
標題: SC K3 家長 - P1 申請 - 吹水加油站!!! [打印本頁]

作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-10-3 17:11     標題: SC K3 家長 - P1 申請 - 吹水加油站!!!

Hi, 各SC K3家長!

剛看到1、2年前SC K3家長升小一的THREAD, 而家到我地了, 申請小一貌似選擇多多, 其實是考慮多多, 每一步都要想得清清楚楚... 我想我地都可以多多溝通, 有水吹水、沒水收風、有問題的就傾問題、無問題的減減壓也好...

[而家都是水深火熱, 開個THREAD, 不知有沒有理...]
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-10-3 17:47     標題: SC K3 家長 - P1 申請 - 吹水加油站!!!

想統計一下, 大家都報了多少私小/直資?
我數數手指, 都報了接近10間:


德望(Good Hope)
救恩(Kau Yan)

8日最少有4間要in, 您地呢?
作者: wasabi-cat    時間: 11-10-3 18:28

我路過既,阿女舊年 k3,今年上左小一。


不過,而家睇返轉頭,呢個 experience 又帶比我好多野,eg 更了解自己同個女,重新檢視了我同丈夫既價值觀,學習與丈夫多討論、少堅持己見、以家庭為重、平衡各方的需求等等... 在我一家來說,確實每個人都有成長了呢!

前路縱然艱難,但只要齊心合力,一定可以走過,邁向美好明天! 願 sc 的父母及孩子們都順利走向他們的美好明天,加油,fighting!!!
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-10-3 19:19

原帖由 wasabi-cat 於 11-10-3 18:28 發表
我路過既,阿女舊年 k3,今年上左小一。


不過,而家睇 ...

我都係, 不過我老公一向都好緊個女, 小一申請的大部份都是我地一起去討論去做 (寫野的除外), 好似小一簡介會, 選校策略, 都是一齊行動, 分輕了很多壓力.

(好在我地在很多大方向都是非常一致, haha...)
作者: angeemama    時間: 11-10-4 09:25

I have applied for 6-7 and the coming weekend would be the most critical weekend.  It's true that all three of us involved in this battle have grown alot.  Especially for my hubby and I.  At work, I am the one who give out instructions and make finally decisions to alot of matters.  For my girl, I have to say I could not be as calm and sensible as my hubby.  He gives specific comments and ideas which I could never thought of.  

My girl will go for KTS for interview on Thurs.  On Sat, will have CKY to start with, then TL and finish up with DGJS.  On Sun, we will need to go TSL.  I have never had that kind of interview schedules for myself.  I have only attend three interviews for my work in my life so far.  Felt so sorry to put my girl in this kind of battle.
作者: wasabi-cat    時間: 11-10-4 18:10     標題: 回復 4# joeyxlma 的帖子

joeyxlma, 見到你可以同老公咁一致,"鄧"你開心,因為好多時好多 parents 都為左上邊間小一都有爭執。祝你早日為阿女搵到間理想既小學!!
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-10-4 18:25

原帖由 wasabi-cat 於 11-10-4 18:10 發表
joeyxlma, 見到你可以同老公咁一致,"鄧"你開心,因為好多時好多 parents 都為左上邊間小一都有爭執。祝你早日為阿女搵到間理想既小學!!

I think I must say, we agree and listen to each other so far... maybe we not yet come to the decision point...
作者: wasabi-cat    時間: 11-10-4 18:29

"Felt so sorry to put my girl in this kind of battle." ===> angeemama, 唔好比自己同個女咁大壓力,最緊要係個過程之中,建立更好既親子關係先係最重要。雖然未必可以用 "享受"嚟形容呢個過程,但 at least 唔好比呢個過程去 "破壞"左一家人既感情,咁就真係好唔抵。
作者: SCKnight    時間: 11-10-4 23:57

作者: ac917    時間: 11-10-6 12:30

作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-10-10 11:56

Just over the most critical weekend...
Feeling very anxious because my girl did not talk much about the content (same as her usual practice).

It is true that we 3 all join the battle, which is very hard, I think I could say.  I try not to push much, just try to ask her to keep her politeness and smiles.
作者: wasabi-cat    時間: 11-10-11 17:47     標題: 回復 11# joeyxlma 的帖子

做得好,最緊要放鬆心情,因為細路仔都會 feel 到你既緊張同壓力架﹗舊年我個女都係大部份時間講唔返佢入去 interview 做過 d 咩,可能因為係細女關係啦﹗不過最後都好好彩有 2 間私小收左佢,我仲有得揀下添,哈哈﹗

anyway, 我反而想比個 advice 大家,如果你一心唔想入官、津校,咁係搵直資、私小時就不能太進取,全部都只搵一線學校,因為競爭實在太激烈。我提議要搵定一兩間比較二線既,當買個保險。始終有一間收左你,個心會定 d,同埋到時大抽獎完左之後都仲有得揀下。
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-10-11 18:42

My confidence is eroding as my girl tells me more
作者: wasabi-cat    時間: 11-10-11 23:46

唔使咁灰心既,要對自己個女有信心。就算未有好學校收,亦不等如阿女無前途、將來一片灰暗!可能係 their loss 呢!記住,而家不是一戰定生死,將來條路點行,仲要靠你同丈夫為個女安排。如果只憑這一役被打沉了,實在唔抵!
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-10-19 01:15

I think those I chose are not all top ones.
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-10-23 22:46

等待真是一個消磨人類意志的玩意, 尚有大約1至2週不等才有心儀學校2nd interview list release, 但已慢慢失去沖勁中...
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-10-26 11:29

This thread seems to be my daily than a discussion, anyway, got a few good news of acceptance and 2nd interviews so far.

Don't know why my emotion is still very unsettled, seems all personal stuff and office stuff crash together...
作者: lingling06    時間: 11-10-26 17:27     標題: 回復 17# joeyxlma 的帖子

You are not the only one.  When we have nothing on our hands, then we felt frustrated and wondered whether our boy was not as good as we thought.  However, when we have some offers, then we start to worry whether we would make a wrong decision.  

My emotion goes up and down.  Hope that the process can finish as soon as possible.
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-10-29 10:20

原帖由 lingling06 於 11-10-26 17:27 發表
You are not the only one.  When we have nothing on our hands, then we felt frustrated and wondered whether our boy was not as good as we thought.  However, when we have some offers, then we start to w ...

Yes, yes, especially when you have to turn down some offers on hand and betting on whether there will be a next offer.
作者: angeemama    時間: 11-10-30 14:24

My daughter hasn't got any offer so far as well!  She is a small girl n I understand most of the school would favor big girls!  My hubby n I were a bit disappointed but not too upset!  I still have faith on my girl n if there is no acceptance from any private school, we will wait for the allocation!  We would try hard to nuture her in the next six years n try again during secondary school!  Worse comes to worse, we will just take her back to Canada to study!
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-11-6 00:23

原帖由 angeemama 於 11-10-30 14:24 發表
My daughter hasn't got any offer so far as well!  She is a small girl n I understand most of the school would favor big girls!  My hubby n I were a bit disappointed but not too upset!  I still have fa ...

作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-11-15 01:37

Just has a piece of good news among all busy interview stuff ==> get a quite good result in the speaking competition today.  I am proud of my girl!
作者: W_ngan2006    時間: 11-11-17 13:14

有offer喇, 等自行同大抽獎!
作者: LSKLTK    時間: 11-11-19 17:29

本帖最後由 LSKLTK 於 18-1-27 17:04 編輯

作者: W_ngan2006    時間: 11-11-20 00:10

Gave up WKF, get offer from SFA. Pending YW and KTS result
作者: BOBO128    時間: 11-11-20 10:14     標題: 回復 1# W_ngan2006 的帖子

大家加油 !
作者: lingling06    時間: 11-11-21 23:08     標題: 回復 25# W_ngan2006 的帖子

Same to you.  May be our kids will be classmates at SFA.
作者: primrose_bb    時間: 11-11-22 16:14

I can feel all your worries as my daughter is in K2 now.  From the school exercise, I can understand that it's not a easy battle to face.  Just a question, did you arrange interview classes for your child?  Do you think it is useful?

Hope your kid can get a good offer !
作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 11-11-24 14:56

原帖由 primrose_bb 於 11-11-22 16:14 發表
I can feel all your worries as my daughter is in K2 now.  From the school exercise, I can understand that it's not a easy battle to face.  Just a question, did you arrange interview classes for your c ...

Whether going to interview class, it depends on your kid's character.

Is she mature enough to behave properly during the interview process, including waiting time etc. It includes:
- how to sit and stand properly
- how to greet and bow

Is she presentable enough to describe things in details and logically?

Can you train her with the basic 常識 that may be asked in the interviews?

I know many SC students go to interview class, including mine. To me, it is useful.

But besides interview class, you need to train/ prepare your girl:
- chinese reading skill
- english reading skill (some even ask you to spell)
- 中英文 重組句子
- Maths (addition and substraction, some even 文字題 - read by the teacher)
- Logic questions (sequences and patterns)
- find differences
- story telling (rearrange pictures, tell the story from the provided pictures)

You can pm if you want more details.
作者: W_ngan2006    時間: 11-11-24 18:31     標題: 回覆 27# lingling06 的文章

We will go to SFA on this Saturday for P1 registation.
作者: Cardiff    時間: 11-11-24 18:48     標題: 回覆 1# W_ngan2006 的文章

作者: W_ngan2006    時間: 11-11-25 00:49

作者: Angelakibb    時間: 11-11-29 14:33

Dear all,

I just found this forum (I used to look at the Primary section since I open an account here) .. I must show my support as I'm SC parent !

Support Support Support !

My girl got some offers form DSS and Private but we have just regsitered SFA. Waiting for DGJS/KTS/APS.

Keep in touch !
作者: primrose_bb    時間: 11-11-30 14:38

Thanks bb@wonderland for your sharing.  Sent you PM.

Other mums, hope to hear more goods news here  :)
作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 11-11-30 15:29     標題: 回復 34# primrose_bb 的帖子

Sent pm to you. :)
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-12-1 13:58

原帖由 Angelakibb 於 11-11-29 14:33 發表
Dear all,

I just found this forum (I used to look at the Primary section since I open an account here) .. I must show my support as I'm SC parent !

Support Support Support !

My girl got some offers ...

Hi Good to c "DG 2nd In Almini" here!
作者: LSKLTK    時間: 11-12-2 00:03

本帖最後由 LSKLTK 於 18-1-27 17:19 編輯

作者: Angelakibb    時間: 11-12-2 09:46

Hope our SC girls could be "classmate" again in DG la ~

原帖由 joeyxlma 於 11-12-1 13:58 發表

Hi Good to c "DG 2nd In Almini" here!

作者: hecabb    時間: 11-12-2 22:47

Hi SC mommies,

i'm a SC K2 parent~ Congrats for those have DSS/private offer, as well as got DG 2nd in! Your son/ daughter should be very smart and all of you should put a lot of effort to bring up your kids~

Do you think K2 school report is critical to get 2nd interview for private school, eg. DG/KTS/APS?

Should you got all 'excellent' in the report?
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-12-2 23:26

原帖由 LSKLTK 於 11-11-19 17:29 發表
All parents, don't be so worry although I am worrying too.  I am waiting for DGJS result, but do worry whether it is tough there.  Anyone can share?  I applied WKF and got offer, like this school but  ...

I do give up WKF too.  That is a difficult decision as one of our relative's girl is studying there and doing quite well (being the first 3) so we've good impression to this school.  And the location is perfect for us also as we used to live in Shatin (not now, of cox) and actually still has a small flat there, so even cost saving if move back to Shatin...

Anyway, I give that up.  But the current situation did not seems is fair (has offers from HK Island's Primary schools) and waiting for some others.
作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 11-12-3 11:40

原帖由 hecabb 於 11-12-2 22:47 發表
Hi SC mommies,

i'm a SC K2 parent~ Congrats for those have DSS/private offer, as well as got DG 2nd in! Your son/ daughter should be very smart and all of you should put a lot of effort to bring up y ...

I can only say - try your best to get as much excellent as you can. if not full excellent, still need to get excellent on the key items, if possible.

The DSS/ private school never said their selection criteria. We also did not know how they rated each aspect. But interview performance, for sure, is the core one.
作者: hecabb    時間: 11-12-4 11:42

Thanks for the advise!

Wish all SC boys and girls a good offer for P1~~

原帖由 bb@wonderland 於 11-12-3 11:40 發表

I can only say - try your best to get as much excellent as you can. if not full excellent, still need to get excellent on the key items, if possible.

The DSS/ private school never said their selec ...

作者: Angelakibb    時間: 11-12-6 09:39

Hi Hecabb,

I think primary school not really look into school report when selecting kid to enter second round. Imagine there are thousand of applications, how to shortlist candidates from those piles of paperworks. Selection crteria for the first round is highly refecting by kids performance during first interview. Moreover, as you said, I think 95%+ the school report get all excellent for K2 second Semester for all KG.

But for second round, as already shortlisted few hundred out, I think the school report as well as the documents you submitted may somehow affect the decision for the final pick, for those kid performed the same during second in.

FYI, this year, many schools either not accept profile (e.g. SFA, TSL) or restrict the number of pages (CKY, DGJS) so I guess many paperworks are acutally not really helpful.

Enjoy the K2 life .. the primary school battle is not funny !

原帖由 hecabb 於 11-12-2 22:47 發表
Hi SC mommies,

i'm a SC K2 parent~ Congrats for those have DSS/private offer, as well as got DG 2nd in! Your son/ daughter should be very smart and all of you should put a lot of effort to bring up y ...

作者: hecabb    時間: 11-12-6 18:45

Angelakibb, thanks for your advise~ Yes, I can imaging how hard to play the game next year (especially for girls...), what I can do for my daughter is get her well prepared and perform at her best, but I'm sure god will prepare a good school for her if we already try our best~

I saw you and some other mommies share in the other thread for DGJS, although DGJS is not my wish school but I love to view the thread as all of you are so kind tO share the information and express feeling which help me to get prepare mentally for next year~

I wish you all good luck!
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-12-20 21:33

Feeling so relief!
Though my girl is not accepted by DGJS, but I really think so is doing good!

作者: lingling06    時間: 11-12-20 22:44

回復 joeyxlma 的帖子

We have already done our best.  There should be no regrets no matter what the result is.   We should be proud of our kid's performance in the past few months.  As Christmas is coming, let's give our little one a big surprise.  

Btw, I read from other posts, your girl have offers from other good schools.  which one are u going to take?

作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-12-25 16:31

Considerting and initially like KTS more, each of them has own merits.
How about you?

BTW, any comments for KTS?

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