
標題: SFA vs St Paul Boys [打印本頁]

作者: qoo_pooh    時間: 12-7-7 15:37     標題: SFA vs St Paul Boys

SFA vs St Paul Boys,

作者: 2ndsister    時間: 12-7-7 15:56

樓主, SPB今日註冊喎, 如果你冇去到, 咁即係已經有決定啦, 如果你去左, 即係你有機會仲hold緊兩個位, 請快放, 我知好多媽咪仲等緊架...!
作者: KikiDaddy    時間: 12-7-7 16:00

本帖最後由 KikiDaddy 於 12-7-7 16:01 編輯

It depends on what you are looking for.

SPB has a thru-train Band 1 secondary school as back up. No need to worry again six years later. The boys should have a more happy and enjoyable primary school life. However the HK public examination results of the secondary division is just so so. Most of its students may eventually study abroad.

Studying in SFA is a big challenge to the kid and his parents. It need full commitment from the whole family to get a good result in secondary school allocation. If you are one of the top 25% students, you have a very good chance to secure a seat in top Band 1A secondary schools like LS, DBS, Lam Woo, & etc. Besides, most of the SFA graduates can do well in their secondary schools due to the solid training in SFA.

Having said that, both are good schools. Just choose the one match your boy (and the family).
作者: qoo_pooh    時間: 12-7-7 16:15

2ndsister 發表於 12-7-7 15:56
樓主, SPB今日註冊喎, 如果你冇去到, 咁即係已經有決定啦, 如果你去左, 即係你有機會仲hold緊兩個位, 請快 ...
SPB-我係今朝剛剛收到電話收亞仔呀! 現在考慮中
作者: qoo_pooh    時間: 12-7-7 16:21

KikiDaddy 發表於 12-7-7 16:00
It depends on what you are looking for.

SPB has a thru-train Band 1 secondary school as back up. No ...


作者: Barbielee    時間: 12-7-7 16:39

本帖最後由 Barbielee 於 12-7-7 16:41 編輯


你是否1st batch waiting?
作者: myfanwy    時間: 12-7-7 16:49     標題: 回覆:SFA vs St Paul Boys

I will choose SPB if I were you but I think you also have to consider the location of the school

作者: qoo_pooh    時間: 12-7-7 17:41

yes........ 1st batch waiting
作者: qoo_pooh    時間: 12-7-7 17:42

myfanwy 發表於 12-7-7 16:49
I will choose SPB if I were you but I think you also have to consider the location of the school

agreed! 若讀就會搬屋

作者: 恩盈    時間: 12-7-7 17:47

qoo_pooh 發表於 12-7-7 17:42
agreed! 若讀就會搬屋
請問ST PAUL BOY係響邊架??

作者: qoo_pooh    時間: 12-7-7 18:25

恩盈 發表於 12-7-7 17:47
請問ST PAUL BOY係響邊架??
作者: 2ndsister    時間: 12-7-7 18:59

congraulation!...咁我諗你要認真諗下那間教學模式會啱你個仔多D, SFA可能真係你都要付出好多, 我仔有個同學, 佢呀哥讀梗SFA(升小四), 佢有SPB offer, (當然都有SFA), 但佢呀媽真係頂唔順(因為佢話平時都好多野做, 一到考試更加想死), 而家細仔會選SPB讀...
作者: im_cyt    時間: 12-7-7 20:11     標題: 回覆:SFA vs St Paul Boys

SPB - no need to worry about secondary school.

作者: jeremyphlam    時間: 12-7-7 22:27

作者: smellycat    時間: 12-7-7 22:56

if I were you I will choose SPB
作者: waiwai1234567    時間: 12-7-7 23:02

SPB for sure for me
作者: bigboy129    時間: 12-7-7 23:03     標題: smellycat 的帖子

I am also in 1st batch waiting list.

作者: feiji    時間: 12-7-7 23:13     標題: 回覆:smellycat 的帖子

I will vote for St Paul Boys too.  Both schools are tough.  Why not pick a more famous one?

作者: qoo_pooh    時間: 12-7-8 08:27

作者: qoo_pooh    時間: 12-7-8 08:29

feiji 發表於 12-7-7 23:13
I will vote for St Paul Boys too.  Both schools are tough.  Why not pick a more famous one?

作者: cherry_bb    時間: 12-7-8 10:00     標題: qoo_pooh 的帖子

SPB 因有中學

作者: qoo_pooh    時間: 12-7-8 11:19

2ndsister 發表於 12-7-7 18:59
congraulation!...咁我諗你要認真諗下那間教學模式會啱你個仔多D, SFA可能真係你都要付出好多, 我仔有個同 ...

請問你仔仔讀緊幾多年級? 讀得愉快嗎?
因我家還有一個弟弟, 今年9月升k3要考小學, 所以都要諗埋弟弟的前景

作者: pooh仔    時間: 12-7-8 12:17     標題: 回覆:SFA vs St Paul Boys

你要諗清楚,唔知你有冇睇先前報導有關SFA要小三及小六購買電子產品作教學,還要是最新型號嘅new ipad, 部機要六千幾銀, 這個唔緊要問題亦不在此。

作者: ukodelechan    時間: 12-7-18 12:43

St. Paul's brand name is much better
作者: JoyceMum    時間: 12-7-18 20:59

我個仔讀sfa,可能歷史悠久,教學的質素很高,若跟得上,基根會好,98%可入Brand 1 ,同學都很樸實,若個仔谷得,可入頂級中學
作者: bblovebb2    時間: 12-7-18 22:05     標題: qoo_pooh 的帖子


作者: flyda    時間: 12-7-18 23:11

回復 JoyceMum 的帖子

SFA 98% 入 Band 1? 好似Over 90% 入英中咋喎。Band 1 好似八成左右啫。
作者: ms.giggle    時間: 12-7-19 21:37     標題: 回覆:flyda 的帖子


作者: YuHangMum    時間: 12-7-20 13:54

回復 qoo_pooh 的帖子

yes, spb 是循序漸進! 如果有細佬, 相信入第2 round interview一定無問題, 我知真是有人的細仔入不返, 不過可能只是小數(可能同校長零交流- 我估計).  spb近2年都只須買書, 作業&補充都是學校買, 都可以save 幾佰至壹仟!

作者: peterdad    時間: 12-7-26 10:54


作者: HaYi    時間: 12-7-26 12:40

SPB 應該冇 SFA 谷, 同埋SPB 的中學唔係太特出, 我識人自己是 SPB 中學舊生, 都唔想阿仔入番 SPB 中學. 但 SPB 小學的新校舍十分吸引 !
作者: piagetmum1    時間: 12-7-26 23:43

作者: vincentchiu888    時間: 12-7-28 10:51

HaYi 發表於 12-7-26 12:40
SPB 應該冇 SFA 谷, 同埋SPB 的中學唔係太特出, 我識人自己是 SPB 中學舊生, 都唔想阿仔入番 SPB 中學. 但  ...
成績係Band 1 尾Band 2 頭,不算差的了。但校風不知如何?

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