
標題: St. Catherine Interview [打印本頁]

作者: janice007    時間: 11-11-2 16:21     標題: St. Catherine Interview

聽聞今年同上年會有好大分別﹐不如大家交流下啦﹐話晒這星期就 in了。
作者: charlielola    時間: 11-11-2 16:29

作者: 上等人    時間: 11-11-2 17:10

離唔開個幾樣野!~ take it easy!
作者: 史科菲    時間: 11-11-2 18:26

作者: mabelcass    時間: 11-11-2 19:21

What is the great difference?
作者: 4001cc    時間: 11-11-2 19:37

作者: isakwok_1    時間: 11-11-2 20:25

what will be the major change?
作者: ronniedad    時間: 11-11-2 20:33     標題: 回復 2# 4001cc 的帖子

同意呀, 就算而家知道哂成個流程, 小朋友可以係呢兩日改變到嗎? 大家不要過份緊張吧, 要對自己的小朋友有信心. 加油呀!!
作者: kentchau118    時間: 11-11-2 20:39

作者: fc1111    時間: 11-11-2 21:02

明天9:30 interview,知道怎麼改變都沒用。:;pppp:
作者: ting-ma    時間: 11-11-2 21:52

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作者: whychan777    時間: 11-11-2 21:53


原帖由 fc1111 於 11-11-2 21:02 發表
明天9:30 interview,知道怎麼改變都沒用。:;pppp:

作者: daisywhy    時間: 11-11-3 10:16

作者: KellyChim    時間: 11-11-3 10:22

聽日interview 9:15, 如果只係mami 同 小朋友去, 會5會影響印象分呢??
作者: 力力媽媽    時間: 11-11-3 10:39

原帖由 daisywhy 於 11-11-3 02:16 發表

作者: alvismother    時間: 11-11-3 10:39

作者: 力力媽媽    時間: 11-11-3 10:43

作者: 02413124    時間: 11-11-3 10:50

原帖由 力力媽媽 於 11-11-3 10:39 發表


我覺得1ST ROUND未必計分XD
作者: TTCJC    時間: 11-11-3 10:50

原帖由 力力媽媽 於 11-11-3 10:39 發表


What are the questions? could you pls share?
作者: marcoli8    時間: 11-11-3 10:52

原帖由 02413124 於 11-11-3 10:50 發表

我覺得1ST ROUND未必計分XD

作者: hangyodon    時間: 11-11-3 10:55

原帖由 marcoli8 於 11-11-3 10:52 發表



一日interview未完, 咁快講晒出黎都係對之前interview咗既小朋友唔公平~~~
作者: adaho43    時間: 11-11-3 10:59


原帖由 力力媽媽 於 11-11-3 10:39 發表


作者: wing_BB    時間: 11-11-3 11:02

可唔可以講下由入去到出來需要多少時間? 謝謝!
作者: 4001cc    時間: 11-11-3 11:20

作者: himuimui    時間: 11-11-3 11:23

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作者: nlj1216    時間: 11-11-3 11:24

Wonder if my child is super small B (born late Dec 09) - will they reject for K and consider her to their PN or have to re-apply for PN in Dec?

In the past, I know St Cat takes small B (up til Nov), but since they now have PN not sure if its the same case....any one can share?
作者: adaho43    時間: 11-11-3 11:31

原帖由 wing_BB 於 11-11-3 11:02 發表
可唔可以講下由入去到出來需要多少時間? 謝謝!

我8:30am入學校, 9:05am in完走得!
作者: hangyodon    時間: 11-11-3 11:34

SC好似睇埋Background(屋企住邊/邊度返工/媽咪係唔係Full Time Mum)

我都係唔使一個鐘攪掂, 算係見識過~~~
作者: wing_BB    時間: 11-11-3 11:34

adaho43, thank you !!!
作者: whychan777    時間: 11-11-3 11:40


原帖由 hangyodon 於 11-11-3 11:34 發表
SC好似睇埋Background(屋企住邊/邊度返工/媽咪係唔係Full Time Mum)

我都係唔使一個鐘攪掂, 算係見識過~~~

作者: 4001cc    時間: 11-11-3 11:43

原帖由 whychan777 於 11-11-3 11:40 發表

作者: adaho43    時間: 11-11-3 11:45     標題: 回復 28# hangyodon 的帖子

重要填daddy 同mommy母校...問得即係會考慮埋呢個因素!

[ 本帖最後由 adaho43 於 11-11-3 11:47 編輯 ]
作者: ting-ma    時間: 11-11-3 12:25

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作者: ting-ma    時間: 11-11-3 12:25

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作者: emilyliyt    時間: 11-11-3 13:05

My daughter will have the interview at 9:15am tomorrow (Cantonese interview), just want to ask what time did you finish the interview this morning? Many thanks!
作者: hangyodon    時間: 11-11-3 14:04     標題: 回復 30# whychan777 的帖子

其實都係考嗰啲; 一個鐘應該Ok
Good luck everyone
作者: AYMK    時間: 11-11-3 14:16

係啦, 我都想知今朝塞唔塞車, 因為明天我10:00IN呀...

原帖由 ting-ma 於 11-11-3 12:25 發表
請問in 早上的可否報料你們in幾點??


作者: b_mami    時間: 11-11-3 14:16

作者: LPN    時間: 11-11-3 14:34

冇塞車, 不過有警察嚮門口, 唔可以停車, 要泊遠 d
作者: GAT    時間: 11-11-3 14:41

Yes, may I ask don't disclose the interview questions until all interviews has been completed.

Otherwise this is very unfair to the peoples who interviewed today. Especially those interviewed on the first day are small babies (sept - dec).

All I can comment is that it contains some most difficult questions I have ever seem in K1 interviews. Maybe this makes them easier to screen the most brilliant child?!

The whole process is much smoother than last year. Interview process last less than one hr.
作者: LPN    時間: 11-11-3 14:46

Yes, 太難啦, c6 話係等 d 細b 父母死心喎, 最難果條, 老實, 我都唔係第一眼就知道個答案!!

算啦, 當見識過, 個人認為今年個安排都係麻麻, 要等左好耐, 入到去都仲要等左兩個小朋友先到我地, 個老師又咁啱係最唔笑果個, 我個仔都唔想同佢玩...
作者: 4001cc    時間: 11-11-3 15:33

睇完咁多今年既comment, 都想見識下考咩野
作者: sochi81    時間: 11-11-3 15:38     標題: 回覆 35# emilyliyt 的文章

作者: richwong    時間: 11-11-3 16:08

作者: adaho43    時間: 11-11-3 16:13

原帖由 richwong 於 11-11-3 16:08 發表

應該係, 我識得10幾個全都今日IN
作者: ting-ma    時間: 11-11-3 16:19

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作者: giantkid    時間: 11-11-3 16:22

作者: LPN    時間: 11-11-3 16:22

係啊係啊, 我阿 b 0910, 都算係咁啦, 雖然佢阿媽今日下午都冇乜心機
作者: 02413124    時間: 11-11-3 16:23

作者: LPN    時間: 11-11-3 16:26     標題: 回覆 47# giantkid 的文章


個人認為識答既小朋友可能只不過係順手拿到, 真係冇理由會識答 lor...
作者: richwong    時間: 11-11-3 16:29

作者: 02413124    時間: 11-11-3 16:31

第三,一年一次要2-3日內IN 幾千人,問相同的問題,我會理解老師的辛苦,行政安排的困難
以上個人感受ONLY ^^ 無意針對任何人
作者: 02413124    時間: 11-11-3 16:34

作者: ATC    時間: 11-11-3 16:48

作者: lau47    時間: 11-11-3 16:52     標題: 回復 53# 02413124 的帖子

作者: 萬樂豬    時間: 11-11-3 16:58

我係 08:45 去見的, 都唔算等太耐, 但...問題就一 d d 深...最深係佢攞幅圖問亞囝........咁...依個係我囝囝問題....佢唔想答....所以唔啋老師..

整體黎講......我見老師都有笑容, 由其普通話老師呢.......

[ 本帖最後由 萬樂豬 於 11-11-3 17:10 編輯 ]
作者: 萬樂豬    時間: 11-11-3 17:01

我囝第一 round 成日搶隔離小朋友既 lego 車車, 同lego........

作者: sochi81    時間: 11-11-3 17:04     標題: 回覆 55# lau47 的文章



作者: whychan777    時間: 11-11-3 17:17


原帖由 02413124 於 11-11-3 16:31 發表
第二如果家長一到等,一到內心不滿,小朋友都會F ...

作者: ccarol    時間: 11-11-3 17:23


原帖由 萬樂豬 於 11-11-3 17:01 發表
我囝第一 round 成日搶隔離小朋友既 lego 車車, 同lego........


作者: tamtamchan    時間: 11-11-3 17:29

same here! my son is 0912 super small B.  interviewed at 8:30 am. long queue outside school.  only allowed to get in at 8:30, waited for around 5 minutes before going in a small room for group lego.

Group lego time, then interview.  left school at 9:10, already lots of ppl outside.

I don't think the teacher was really looking at the my son when he played lego.  One was crying, one stood up an played with her mom.  My son and another two kids played quietly by themselves.  

During the interview, my son was very not responsive at all... only able to answer a few questions (some with my guidance).  I don't think he will get an offer, but just to gain some experience ....

good luck everyone!!
作者: CBabeY    時間: 11-11-3 17:35

HAHA, 我今日都IN左喇, 最早八點半果批, 我IN英普班, 九點十五分左右出黎。

我地差唔多八點廿五分先到學校門口,當時都排左百幾個家長同小朋友, 響羅福道一路排到差唔多窩打老道, 我想請求晨早揸車車小朋友去INTERVIEW而停泊響學校路邊O既家長, 體諒下旁邊排緊隊有咁多小朋友響度, 停車熄匙, 今日排緊時間已經好熱無乜風, 吸埋D汽車廢氣都幾難頂架。

我個仔今日唔太合作, GROUP IN好彩無同小朋友爭玩具, 同埋廣東話老師問野十問九唔應, 只係有同老師講BYE BYE, 可能我要IN 兩PART, 只係PTH老師問我問題, 同埋好簡單, 好似傾計咁, 我覺得比我想像中輕鬆, PTH老師有問阿仔野, 但阿仔完全唔識, 所以無反應。
作者: waffle    時間: 11-11-3 17:44

我朋友5月bb都係今日in 喎
作者: fc1111    時間: 11-11-3 17:45


原帖由 giantkid 於 11-11-3 16:22 發表

作者: lau47    時間: 11-11-3 17:46     標題: 回覆 62# CBabeY 的文章

作者: CBabeY    時間: 11-11-3 17:50

原帖由 adaho43 於 11-11-3 11:45 發表
重要填daddy 同mommy母校...問得即係會考慮埋呢個因素!

哈哈, 呢樣相信一定係, 如果唔係駛乜我地填, KV果張都唔駛填呢樣INFO, 我諗如果父母係某名小學OLD BOY/GAL,佢地應該會特別留意。所以, 唔寄厚望, 今次都係入去當見識下。
作者: CBabeY    時間: 11-11-3 17:55

原帖由 lau47 於 11-11-3 17:46 發表

其實應該都係八點幾到九點左右, 因為晏D都會有警察黎趕車走。

希望聽日天氣好D, 有D微風吹下, 太陽唔好咁猛, 唔好落雨, 大家排隊排得舒服D。

聽日IN O既家長同小朋友, 加油呀!
作者: atmtran    時間: 11-11-3 18:09

From my experience today, actually u don't need to queue if u r there on time.  I was there early by about 20 mins and I asked the staff when should we start to queue.  He said no need to queue if you on time (e.g. if interview time is 10:00, just be there on 9:55 should be fine).  Then we just walked far under the tree shade to wait for the time up and straight in to the school (of course u still need to wait inside).  By this, your child doesn't need to wait under sun.
作者: spaghettishum    時間: 11-11-3 19:55

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作者: angeemama    時間: 11-11-3 20:00

Of course it's matter where the parents were graduated from!  Old boys n girls from elite schools will increase the chance of the kids to be accepted!  It in turns will ensure their Primary 1 results later!
作者: xiazaimami    時間: 11-11-3 20:31

原帖由 angeemama 於 11-11-3 20:00 發表
Of course it's matter where the parents were graduated from!  Old boys n girls from elite schools will increase the chance of the kids to be accepted!  It in turns will ensure their Primary 1 results  ...

作者: newmommy    時間: 11-11-3 22:04

No. My guess is, for small babies who cannot answer the questions, the school may offer you to go to pre nursery class in Hung Hom, instead of K1. That is what they did last year.

原帖由 ATC 於 11-11-3 16:48 發表

作者: 萬樂豬    時間: 11-11-3 22:08

佢問得 2 條問題, 都係個 d 啦, 同上年一樣, 我自己普通話唔多得, 哈哈, 我未講完老師說同亞囝講 b再見...咁我都停口了..=_=

原帖由 ccarol 於 11-11-3 17:23 發表

作者: piggyccy    時間: 11-11-3 22:54

原帖由 atmtran 於 11-11-3 18:09 發表
From my experience today, actually u don't need to queue if u r there on time.  I was there early by about 20 mins and I asked the staff when should we start to queue.  He said no need to queue if you ...

Yes we arrived at 10:30 n interview is at 10:30 and we
showed teacher the card n they just let us in.  But we
still need to wait inside the school! I think it's quite
smooth provided that they have few thousand applicants ! We spend abt an hour for the whole process n abt 3/4
is waiting time!
作者: piggyccy    時間: 11-11-3 22:54

原帖由 atmtran 於 11-11-3 18:09 發表
From my experience today, actually u don't need to queue if u r there on time.  I was there early by about 20 mins and I asked the staff when should we start to queue.  He said no need to queue if you ...

Yes we arrived at 10:30 n interview is at 10:30 and we
showed teacher the card n they just let us in.  But we
still need to wait inside the school! I think it's quite
smooth provided that they have few thousand applicants ! We spend abt an hour for the whole process n abt 3/4
is waiting time!
作者: 3pigmama    時間: 11-11-3 22:55

我問一個朋友, 個女在 sc 讀K2, 佢話個Group  Interview  吾係好count, 主要係單對單計分.

作者: charlielola    時間: 11-11-3 23:07

作者: eemay    時間: 11-11-3 23:18

Do they allow 2 parents go inside to the interview room? or only one parent can accompany?

作者: piggyccy    時間: 11-11-3 23:21

Only one parent can go into the school
作者: tamtamchan    時間: 11-11-3 23:36

I also think the first round i.e. group Lego time doesn't count much. I kept looking at the teachers, they didnt seem to really observe the kids.  
As long as the kids don't cry or walk away from the table, that is ok!!
It is kind of a warm up time for the kids.
作者: pwhi    時間: 11-11-3 23:46

My interview time is at 1:45 pm today.  I went there at 1:15pm but the school door didn't open until 1:45pm. My daughter got tired after waiting for half an hour outside the school.  I wonder why the school doesn't arrange a place for the kids to play while waiting.  The school is big but everyone needs to wait outside the school.  That's not really nice in my opinion.
作者: bopui0607    時間: 11-11-3 23:50


原帖由 charlielola 於 11-11-3 23:07 發表

作者: marcoli8    時間: 11-11-4 00:05

原帖由 bopui0607 於 11-11-3 23:50 發表

作者: BallBall417    時間: 11-11-4 00:23

原帖由 4001cc 於 11-11-3 11:20 發表

我覺得無影響,st catherine都係會睇返小朋友表現多d...
作者: hayee    時間: 11-11-4 01:47

跟據佢網頁,紅磡pre-nursery係會升返去紅磡nursery(K1),然後(K2)先去九龍塘campus... 希望不太影響K1收生學額啦!
作者: charlielola    時間: 11-11-4 06:43     標題: 回覆 85# hayee 的文章

紅磡下年只開PN班,即係而家所有紅磡PN & K1 小朋友下年全部都會返九龍塘
作者: nlj1216    時間: 11-11-4 11:09     標題: 回復 15# newmommy 的帖子

I hope this will be the case for this year ... I think it was very hard for my daughter to compete as a super small 'B' (Born late Dec 2009), but in my opinion she exceeded my expectation already.
作者: spaghettishum    時間: 11-11-4 12:14

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作者: ronniedad    時間: 11-11-4 12:23

哈哈, 我情況都係相似. 經過今日終於明白未有OFFER的家長的心情真係好憂心同壓力真係好大. 真係勁多人,成條街都係人.  前後約45MINS, 排隊等候都起碼用左一半時間有多.GOOD LUCK ALL!!!
作者: janice007    時間: 11-11-4 12:25

原帖由 spaghettishum 於 11-11-4 12:14 發表

作者: andersmama    時間: 11-11-4 12:34

我琴日in完之後, 真係覺得而家d小朋友壓力好大, 考d咁o既題目, 真係要好專注囉! 考唔到, 都唔會失望, 小朋友係入面讀可以面對o既壓力仲大呀, 一個開心快樂o既學校生活係好緊要, 咁緊張o既school life, 我驚我承受唔到, 多過我仔仔呀!

我仔平時係屋企都答到哂佢o既野架會, 始終對住陌生人, 同唔熟識o既環境, 打折係正常, 我知阿仔已經盡左力, 佢琴日個心情係好ok, 咁interview個時, 睇到佢好緊張, 佢只係得兩歲人仔, 做到一半, 已經好ok! 見識過就算喇!
作者: whychan777    時間: 11-11-4 13:36


原帖由 spaghettishum 於 11-11-4 12:14 發表

作者: whychan777    時間: 11-11-4 13:37


不過真係超多人, 好似旅行團咁........

原帖由 ronniedad 於 11-11-4 12:23 發表
哈哈, 我情況都係相似. 經過今日終於明白未有OFFER的家長的心情真係好憂心同壓力真係好大. 真係勁多人,成條街都係人.  前後約45MINS, 排隊等候都起碼用左一半時間有多.GOOD LUCK ALL!!! ...

作者: whychan777    時間: 11-11-4 13:39

小朋友有反應, 我都覺得好開心.........

原帖由 andersmama 於 11-11-4 12:34 發表
我琴日in完之後, 真係覺得而家d小朋友壓力好大, 考d咁o既題目, 真係要好專注囉! 考唔到, 都唔會失望, 小朋友係入面讀可以面對o既壓力仲大呀, 一個開心快樂o既學校生活係好緊要, 咁緊張o既school life, 我驚我承受唔 ...

作者: ronniedad    時間: 11-11-4 13:41

直頭好似探親團, 見到好多朋友.
作者: DACHA    時間: 11-11-4 13:45

作者: ronniedad    時間: 11-11-4 13:48

真係5 MINS前到門口就OK了
作者: whychan777    時間: 11-11-4 13:48




原帖由 ronniedad 於 11-11-4 13:41 發表
直頭好似探親團, 見到好多朋友.

作者: whychan777    時間: 11-11-4 13:50


若果係到你in架時間, 係可以直接入去架....

原帖由 DACHA 於 11-11-4 13:45 發表

作者: DACHA    時間: 11-11-4 13:54


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