
標題: Greenfield (Long Beach) [打印本頁]

作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 11-12-12 23:26     標題: Greenfield (Long Beach)

作者: sarubuta    時間: 11-12-13 00:31

我覺得係, 因為係新校.  但其實學校和老師都不錯

有冇人waiting 或唔收呢?
作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-13 09:50

I also had interview last Sat!  Waiting for result!  But they did ask me if I would be interested to 插班 in pm class early next year! Any comment?
作者: melody.auko    時間: 11-12-13 12:00

How old is your BB? I had interview last sat as well but they did not ask about the class arrangement, may be my BB is out of list...
作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 11-12-13 12:06

我個女係上個月interview嘅, 兩星期後就收到offer啦..
作者: melody.auko    時間: 11-12-13 13:01

菠蘿媽媽 : 你bb邊個月出世? 係唔係決定讀呀?
作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-13 13:03     標題: 回復 4# melody.auko 的帖子

My bb is Feb bb! Actually it's asked by the assistant teacher, not the NET!
作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-13 13:05

原帖由 菠蘿媽媽 於 11-12-13 12:06 發表
我個女係上個月interview嘅, 兩星期後就收到offer啦..

How much is the school fee incl all misc. items? And how many months to pay for a year?
作者: golfmama    時間: 11-12-13 15:05

GF LONGBEACH 是新校, 基本上去IN一定有OFFER, 如果大B 仲會問你插唔插班. (我INTERVIEW 完隔日有電話CONFIRM 有OFFER)

有朋友個女依家讀緊(佢哥哥讀緊SC), 話因為新校老師個個都全力以赴, 所以D 老師真係100 分.

我自己去見過佢D 老師, 都覺得佢地好合我心意( 至少好過九龍塘某幾間學校). 連門口ADMIN D 姐姐英文都可以交貨.

由於近屋企, 雖然佢無PLAYGROUND, 我都巳經決定比個囡插班讀 .

上三個星期阿囡表姐去考, 但係AM 巳經無位了, 得返PM.
作者: golfmama    時間: 11-12-13 15:07     標題: 回復 8# smile_w99 的帖子

$5500/mth 2011-12, $5800/mth 2012-13.

Forgot how many installments though, possibly 10 or 11, definitely not 12
作者: mkqueenie    時間: 11-12-13 15:18

交左留位費pm class... 係細b , 有offer 就留定lar.. 不過都真係有d貴...最貴既gf ...仲貴過東涌o個間~~
作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-13 15:21

原帖由 golfmama 於 11-12-13 15:07 發表
$5500/mth 2011-12, $5800/mth 2012-13.

Forgot how many installments though, possibly 10 or 11, definitely not 12

$5500 including all e.g. snack, book etc?
Is there school bus?
作者: melody.auko    時間: 11-12-13 15:25     標題: 回復 11# mkqueenie 的帖子

when did you go interview?

How much for 留位費?
作者: datejust    時間: 11-12-13 15:33

我都留咗位am class, 如果學之園收會放棄, 真係好貴呀 !

佢係幾間分校中最貴 , 原因應該係租金 !
作者: golfmama    時間: 11-12-13 15:49     標題: 回復 12# smile_w99 的帖子

$5500 including snacks.

Don't know about books, uniform within $1000.

There were school bus but don't know what the route is.

U can call them and ask, they are pretty friendly
作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 11-12-13 17:12     標題: 回復 6# melody.auko 的帖子

my daughter is Sep10 bb, I paid the deposit $650 already, will start school term in Oct12.

Actually, i'm waiting for Victoria too, but we didn't join their playgroup, so should not has priority! Hopeless!
作者: oooasis    時間: 11-12-14 10:28

我個女2月將會插班讀pm class。
作者: easyview    時間: 11-12-14 11:11

我都考慮2月插班的, 學費不是5500? 書本費豁免, 校服around1000 怎麼學費變成5800了?另外, 點解留位費要2000咁多? 下午班暫時好象沒有校車
作者: DCMaMe    時間: 11-12-14 14:21

我地會1月插班,學費5800,因為今年雜費會免收, 所以5500,要2000 DEPOSIT 係因為好快開學, 2012 9 月果D係680 ONLY。
作者: melody.auko    時間: 11-12-14 14:26

插班之後, 9月可唔可以讀am?
作者: sarubuta    時間: 11-12-14 14:33

我覺得除o左租金, 師資可能都係貴的原因, 佢d英文老師全部係NET, 個個都係degree 或master.  普通話老師都非常native (但我唔記得全部中文老師的qualification, 不過應該都好多係有degree).

其他分校 (如TKO)有些英文老師係中國人(同佢講o野唔覺係ABC, BBC, CBC...)  

原帖由 datejust 於 11-12-13 15:33 發表
我都留咗位am class, 如果學之園收會放棄, 真係好貴呀 !

佢係幾間分校中最貴 , 原因應該係租金 !

作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 11-12-15 12:23     標題: 回復 21# sarubuta 的帖子

I don't know all the teachers are NET, if so, it's really good.

But I also heard that some of teachers even can't speak good English, but they are not experienced teachers.
作者: bobbili    時間: 11-12-15 15:42

they have playgroup, $1600/8 class / 1hr.

原帖由 菠蘿媽媽 於 11-12-15 04:23 發表
I don't know all the teachers are NET, if so, it's really good.

But I also heard that some of teachers even can't speak good English, but they are not experienced teachers.

[ 本帖最後由 bobbili 於 11-12-15 07:44 編輯 ]
作者: bobbili    時間: 11-12-15 15:44

for the rest of this school year, $5500 incld. snack (which is $300/mth).  For school year 2012-13, they don't know yet.


原帖由 smile_w99 於 11-12-13 07:21 發表

$5500 including all e.g. snack, book etc?
Is there school bus?

作者: sarubuta    時間: 11-12-15 15:58


原帖由 菠蘿媽媽 於 11-12-15 12:23 發表
I don't know all the teachers are NET, if so, it's really good.

But I also heard that some of teachers even can't speak good English, but they are not experienced teachers.

作者: DCMaMe    時間: 11-12-15 18:20

以我所見, 差不多全部都係native speaker, 並且都係有經驗同愛心的, 當我小朋友返左學之後會再多加留意, 始終果句, 最好消化一下果D朋友的朋友講的野, 始終用家最實際.
作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-15 18:38

Just receive their letter with pm offer! This is the only offer my bb got so far and so I will pay for the deposit!
作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-15 18:45

I also want to know more about the school! Pls share if any mama has their kids in this school!
I believe for a new school, they will try to build up a better image and so will employ more and good resources! The teachers and assistant there are very nice on my interview day! But not sure it's true picture or not!
作者: golfmama    時間: 11-12-15 22:19

Their playgroup teachers are also pn teachers. For those concern about their teaching standard, can give it a try.
作者: melody.auko    時間: 11-12-15 22:48

I also receive the letter today, will pay deposit
作者: sarubuta    時間: 11-12-16 01:48

playgroup, $1600/8 lessons / 1hr. is weekdays (i.e. average $200 per hour)

Weekend Playgroup (i.e. Sat) is a bit more expensive
$1500 / 6 lessons / 1 hr or $2000/8 lessons / 1 hr (i.e. average $250 per hour)

Weekdays playgroup is 2 lessons per week while Weekend playgroup only has 1 lesson per week on Sat.

They have 2 types of playgroup:
1) English Only
2) English & Putonghua

bobbili is your child weekdays playgroup student?  My daughter is in English Only weekdays playgroup.  May be our children are classmates.  Will you go to the Christmas Carnival this Sat?

原帖由 bobbili 於 11-12-15 15:42 發表
they have playgroup, $1600/8 class / 1hr.

作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-16 08:37     標題: 回復 30# melody.auko 的帖子

Did you also have interview on last Sat?
作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-16 08:40     標題: 回復 31# sarubuta 的帖子

Do they have different PN classes?  I saw on the letter that there were 2 types - English & PTH or English (& chinese?).  Or actually all are English & PTH?

Is the playgroup taught by NET teacher?
作者: melody.auko    時間: 11-12-16 10:26     標題: 回復 32# smile_w99 的帖子

Yes, I went for interview last sat morning, we may met in school.
作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-16 11:12     標題: 回復 34# melody.auko 的帖子

Yes!  There were about 10 kids to join my session's interview at 12:00pm!
We may also be classmate in the future!
作者: melody.auko    時間: 11-12-16 11:48

O.... we had interviewed at 9:30am but anyway we may be classmate

How old is your BB? i think your bb is small B as well so no any offer till now
作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-16 11:59     標題: 回復 36# melody.auko 的帖子

No ar!  My b is big b (Feb)! So far I only have 3 interviews: 1 is wait list, 1 is still waiting for result while this one has pm offer!
So I'm thinking whether to start early in Mar next year since they still have vacancy for pm class!
作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-16 12:06     標題: 回復 36# melody.auko 的帖子

oh, u said u had interview at 9:30am?!  That means they had many rounds!  I think they only got 1 round tim since not many ppl applied! :;pppp:
BTW, I also want to know if they accept any kids who did apply!
作者: sarubuta    時間: 11-12-16 12:07

I would say this is really a English & PTH school.  Everybody suppose not to speak Cantonese.  But of course, Admin staff can talk to you in Cantonese if you prefer (but they only do so if Headmistress is not in)

PN only has English & PTH.  No Cantonese.  So only 1 type.  I think the form/letter is a standard one "copied' from other campus.  At the moment, they have 2 PN class only (PNA and PNB).  

From K1, student can choose Cantonese as elective (may be around 30 min, I asked before but forgot the exact details).  But the main teaching medium is still English & PTH.  

Yes.  Playgroup is taught by NET teacher.  There's around 8-12 student in playgroup class (I don't remember exactly).  The "main" teacher is always NET.  In addition, there's always at least 1 assistant in classroom.  The assistant is usually Chinese, but sometimes also NET.  Playgroup "main" English teacher are also the English class teacher of PNA and PNB.  Sometimes, the K2 English teacher would also teach playgroup.  So you can have chance to know nearly all their teachers (especially PN teachers) if you join playgroup.

The teachers are really good.  Very nice and love children.  May be because the school is small.  Headmistress can call the name of my daughter since 1st or 2nd month we joined even my daughter did not wear her name tag .

I think this is really a good school.  I would recommend it to parent who prefer English / PTH.

原帖由 smile_w99 於 11-12-16 08:40 發表
Do they have different PN classes?  I saw on the letter that there were 2 types - English & PTH or English (& chinese?).  Or actually all are English & PTH?

Is the playgroup taught by NET teacher?

作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-16 12:10     標題: 回復 39# sarubuta 的帖子

Thanks for your useful info for my ref!
Your daughter just joined their PG?  Will she join the PN class?
作者: melody.auko    時間: 11-12-16 12:32     標題: 回復 38# smile_w99 的帖子

actually i think they would accept any kids who did apply as this school is new, other ppl may refuse the offer if getting others.
作者: sarubuta    時間: 11-12-16 12:38

My daughter joined PG since early Sep (when Greenfield newly opened) and will continue the PG here.  Although we also joined Victoria playgroup.

We have a PN A.M. offer from Greenfield.  But we decided not to join PN here because:
1) We don't like English/PTH class.  I want my daughter to learn better Cantonese first.  
2) We prefer whole day class
作者: bobbili    時間: 11-12-16 13:32

too bad, I'm in the eng/PTH group becos the others are full.

原帖由 sarubuta 於 11-12-15 17:48 發表
playgroup, $1600/8 lessons / 1hr. is weekdays (i.e. average $200 per hour)

Weekend Playgroup (i.e. Sat) is a bit more expensive
$1500 / 6 lessons / 1 hr or $2000/8 lessons / 1 hr (i.e. average $250 p ...

作者: bobbili    時間: 11-12-16 13:37

what's the definition of NET teacher?  I can tell the eng. teacher in my child's pg has a accent.
作者: sarubuta    時間: 11-12-16 14:03

What accent she has?  Only one teacher or all?  I also want to know as I no longer accompany my daughter to Greenfield since Nov.  So I don't have chance to talk to some teacher yet although I know she teach my daughter.  You may PM me her name if you don't mind.  

NET = Native English Teacher

I think definition of NET teacher is whose mother tongue/1st language is English.  So ABC/BBC/CBC can also be NET in some sense.  

In Greenfield, there's some Golden Hair NET and some others (but I think no Indian).  

In my opinion, people who speak Native English but come from different countries would have different accent.  British, US, Australia, Scotland, European all have diffent accent.  As long as the accent is not strong and the English is easy to listen, I would say it is good enough for a PN/KG teacher.  The more important thing is she knows how to teach and play with children so that children can really learn from teacher.  And children love going to school.  

If we look for PN/KG with all golden hair 100% British accent English NET, I think we may not be able to find so even if we choose international school.   

原帖由 bobbili 於 11-12-16 13:37 發表
what's the definition of NET teacher?  I can tell the eng. teacher in my child's pg has a accent.

作者: golfmama    時間: 11-12-16 14:15     標題: 回復 44# bobbili 的帖子

i think no matter where the net come they all have their own accent. may be i have studied and work overseas and so i found their accents  are acceptable.

different people have their standard of "formal"accent depends what u  have most exposed to.
作者: golfmama    時間: 11-12-16 14:19     標題: 回復 45# sarubuta 的帖子

agree. i was studying in england and even english themselves sometime don't accept accents from other cities.

more like beijing mandarin vs guangzhou mandarin.
作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-16 14:26     標題: 回復 42# sarubuta 的帖子

So your comment in their PG is positive, right?
How about Victoria one?  
I also agree that the teacher must be patient & caring & loves children rather than just golden hair with British accent!
作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 11-12-16 14:52

I also applied Victoria, but my duaghter is "small bb", so probably can't get a seat there.
作者: melody.auko    時間: 11-12-16 16:18

i want to know what the difference when comparing with victoria and greenfield
作者: easyview    時間: 11-12-16 16:33

If comparing Greenfield and Zenith, which one is better? I think it is easy to get offer from both of them.
作者: bobbili    時間: 11-12-16 16:45

my feeling is that at the most, english is one of her mother tongue.  She looks like from south eastern asia to me.  
Actually I don't think the teachers (my group) are very experienced at crowd control, half the kids are running around at story telling.  However, overall this one is better than others in the neighhood.
作者: golfmama    時間: 11-12-16 22:05     標題: 回復 51# easyview 的帖子

I personally prefer gf than z becos i think all of their teachers are good vs I know a few of z's teachers are no as good( don't even know they are teachers or not, they may be just ' part- timer')
作者: sarubuta    時間: 11-12-18 03:36

smile_w99 發表於 11-12-16 14:26
So your comment in their PG is positive, right?
How about Victoria one?  
I also agree that the teac ...

Comparing GF and Victoria, I think both playgroup are good but good in different area.   

The playgroup of Victoria is really systematic.  You would feel your child already attending KG when she study playgroup (my daughter joined 3 days a week, 2 hrs per lessons).  They have uniform which is a very cute Bee Bee apron.  They need to change shoes when go to school (not to wear shoes walking outside in school).  They also have handbook, school calendar and a small attendance book which children need to put in a box in the specific place when go to school.  There's a nurse in the school who would check the mouth and temperature of all students (including playgroup, PN and K) when they enter school.  The 2 hrs program is 1 hr English and 1 hr Cantonese with tea time in the middle.  Children need to clean up their spoon and dish to the box themselves after tea time.  

The teachers I saw in Victoria are all Chinese.  But English of English teacher is good (fluent and not HK style English).  Some teachers are really good and some are so so (in term of "heart" on education and caring children).  But I don't think playgroup teachers are same as PN in Victoria.  And I cannot comment much on how teachers teach playgroup because I only be there once on the Christmas Party / Concert day.  

There's one thing which Victoria really surprised me.  My daughter took 2 days leave for going trip after only attended 4 lessons.  She was sick and had fever.  So I called school to apply sick leave for one lesson.  My daughter has fever again on the next lesson so I did not bring her to school.  On that day, because I forgot to bring my mobile with me when went to work.  I did not call the school to apply sick leave.  Finally, I found a voice mail from the English class teacher of Victoria called me to ask how's my daughter. I think the school or teacher care the children.

But I learned from my maid that one parent complain a Chinese teacher because she stopped her son to play macaroni (the macaroni was given to children to play, not to eat at that time).  I don't know the details for the complain.  But the result is the Chinese teacher was changed after the complain.  The new one is a very good teacher.  

My maid also told me that everyone sit down in Victoria while some Greenfield children would walk around at story time.  But I won't blame its the fault of Greenfield teacher because I think its the parents/maid/grand-parents responsibility to control the disclipine of the child in playgroup.  Sometimes, it is ok for such young children to walk instead of sit quietly even for story time.  [my daughter always sit down during story time in both school]

Campus of Victoria is much bigger than Greenfield.  I love the campus of Victoria more.   

Besides, I like Victoria that even playgroup students have chance to go on stage to have Christmas performance, parents can be the audience (but I was the one on stage with her while my husband was audience).  Today, I went to Greenfield Christmas Carnival and found that Victoria playgroup students can perform better than Greenfield PN students.   

作者: sarubuta    時間: 11-12-18 03:49

golfmama 發表於 11-12-16 22:05
I personally prefer gf than z becos i think all of their teachers are good vs I know a few of z's te ...

I also vote gf than z.  In earlier time, my daugther only got offer from gf, z and funful.  All 3 are schools which are very easy to get offer.  I paid deposit to gf but not z.  

I think most of the people discuss in this thread live near Olympic area.  So location count if the schools are of similar level.  

2nd, I don't like the stair in z.  

3rd, I don't like the interview arrangement of z who asked us to queue outside the school under strong sun because we are early for only 15 min (need to wait the school to open the main gate only sharp at the interview time stated on the interview letter).

4th, the classrooms of z are really small.  

5th, some small slides in outdoor playground are not really safe. The whole slide was moved when my daughter play.  Too light because the slide was made by plastic.   

作者: easyview    時間: 11-12-19 10:14

Thanks all for u info. I have chose z finally simply because gf offered only pm class to me, not as good as the am class z offered. My bb has to take a nap at noon everyday.
I have paid the deposits for z last Sat and I have a chance to visit the school, including classrooms, toilets, outdoor playgrounds (total 2, the outside one if for K students and the inside one is for N1 students) and even bedroom for FD students.
1st, I don’t feel the classrooms are small, but not big, just normal.
2nd, we were informed that the N1 students will be study at ground floor while K students in 1st floor. There is no need for N1 students to go upstairs actually. I am ok with this arrangement.
Third, I don’t know if the slides in the outdoor playground (for N1 students) are safe or not, course my son only played with the cars and he has no interest in slides at all.
I am ok with everything z offers so far, such as the environment and admin arrangement. I believe gf is also very good in these aspects. But one more thing, I agree with what bobbili said, I think the teachers in gf are not good at “crowd control” – the teachers may be too patient to deal with some naughty kids (non- Chinese) who were running around the classrooms. I don’t know if z is better, may the same, maybe worse. I can only tell if I have tried.

作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-21 11:13

回復 sarubuta 的帖子

Thanks for your detailed explanation!
Anyway, I did pay for the deposit for my kid to start early (when reach 2) in GF!  Hope it's ok!

作者: Leddylau    時間: 11-12-21 11:47

家長們, 請你哋真係覺得自己啲英文可以見得人先用英文寫Post吧 !  難看死, 很多文法都錯了.  不好意思喔 !
作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 11-12-21 12:16

Leddylau 發表於 11-12-21 11:47
家長們, 請你哋真係覺得自己啲英文可以見得人先用英文寫Post吧 !  難看死, 很多文法都錯了.  不好意思喔 ! ...

大家都會多謝你嘅善意批評, 媽咪們, 大家都唔好鬆懈!!
作者: easyview    時間: 11-12-21 12:57


你知晤知有的人嘸你咁勁係晤識用中文打字的, 埋用英文儘量表達想表達的嘢囉。個的晤識打中文而英文又晤好的家長(仲有我相信有的英文一定好過你,但是用手機或隨意寫的家長)是不是就不用上來寫comments了?再者, 人地用英文寫, 埋用英文答,中文問,就自然用中文答,有什麼問題?而且,很多家長用中文寫的,但語法也不一定正確,表達的意思也不一定清晰,但晤見會被人批評喔。
作者: golfmama    時間: 11-12-21 14:33


作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-21 15:17

I think the forum here is for sharing of experience & views!  As long as we can understand, it doesn't matter in English or Chinese and whether the grammar is correct or not!  Take it easy lar~
作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 11-12-21 15:28

smile_w99 發表於 11-12-21 15:17
I think the forum here is for sharing of experience & views!  As long as we can understand, it doesn ...

好似我咁, 雖然都識打中文, 但係有時都會選錯字...哈哈...

作者: Leddylau    時間: 11-12-21 15:34

其實我並不是希望搞事,或批評某某人的文化水平. 而是我真的看不過很多家長的回答或意見. 所以我固然Post一些不會太受歡迎的發表囉.  當然, 我所說的不只是在這一個標題下喔.  例如, 家長們是十分自私的.  從沒有人會說出自己會安排子女準備申請那一間學校, 只會問他人那一間學校是好.  仲有好多其他無寧兩可的回覆. 這叫發表的平台嘛 !  不如怪獸家長們想一想是否應該回覆他人啦 !
作者: easyview    時間: 11-12-21 15:56

哎,你的中文水準實在是太差了!是模棱兩可,不是 “無寧兩可”!欲修其身者,先正其心;欲正其心者,先誠其意;欲誠其意者,先致其知….


作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-21 16:30

而且我覺得呢度好多有用嘅信息! 當然網絡嘅世界是真是假要自己去判斷!

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