
標題: 有沒有知今年CCKG 多唔多入到 dgjs second in ar ? [打印本頁]

作者: mrnosey    時間: 11-10-26 17:45     標題: 有沒有知今年CCKG 多唔多入到 dgjs second in ar ?

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作者: marrowcream    時間: 11-10-26 20:27

講真, mrnosey , 你呢條問題, 唔會有人答你. 可以答到你既人,只會係個女讀CCKG而又入到 dgs 既家長...佢地, 未必答你 lor.  擺到明 interview 當日小朋友著住 CCKG school uniform 去 in, 已經知咩事啦.   

作者: mrnosey    時間: 11-10-26 20:42

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作者: HaYi    時間: 11-10-26 20:47

CCKG 就唔識人, sc 女仔就識幾個有 second..

原帖由 mrnosey 於 11-10-26 20:42 發表
我就是有女女在CCKG讀的朋友講,今年情況好差,所以想求証下。如果真係, 我地依D百無人仕有多D希望MA

作者: 無氣同你講    時間: 11-10-26 20:49

作者: spmok1999    時間: 11-10-26 21:06

原帖由 無氣同你講 於 11-10-26 20:49 發表

基督堂幼稚園, 只有 K2 及 K3, 沒有 K1 班的...

通常, 好多人都會咁 SC-K1 --> CCKG-K2 & K3...

作者: 無氣同你講    時間: 11-10-26 22:41

原帖由 spmok1999 於 11-10-26 13:06 發表

基督堂幼稚園, 只有 K2 及 K3, 沒有 K1 班的...

通常, 好多人都會咁 SC-K1 --> CCKG-K2 & K3...

作者: spmok1999    時間: 11-10-26 22:54

原帖由 無氣同你講 於 11-10-26 22:41 發表


因為差唔多每年都有名人後代, 有錢家族後代, 父母都係律師醫生之類, 以及好多好叻仔叻女o既小朋友任佢揀...

作者: 無氣同你講    時間: 11-10-26 23:00

原帖由 spmok1999 於 11-10-26 14:54 發表

因為差唔多每年都有名人後代, 有錢家族後代, 父母都係律師醫生之類, 以及好多好叻仔叻女o既小朋友任佢揀...

作者: TYYC    時間: 11-10-27 09:05

My girl studies at CCKG and I think no one has the answer to your question, even CCKG herself.

At the moment, my girl received 3 offers, 2nd interview invitations from DJGS, SFA & TSL, quite a few more result to come and no rejection from schools so far.

Stay positive and be strong, parents.
作者: Angelakibb    時間: 11-10-27 09:32

原帖由 TYYC 於 11-10-27 09:05 發表
My girl studies at CCKG and I think no one has the answer to your question, even CCKG herself.

At the moment, my girl received 3 offers, 2nd interview invitations from DJGS, SFA & TSL, quite a few mo ...

其實入到cckg的小朋友唔計屋企background本身都係好smart好 DG type, 當年係SC, KV, VICTORIA都係最TOP個派先入到, 佢地多入選DGJS / DBJS一點都唔出奇.
作者: mmhchung    時間: 11-10-27 09:41

相信CCKG這麽受歡迎一定有它的原因。不過,我比較相信DGJS是看小朋友實力及性格。我女女只係讀荃灣平民幼稚園,一樣係DGJS、SFA、TSL都有2nd In。暫時未收到rejection。

作者: Christi    時間: 11-10-27 16:03     標題: 回復 2# marrowcream 的帖子

著CCKG校服去in?  really ?
作者: eemum    時間: 11-10-27 17:18

原帖由 Christi 於 11-10-27 16:03 發表
著CCKG校服去in?  really ?

Not surprised... Their uniform is "almost" the same as the DGJS uniform....
作者: crystalwsm    時間: 11-10-27 21:11

唔出其,上年interview時都見好多CCKG的著校服in DGJS

原帖由 Christi 於 11-10-27 16:03 發表
著CCKG校服去in?  really ?

作者: lengBma    時間: 11-10-29 23:35

今年都見到幾個着住cckg校服in DGJS,唔知2nd in佢地會唔會都著住cckg校服呢
作者: shatinyauyau    時間: 11-10-31 16:43

It seems strange and unfair.
No girls wearing uniform to interview DGJS except CCKG student. :evil:
作者: evacalbee    時間: 11-10-31 17:04

作者: Peter2880    時間: 11-10-31 17:08

原帖由 shatinyauyau 於 11-10-31 16:43 發表
It seems strange and unfair.
No girls wearing uniform to interview DGJS except CCKG student. :evil:

Any problem of wearing school uniform?  I also saw some children wearing the other school uniform to interview.  Eventhough they are not wearing CCKG school uniform to interview, thery are in fact CCKG students.
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-10-31 17:14

原帖由 crystalwsm 於 11-10-27 21:11 發表
唔出其,上年interview時都見好多CCKG的著校服in DGJS

Really? I am not quite aware of that in the first interview...
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-10-31 17:17

原帖由 shatinyauyau 於 11-10-31 16:43 發表
It seems strange and unfair.
No girls wearing uniform to interview DGJS except CCKG student. :evil:

I also see some other students wearing uniforms when interviewing other schools...personally I think it is ok la, maybe they are just out of convenience.

(ps: I'm not CCKG students' parents and my girl does not wear uniform to interview)
作者: pandabonita    時間: 11-10-31 17:37

how so?  yours could too.

原帖由 shatinyauyau 於 11-10-31 16:43 發表
It seems strange and unfair.
No girls wearing uniform to interview DGJS except CCKG student. :evil:

作者: wh0709    時間: 11-10-31 21:18

I know a girl wore PE uniform, just for convinence.
作者: jennycyho    時間: 11-10-31 22:54

Many cckg students wear uniform to DG interview, even with matching "DG" colour hairclips. Will it really add marks?

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