
標題: Christian Alliance International School [打印本頁]

作者: ssant    時間: 12-7-3 17:34     標題: Christian Alliance International School

CAIS Parents

My husband and I are considering sending our daughter to Christian Alliance  International School in Kowloon  G2 in this Aug

So far, we've only heard good things about the school, but we would be grateful for any more feedback/ comments from others.


作者: mackenzie    時間: 12-9-20 17:33

I would like to know more on CAIS too...
作者: Shirley3    時間: 12-9-23 23:15

Me too ...
作者: terryhau    時間: 12-9-24 07:30     標題: 回覆:Shirley3 的帖子

例如想知D乜?CAIS.teacher 好caring 小朋友,teacher 多是from Canada..·.課程都是加拿大的,所有學生去到學校已講英文(講得很流利英文),我見的學生都好乖,守規則,我們一家都很喜愛CAIS

作者: Christy-mummy    時間: 12-9-24 12:46     標題: 回覆:Christian Alliance International School

My son is in preparatory class this year, so far he enjoys so much at the school.  He settled very fast, he gets along well with the classmates.  Teachers are caring & the staffs are very helpful.  They have religion background that make the kids are self-possessed and discipline.

作者: ILBC    時間: 12-9-24 22:09


作者: Chloemum123    時間: 12-9-24 23:40

我囡囡今年pre class, 前兩天她帶回一份中文的note, 是簡体字.
作者: terryhau    時間: 12-9-25 07:10     標題: 回覆:Christian Alliance International School


作者: ILBC    時間: 12-9-25 08:53

作者: emwmchan    時間: 12-9-25 21:07

想請教CAIS難入嗎? 我準備幫我仔仔報下年Preparatory class, Interview 會考甚麽呢?
作者: bigbighei    時間: 12-9-25 22:33     標題: 回覆:ssant 的帖子


作者: emwmchan    時間: 12-9-28 09:50

回復 bigbighei 的帖子

Deadline for application is mid-Dec.
作者: yuenru    時間: 12-10-4 11:29

my daughter is in Prepartory class. the teacher is very caring and it's a small class basis.   If you ask me about the school iteself, I would say
1. budget- it's around 8000HKD per month (including miscell) at this moment. however, keep in mind that once the new campus is ready, we need to pay 250K HKD debenture.   That's a cash flow consideration.
2. Reglious belief- CAIS is very christian focus.  students need to learn bible as well as attending chapel time. every tuesday, we do $2 donation.  I like the alot as I'm christian myself. But it may not be that comfortable to some parents.
3. Chinese languge- honestly, the chinese language is not that advance. for example, children at Prep are still only at simply level of characters like  one,two, three. But if you are looking for more advance chinese level like local school, then better put kids for extra tutoring.
作者: judymama    時間: 12-10-4 22:34     標題: 引用:請問今年中文是否真的開始用繁體字教?大致

原帖由 ILBC 於 12-09-24 發表
Yes, my son in grade 1 traditional Chinese this year

作者: judymama    時間: 12-10-4 22:36     標題: 回覆:Christian Alliance International School

Use this book

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作者: judymama    時間: 12-10-4 22:43     標題: 回覆:Christian Alliance International School


作者: ssant    時間: 12-10-4 22:51

ILBC 發表於 12-9-24 22:09
作者: ILBC    時間: 12-10-5 01:04

多謝各位的資料!judymama,程度也可以啊,比我想像中深! 請問知否會伸延至其他年級嗎?
ssant, 家住將軍澳,李先生說應該會更早便上車了!
作者: torunpoland    時間: 12-10-5 01:36


作者: Chloemum123    時間: 12-10-5 23:22

'我愛學語文" - 我朋友囡囡讀培道小學一年級都是用這用書, 原本中文程度和本地小學一樣.
作者: LittlePigmom    時間: 12-10-6 12:53     標題: judymama 的帖子


作者: judymama    時間: 12-10-6 18:05     標題: 回覆:Chloemum123 的帖子


作者: terryhau    時間: 12-10-6 18:11

Chloemum123 發表於 12-10-5 23:22
'我愛學語文" - 我朋友囡囡讀培道小學一年級都是用這用書, 原本中文程度和本地小學一樣. ...

作者: bigbean007    時間: 12-10-18 20:23

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作者: ILBC    時間: 12-10-18 23:27

回復 ssant 的帖子

作者: ssant    時間: 12-10-19 22:25     標題: 引用:回復+ssant+的帖子 原本我見麗瑤校舍偏遠

原帖由 ILBC 於 12-10-18 發表
回復 ssant 的帖子

原本我見麗瑤校舍偏遠,教簡體中文,遲些還要買債卷或付建校費而卻步不報名。後來知道 ...

作者: ILBC    時間: 12-10-19 23:02

回復 ssant 的帖子

我就係住將軍澳!6:10am!!! 即係要5:30am起身… 係咪有啲過份同殘忍呢?收咗再諗,或者睇吓可唔可以揾埋其他將軍澳家長自組保母車啦。多謝你的資料!

作者: ssant    時間: 12-10-20 12:45

ILBC 發表於 12-10-19 23:02
回復 ssant 的帖子

我就係住將軍澳!6:10am!!! 即係要5:30am起身… 係咪有啲過份同殘忍呢?收咗再 ...
Seem $1600 TKO and SaiKung $2200 per month
作者: ILBC    時間: 12-10-20 13:23

回復 ssant 的帖子

Thank you!
作者: yanlee06    時間: 12-10-20 15:58     標題: 回覆:ILBC 的帖子


作者: ILBC    時間: 12-10-20 16:11


作者: -Sun-    時間: 12-10-20 23:48

我好想女兒可以讀CAIS, 請問各位家長學校interview難嗎嗎?是否要懂流利英文才可?現在為女兒選K1,如果K3時想入CAIS是否現在已經要start international kindergarten?
作者: ssant    時間: 12-10-21 15:11     標題: 回覆:-Sun- 的帖子


作者: -Sun-    時間: 12-10-21 20:40

回復 ssant 的帖子

作者: judymama    時間: 12-10-23 16:48     標題: 引用:回復+ssant+的帖子 多謝分享,應該由現在

原帖由 -Sun- 於 12-10-21 發表
回復 ssant 的帖子

多謝分享,應該由現在操英文,希望兩年後考到啦。不過連有哥哥姐姐讀都入唔到真係有d危 ...
2年時間應唔難,我仔仔而家grade1,當年考k3前一年才考慮讀IS,之前讀普通local kinder,決定考IS便開始用英語對話,時間真不夠,多一年應該好好多,但要努力呀!

作者: -Sun-    時間: 12-10-23 23:53

回復 judymama 的帖子

其實都好心大心細,自己都想囡囡入到CAIS, 但如果現在俾佢讀IS又怕兩年後考唔入佢䜖唔番local school,所以有d想佢入local kinder,但知道咁的話佢英文一定唔得,好苦腦!
作者: judymama    時間: 12-10-24 10:59     標題: 引用:回復+judymama+的帖子 其實都好心大心細,

原帖由 -Sun- 於 12-10-23 發表
回復 judymama 的帖子

其實都好心大心細,自己都想囡囡入到CAIS, 但如果現在俾佢讀IS又怕兩年後考唔入佢䜖 ...
How about st. Cat? Seems their kids can adapt to both system

作者: ssant    時間: 12-10-24 17:38     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+-Sun-+於+12-10-21+發表回復+

原帖由 judymama 於 12-10-23 發表
2年時間應唔難,我仔仔而家grade1,當年考k3前一年才考慮讀IS,之前讀普通local kinder,決定考IS便開始用英語 ...
其實唔擔心得咁多,考local直資或私校的競爭都好大。而出面出名本地課程學校要求的英文也很高,相信你比小朋友在kinder stage 學好英文一定冇壞

作者: PCMW    時間: 12-11-14 14:25

我小朋友現讀CAIS G1,你們想問什麼?
作者: workmama    時間: 12-11-16 21:51

My daughter like the school much much, the school encourage reading , high standard of English, teachers are good, this is the reason why my husband and I like this school much.
作者: ssant    時間: 12-11-18 20:36     標題: 回覆:Christian Alliance International School

我小朋友入讀CAIS後都好love reading...學校真的做得好好

作者: winnie194    時間: 12-11-20 02:51

仔仔讀左幾個月, 乖左好多.
佢多左自信, 又肯去關心家人, 仲成日幫手,
放左學會去睇書, 砌LEGO,
仲成日大大聲咁唱學校的歌, 同背聖經
作者: PCMW    時間: 12-11-20 15:42

作者: fionau    時間: 12-11-20 20:54     標題: 引用:仔仔讀左幾個月,+乖左好多.佢多左自信,+又

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作者: judymama    時間: 12-11-21 23:31     標題: 回覆:Christian Alliance International School


作者: maggielcw    時間: 13-3-6 02:12

回復 judymama 的帖子

Dear Judymama,

i saw a lot of replys for CAIS, i got an offer for preparatory, just wondering how goods is the school? and anythings that needed to aware for the new comer for both students and parents.

hope i will get your reponses.


作者: judymama    時間: 13-3-6 09:59     標題: 回覆:maggielcw 的帖子

The teachers and assistants are nice and caring. Full of love in school congras that u can join. Anything u want to know?

作者: Miamama818    時間: 13-3-6 13:27

My daugther is also accepted by CAIS. I'm very happy as this is the very first real offer from any school for my daugther! (i'm so fed up with waitlist letters...) Every time I visit CAIS, the more I like the school.
But I must admit, I'm still waiting for other ISs to release result too. Very mix feeling if I had to make choice...
作者: Shrimpiggy    時間: 13-3-6 13:47     標題: 回覆:Miamama818 的帖子

It is common to apply more than one school and it is difficult to make decision too. One of my friend changed her decision at the very first few days of school but luckily she had paid the fee for both schools so that they can switch without a problem.

作者: dorothy313    時間: 13-3-6 14:14

Miamama818 發表於 13-3-6 13:27
My daugther is also accepted by CAIS. I'm very happy as this is the very first real offer from any s ...
請問你係幾時收email? 謝謝
作者: Miamama818    時間: 13-3-6 14:22

Yesterday evening.
作者: Miamama818    時間: 13-3-6 17:23

回復 Shrimpiggy 的帖子

Thank you. It is such a stressful process for both kids and adults. I am sure CAIS will be a good fit for my daughter if that's what god led us to. I'm just so glad I can be more calm now and be able to wait for future results without much pressure.

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