
標題: 請問有冇家長收到德望 call waiting 既電話呢 ? [打印本頁]

作者: Hebemak0811    時間: 11-11-22 16:18     標題: 請問有冇家長收到德望 call waiting 既電話呢 ?

見佢地 14/11交完留位費一直都未有聲氣, 想知大家有冇收過佢地既電話呢 ?
作者: cs1673    時間: 11-11-22 16:47

我都想知, 好心急.....
作者: celinapang    時間: 11-11-22 17:01

睇番以前既POST, 話會在6月有個2ND IN. 比WAITING 既小朋友, 唔知今年是否一樣~
作者: fc1668    時間: 11-11-22 17:58

吓,仲要再IN?唔係直接call waiting list 架 有無人已經接到電話呢??
原帖由 celinapang 於 11-11-22 17:01 發表
睇番以前既POST, 話會在6月有個2ND IN. 比WAITING 既小朋友, 唔知今年是否一樣~

作者: helen830    時間: 11-11-22 21:36

作者: ilj    時間: 11-11-23 10:39

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作者: hilarylau    時間: 11-11-23 11:54

原帖由 Hebemak0811 於 11-11-22 16:18 發表
見佢地 14/11交完留位費一直都未有聲氣, 想知大家有冇收過佢地既電話呢 ?

聽聞佢地KG部都有人係WAIT-LIST的.  應該CALL左佢地先到校外生呀!
作者: law_panda    時間: 11-11-23 12:32     標題: 回覆 5# helen830 的文章

accepted, needed to pay on 11/14, last Monday.
Already 7 working days after, still no phone calls to any of those on waiting list.
Really need to wait til June next year for the second interview?
How many students on waiting list this year?
作者: ilj    時間: 11-11-23 12:37

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作者: onsyan    時間: 11-11-23 15:55

我16/11 call 學校講有一個WAITING補上, 但是唔知是否自己幼稚園部既學生優先喇!
作者: wamamema    時間: 11-11-23 16:08

only 1, hope more people will kindly release the seats after the result from 1st round la.
作者: RoseInPink    時間: 11-11-23 16:12

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作者: cs1673    時間: 11-12-4 01:47

Any news?
作者: waiwai1234567    時間: 11-12-4 03:09

no hope la
作者: PrincessCat    時間: 11-12-4 21:52     標題: No chance n low chance

作者: chu__chu    時間: 11-12-7 11:51

My gal (younger one) is studying at GH Kinder. I noticed from GH Kinder facebook page that Sr Pauline asked parents from GH Kinder (who are on the waiting list of GH primary) to keep on praying and "there will be a second interview by Sr Lucia whenever there are vacancies... and from past experiences, there are indeed in the next few months". As such, don't think GH will call anyone on waiting list this early.

To declare personal interest, my elder gal is also on GH primary's waiting list (she is not a good hoper). We have given up and did not write any letter to follow up coz she is admitted to a school we all longing for during discretionary placement in Nov. Good luck to you all!

[ 本帖最後由 chu__chu 於 11-12-7 12:07 編輯 ]
作者: anthony010103    時間: 11-12-7 14:32     標題: 回復 16# chu__chu 的帖子

Thanks for your information. Quite good.  
Which school u got admitted in discretionary placement in Nov.? I am waiting for the interview or call from waiting list ....:(
作者: chu__chu    時間: 11-12-7 14:54     標題: 回復 17# anthony010103 的帖子

Keep on praying and I wish you good luck!

For your info, I heard from a GH K3 student who recently got admitted to GH primary saying ~80% of her 180 K3 colleagues were accepted this Nov. Others are all on waiting list. Not sure how many "outsiders" are on waiting list tho as GH sent WL letters to those who attended the interview but not admitted as yet (those absented from interview will be issued rejection letter as seen on other posts here).

My gal was admitted to a catholic girl school on the Island side which is a feeder school to its own secondary section. We are all blessed and pleased with this result. Thank you for asking.
作者: cs1673    時間: 11-12-7 15:09

多謝你詳盡既回覆, 雖然知道大約都要6月先會CALL WAITING LIST, 但始終想早D知道結果, 如果取錄左, 呢個新年都會過得開心d...........

[ 本帖最後由 cs1673 於 11-12-7 19:32 編輯 ]
作者: RoseInPink    時間: 11-12-7 19:15

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作者: manyeung88    時間: 11-12-10 01:41

大家好,我係到有小小分享,我囡囡幾年前都係GH WAITING LIST,由最早到8月至SECOND IN,我共寫了4封信比GH,在8月我見完SISTER跟住做登記時,我見到我囡囡個FILE,有1張FORM,寫住LETTER TO SCHOOL,裹面有晒我比信學校的日期,而且仲係放左係FILE最上面,所以我相信比信多小真係絕對有影響排位,你唸下,那位MISS要搵人比SISTER IN,如果次次比電話人都話另有OFFER,有一個比了10封8封信學校,如果唔係爭太遠,你會唔會叫佢來IN?,傱我所知,SECOND IN99%都收,剩餘1%都係那小朋友見SISTER時講唔想係到讀 ,大家加油啦.
作者: manyeung88    時間: 11-12-10 01:45

仲有GH 係9月開學仲會收人,我囡囡P1時11月都有新同學來,所以6月開始,差不多隔1兩日就有幾個比SISTER見,唔好放棄呵
作者: emma-ma    時間: 11-12-21 14:52

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作者: tracylady    時間: 11-12-21 16:07

我今天巳放棄GH offer, 希望可以幫到你們啦!
作者: cs1673    時間: 11-12-21 19:08

回復 tracylady 的帖子

希望我地呢D 等緊既會有好消息.......

作者: chu__chu    時間: 12-3-9 16:28

本帖最後由 chu__chu 於 12-3-9 16:43 編輯

This is what Sister Pauline (supervisor of GH Kinder) said on GH Kinder's FB yesterday. All originals, without any deletions:

Dear K3 parents,
We are now in March and I think most of you have more or less made up your mind where you would like your children to go for their primary education. If any of you have decided to give up the offer of Good Hope (Primary Section) please do let me know. Thank you for your co-operation.

Sincerely wish those who wish for a place there could get a place eventually, will pray for you guys.
作者: abinayams    時間: 12-3-9 19:21

我女女也是ON WAITING LIST, 寫了叩門信, 但回覆是要到8月才再作通知, 好漫長的等候啊!

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