
標題: 想下年送仔仔去英國讀G9,有啲問題請幫忙! [打印本頁]

作者: yeahyeahyeah    時間: 11-10-16 17:03     標題: 想下年送仔仔去英國讀G9,有啲問題請幫忙!


[ 本帖最後由 yeahyeahyeah 於 11-10-17 04:29 編輯 ]
作者: CPU1995    時間: 11-10-17 17:59     標題: 回復 1# yeahyeahyeah 的帖子

All agencies are profit-oriented companies and their recommendations are sometimes dependent on their relationships with the schools. Anyway, I had asked the agencies and considered the following issues when submitting applications for my son in December of the preceding year:

1. School rankings from Financial Times website;

2. Location (The location would determine the English accent whereas your kid is going to learn as well as the accent of school teachers and students generally speak);

3. Asian student ratio in the boarding house (this ratio is more important than Asian student ratio in the school and some schools might have 100% Asian student ratio in boarding house);

4. Availability of medical centre (school without medical centre would request your son to go to host family instead of staying in school when he suffers illness during school days);

5. Circumstances to terminate the studies of a particular subject (Unlike HK, some top schools would not allow students to continue studying in a particular subject  during interim in case the student does not catch up with the subject);

6. Circumstances to disallow student to study triple science subjects but study a single combined science subject instead (Unlike HK, some top schools would not allow students to study triple science subjects in Grade 11 in case the student does not meet academic requirement of the science subjects in Grade 10);

7. Details of school trips during half term breaks in Grade 9, 10 & 11;  

8. The min. academic requirements to promote to Grade 12;

9. Application of scholarship such as music scholarship before admission;

10. Availability of past entrance exam papers (Schools such as Monmouth, Oundle etc have sample papers in the school websites)
作者: yeahyeahyeah    時間: 11-10-18 14:44

Thank you for your information!!

作者: sonijali    時間: 11-10-18 16:16

其實去外國讀書程序都幾繁複,又要揀學校、報名、簽visa呀!仲要take care埋仔仔的emotion呀、心理準備。搵agent就方便d,佢地就有經驗d,有咩問題都可以問佢,安心d!
作者: yeahyeahyeah    時間: 11-10-18 16:31


作者: sonijali    時間: 11-10-18 17:13

原帖由 yeahyeahyeah 於 11-10-18 16:31 發表

仲有萄國護照係唔係入政府學校學費平啲,定免學費? ...

萄國護照讀私校都係要比全數學費架,入公校就未合符資格。我都好明白你的心情,自己做research,真係無咩方向。Internet 上面的資料,有時個人意見唔同,都唔知信邊個好。其實而家有d agent有香港、英國兩地office,英國的consultant係local人,自然對當地的學校多了實際d的了解。如果真係有心想比小朋友過去,就搵佢地傾下先lor,整個流程、程序都清晰d。P.S.最緊要prepare好d,揀到真正適合小朋友興趣、性格的學校
作者: hkparagirl    時間: 11-10-21 05:51     標題: 回覆 2# yeahyeahyeah 的文章

照我所知,係免費讀公校我,我呢面都有澳門人在讀中,不止一人,係有幾個都係拿萄籍 passport 的
作者: 士多老闆    時間: 11-10-21 11:39

唔係, 葡國護照學生, 可以免費讀公校,只要交住宿及監護人費就可以了。我朋友的子女都係,所以比讀私校平。

作者: yeahyeahyeah    時間: 11-10-22 12:14

作者: namanyi    時間: 11-10-27 13:33

Pls check pm

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