
標題: 外語 [打印本頁]

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-5-25 13:03     標題: 外語

除咗中英文外, 你們的小朋友有無學其他外語?  難唔難?
作者: mugtaitai    時間: 12-5-25 14:32

阿仔喺學校學法文,佢話難,不過好中意。明年開始 IGCSE 課程,揀左科,中文同法文要二選一,喺我地勸諭下揀左中文,但好唔捨得法文,暑假後會幫佢去法國文化協會睇下有冇啱時間啱程度嘅班俾佢繼續讀
作者: Mighty    時間: 12-5-25 16:17

mugtaitai 發表於 12-5-25 09:32
阿仔喺學校學法文,佢話難,不過好中意。明年開始 IGCSE 課程,揀左科,中文同法文要二選一,喺我地勸諭下 ...
請問小朋友学了多久? 現在是GRADE幾? 謝謝。

作者: annie40    時間: 12-5-25 18:29

回復 Mighty 的帖子


物你又有兴趣呀? 读法文去法國文化读是平靓正. 总之课程可以读到你二三十岁唔读都可以,  但听闻湾仔个centre D 同学仔好玩D, 搅笑吓又上完一堂,.  有个朋友个女系湾仔上开堂, 好钟意法文, 因课程调配, 去左Jordan, 唔够三个月, 永久放弃法文了.  孟母三迁, 总有原因的.  这是我是听回来的分享, 读开Jordan 的, 勿怪我多口讲错.

相对Spanish, 可以去 HK Language Institue, 或另一Spanish centre (in central),  贵好多, 课程无甘完善.


作者: Mighty    時間: 12-5-25 18:59

Hi Annie、有興趣呀!! SPANISH不会学了、因老公不喜歓。 其実ALREADY予備報ALLIANCE FRANCAISE的SUMMER INTENSIVE COURSE. 不過住得遠、所以想報JORDAN,BUT AFTER SEEING YOUR POST, will re-think which centre to choose. Yes classmates are very important too.  I am not keen on Jordan area either.  小朋友不是讀書材料、中文当然不可放棄、不過可能相対学法文可能容易点、I mean comparing Chinese and French.  Languages are never easy.  
作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-5-25 19:36

Oh, I always thought that Mighty was a man.  Perhaps Annie is a man too and me a woman  :)    Anyway, I was initially thinking of sending my kids to learn either French or Spanish.  I was trying to find out which one is easier to learn.  But now after looking at the information you guys gave me, I guess I have to change my criteria to "which one is cheaper to learn".  It seems that they both cost around HK$400 to HK$500 for an hour's lesson.  I am sure I will go broke long before they know how to speak the language.
作者: Mighty    時間: 12-5-25 20:20

我係女人!! (^-^) hahaha,does it really matter ? 以我経験、SPANICH比較容易学(COMPARED TO FRENCH).
If I m forced to learn either one, then I am sure I can learn Spanish but not French.  
作者: Chole    時間: 12-5-26 00:09

My kid learnt Spanish when she's younger.  Spanish is not that difficult because its pronounciation is closer to English.  Nevertheless, it is not easy to secure a good teacher and anyway teachers come from a variety of places (South America) and I really can't tell who has got the most "correct" accent.  (Or is there any 標準 Spanish like Putonghua)

While Spanish is one of the top 3 languages in the world, my US friend comments that Spanish speaking people usually learn English too so there's really no need for us to learn Spanish for communication purpose.

作者: FattyDaddy    時間: 12-5-26 00:23

Chole 發表於 12-5-26 00:09
Spanish speaking people usually learn English too so there's really no need for us to learn Spanish for communication purpose ...
This is true for the Spanish speaking people in North America (mainly Mexicans), but not so true for those in Europe and South America.

Amongst Europeans, the Germans probably speak the best English. I once learned a bit of German but gave it up after visiting Germany and discovered that almost everyone I met could speak adequate English.

作者: bobbycheung    時間: 12-5-26 01:24

I still can't decide whether it is French or Spanish.  I guess I will probably let my kids choose what they want to learn as I can't really see any significant advantage or disadvantage of one over the other.  My boy commented that German and Spanish sound like they are swearing :)   I am really looking forward to the day when my mobile phone can instantly translate what I say in Cantonese/English into another language. All I have to do then is to hold up my phone and talk and the other guy will hear and understand what I say in his language.  It will save a lot of hassle :)
作者: iristony625    時間: 12-5-26 10:02

回復 bobbycheung 的帖子

Dear all parents,

My boy is interested in learning Spanish (as one of his classmates is spanish speaker, he said Spanish is so funny, he wants to learn).  I am looking for Spanish course for him.  I find that there is summer porgram organised by HK Language Institute, as such, I am looking forward to your comment / advise about this institute and Spanish course.  In addition, how about another one in Central, Spanish World HK and Viva Spanish in Mongkok.  Thanks!!

作者: Chole    時間: 12-5-26 14:02

My kid took the course in a different centre and sorry I can't comment on the others.  Changed 3/4 teachers during 2 years so I won't recommend.
作者: Chole    時間: 12-5-26 14:05

回復 FattyDaddy 的帖子

All in all, English and PTH are the most important languages.

Some of my kid's classmates (local kids) dropped Chinese and are taking French simply because they don't like Chinese.  Well, I would never allow my kid to do this.

作者: mugtaitai    時間: 12-5-26 19:05

回復 Mighty 的帖子

小朋友今年 year 9, 學了三年,明年選科被逼放棄法文,他有點捨不得,我也覺得現在停了好像浪費了前三年的功夫,暑假後幫他去法國文化協會看看課程
作者: Mighty    時間: 12-5-27 13:44

mugtaitai 發表於 12-5-26 14:05
回復 Mighty 的帖子

小朋友今年 year 9, 學了三年,明年選科被逼放棄法文,他有點捨不得,我也覺得現在停 ...

請問学了3年、其実到了何種程度。 我知毎位小朋友的状況都会不同、就MUGTAITAI所見、是如何? 如果貴子女放棄法文、去選択中文、我相信他的中文程度一定不錯了。
作者: mugtaitai    時間: 12-5-27 15:44


作者: chukuen    時間: 12-5-28 22:36


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