
標題: 有冇蘇浙下午N班家長會選擇保母車? [打印本頁]

作者: bbc2010    時間: 12-6-12 09:37     標題: 有冇蘇浙下午N班家長會選擇保母車?


作者: catcat2010    時間: 12-6-12 12:10

Hello bbc2010, my daughter will be joining PN afternoon session as well.
Nice to meet you.
Same situation as you, I also left my contact to 舒太 as well..I have similar hesitation as you. I am very worried how they ensure all 14-16 such young baby can walk safely to the school.

On Sat, I walked through the road that 舒太 said where the school bus will stop to the kindergarten back door, it's around 30 meters horizontal 馬路 plus 5 steps 梯級斜路, then reach the back door.. After that, still need to walk two floors of steps.. I really worried how they manage to take care of 14-16 young toddlers by just one 保母!!
I think I may change mind to ask the maid to bring the baby to school. At least the maid can take care of the baby on 1-to-1 basis.

Sigh... still thinking how to do!
作者: bbc2010    時間: 12-6-12 13:41     標題: catcat2010 的帖子

i have discussed with my family ,they think it's a bit dangerous to let a 2yr old kid take nanny bus themselves ,but on the other hand i want to train my kid to be independent ,so hard to decide ,sigh .perhaps i might just ask my helper to take her to school ,it seems safer

作者: karents13kaka    時間: 12-6-12 14:00

Hello, 我的女女都係入讀蘇淅下午班.
我們跟了幾名蘇淅BK家長, 找了舒太的行家莊哥哥, 組了包車服務.
上落點共有四個, 包括小西灣藍灣, 柴灣康翠台, 西灣河及太古城.
保姆車是16座, 家長及傭人可一同乘搭, 收費是按人頭計, 現在約有六名小朋友及幾名家長參加. (越多人乘搭, 車資攤分越平)
保姆車亦會有一名跟車姨姨, 可以帶小朋友上落後門.
如有興趣, 可以PM我或電郵給另一名搞手家長[email protected]

週六那天, 聽到舒太在學校門前講, 每月收費約900蚊. 會有一名跟車姨姨, 但在學校會有二至三名姨姨在落車點, 輪流將保母車的小朋友帶到學校後門.
不過好似聽聞舒太的車, 都會接載高主教幼稚園的小朋友. 車款有大車細車.
作者: audrey420    時間: 12-6-12 14:17

回復 karents13kaka 的帖子

Please check pm, thanks
作者: catcat2010    時間: 12-6-12 15:05

Hello karents13kaka,

I am interested in your 包車服務. I live in  西灣河鯉景灣. I would to reserve two seats, one for my daughter and one for my maid.
My email is [email protected]

Sorry that I am new to BK, don't know how to PM.. It means to send message?

作者: catcat2010    時間: 12-6-12 15:08

回復 karents13kaka 的帖子

Oh... I found the "PM" button la! I just PM you.
作者: karents13kaka    時間: 12-6-13 11:04

包車上落點有更改: 共有五個, 包括小西灣藍灣, 柴灣康翠台, 西灣河東旭, 西灣河逸濤灣及太古城無印.
(越多人乘搭, 車資攤分越平) 有意請PM
作者: Wendyla    時間: 12-6-13 12:22

回復 karents13kaka 的帖子

請問知唔知有否保母車往西環至蘇浙?可否EMAIL 行家莊哥哥聯絡資料給我?thanks!
email:  [email protected]

作者: karents13kaka    時間: 12-6-13 12:29

回復 Wendyla 的帖子

你或者先行問舒太, 她好像有搞西環線
作者: athena@    時間: 12-6-13 18:02     標題: 回覆:有冇蘇浙下午N班家長會選擇保母車?


作者: karents13kaka    時間: 12-6-13 18:20

回復 athena@ 的帖子

已PM你, 請查收
作者: karents13kaka    時間: 12-6-14 17:31

上落點共有五個, 包括小西灣藍灣, 柴灣康翠台, 西灣河愛勤道巴士站, 西灣河逸濤灣, 及太古城無印良品.
已有包車16座, 只有最後三個吉位.
家長或傭人可陪同乘搭, 收費是按人頭計. 越多人乘搭, 車資攤分越平.
如有興趣及查詢, 可以PM我, 謝
作者: allyri    時間: 12-6-25 12:38

回復 karents13kaka 的帖子


作者: layerbb    時間: 12-7-1 01:11     標題: 回覆:有冇蘇浙下午N班家長會選擇保母車?

I've joined karents13kaka for the 包車. Anyone interested to join as well? If so, pls contact her.

作者: bebedauphin    時間: 12-7-1 02:11     標題: 回覆:bbc2010 的帖子


作者: karents13kaka    時間: 12-7-15 14:04     標題: 回覆:有冇蘇浙下午N班家長會選擇保母車?

成功組線了! 由舒太提供包車.
上落點共有五個, 包括小西灣藍灣, 柴灣康翠台, 西灣河愛勤道巴士站, 西灣河逸濤灣, 及太古城無印良品.
已有包車16座, 只有最後三個吉位.
家長或傭人可陪同乘搭, 收費是按人頭計. 越多人乘搭, 車資攤分越平.

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