
標題: 請教~你地報左幾多間私校及直資?有幾多間取錄左呀? [打印本頁]

作者: careysum    時間: 12-1-18 07:38     標題: 請教~你地報左幾多間私校及直資?有幾多間取錄左呀?

我囡囡先剛上幼稚園,但好想了解下宜定既情況,因為我知道有好多人係報左好多間直資OR私校,但最後係一間既OFFER都無,所以好想知道你地報左幾多間?同埋有幾多間收左? THX

作者: vivicicimimi    時間: 12-1-18 08:27

作者: TYYC    時間: 12-1-18 08:51

本帖最後由 TYYC 於 12-1-18 08:52 編輯

We have applied 12 schools and due to time clashes, we attended only 9 school interviews. We've got 9 straight offers, 0 waiting & 0 rejected.

In decending order of our preferences: DGJS, APS, SFA, CKY, KTS, TSL, LHT,WKF & EC.

作者: ha!    時間: 12-1-18 08:53

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作者: chanwendy    時間: 12-1-18 10:38

我報咗一間私校兩間直資, 1 offer, 1 waiting, 1 rejected.
作者: Joechengck    時間: 12-1-18 10:42

本帖最後由 Joechengck 於 12-1-18 12:23 編輯

For 2010/2011, I applied 13 schools and the final results are as follows:

Schools with offer:

Schools rejected:
WKF, SPC, Raimondi College

Time clash, not attended the interview:
St. Joseph (Kwun Tong)

作者: 四隻貓    時間: 12-1-18 10:42

回復 TYYC 的帖子



作者: TB    時間: 12-1-18 10:44

本帖最後由 TB 於 12-1-18 10:45 編輯

we had applied for 6 "直資" schools, 3 offers, 2 waiting and 1 rejected. But my favourite one is only on waitingmouth:" />
作者: BOBO_mummy    時間: 12-1-18 10:55

我報咗3間, 1 offer (KTS), 1 waiting(APS),
1 rejected (CKY).
作者: july25    時間: 12-1-18 11:36

我地total報咗10間, 有2間無去, 有3個offer!
作者: ChuLuLu    時間: 12-1-18 11:52

回復 Joechengck 的帖子

SPC = St. Paul Convent????
作者: pomerol    時間: 12-1-18 12:09

我報咗7間,3間有offer,2間waiting,1間reject,1間自己放棄second in.  最心儀嗰間只係waiting,真失望!
作者: marcuscyrus    時間: 12-1-18 12:16

九龍塘學校---入圍2nd in 後出局
男拔,英華---未能入圍2nd in
作者: Joechengck    時間: 12-1-18 12:21

回復 ChuLuLu 的帖子

SPC = St. Paul's College (Boys)
作者: MyToffy    時間: 12-1-18 12:44

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作者: marcuscyrus    時間: 12-1-18 12:51

MyToffy 發表於 12-1-18 12:44
回復 Joechengck 的帖子

請教得到多間學校offer 的家長, 你們的小朋友是否都有以下條件?


作者: ChuLuLu    時間: 12-1-18 12:57

回復 Joechengck 的帖子

OIC; thanks!
作者: Joechengck    時間: 12-1-18 14:19

回復 MyToffy 的帖子

1. 極度活躍型
2. 非常多口
3. 喜歡同陌生人說話
4. 喜歡數字
5. 沒有任何獎項
6. 有大約6至8張興趣班的出席證書 (普通話、游水)


作者: flyda    時間: 12-1-18 15:05

回復 Joechengck 的帖子

My son also got all of what you mentioned except 4, but how come he hasn't got so many offers? Just kidding :)
作者: JoshuaN    時間: 12-1-18 16:17

回復 careysum 的帖子

報左7 間, 4 間 offer, 1 間 3rd interview 等3月result .
作者: 2012P1    時間: 12-1-18 17:07

回復 TYYC 的帖子

作者: Joechengck    時間: 12-1-18 18:02

回復 flyda 的帖子

我估妳只報了8間小學或以下,所以妳最多也只能得8個offer。(Just kidding)


作者: HaYi    時間: 12-1-18 18:16

我地都係報10間, 有一間 crash 左冇去, 得5間offer,  
所以預定報多8-10間, 要有不同tier (eg, tier 1 eg DBS, DGS, tier 2 eg KTS, GT) 好些, 因每一年都會更多人去考, 太少機會不大.  

作者: myac    時間: 12-1-18 18:41

My case: Applied for 5 schools.  

2 rejects
3 offers : APSKT, Logos, Evangel
Discretionary: HYPS

作者: williskg    時間: 12-1-18 21:38

本帖最後由 williskg 於 12-1-18 21:40 編輯

my daughter attempt 3, and get 3 offers (GHS, TSL AND DGJS)
作者: wing    時間: 12-1-18 23:36

報咗4間, 得一間收



作者: bb媽咪grace    時間: 12-1-18 23:43

回復 Joechengck 的帖子

YW依定重係2nd in緊, 應該係今年3月才公佈收生喎!  點會咁快知有offer??

作者: careysum    時間: 12-1-19 00:05

作者: flyda    時間: 12-1-19 00:11

回復 Joechengck 的帖子


作者: Bear2004    時間: 12-1-19 00:15

回復 bb媽咪grace 的帖子

He already mentioned the results for year 2010/2011
作者: flyda    時間: 12-1-19 00:20

本帖最後由 flyda 於 12-1-19 00:29 編輯

回復 careysum 的帖子

I bet you won't have a truthful answer for this question; bcoz nobody would say or admit he's/she's wealthy or well educated. But I dare to say you will know the answer by your own observation very soon.
作者: TYYC    時間: 12-1-19 11:21

四隻貓 發表於 12-1-18 10:42
回復 TYYC 的帖子


1. 觀察內儉型, 不急於表現自己.
2. 學術極強(我們相信她現在已有足夠能力, 應付一般小學二年級課程, 英文程度更不止於此)
3. 跟陌生人談話時淡定有條理, 不過發音用詞還有待鍛鍊
4. 十分喜歡閱讀, 閒時會自動自學拿書看, 會細聲誦讀, 亦能投入內容(會跟著笑, 跟著擔心, 跟著害怕).
5. 沒有任何特異功能和獎項, 不懂游泳, 不懂朗誦, 不是合唱團.
6. 興趣班 (只有鋼琴, 還沒有考級)
7. 沒有上面試班, 公文數, 普通話.

我們來自普通家庭, 雙親需要工作. 為了這次小一考直資, 真的由2008年報K1前已開始準備, 完成由SC-->CCKG-->DGJS 這條路, 每天花一小時左右親自教中英數常識, 三年來累積了大約1500 小時.

作者: 四隻貓    時間: 12-1-19 12:09

回復 TYYC 的帖子



作者: yuenkw    時間: 12-1-19 13:08

報 5 間,2 間(SFA & LHT) 有offer ,2 間(KTS & EC) rejected ,YW 等緊!
作者: yingval    時間: 12-1-19 13:20

回復 TYYC 的帖子

Thanks for sharings!  You really put a lot of effort to educate your kid.
作者: BB成長期    時間: 12-1-19 13:52

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作者: marcuscyrus    時間: 12-1-19 15:26

BB成長期 發表於 12-1-19 13:52
我一直覺得阿仔很叻 (在每個阿媽心中).....但太多人說阿仔把口了得, 轉數很快....講0下講自己看重了阿仔很 ...

我兒都是很多咀,且講野大大聲,但有一次某校的2nd in 是我們和他一起面試,他原來都會少少怕羞

作者: TheWiseMom    時間: 12-1-19 15:48

Hi TYYC & Joechengck,

Thanks for your sharing! Although my son is good at languages & math, he couldn't perform during interviews cos he's passive & shy. In the above, some mention that their active & talkative children could get in their desirable schools, some couldn't. Then it all depends on our children's destinies.
作者: Joechengck    時間: 12-1-19 16:25

回復 TheWiseMom 的帖子

Hi TheWiseMom,

Agree your point.
For my case, after joining some school's activities like ocean park visit and charity walk at Peak, I observed that, basically, all (or most) of my son's classmates are talkative (with proactive mindset) and presentable (quite like my son's character) even through I know some classmates are not good in academic side. In this respect, I truly believed that school's selection criteria will not focus highly on academic achievement...  

作者: TheWiseMom    時間: 12-1-19 17:14

本帖最後由 TheWiseMom 於 12-1-21 18:55 編輯

回復 Joechengck 的帖子

"Presentable" is the key, I guess. When my son met w/SPCC's principal, he's scared & couldn't say much. My hope was that if he could get in SPCC, then his younger sister would have a higher chance to get in too. Now it's a mere delusion. I wonder if I should knock its door in Jun or try insertion next year.
作者: Wenjo    時間: 12-1-19 18:33

Applied 10 schoolsOffer: cky, kts, raimondi, kauyan, creative
Rejected, tsl,st Louis, spc, wkf,
2nd in: yw ( waiting for march)

November small boy

作者: lucychan    時間: 12-1-19 21:54

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作者: janeba    時間: 12-1-20 01:03

Great sharing! We can feel your heart for raising your kid. It shows DGJS treasures kids with talent and parents with heart no matter what class you are from. Hope your daughter can enjoy and further boost up the learning environment of our kids in coming P1 school life. See you in Feb!
作者: marrowcream    時間: 12-1-20 09:47

Applied 12 schools : WKF (有野做冇去到), SFA(撞期冇去), Good Lady, DGS, 陳守仁, PK, 禮賢, 港同, APSKT, KTS, GH, SMC (2 in 冇去到)

Offer : 港同, APSKT, KTS, PK and Good Lady.

作者: fanwong29    時間: 12-1-20 14:22

作者: marrowcream    時間: 12-1-20 17:28

作者: williskg    時間: 12-1-26 20:48

本帖最後由 williskg 於 12-1-26 20:51 編輯

回復 TYYC 的帖子

we have similar family background and teaching method. We have not prepare for the interview: but television is not allowed at normal days except 1 hour on sat and sunday. My daughter is a " book worm". The most important program on sunday is library section. Her english standard is about P3 as she is in english tutorial with p3 and 4 girls. We let her go to tutorial because I do not have the ability to teach her english anymore, especially the pronouciation.

My daughter has similar character as yours. see you at DGJS.

作者: janeba    時間: 12-1-27 00:31

To williskg and TYYC, 
We have similar P1 interview results here. Though not sure what level our daughter is in, she loves reading classic novels and writes essay by her own from 4. She loves visiting library and museums too -- she "studies" the exhibitions piece by piece and listens to our explanations in a museum for almost 6 hours until we really "pull" her to leave. Same.... No acamdemic award or music certification,  I believe that make her feel less pressure while learning. I feel very fortunate that she can learn with your talented daughters in the coming 12 years! See you in Feb.
作者: TYYC    時間: 12-1-27 11:53

本帖最後由 TYYC 於 12-1-27 13:50 編輯
janeba 發表於 12-1-27 00:31
To williskg and TYYC,
We have similar P1 interview results here. Though not sure what level our da ...

Hi williskg and janeba,

In the coming 12 years, our girls will probably become lifelong friends. It's amazing that we could meet up here.

We also look forward to the P1 parents' meeting on the 7th Feb and the "分班試" that comes shortly.

To other parents,

I strongly believe that there is NO universal formula to nourish your kids. My girl's meat is your daughter's poison. Every kid is unique, has individual talents and develops at his/her own pace.

We didn't join any commercial  / certificate courses simply because we didn't believe those could truly understand the needs of my daughter. Logistically-wise, we have also difficulties to arrange them during office hours. Strategically, prepare interviews all by ourselves mean we could tailor-made and keep track the progress. Which areas could go further? Which areas deserve reinforcement? Everything is more controllable under our hands than pre-set modules offered by the courses. A more relaxed timetable also provides more rest and refreshing, both mentally and physically.

Moreover, thousands of certificates of the same kind floating during the admission game make them useless or even look stupid if some of the holders are just performing mediocre, it is the first sad truth.

Honestly, the competition is far keener than expected. Prepare as much as possible. P1 interviews are not testing your kids at K3 level. They are selecting "suitable" kids with P1 level questions. A K3 kid can answer P1 level questions unambiguously smart and confidently is another level to achieve. This is the second sad truth.

The top 16.6% clever boys and girls could be easily distinguished from the peers as "叻仔叻囡". However, the numbers of seats available in those 1st tier schools are so scarce. 3000 applications fighting for around 150 seats is something common nowadays. You can do the math. Parents usually overestimate own kids and underrate others. This is the third sad truth.

I think I've talked so much, just my 2 cents and may the best of luck be always with you !

作者: 小琥ma    時間: 12-1-27 12:17

Thanks for your sharing, TYYC.
Totally agree "Every kid is unique"!
作者: kmmum    時間: 12-1-27 16:16

非常同意 'My girl's meat is your daughter's poison. '
作者: BabyHilary    時間: 12-1-30 00:50

wow...I understood how come the english standard in DGJS/DGS so high, the majority of their "P1-to be" already has P2-P3 english level! My son is long way behind, he dosen't like reading, he loves listen story like a toddler...my goodness! I think I have to work 200% hard with him! Thanks for TYYC, williskg and janeba's sharing!

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