
標題: SFA VS St. Paul boys 你地會揀邊個? [打印本頁]

作者: flyda    時間: 11-11-22 09:54     標題: SFA VS St. Paul boys 你地會揀邊個?

假如地點唔係考慮因素...... Thanks!
作者: 小曳人    時間: 11-11-22 10:01

hmm.. 一間男校有中學,一間男女校無中學,資優培訓出名

我c6揀.. 就會St paul boys, 我阿仔揀.. 就會揀SFA
作者: flyda    時間: 11-11-22 11:15     標題: 回復 2# 小曳人 的帖子

Hmm, 但 SFA 好似學術上好好多? 重有SPB 小學幾好但中學好似一般?
作者: hkqmark    時間: 11-11-22 11:36

St. Paul Boy 啦! 可以直上中學, 6年後唔使再煩! SFA升中都是一般.
作者: YuHangMum    時間: 11-11-22 13:22

依家小學都難爭位, 6年後中學更加難!
作者: imdaddy    時間: 11-11-22 13:23

St Paul college for sure. Have secondary school. No worry again.
作者: ha!    時間: 11-11-22 13:45

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作者: flyda    時間: 11-11-22 14:03     標題: 回復 4# hkqmark 的帖子

作者: KikiDaddy    時間: 11-11-22 14:10     標題: 回覆 8# flyda 的文章

I can't think of any school in Kowloon other than APS has better secondary school allocation than SFA.

[ 本帖最後由 KikiDaddy 於 11-11-22 14:11 編輯 ]
作者: hkqmark    時間: 11-11-22 14:11

SFA 網頁有歷年升中成績, 都是一般的.
作者: BabyHilary    時間: 11-11-22 14:16

St Paul Boys for sure!
老牌名校, 有一條龍中學,

[ 本帖最後由 BabyHilary 於 11-11-22 14:20 編輯 ]
作者: ha!    時間: 11-11-22 14:24     標題: 回復 8# flyda 的帖子

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作者: KikiDaddy    時間: 11-11-22 14:32

In fact, more than 50% (boys + girls) of the SFA students can get a place in Band 1a and 1b schools while St. Paul Boy just belongs to Band 1c.

Of course, such banding is purely based on academic results. St. Paul Boy has its own history and tradition that most of the new Band one schools can't match.

原帖由 ha! 於 11-11-22 14:24 發表
你的理解正確, 考得前的sfa生, 都有些會插入其他through-train名校.  p6派位都有80% brand1, 仲算不好 ?

作者: BabyHilary    時間: 11-11-22 14:34

宣道又係好利害, 今年19個考到男拔, 9個女拔, 4個coed...

原帖由 ha! 於 11-11-22 14:24 發表
你的理解正確, 考得前的sfa生, 都有些會插入其他through-train名校.  p6派位都有80% brand1, 仲算不好 ?

作者: hkqmark    時間: 11-11-22 14:38

作者: imdaddy    時間: 11-11-22 14:40

舊年80%不等於6年後80%,加上中學cut班,一定更艱難.爲何有一間一條龍又係好中學要take 呢個risk.
又再玩一次呢個game?而中學會比小學更難,因好中學己有小學慨connection.所以對我來說,一個中學學位係比小學學位更重耍.大家都唔知6年後係點,點解唔今天買定個保險如果你個仔smart,佢都可以教更好嘅中學.最差都有st paul secondary做back up ar.
作者: BabyHilary    時間: 11-11-22 14:43

can't agree more!

原帖由 imdaddy 於 11-11-22 14:40 發表
舊年80%不等於6年後80%,加上中學cut班,一定更艱難.爲何有一間一條龍又係好中學要take 呢個risk.
又再玩一次呢個game?而中學會比小學更難,因好中學己有小學慨connection.所以對我來說,一個中學學位係比小學學位更重耍 ...

作者: hkqmark    時間: 11-11-22 14:44

個人認為st. paul boy 發展比較全面.
作者: AlanShirley    時間: 11-11-22 14:46     標題: 回復 9# flyda 的帖子

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作者: flyda    時間: 11-11-22 14:47     標題: 回覆 14# BabyHilary 的文章

係,但APS個result係2009-2011;唔知點解佢啲report都係兩年嘅;其實九龍好似SFA派位咁好嘅小學真係得APS 同KTS;但SFA就係以往一直都咁好。
作者: KikiDaddy    時間: 11-11-22 15:03

thru train schools are attractive but we still need to consider the academic standard. hence, the schools my son applied for are in following priority order: -

1. DBS
2. APS
3. SFA
4. YWS
5. KTS
6. KRS

we only focus on schools in KLN as we live in Kwun Tong.
作者: KikiDaddy    時間: 11-11-22 15:08

2009-2011 means the two academic years for P5&P6. Hence, the year before is 2008-2010.

原帖由 flyda 於 11-11-22 14:47 發表
係,但APS個result係2009-2011;唔知點解佢啲report都係兩年嘅;其實九龍好似SFA派位咁好嘅小學真係得APS 同KTS;但SFA就係以往一直都咁好。

作者: flyda    時間: 11-11-22 15:29     標題: 回復 21# KikiDaddy 的帖子

作者: KikiDaddy    時間: 11-11-22 15:41     標題: 回復 23# flyda 的帖子

I'll rank it the same as YWS.
作者: flyda    時間: 11-11-22 15:44     標題: 回覆 19# AlanShirley 的文章

何以見得呢?St. Paul boys 中學都係 Band 1C 喎。
作者: AlanShirley    時間: 11-11-22 16:13     標題: 回復 1# flyda 的帖子

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作者: ha!    時間: 11-11-22 16:23

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作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 11-11-22 16:26

原帖由 flyda 於 11-11-22 15:44 發表
何以見得呢?St. Paul boys 中學都係 Band 1C 喎。

I think they are refer to the % of 6科14分, St. Paul boys in 2010 - around 49%. So it is band 1c.

You may click this link and download the ranking of the HK secondary school.




作者: ha!    時間: 11-11-22 16:27     標題: 回復 24# KikiDaddy 的帖子

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作者: ha!    時間: 11-11-22 16:30

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作者: imdaddy    時間: 11-11-22 16:32

DBPS is so attractive because it has a famous and long history secondary school. If DBPS is on its own without secondary school, it is just a regular primary school. In the end of the day, everyone is looking for a secondary school, primary is only a stepping stone. So in my opinion, a school without good secondary school to continue rank lower.

The secondary allocation for school like SFA is not same every year, lots of factors will affect this result, no of seats provide from secondary school, your school rating at that time, your son need to compete with students in other schools, but if the school has secondary, the allocation ratio is fixed and you will sure what you will get if you get to standard.
This is only my opinion. I will play safe and look for better option. Unless you sure you son will be super smart in 6years time.
作者: ha!    時間: 11-11-22 16:41     標題: 回復 13# KikiDaddy 的帖子

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作者: KikiDaddy    時間: 11-11-22 16:44

Academic result is just one of the factors to consider. SPB has its own strengths like a strong historical background and a well established alumni network.

原帖由 ha! 於 11-11-22 16:27 發表
Yw 成績ranking 勝過sp boy woo

作者: JoshuaN    時間: 11-11-22 17:03     標題: 回復 27# ha! 的帖子

請問在那裡可以看到英華中學的成績呢?你怎樣知道他是band 1b 呢?
作者: KikiDaddy    時間: 11-11-22 17:07

Some of the good teachers left DBPS and joined DBSPD when it was set up. This is one of the reason for the deterioration of its standard. In fact, DBPS' secondary school allocation in the past few years is not impressive except for the 10 seats from DBS.

I totally agree with you there is a definite advantage of a thru train school. However, even DBS and LS have around 20% students can't get 14 marks in HKCEE each year. Not to mention those second tier schools. Hence, it's
very important to have solid academic training at primary school stage. This is just my own opinion and all parents have their own right (and responsibility) to choose the appropriate schools for their kids.

原帖由 imdaddy 於 11-11-22 16:32 發表
DBPS is so attractive because it has a famous and long history secondary school. If DBPS is on its own without secondary school, it is just a regular primary school. In the end of the day, everyone is ...

作者: KikiDaddy    時間: 11-11-22 17:13     標題: 回復 34# JoshuaN 的帖子

Please refer to the following thread:

http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/vie ... &extra=page%3D1
作者: hophopbunny    時間: 11-11-22 17:14

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作者: sytw    時間: 11-11-22 17:17

我有朋友一心target最top小學(e.g. SPCC, DGJS),但無奈小朋友入唔到,佢而家決定會讀SFA,因為學術水平高,佢想之後幾年試插班入返呢d dream school,當然佢預左會辛苦及唔一定得。另有個朋友仔仔入左st paul boys開心到彈起,因為係佢心目中呢間係筍野,傳統名校又有中學,面且佢自知仔仔唔係最叻果d,無機會入DB呢d層次。我仔仔都好彩被St Paul boys收左,我自已覺得呢間係一間唔錯既學校,但近年中學成績差左的確令人有d擔心,但有人話係因為佢好大部份叻學生未到F5已去了外國讀書,我自己都想對呢間學校了解多d。

作者: imdaddy    時間: 11-11-22 17:42

Sytw: seems you have offer from St Paul Boys and RC. So which is your final decision ?
作者: sytw    時間: 11-11-22 17:49

原帖由 imdaddy 於 11-11-22 17:42 發表
Sytw: seems you have offer from St Paul Boys and RC. So which is your final decision ?

我地都未決定到,我先生鍾意st Paul Boys多d,而我就因為見好多人話佢中學差左而想揀RC,因為RC學術水平好似高d又男女校... 真係唔知點選好,所以都不停上網睇及問人意見
作者: season_sincere    時間: 11-11-22 18:11

St. Paul's Boys for sure. SFA cannot really compare with SP as they are in totally different rank. Although I don't have any child studying in either SFA or SP, I have got quite a number of friends' children studying in these. Gathering their comments and reputation, these two schools are totally in two levels. But of course it also depends on how smart your son actually is to decide which suits him best.
作者: wongpower    時間: 11-11-22 18:24

SFA 成績唔錯.老師很盡責.
功課壓力大,競爭也大,學生很smart and very happy.
校網差,一定要靠自己及家長實力和努力,才可入到Dream School.
作者: 長生不老    時間: 11-11-22 18:26

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作者: Ving    時間: 11-11-22 18:27

請問有沒聽過spb lee 幾年有人AL攞6A , 吾知真定假。
作者: imdaddy    時間: 11-11-22 18:30

原帖由 sytw 於 11-11-22 17:49 發表

我地都未決定到,我先生鍾意st Paul Boys多d,而我就因為見好多人話佢中學差左而想揀RC,因為RC學術水平好似高d又男女校... 真係唔知點選好,所以都不停上網睇及問人意見 ...

希望你決定到一間合你仔仔嘅學校.Good Luck.
作者: JoshuaN    時間: 11-11-22 18:51     標題: 回復 36# KikiDaddy 的帖子


[ 本帖最後由 JoshuaN 於 11-11-22 18:52 編輯 ]
作者: wkleung    時間: 11-11-22 18:55

http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/vie ... &extra=page%3D2
作者: flyda    時間: 11-11-22 19:02     標題: 回覆 42# wongpower 的文章



作者: hyatt    時間: 11-11-22 20:32

作者: PWHPOPO    時間: 11-11-22 20:48

當年為兒子(讀St Cat),考到TSL,APS and
St. Francis.
DBS and YW rejected
St Paul's -first batch waiting,最後他選了St Francis.他說如果最後St paul's Boy收他兒,他一定會讀Paul Boy,可惜最後都得個wait。之後,他留在St. Francis,希望每年都試插DBS,但又談何容易!今年到他細女考小一,她只報了DGJS & GH,都是有直屬英中的小學呢!
作者: CandyTheMom    時間: 11-11-22 20:53

'讀得到嘅使嘜去留學啊!'? A lot of my friends around sent their children 留學 to really top ranked secondary schools or universities aboard wor (too smart to go to those in HK).

Please be more open-minded.

原帖由 長生不老 於 11-11-22 18:26 發表
聖保羅書院成績差咗好多年啦! 收唔到叻學生咪唔掂囉! 讀得到嘅使嘜去留學啊!要俾錢才讀間band1c嘅, 我就選第間了.

作者: 小曳人    時間: 11-11-22 21:01

原帖由 CandyTheMom 於 11-11-22 20:53 發表
'讀得到嘅使嘜去留學啊!'? A lot of my friends around sent their children 留學 to really top ranked secondary schools or universities aboard wor (too smart to go to those in HK).

Please be more open-mi ...

作者: KikiDaddy    時間: 11-11-22 21:09

Of course there are many cases like your friends' but the kids need to do extremely well in their schools and get excellent results in public exam before they can enroll in top tier overseas university.

原帖由 CandyTheMom 於 11-11-22 20:53 發表
'讀得到嘅使嘜去留學啊!'? A lot of my friends around sent their children 留學 to really top ranked secondary schools or universities aboard wor (too smart to go to those in HK).

Please be more open-mi ...

作者: KikiDaddy    時間: 11-11-22 21:33

In the past decade, I believe LS and St. Jo have the best public examination results among the secondary schools in HK. They are not thru train schools. Only 70% of the feeder school students can get a place in the secondary school. Competition among the students are intensive. Students need to work very hard to get a guaranteed place in the secondary school. I think it is the students' hard work at primary school that lay a good foundation for their excellent academic results in HKCEE.
作者: sytw    時間: 11-11-22 22:53

原帖由 imdaddy 於 11-11-22 18:30 發表

希望你決定到一間合你仔仔嘅學校.Good Luck.

Thank you
作者: Ving    時間: 11-11-22 23:16     標題: 回復 43# 長生不老 的帖子

Can you suggest which one will you choose then? Thx
作者: 長生不老    時間: 11-11-22 23:40

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作者: 長生不老    時間: 11-11-23 00:02     標題: 回覆 56# Ving 的文章

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作者: flyda    時間: 11-11-23 09:25     標題: 回復 43# 長生不老 的帖子

請問,St. Paul boys 比其他band 1中學貴的架咩?
作者: ukodelechan    時間: 11-11-23 09:43

well I think that most SPB boys went to prestigious schools in UK and US, like Eton College, Oxbridge etc, which obviously are better and higher ranking than those in Hong Kong
作者: smartcash    時間: 11-11-23 10:25

I think Paul Boys encourages all-rounded development and life balancing, not just focus on academic side.  So I will choose Paul Boys.
作者: KikiDaddy    時間: 11-11-23 10:31

Where did you get such information or is it just your own guess?

原帖由 ukodelechan 於 11-11-23 09:43 發表
well I think that most SPB boys went to prestigious schools in UK and US, like Eton College, Oxbridge etc, which obviously are better and higher ranking than those in Hong Kong

作者: chicken    時間: 11-11-23 10:36

我同樓主一樣情況, 唔知點揀好, 小朋友係傳統學術型, 大家覺得邊間合適d呢? 中學backup是否真的很重要?
作者: flyda    時間: 11-11-23 10:42     標題: 回覆 60# ukodelechan 的文章

Thx for sharing, where did you get this?
作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 11-11-23 11:02

It very much depends on how high you aiming at.

St. Paul's Boy for sure is a good school with long history. If its Secondary School already satisfied you, then of course St. Paul's Boy, as you no need to go through the process again in P6.

If you aim higher, and you also understand both your family and your kid are capable and can work hard for a good result, then in SFA - you may enter an even better, top Secondary school.

Both schools are great, if your boy being accepted by them, that means your boy having the required quality for both school.

Other people can just give you some advice, as none of us can make a real comparsion, unless one can study in both school at the same time which is impossible.

You will be the only one to answer the question.

Anyway, Congrats for your good offers!

[ 本帖最後由 bb@wonderland 於 11-11-23 11:06 編輯 ]
作者: KikiDaddy    時間: 11-11-23 11:08

Well said!

原帖由 bb@wonderland 於 11-11-23 11:02 發表
It very much depends on how high you aiming at.

St. Paul's Boy for sure is a good school with long history. If its Secondary School already satisfied you, then of course St. Paul's Boy, as you no nee ...

作者: chicken    時間: 11-11-23 11:10     標題: 回復 1# bb@wonderland 的帖子

Thanks for your sharing

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