯示他的強勢領導
依家D家長同佢推嚟推去, 搞到他與他的局長們都周身屎

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-7-31 15:25

梁振英其實都幾搞笑, 佢重申, 政府並非強推德育及國育教育科.  德育及國民教育科有3年開展期,學校可以根據自己的情況,選擇今年、明年或後年開始課程。如果咁都講得通, 咁我都可以話我並非強姦你, 你可以選擇今天、明天或後天屈服.

作者: annie40    時間: 12-7-31 15:41

回復 dingu 的帖子

***    ****   ***

今天能积极反思, 和愿意包容的人不多! 谢谢!

对! 传媒的炒作和无风起浪的报道确是令人厌恶. 然在国民教育上, 我只看出对香港的破坏性极大, 难有建設性的貢獻可言.

香港对国家的貢獻和利益之一, 是包含着本港市民的素养和司法制度,, 作为国内十三亿人口的model minority.  是有指引性的积极作用, 国民教育不应急促推行, 德政从来也是以民为本, 非与民为敌啊!


作者: samuel89    時間: 12-7-31 15:42

bobbycheung 發表於 12-7-31 15:25
梁振英其實都幾搞笑, 佢重申, 政府並非強推德育及國育教育科.  德育及國民教育科有3年開展期,學校可以根據 ...
選擇今年、明年或後年開始課程。<---講明依堆屎香港學生遲早都要"啃"架啦......唔好唔記得"遲早都要用駐港解放軍"呢句野,話晒佢地都駐港15周年啦, 都差不多要"養兵千日,用在今朝"啦......

作者: dingu    時間: 12-7-31 19:21

本帖最後由 dingu 於 12-8-1 14:37 編輯


作者: simpleway    時間: 12-7-31 19:28

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作者: simpleway    時間: 12-7-31 19:38

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作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-7-31 19:59

simpleway 發表於 12-7-31 19:28
yes its time to end this discussion.

29.7 已經過左.西環指令既任務已芫,係時候扮番理性,繼續係EK潛 ...
有時份工又真係好難做嘅, 又講唔出大陸嗰套點解比香港好, 唯有叫你地唔好驚, 信我啦.  如果都唔work, 只好話在自由社會下會容許我地這些人用不當的言語侮辱他人, 沒給別人尊重.  點都好啦, 對我嚟講我情願我D仔女講粗口都好過佢同我講 "沒有共產黨就沒有新中國".  
作者: simpleway    時間: 12-7-31 20:05

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作者: simpleway    時間: 12-7-31 20:37

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作者: dingu    時間: 12-7-31 23:49

本帖最後由 dingu 於 12-8-1 14:40 編輯


作者: friendlyguy    時間: 12-8-1 00:25

dingu 發表於 12-7-31 23:49
sigh... I want to ask people to stop 講粗口 and be respectful to others. And it still can be an excu ...

Sorry. Please enlighten me who 講粗口 and what 粗口 has been 講?
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-8-1 00:43

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-8-1 01:49 編輯

回復 dingu 的帖子

//We don't need gangsters to lead us to democracy. We can do it in a more civilised and educated way.//

Yes, we should instead rely on 我們偉大的共產黨 to lead us to democracy. They can do it in a more civilised and educated way, can't they?

Now please stand up and sing 沒有共產黨就沒有新中國

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-8-1 00:56

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-8-1 01:45 編輯

Rarama, 你話雖然李旺陽好慘, 但係一個李旺陽倒下, 你相信還有千千萬萬的人前仆後繼, 矢志不移.  

我又覺得你講得幾啱喎, 以目前大陸的制度, 一定會死多千千萬萬個無辜的人
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-8-1 01:12

Rarama, 你話可惜傳媒的影響力和破壞力, 跟沒有集體控訴權的小市民, 點有得鬥

我又想問, 你估在國內, 黨及政府的影響力和破壞力大, 還是傳媒的影響力和破壞力大呢?  國內的民眾(就算有大把錢及羣眾的支持)同黨及政府又有無得鬥呢?  In Hong Kong, if you think you are wronged by anybody including the government, you can take them to court.  In China, do you think you could do the same?
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-8-1 01:16

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-8-1 01:18 編輯

I said "we are living in an imperfect world.  You could only choose between the lesser of 2 evils"

Rarama, you said "why don't we think about how to strive to improve the situation?"  

May I ask how?  As you said,  李旺陽好慘.  Please enlighten us how to improve the situation.

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-8-1 01:38

Rarama, you asked "公眾選擇可以解釋到點解亞視可以多個節目0收視, 但依然存在?"

Answer: 當然可以解釋啦, 因為亞視有個牌.  但長期0收視, 佢都要關門大吉.
但一黨專政呢? 民衆無選擇權, 就算0支持, 佢依然存在.  如果長期0支持, 咁又點呀? 一樣會瓜.  所以先要國民教育及咁大的維穩費用.
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-8-1 01:42

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-8-1 01:48 編輯

dingu, you said "if we want to stand up for democracy, we need to have a high morale standard ourselves."

I see.  That's why China rather choose to have no democracy.  They don't need any moral standard or a very low one will do just fine.  
作者: Tommy    時間: 12-8-1 07:11

dingu 發表於 12-7-31 23:49
sigh... I want to ask people to stop 講粗口 and be respectful to others. And it still can be an excu ...




作者: simpleway    時間: 12-8-1 09:14

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作者: hogwarts    時間: 12-8-1 09:20

我覺得無必要再用 "五毛" 這個 term 了,講事實,擺道理就足夠了。
作者: simpleway    時間: 12-8-1 09:29

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作者: hogwarts    時間: 12-8-1 09:36

作者: friendlyguy    時間: 12-8-1 10:03

dingu  You don't read newspaper and watch news?

I think you are referring to this thread.
作者: annie40    時間: 12-8-1 12:59

回復 bobbycheung 的帖子

有時份工又真係好難做嘅, 又講唔出大陸嗰套點解比香港好, 唯有叫你地唔好驚, 信我啦.  如果都唔work, 只好話在自由社會下會容許我地這些人用不當的言語侮辱他人, 沒給別人尊重.  點都好啦, 對我嚟講我情願我D仔女講粗口都好過佢同我講 "沒有共產黨就沒有新中國".
****      *****       *****      ****
三十年前(对不起, 我是老人家,喜欢想当年) 国内同胞被迫要喊 "沒有共產黨就沒有新中國". 说尽谎言以士忠贞, 是因为要保命,  我们可以予以同情和理解; 今天热衷于张开眼睛说谎言的, 在没有人身安全的情况下, 埋没良心, 出卖港人利益的, 是无耻之徒, 这帮人今天可以卖港, 明天可以卖国, , 反正当娼的一次是娼, 十次也是.  希望中央心里明白, 用完古惑仔就及早放落垃圾桶.

王永平先生是街坊, 每次遇上,挺有冲动地想向他拿个签名留念, 王先生的风骨, 和敢言, 跟李明逵 王超英先生, 同样值得我们敬慕!

千万要明白他们份工不是没選择的, 个个都差不多退休了, 只要唔准备留番退休后,另觅高薪厚職, 做人可以好轻松!

作者: ANChan59    時間: 12-8-1 13:17

回復 annie40 的帖子

作者: simpleway    時間: 12-8-1 13:28

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作者: annie40    時間: 12-8-1 13:53

***    ****    ****
印象中周一嶽局長应该是约满了, 並打算往私家医院任职董事, 然CY未上场, 已宣布新的内地孕妇来港产子立例, 把私家医院生金蛋的金鹅打死, 私家医院抗议话没有生意,

我是个多疑妇人, 未知此事跟周局長的仗義是否拉上关系呢? 如有错, 请加以补充, 谢谢!
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-8-1 13:57

回復 annie40 的帖子


Sorry, 係我講野唔清唔楚.  When I said "有時份工又真係好難做", I was replying to simpleway's comment saying "29.7 已經過左.西環指令既任務已芫,係時候扮番理性,繼續係EK潛伏!".  我所指的是這些"打手".

作者: annie40    時間: 12-8-1 14:01

啊! 原来如此!

读书事我的阅读理解科最差, 应该是误解了, 讲sorry 的应该是我吧!
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-8-1 14:10

Re: dingu's comment saying "if there is only gangsters and 共產黨 in your world, then i agree it's said for you and your children"

In fact, when we look at 李旺陽's case, sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference bewteen gangsters and 共產黨.  I guess the only difference is that 共產黨 rules the country and gangsters don't.  That's why when gangsters kill people, it's called "murder" whereas when 共產黨 killed people, it's called "自殺".
作者: CHAN-2    時間: 12-8-1 14:11

回復 annie40 的帖子


作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-8-1 14:13

RE: dingu's comment "respect and basic manner also 無分左、中、右 and is not exclusive for 高深教育的人"

但人權自由就有分左、中、右.  It's exclusive for people outside China.
作者: simpleway    時間: 12-8-1 14:17

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作者: simpleway    時間: 12-8-1 14:22

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作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-8-1 14:24

Keep on saying "wrong thread" won't help.  People in HK haven't yet been 洗腦.  If one cannot come up with an answer to the questions, perhaps it's better to stay quiet.  
作者: Annie123    時間: 12-8-1 14:32

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作者: dingu    時間: 12-8-1 14:32

I opened this thread because I want people to be logical and respect each other in the society in whatever they want to support for.
But it ended up to be a platform for further illogical and irrelevant arguments.

Therefore, I will hope that for those interested please carry on in another thread. There is no need to ride on mine and talked about irrelevant topics.

Again, if I havene't made my point clearly I repeat it again - this thread is about respect and ethics. NOT about supporting or not supporting democracy / HK gov't / China gov't - which I understand many people have alot of illustrative ways of putting forward their arguements, but this is the wrong thread and NOT what I have talked / want to talk about.

[ if anyone kind enough please let me know how to close this thread properly]
作者: annie40    時間: 12-8-1 14:32

離開政府崗位, 做回自己,隨心評論,做人挺是逍遥快活啊!

最怕见到退休高官后, 痴住那群富豪和政霸, 延续官位, 最后是猪八怪照鏡子, 事实上如果妻贤子孝, 份退休金应该还可以的, 偶然心想系咪要养小三, 小四,或者唔啥得公家司机, 会籍等 因此需要做到死.....
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-8-1 14:37

dingu,  would you be kind enough to remind us what the title of this thread is?
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-8-1 14:40

本帖最後由 bobbycheung 於 12-8-1 14:42 編輯

No, no, no.  I want the exact wording please.  Why don't you reinstate all your posts and we will go through them again one by one.

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