
標題: 呼籲放位區2012-2013 [打印本頁]

作者: UncleGrand    時間: 11-11-13 12:24     標題: 呼籲放位區2012-2013


在此呼籲各位家長,如手上持有多個offer的話,請盡快放出不考慮入讀的學位,以供其他在waiting list名單內心急等候的家長,讓他們可以快一點有通知,希望各位持有一顆無私的心,幫幫那些現在還未有學位的小朋友...真是無言感激!

作者: flyda    時間: 11-11-13 18:27

Agree! I definitely will release one offer immediately should my son get a better one!
作者: money3298    時間: 11-11-13 18:29

作者: YLMom    時間: 11-11-13 18:59


We gave up GT & SMC already.  Good luck to all of us.  :loveliness:
作者: flyda    時間: 11-11-13 19:02     標題: 回覆 4# YLMom 的文章

Good old YLMom!
作者: YLMom    時間: 11-11-13 19:09

Thanks !   (But how do you know that I am "old"?  Ha ha ha!)  

原帖由 flyda 於 11-11-13 19:02 發表
Good old YLMom!

作者: khashley    時間: 11-11-13 19:58

作者: flyda    時間: 11-11-13 20:08     標題: 回覆 6# YLMom 的文章

YLMom: "Good old" simply means "lovely", "Bravo" etc. in English, but no any meaning of "Old", He he.

No matter what offer you've got, your action is respectful. I knew 'some' parents got three offers but released in late August this year!
作者: YLMom    時間: 11-11-13 20:17

Oh!  I see!  My English is really not good!  Thanks for that!   

原帖由 flyda 於 11-11-13 20:08 發表
YLMom: "Good old" simply means "lovely", "Bravo" etc. in English, but no any meaning of "Old", He he.

No matter what offer you've got, your action is respectful. I knew 'some' parents got three offer ...

作者: YLMom    時間: 11-11-13 20:19

No, GH waiting only.  We have TT.  Actually SMC & GT are also good schools, but we really don't want to hold so many places, so we made the decision ......

Of course, we also hope that more better offers will come la ....:loveliness:

原帖由 khashley 於 11-11-13 19:58 發表

作者: khashley    時間: 11-11-13 20:29

作者: YLMom    時間: 11-11-13 20:45

Tsung Tsin

原帖由 khashley 於 11-11-13 20:29 發表

作者: J_D74    時間: 11-11-13 21:39

AGREE, 今期親子王的標題"同理心" , 如何教小朋友不自私, 有同理心......等, 應該從家長入手,  身教比什麼大道理還有用~~^^
作者: mark2006    時間: 11-11-13 22:22

All parents' respectful action appreciated !!!! Thanks in advance!!!
作者: Lamka    時間: 11-11-14 11:10

I will release other offers ASAP.  We are parents and should consider other parents' feeling too.  There is no point to hold several schools' offers which you won't consider.
作者: c1234    時間: 11-11-14 11:18     標題: 回覆 6# YLMom 的文章

Hi YL Mom,
妳的行動真直得支持! 可惜我們連一個offer都無! 另外想請教為何妳會選TT而放棄SMC呢? 是TT國際部嗎?
作者: JOJA    時間: 11-11-14 11:28



只要keep 一個offer

我現在只得一個offer, 一waiting


原帖由 c1234 於 11-11-14 11:18 發表
Hi YL Mom,
妳的行動真直得支持! 可惜我們連一個offer都無! 另外想請教為何妳會選TT而放棄SMC呢? 是TT國際部嗎?

作者: Chansautung    時間: 11-11-14 11:28

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作者: TheWiseMom    時間: 11-11-14 13:56

I gave up GT in Aug. as I wanted to apply for a discretionary place of a gov't school. It doesn't sound great but at least a seat was spared to some parents who wanted their child to get in this good school.

Next Mon. is the BIG day, if I can get it, I'll register for it. If I could get TSL's offer too, I would release it. For your statistics.
作者: chickenwing2006    時間: 11-11-14 14:56

係啦, 我都想請教下點解唔要 smc 呢 ? 一條龍有埋中學唔係更好嗎 ??

可唔可以 share 下呀 ??  唔該哂


原帖由 c1234 於 11-11-14 11:18 發表
Hi YL Mom,
妳的行動真直得支持! 可惜我們連一個offer都無! 另外想請教為何妳會選TT而放棄SMC呢? 是TT國際部嗎?

作者: YLMom    時間: 11-11-14 18:30

Well, actually I think both SMC and TT are good schools.  It is really a difficult decision.  One consideration is that TT is not DSS, so we can still try the "lucky draw".

原帖由 chickenwing2006 於 11-11-14 14:56 發表
係啦, 我都想請教下點解唔要 smc 呢 ? 一條龍有埋中學唔係更好嗎 ??

可唔可以 share 下呀 ??  唔該哂


作者: law_panda    時間: 11-11-15 00:03


原帖由 UncleGrand 於 11-11-13 12:24 發表

在此呼籲各位家長,如手上持有多個offer的話,請盡快放出不考慮入讀的學位,以供其他在waiting list名單內心急等候的家長,讓他們可以快一點有通知 ...

作者: YLMom    時間: 11-11-15 07:39

My daughter just got the offer from SFA.  We will give up Tsung Tsin la!     :loveliness:

Hope everyone can get the most desirable offer they want!  Add oil!  
作者: manyui    時間: 11-11-15 08:09

me too
作者: Angelakibb    時間: 11-11-15 09:24

My girl got SFA as well. I will write to Tak Nga today for releasing the offer, hopefully this offer can be re-allocated before their registration date.
Good luck to all !
作者: Gerard    時間: 11-11-15 09:40

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作者: ANN_LAU    時間: 11-11-15 09:55

感謝咁多位"叻仔叻女"媽媽! 祝你們子女升小愉快!
作者: lasymom    時間: 11-11-15 10:53

作者: 1103mama    時間: 11-11-15 14:21

作者: money3298    時間: 11-11-15 14:30

如有多offer, 我一定會儘快放位的, 喺度都恭喜咁多位叻仔叻女(同埋叻爸叻媽~~)
作者: marcuscyrus    時間: 11-11-15 14:33

作者: wamamema    時間: 11-11-15 14:41

already gave up WKF and GT.  Although we still have 2 schools on hands, but we will give them up if have good news on 21st.  Good luck to all!!
作者: wamamema    時間: 11-11-15 14:43

原帖由 marcuscyrus 於 11-11-15 14:33 發表

really?? i only know SFA.  what are the other schools?  btw, is your child from KM? the uniform look familiar.
作者: lovegirlslove    時間: 11-11-15 14:44


I will release all private schools if my kid is lucky to be admitted by subsidy school on 21st
作者: marcuscyrus    時間: 11-11-15 14:47

原帖由 wamamema 於 11-11-15 14:43 發表

really?? i only know SFA.  what are the other schools?  btw, is your child from KM? the uniform look familiar.

我都係睇出邊discussion好像krs也是今天,不過我冇考krs/sfa,我兒今天剛收到觀塘st jo的offer,冇錯,我兒是km的,你小孩也是嗎?
作者: wamamema    時間: 11-11-15 16:58

congrats!! Yes, my girl is from KM too.
作者: marcuscyrus    時間: 11-11-15 17:04

原帖由 wamamema 於 11-11-15 16:58 發表
congrats!! Yes, my girl is from KM too.

請check pm

[ 本帖最後由 marcuscyrus 於 11-11-16 14:28 編輯 ]
作者: mmhchung    時間: 11-11-15 17:06

Will give up KRS.
作者: qoo_pooh    時間: 11-11-15 21:44

My son gave up EC offer before and most likely he will give up SJAC and KRS as well.

作者: cutebear123    時間: 11-11-15 22:21

Dear qoo_pooh,

Congratulations to get the offer from SFA.  Is SFA your 1st priority or waiting for lucky draw?  Your son got a lot of offers.  Do you give him any award?

原帖由 qoo_pooh 於 11-11-15 21:44 發表
My son gave up EC offer before and most likely he will give up SJAC and KRS as well.

希望幫到等候的小朋友~~ images/smilies/default/bb13.gifimages/smilies/default/bb13.gif

作者: bigfatboy    時間: 11-11-16 00:46

Got SFA offer but will give up.  Best wishes to all families on the same boat!
作者: katrina929    時間: 11-11-16 16:59

give up our lady offer.
add oil to other parents and children.
作者: yamiyami    時間: 11-11-16 17:44

我都會放番SFA 個位出黎...唉...忍痛決定!
作者: kichan    時間: 11-11-16 17:47

Any offer better than SFA?

原帖由 yamiyami 於 11-11-16 17:44 發表
我都會放番SFA 個位出黎...唉...忍痛決定!

作者: yamiyami    時間: 11-11-17 10:37     標題: 回復 44# kichan 的帖子

呀女間幼稚園有小學同中學, 而小學部已經收左呀女, 希望可以一路上埋中學, SFA 都鐘意不過無中學, 6年後又要再黎過...
作者: wamamema    時間: 11-11-17 11:18

原帖由 marcuscyrus 於 11-11-15 17:04 發表

請check pm

pls check pm
作者: TungPokMaMa    時間: 11-11-19 08:26

Will give up Kau Yan & KRS.
作者: fc1668    時間: 11-11-19 10:30

你地既小孩好勁:( 我地呢啲一個offer都沒有 支持你地既決定
作者: kinchani    時間: 11-11-19 11:34

We will give up 德雅, 真光, 禮賢
作者: water55    時間: 11-11-19 11:43

作者: Chansautung    時間: 11-11-19 14:47

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作者: lalalambb    時間: 11-11-19 20:45

作者: JOJA    時間: 11-11-19 20:54

下星期會放, st clare, 德雅, 聖三一,
作者: law_panda    時間: 11-11-20 00:55     標題: 回復 53# JOJA 的帖子


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