
標題: 女拔落敗感言 [打印本頁]

作者: YLMom    時間: 11-12-20 17:59     標題: 女拔落敗感言

經過漫長的等待, 今天終於收到結果了.
一如所料, 落敗了.
失望是有的, 但不算意外.
無論如何, 總算鬆一口氣.

在此首先恭喜獲取錄的小朋友, 你們真的很棒, 能在女拔讀書, 是一種福氣, 要好好珍惜啊!
女拔真是一所好學校, 這是我們出席了第二次面試後的真心感覺.
當天面試後, 小女告訴我戴校長面試時曾經在她耳畔說了兩句話 (內容不便透露, 比較私人).
我很愕然, 想不到戴校長在我們面前可能較嚴肅, 但對著一個五歲小孩子時, 表露她真正一面, 是那麼有愛心, 有人情味. 我終於明白, 一所學校能成功, 是有原因的. 雖然小女遺憾未能得到取錄, 但是已經上了寶貴一課.

未能得到取錄的家長, 不用太失望, 能夠進入第二次面試, 已經是很不錯了. 其他家長, 即使你的小朋友在第一次面試後未能進級”, 又或許至今在考小一的過程仍未有理想結果,也不要氣餒. 我們的小朋友本身已是我們的成就了. 只要看一看「親子王國」那邊「想生bb」那個topic, 便會知道, 很多人連想要一個小朋友也不容易. 考小一的過程可能很辛苦, 但是我們有機會做人父母, 有機會體驗考小一這經歷, 不是已經很值得感恩嗎?

有關女拔面試的thread有很高hit rate, 相信不少是來年考小一的家長在「取經」. 小女落敗了, 我當然沒有資格在此談什麼心得.
只是想建議大家, 不要太緊張小朋友能否入到名校,不要以入名校為未來一年唯一的「奮鬥目標」,
五歲是應該快快樂樂過每一天的, 若我們做每件事都只為考學校,一定會錯失一些寶貴的時光.

聖誕節快到了, 希望大家都懷著感恩的心, 歡渡佳節!

作者: YCDad    時間: 11-12-20 18:02

作者: funnybee    時間: 11-12-20 18:12

作者: nskmon    時間: 11-12-20 18:27

完全同意, 亦感同身受!
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-12-20 18:56

Also receive a reject letter.  But I think we have all do a great job and be proud of our girls!
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-12-20 18:57

YLMom, I think just not being acceptedb by DG does not mean that other parents should not learn from you.  I think you really do a great job!
作者: Ving    時間: 11-12-20 19:10

作者: mooncake3818    時間: 11-12-20 20:14

雖然我都收到reject letter, 但我覺得可能我個囡在第二間學校也很開心!
作者: waiwai1234567    時間: 11-12-20 20:19

作者: law_panda    時間: 11-12-20 22:02

Did you all got 2nd Interview?
作者: truthmr99    時間: 11-12-20 22:03

YLmom, read your message before off work. Sigh... seem those active speakers here got reject letter. Yes, we've got reject letter today.  My other half can't stop crying.

But I truly appreciate your words here which speak up for most of us...we all have pay good efforts for bringing up our kids.

Good luck to you!

作者: truthmr99    時間: 11-12-20 22:03

also, please stay in touch!! It's a long journey ahead. Our path will cross again!!

作者: YLMom    時間: 11-12-20 22:09

Sure!  May I know which school your girl will go to?

(By the way, I am surprised that you are a daddy?  As a woman, I guess I understand how your wife feels.  But just suggest her not to cry in front of your daughter, and after crying tonight, cheer up tomorrow.  It is not the end of the world, and the world will be even more beautiful tomorrow .....)  Cheers!  
作者: truthmr99    時間: 11-12-20 22:44

YLmom, pls note pm.
作者: Angelakibb    時間: 11-12-20 22:44

回復 YLMom 的帖子

I am Sure Ms. Dai is a caring person. The long final offer waiting period is aiming to give parents a period to adjust our expectation, and to face the result, no matter what it is !
Your girl must will be as bright as in DGJS for no matter school she is going .. as she has a brillant mum !

作者: icbb1230    時間: 11-12-20 22:56

本帖最後由 icbb1230 於 11-12-21 10:24 編輯

TLmom, truthmr99 and hi other all here,

Don't be upset about the result, we were not 100% confident to get the offer since the game started, right?  Of course, we will feel disappointed, but I can say out loudly that it doesn't a matter about our daughters ability.  Getting a DGJS offer is not only base on the girls performance, everything counts.  During 1st interview, ability is more important, but 2nd interview isn't.  Able to go into 2nd interview, ability is already proven.  When 2nd interview, Mrs Dai's preference becomes more important.  What is her preference?  Who know, except herself.  I believe she will read the portfolio, reference letter if any and also family background.  Although people always tell only count the performance, but I don't think it's true, everything counts.  

One more thing want to say is, don't be affected by those people 神化 the school and Mrs Dai.  School is a school, parent is the main role in nurturing the kids.  And Mrs Dai is only a lady who we only met her for 1-2 mins (maybe lesser), how can the people judge her she is nice or not?  Sometimes, when I read the post with similar comments to Mrs Dai, I feel very funny!  However, if u or someone else not agree with me, please don't be angry, just respect on freedom of speech haha!

Keep going, God will plan for us.  

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
作者: che    時間: 11-12-20 23:39

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作者: yy0601    時間: 11-12-21 00:09

作者: dwkw333    時間: 11-12-21 00:40

YLMom, I think your daughter will be very happy to have such a "positive thinking" mum!
作者: YLMom    時間: 11-12-21 08:55

Thank you for all your encouragement and compliment.

Actually, I am still learning to have more "positive thinking".  That's why I have been trying to manage my own expectation in the past few weeks, and luckily can manage to adjust my own feeling.

I really think that the primary school application process is not only a test for the kids.  It is also a test and a re-education process for the parents.  This re-education process will go on as we help our kids to grow up in the years to come ...........
作者: winnietingting    時間: 11-12-21 09:04

回復 YLMom 的帖子

我是個讀村校(中學和小學)大,亦入了中文大學的沙田人。我同事很多讀名中學(拔萃等).我覺得自己和他們沒有分別。take it easy.
作者: happysin    時間: 11-12-21 09:05

hi YLMom... let's prepare for p1 next Sept after new year... i am so proud of my daughter who has got chance of 2nd interview though failed finally.  The whole process is challenging.  If our girls will at the end meet at various universities in HK, why need to bother which primary schools they are studying at? As far as they have lovely and supportive family members like us is good enough...
I will not treat this result as failure as our game just started! Never give up!
作者: LovelyDad    時間: 11-12-21 09:33

I know it is tough to swallow the feeling of "rejection" initially

Think about it this way, in our own life, we face "rejection" quite often, that does not mean we should give up and be pessimistic, Instead, you should all be proud of your daughters. They have all done very well.

In my workplace, there are lots of smart peoples (I m not one of them), but guess what, none of the smart or successful peoples in my workplace grad from DGJS. That's why I have again again emphasized here that offer from DGJS is not equal to success all the way through.

I believe Child Education is a lifelong process, this is just beginning.

Don't give all, stay positive, I am sure all your kids will have a bright future :)
作者: 22May    時間: 11-12-21 09:43

作者: orangek    時間: 11-12-21 10:27

I feel that is such a relief... though we got a rejection letter.
作者: CKBCHU    時間: 11-12-21 11:09

回復 YLMom 的帖子


好多謝您的分享 。下年就到我的囡囡去考DGS ,我太太講有壓力,希望佢好似您咗positive!  其實您的囡囡有second in已經好叻。祝願您的囡囡有更好的offer!
Merry Christmas!!!

作者: thtb    時間: 11-12-21 11:17

回復 YLMom 的帖子

Hi YLMom,

我們的女兒入到 2nd in 都已今人非常鼓舞, 始終結果不是由我們大家來控制的, 我亦一早打定輸數, 故此收到信後都無失望, 反而會提醒了我還可以再有進步的空間. 不被取錄亦不代表我們的小朋友不夠好, 所以大家都不用太灰心.
你囡囡在我心目中已經好 outstanding... 大家一齊加油, 上天自然會有一個好安排給每位小朋友.

作者: truthmr99    時間: 11-12-21 12:30

lovelydad, hope you will note this message. Many thanks indeed for your encouragement.

Indeed, it's a good learning process. But sometimes, we as parents also hope a easy wayout to enter the elite school now and so no need to fight again 6 years later.  That's also why elite schools entrance is very competitive.... that said, we should get prepared for the journey ahead.
many thanks for your support as we do treasure and appreciate a lot during the anxious period.

作者: mmnn    時間: 11-12-21 12:32

My daugther was rejected P1 by DGJS six years ago,she is now in HYPS and study hard,and is ranked  A grade
.She will be HYS student in the comming summer.
My friend's daughter was asked to leave DGS when she was at F4.she then moved to UK study,and now she is the student of HKU by the result of GCE which she got in UK.

作者: Angelakibb    時間: 11-12-21 13:39

本帖最後由 Angelakibb 於 11-12-21 13:40 編輯

回復 mmnn 的帖子

Your message is encouraging to us !
I also think my girl's ability plus the support / resources that can be offered from my family matches better with other good school than DGJS.

I'm too greedy to have the fake hope from day one ...

作者: wamamema    時間: 11-12-21 14:01

回復 Angelakibb 的帖子

I like your line.  

"I'm too greedy to have the fake hope from day one ..."

I have the same feeling too.  I never thought that my girl would enter a top school at the start of this game until a hope came along with the 2nd interview chance for DGJS.  

作者: LovelyDad    時間: 11-12-21 15:22

回復 truthmr99 的帖子

When we were kids, we were quite used to adverse environment.
When we become parents, somehow because of our love for our kids, we tend to help them to get the easiest path.

I remember I attended a friend's wedding long time ago, the 牧師 said our job as parents is not to get the golden road to success for our kids, our job is to teach them how to survive thru adverse environment

Everyday as I live my life, I keep reminding myself that should be goal

作者: workhard1    時間: 11-12-21 16:43

我個女interviewDGJS and 大坑真光撞到正一正,但我們選了in真光! 都吾知正不正確!! ha...ha..... 不念了

作者: leelilili    時間: 11-12-21 22:42

回復 YLMom 的帖子


Appreciate your beautiful mind! May god watch over us all the way.


作者: LovelyDad    時間: 11-12-22 06:52

回復 truthmr99 的帖子

I sincerely hope after a few years, you will feel better. Some parents may think getting into DGJS is a golden ticket to success. Trust me, that's not the case. After getting in, parents continue to provide lots of support and extra curricula activities to nurture their kids.
I sincerely believe as long as you put your heart and dedication to educate your child, whether she is DGJS is not most important thing.

A friend of mine made this comment a while ago " the good thing about P1 application is to give him the chance to really know his son". When he helped his son to prepare the portfolio, then he went thru all his sons photos, etc.

作者: truthmr99    時間: 11-12-22 09:27

回復 LovelyDad 的帖子

Dear LovelyDad,

Many thanks again.  The family feels better and were more relaxing yesterday after intense pressure of waiting. I am sure many parents shared the same here.  As parents, we also get prepared for the private school we are heading for.

Truly appreciate  your support. Hope your girl enjoys her study at DGJS.  I am sure you are a devoted dad and so she will be successful not because she's studying at DGJS but because she's got a great dad!!!

Merry christmas to you and your family!!

作者: YLMom    時間: 11-12-22 09:31

Ha ha, I am very happy to see that many of you share the same feeling as me!  Thanks a lot!

By the way, anyone will join SFA next year?   I guess we will gradually "fade out" from this DG topic later.   I hope I can have some friends to talk to under the SFA topic and have a new start .........   {:1_1:}

作者: khashley    時間: 11-12-22 10:00

YLMom 發表於 11-12-22 09:31
Ha ha, I am very happy to see that many of you share the same feeling as me!  Thanks a lot!

By the  ...

Basically, I didnt get any offer from SFA (It is becoz the DGS and SFA in the same time slot) But I m glad to meet frd like u.

Haha, u know, from the 1st day of application, use registered mail to send the form, but I use normal way, on the interview day, I planned to give up to go interview becoz I got 3 same timeslot, but at the end, I go TL then taxi to DGS(I hardly to believe that no traffic jam in harbour tunnel). For 2nd in, I got the photo copy result slip to attain interview....... So, I m not a well prepared parent, fail is the oucome for all causes......

It is deep in my mind before, DGS is not my cup of tea, I dont want my daughter to follow my path, study in band one school and with a spiral hell training and keen competition.....(Luckily, I got in the so called elite class, but I m the bottom of this class) That's y I planned to let my daughter to study international stream when she was in K2.

But I m reli dunno when I had changed my mind and wanna she go back to the traditional stream.......  

When I saw my daughter grow up with a good pace in these few months, I m glad to see and appreciate for her improvement.....

Now I need to re-design for her future, so far I'd got St clare's and HKUGA offers on hand (still waiting for CKY result)

Hope every parents here can appreciate for yr daughter's performance, there is a long long way to go in the future..... Cheer snad Merry Xmas~~~~~~

I hope we will be friends in EK in the coming future and share our view for each of us

作者: blueroselam    時間: 11-12-22 10:54

回復 khashley 的帖子

Appreciate all moms shared the feelings here, it is hard to fade out at this moment, we decided to let our daughter to study at st. Clare too. Hope it is good for her!

作者: khashley    時間: 11-12-22 11:06

blueroselam 發表於 11-12-22 10:54
回復 khashley 的帖子

Appreciate all moms shared the feelings here, it is hard to fade out at this m ...

nice to hear some pre-St Clare's parents here!
作者: spmok1999    時間: 11-12-22 11:24

YLMom 發表於 11-12-20 17:59
經過漫長的等待, 今天終於收到結果了.
一如所料, 落敗了.
失望是有的, 但不算意外.

努力, 明年再考小二插班...

作者: mmnn    時間: 11-12-22 11:29

There are many roads to Rome,why must be DGJS ?
Good family education is good enough to bring up a good child !!

作者: 人地既阿媽    時間: 11-12-22 12:08

回復 mmnn 的帖子

Agree.  DGJS is a good school but there are many good schools in HK too.  Parents' commitment and support plus the kids' quality and characters are crucial.

作者: sqo8ops    時間: 11-12-22 12:47

作者: truthmr99    時間: 11-12-22 14:22

回復 khashley 的帖子

Khashley, good to hear from you and also share your feelings.

Wish your girl all the best in her adventure ahead.  She's got a caring mom and that's all she needs. :)

Add oil!

作者: LovelyDad    時間: 11-12-22 14:32

I remember when Michael Jordan (basketball player) was asked how he become so successful

He replied "I failed, and failed, and failed. Couldn't remember how many times I failed. Then in the end, I become who I m now."

That's the spirit
作者: J_D74    時間: 11-12-22 15:58

我囡囡都REJECTED, 有點失落.....不過還好, 本身囡囡已經有一間好小學~~~
作者: teamelody    時間: 11-12-22 17:31

入到DGJS, 如果唔係讀書材料都讀到氣咳!!! 聽聞阿林 X峄 個大女都轉左X基國際學校讀!!!
作者: LovelyDad    時間: 11-12-22 18:56

Believe me, regardless of which primary school, as long as you give lots of love to your child, that will become the biggest motivator behind your child
作者: YLMom    時間: 11-12-22 22:48

Ha ha, I just came home and found that - how come there is suddenly a cute logo besides this topic?  Who put it there?  Is it you Geni?
作者: Geni    時間: 11-12-22 23:25

回復 YLMom 的帖子

唔係我,呢排忙到嘔,未追得哂D POST,應該係其他版主,呢個係EK新FEATURE來O家!
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-12-22 23:32

YLMom 發表於 11-12-22 22:48
Ha ha, I just came home and found that - how come there is suddenly a cute logo besides this topic?  ...

The "recommendation" logo?  I put it there.

For the "HIT" logo, it is automatically determined by the system to show if the thread is popular.

作者: YLMom    時間: 11-12-22 23:36

Oh I see.  Thank you iantsang.    {:1_1:}
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-12-23 01:34

I think quite a number of us share the very same feelings especially those friends from the other thread.  We share all the courages, querries, strees, unsettled emotions and ups and downs that drive us crazy, and at the end tears to the final letters we received (be it a good news with tears of joy or the other side with tears of disappointment)...
I am so happy to have so many supportive friends.
I love all the encouragement that bind each of us to BK.
作者: wamamema    時間: 11-12-23 11:32

It is time to move on.  Let's share which school is our sweet duaghters planning to go next year.  we are now choosing between KTS and SFA.  Of course it is nothing compare to DGJS, but that is our only option now.
作者: icbb1230    時間: 11-12-23 11:36

Hi 各位,

心仍是酸的, 尤其是知道身邊有小朋友被取錄而大家之前都從來沒想過佢會成功的時候, 我都跟大家一樣仍在調節自己的情緒...........

其實我女兒在"自行"已獲得一間非常好的學校, 而這間學校對我們一家來說, 無論在金錢上, 妹妹及地點, 無疑是比DGJS更好的選擇, 但始終是靠幸運得到, 總是有點勝之不武的感覺。

雖然落選了DGJS, 在此階段可能成了失敗者。但人生漫漫長路, 此事將會被遺忘, 慢慢變成毫不重要的事情。

在此, 希望大家盡快重拾心情, 重新出發。

作者: cutebear123    時間: 11-12-23 12:07

本帖最後由 cutebear123 於 11-12-23 12:18 編輯

My daughter is also rejected.  So sad!

Are accepted girls studying in famous kindergartens like SC, KV and CCKG and "big" girl?  Dear icbb1230, same as your situation, my friend's daughter got it but she is studying in CCKG.  I just wonder that my daughter can't be selected because she is "small girl" and not in famous kindergarten.  Would you mind sharing if your friend's daughter is coming from these kindergartens and "big" girl?  

Besides, is it lower chance if the girl is studying in dragon schools like Pui Ching, MS, GH, etc.?  Anyone can share.  Just want to know for preparing.

作者: klm402    時間: 11-12-23 14:20

作者: Angelakibb    時間: 11-12-24 19:16

Quote : "心仍是酸的, 尤其是知道身邊有小朋友被取錄而大家之前都從來沒想過佢會成功的時候, 我都跟大家一樣仍在調節自己的情緒..........." ==> 非常同意

漸漸收到識得的成功例子... 及大熱倒灶例子.. 好像不是我心目中的DGJS .. 唔明白 ..

LOST IS LOST ... 但真係晤明
作者: cutebear123    時間: 11-12-24 20:01

Same feeling: "心仍是酸的, 尤其是知道身邊有小朋友被取錄而大家之前都從來沒想過佢會成功的時候, 我都跟大家一樣仍在調節自己的情緒..........." ==> 非常同意 too.

We are still upset about this and wish to forget it in New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

作者: LovelyDad    時間: 11-12-24 20:37

I understand at this moment, it is hard for the parents with "rejection letter". They will have lots of unanswered questions (eg, why my child is rejected? why the other child is taken? etc)

There are many good schools in HK, not just DGJS. Please do not draw an equal sign between DGJS and Success. It is simply not that way. I agree DGJS is a good school. But I also believe there are many good schools in HK.

The way to a happy childhood is not just by attending DGJS.
作者: myac    時間: 11-12-24 22:24

LovelyDad 發表於 11-12-24 20:37
I understand at this moment, it is hard for the parents with "rejection letter". They will have lots ...

Yes..... fully agree with this comment.  Most important is to love and nurture one's children to become a GOOD person with the guts to face all adversities in life that are surely commonplace.

To summarise this year P.1 admission, my feeling is the criteria of selection is multi-faceted.  Education is life-long.  Primary school and secondary school choices seem much less important than family education.  Key to eduaction is MOTIVATION of the child.  Better equipped schools certainly have advantages.  But w/o motivation, many kids at elite schools fall behind too....

作者: kochiman2004    時間: 11-12-25 07:31

One time success or failure do not mean future success or failure, children growth-up is a long term education, not one time competition game.  Look forward and plan what to do coming future.

作者: J_D74    時間: 11-12-26 00:09

老公說, 焉之非福.......我釋然~~~

作者: chongnicole    時間: 11-12-26 00:32

拔萃係好好的學校,大學舊同學有些是old girls,佢地無錯係好出色,但其他學校出來的女仔都吳差。畢業咁多年,回望吓,最成功、揾最多錢、最幸福、最開心,好似都吳一定係佢地....人生咁多變數,讀邊間小學真係吳係太緊要。

作者: myac    時間: 11-12-26 00:40

回復 chongnicole 的帖子

Old adage: "一命,二運,三風水,四積陰德,五讀書,六名,七相,八敬神,九交貴人,十養生,十一擇業與擇偶,十二趨吉及避凶."
作者: marrowcream    時間: 11-12-26 01:14

回復 myac 的帖子

totally agreed !
作者: jonahlee    時間: 11-12-26 11:06

回復 chongnicole 的帖子



作者: LovelyDad    時間: 11-12-26 12:06

回復 jonahlee 的帖子

I agree. Looking back upon my past, my biggest motivator is my mom, she has given me continuous love and care since my birth. We laugh and cry together. When I failed, she was there to support me. When I succeeded, she was there to cheer for me.
Now I am a dad myself, my wife and me try our best to provide endless love to our daughter (not spoiling her).

If you ask me our biggest challenge: teaching our daughter to appreciate everything in life, don't take things for granted.

I sincerely wish every parent will do the same.

Whether they attend DGJS is not most important

作者: 嫦娥一号    時間: 11-12-29 22:04

作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-12-29 22:18

本帖最後由 joeyxlma 於 11-12-29 22:19 編輯

我家女孩說的好: 那間學校想收我, 不過沒有位.
真不知道是誰教她的, 但好受用...我相信能進入SECOND IN 的, 已得到學校的肯定, 成敗與否, 只是硬件所限的問題!
作者: Annngan    時間: 11-12-29 23:09

回復 嫦娥一号 的帖子

Totally agreed....that's a very good attitude!!!!!!
作者: LovelyDad    時間: 11-12-31 12:07

i am glad to see the kids are taking a positive attitude to look at the whole thing. Do not give up, keep working hard, you will be rewarded in life
作者: chongnicole    時間: 11-12-31 14:29

作者: J_D74    時間: 11-12-31 17:40

呵呵, 咁岩既, 我囡囡都係咁同人講: 女拔暫時未夠位收我,不過我依然好想入女拔~~~
我本身學歷唔高, 55波估到未必收, 於是未出result已經同佢洗定腦, 話入到都好辛苦架, 裡面d小朋友個個都係超叻, 你要比依家再勤力先得架, 到時連玩,看電視的時間都無架喎.......佢答我: 我最鐘意同叻人一齊的. 比佢激死~~~
其實講到尾佢都係鐘意個playground, interview佢望到樓下既slide, swing, 出黎同我講已經流晒口水咁, 話要讀呢間....呵呵, 收你先得架....
作者: yukico    時間: 11-12-31 23:28

回復 J_D74 的帖子

妳囡囡話最鍾意同叻人一齊, 佢小小年紀就咁有志氣, 妳真值得安慰!
P.1未入到, 唔緊要, P.2考插班, 只要打好中、英、數底, 機會一定有!

作者: kochiman2004    時間: 11-12-31 23:39

P.2 考插班 is much difficult, only three seats offering to public and received more than 120 applicants form last year wor ... correct me if I got wrong information.  
作者: bblovebb2    時間: 12-1-1 13:39

講真,唔好介意,女拔人很強,性格較強,事業ok,但婚姻 pk,睇你想唔想個女....................!
作者: dada1113    時間: 12-1-1 16:51

回復 bblovebb2 的帖子

I think it all depends on how you raise your daughter, teach her to appreciate others. If you always emphasis her success it will just make her ego grow...   
作者: chongnicole    時間: 12-1-2 11:29

各位有興趣可以去DGS網站,看她的university placement。

作者: nicholasmum    時間: 12-1-2 13:37

chongnicole 發表於 12-1-2 11:29
各位有興趣可以去DGS網站,看她的university placement。

你的意思是看看 DGS 的 university placement 並不是超級好,那麼入不到都不要太失望 ? 定係好好,所以入唔到便要再嘗試 ?
作者: chongnicole    時間: 12-1-2 17:57

Nothing to take away from DGS,只係想鼓勵失意的家長
作者: 人地既阿媽    時間: 12-1-3 12:12

回復 kochiman2004 的帖子

我認識的5位同屆DGS 朋友, 當中只有一個結了婚, 另外4個仍然單身 (已40歲了), 但不知是否她們是否太強而致。我個人當然希望阿女嫁得幸福>事業有成啦!
作者: ysnmama    時間: 12-1-3 17:21

能入世界10大的大學好像沒有. 能入世界20大的大學大慨9位. 有錯請更正.
作者: YLMom    時間: 12-1-3 18:02

人地既阿媽 發表於 12-1-3 12:12
回復 kochiman2004 的帖子

我認識的5位同屆DGS 朋友, 當中只有一個結了婚, 另外4個仍然單身 (已40歲了),  ...

個人認為, 每間學校都有不同類型學生, 如果將「單身」、「幸福」與DGS學生身份掛鉤, 似乎對DGS學生不太公平。

我覺得如果一間學校不取錄小女, 一定有其原因。 也許我會安慰自己, 這所學校可能不適合小女, 但我不會拼命說這所學校有什麼「缺點」來安慰自己。  因為如果我真是認為這所學校有那麼多「缺點」, 最初便不會申請了, 對嗎?

(如有得罪, 請見諒。)  {:1_1:}

作者: share123    時間: 12-1-3 22:42

YLMom 發表於 12-1-3 18:02
個人認為, 每間學校都有不同類型學生, 如果將「單身」、「幸福」與DGS學生身份掛鉤, 似乎對DGS學生不太公 ...

作者: thtb    時間: 12-1-4 00:06

YLMom 發表於 12-1-3 18:02
個人認為, 每間學校都有不同類型學生, 如果將「單身」、「幸福」與DGS學生身份掛鉤, 似乎對DGS學生不太公 ...

Hi YLMom,


作者: Annngan    時間: 12-1-4 00:38

作者: joeyxlma    時間: 12-1-4 00:39

YLMom 發表於 12-1-3 18:02
個人認為, 每間學校都有不同類型學生, 如果將「單身」、「幸福」與DGS學生身份掛鉤, 似乎對DGS學生不太公 ...

其實也不是什麼不公平, 今時今日, 邊個知單身的不幸福, 又邊個知結了婚的一定幸福.

不過近日想選APS 還是KTS, 一路想來原來一直都是"牌子"原因認為DGJS好, 其實有什麼好, 我自己也說不出個所以然.
作者: 人地既阿媽    時間: 12-1-4 10:09

回復 YLMom 的帖子

大家分享吓, 當然無得罪啦! 我只係對kochiman2004 的帖子 有感而發而已,絕無貶底DGS之意。我認同你所講,DGS絕對是大家心目中的名牌,是一所好好的學校。雖然我心儀的不是DGS,但有朋友D囡囡入到都好鄧佢地高興。{:1_1:}

作者: YLMom    時間: 12-1-4 14:00

人地既阿媽 發表於 12-1-4 10:09
回復 YLMom 的帖子

大家分享吓, 當然無得罪啦! 我只係對kochiman2004 的帖子 有感而發而已,絕無貶底DGS之 ...

Great!  {:1_1:}

作者: YLMom    時間: 12-1-4 14:06

回復 joeyxlma 的帖子

Hi Joeyxlma,

"今時今日, 邊個知單身的不幸福, 又邊個知結了婚的一定幸福"

又係喎!  好句!

希望大家在新的一年都找到幸福啦!  {:1_1:}{:1_1:}

作者: lugano    時間: 12-1-4 16:22

YLMom 發表於 12-1-4 14:06
回復 joeyxlma 的帖子

Hi Joeyxlma,

回復 joeyxlma 的帖子

"今時今日, 邊個知單身的不幸福, 又邊個知結了婚的一定幸福" x 2

作者: williskg    時間: 12-1-4 20:06

dgs or dgjs is not a garantee, but it is a good school in terms of academic, music and sports. if you can get in, it only means you have higher chance to go into the University and of course, you need to put of alot of effort and it is not easy. 邊個知單身的不幸福, 又邊個知結了婚的一定幸福, total agree, because nobody know.
作者: LovelyDad    時間: 12-1-4 23:02

from my own personal experience, getting into a good school does not equal to automatic success for life. The school provides the tools, but in the end, it is up to the kids and the parents. If the kids and parents do not use the tools properly, they may still waste such valuable opportunity.

By same token, even for child which does not get into DGJS, it does not mean the child has failed. I am sure the parents will put in more effort in educating the child. The child still has lots of chances to succeed.

Life is not just about winning or losing.
作者: share123    時間: 12-1-4 23:07

回復 LovelyDad 的帖子

作者: J_D74    時間: 12-1-5 02:54

joeyxlma 發表於 12-1-4 00:39
其實也不是什麼不公平, 今時今日, 邊個知單身的不幸福, 又邊個知結了婚的一定幸福.

不過近日想選APS 還 ...

我喜歡DGJS是因為這校的學生大部份都精挑細選出來的, 個個質素接近, 我BUY近朱者赤, 明知這校是提供一個平台給小朋友去競爭而已(反正讀那間學校我都會比佢出去學野), 我甘心去玩這個遊戲, 所以報名. 雖然入不了, 未必代表囡囡不適合, 只是我同意其他媽咪說一命二運三風水............, 很多事情不是1+1=2, 反正都有其他好學校的話, 能不能入也是焉知非福, 每間學校也能出好學生, 只是比例上, DGJS特別多, 大家覺得入去讀有保障, 包尾果個出到去都係好好成續果堆. 朋友女兒在名校讀得吃力, 不是包尾就是尾二, 佢自己QUIT左去大角咀天主教, 考5名內, 小朋友的自信心返晒黎.
老實說, 我是虎媽, 我不介意女兒單身而有成就, 我老是說跟她說, 靠人不如靠自己, 自己有本事, 得到的除了享受, 還有專敬及地位, 就算老公幾本事可以養你, 你都要有本事去相夫教子, 學歷是嫁妝一部份, 比起金銀手飾還有用~~~(這是我自己的想法)

作者: eggmama    時間: 12-1-5 10:10

作者: share123    時間: 12-1-5 10:38

本帖最後由 share123 於 12-1-5 10:39 編輯

"學歷是嫁妝一部份" => 千億新抱都系甘!! 報紙成日強調佢系英國讀名校碩士畢業,成績有幾好....


作者: thtb    時間: 12-1-5 11:03

其實這些名校都是對某些人仕是身份的象徵. 不知大家有否認識一些人是中下階層及就讀普通有學券的幼稚園入讀到 DGJS 呢? 如有, 請大家分享一下 !!! 能者不一定會居之, 自己有實力, 到任何地方都能升任. 所以入不到 DGJS 都不需要失望, 有 2nd in 的每位小朋友都已經被肯定了她們的實力. 每位家長都要以她們為榮才對.

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