
標題: 活潑好動的小朋友是否適合讀德望 [打印本頁]

作者: anita2904    時間: 12-3-26 10:58     標題: 活潑好動的小朋友是否適合讀德望

小女有幸得到德望幼稚園的K1 offer,但有不少人都建議小女不要就讀,其中一個原因是小女活潑好動,而近年此類小朋友考德望小學時,皆未能獲取offer,相信學校遍向文靜的小朋友,故本人希望現任小學家長能為以下各點提供其意見:

1. 活潑好動的小朋友會否較難適應小學生活??會否有機會成被老師針對的對象??
2. 本人知若就讀德望,家長需提供不少協助,但學校會否為學習成績較遜的學生補底??還是需家長自行想辦法??
3. 小一開始,英文科便由下學期開始教授,家長是否有需要自行教她小一上學期的內容??是否小一將教援小一下學期及整個小二的英文內容??小朋友學得吃力嗎??
4. 是否整個小學生涯只有英文科是教快一個學期至一年,其他科目都是教授該學年的內容??
5 是否越高年級便越多功課,小朋友會否完全沒有空閒的時間??
6 從你們的討論知道經常有小測,是否皆屬評估一部份??


作者: cindyau    時間: 12-3-28 19:21

小孩有能力咪得囉! 你女兒活潑好動的程度去到點呀?願意靜靜上課就無問題喇!
作者: parentslove    時間: 12-3-31 07:58

Dear Anita2904,

My daughter is studying at P.3 now and I knew somebody studying in GHKG as well.

小女有幸得到德望幼稚園的K1 offer,但有不少人都建議小女不要就讀,其中一個原因是小女活潑好動,而近年此類小朋友考德望小學時,皆未能獲取offer,相信學校遍向文靜的小朋友,故本人希望現任小學家長能為以下各點提供其意見:

1. 活潑好動的小朋友會否較難適應小學生活??會否有機會成被老師針對的對象??
No such thing, the teachers are very professional there.  Sports also is very important in the school.
2. 本人知若就讀德望,家長需提供不少協助,但學校會否為學習成績較遜的學生補底??還是需家長自行想辦法??
For P.1 student, they don't hav any extra activities in School.  There is one hour self studying before home.  Normally, they were finish the homework before home.  It's quite easy studying life for them compared with some aided school.  GH offer a very systematic programme with their own worksheet.
3. 小一開始,英文科便由下學期開始教授,家長是否有需要自行教她小一上學期的內容??是否小一將教援小一下學期及整個小二的英文內容??小朋友學得吃力嗎??
If your daughter is stuying in GHKG, I guess they already provided the programme for promotion.
4. 是否整個小學生涯只有英文科是教快一個學期至一年,其他科目都是教授該學年的內容??
Not really, some others as well.  Mathematic use two languages with English as well.
5 是否越高年級便越多功課,小朋友會否完全沒有空閒的時間??
This is happened for all schools in Hong Kong but they have plenty of time for other activites such as swimming, musical instrutments even up to P.3 now.  The pressure is from parents not from school.
6 從你們的討論知道經常有小測,是否皆屬評估一部份??
This is usual, time to time Quiz, let the student use to be the atmosphere of examination.  Most of Quiz in the lower class not calcuated in the assessment score, some are.  The teachers will explain to you carefully when you're in parents' meeting.

GH is a traditional school and quite care about discipline.

God bless!

作者: anita2904    時間: 12-4-2 11:13

Thanks cindyau & parentslove!!

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