
標題: 點解小一第一次英文默書要默咁多? [打印本頁]

作者: wongkaka    時間: 11-10-2 18:26     標題: 點解小一第一次英文默書要默咁多?

點解小一第一次英文默書要默咁多? 唔係個個小朋友都英文底子咁好

What is your name ?
My name is XXX.
How old are you ?
I am six years old.
How are you ?
I am fine, thank you.
Nice to meet you.
Hi / Hello
Good morning
Good afternoon
a monitor
a classmate
a group leader
a class teacher
a English teacher
作者: ms.aeroplane    時間: 11-10-2 19:19


[ 本帖最後由 ms.aeroplane 於 11-10-2 19:21 編輯 ]
作者: CrabPincers    時間: 11-10-2 19:31

原帖由 wongkaka 於 11-10-2 18:26 發表
點解小一第一次英文默書要默咁多? 唔係個個小朋友都英文底子咁好

What is your name ?
My name is XXX.
How old are you ?
I am six years old.
How are you ?
I am fine, thank you.
Nice to meet you.
Hi / Hello ...

好似看吾到黑板, 要去廁所呢D
作者: wister    時間: 11-10-2 19:42

作者: YolandaTam    時間: 11-10-2 21:08

差唔多啦.  我囡嗰陣都係得兩星期左右準備.  第一次默10-12個生字, 第二次就係默類似呢啲嘢.
作者: wongkaka    時間: 11-10-2 21:30


原帖由 YolandaTam 於 11-10-2 21:08 發表
差唔多啦.  我囡嗰陣都係得兩星期左右準備.  第一次默10-12個生字, 第二次就係默類似呢啲嘢.

作者: lrxsam    時間: 11-10-2 21:53

都真係比較多, 要默幾日先得...
作者: 囝囝mama    時間: 11-10-2 22:51

我們學校第一次默ABC大細楷過多一星期再默你默內容分三次在默 !

[ 本帖最後由 囝囝mama 於 11-10-2 23:04 編輯 ]
作者: susan04    時間: 11-10-2 23:28

作者: anitawong21    時間: 11-10-2 23:55     標題: 回復 9# wongkaka 的帖子

作者: 囝囝mama    時間: 11-10-3 00:00

作者: Chanv    時間: 11-10-3 00:01

原帖由 wongkaka 於 11-10-2 18:26 發表
點解小一第一次英文默書要默咁多? 唔係個個小朋友都英文底子咁好

What is your name ?
My name is XXX.
How old are you ?
I am six years old.
How are you ?
I am fine, thank you.
Nice to meet you.
Hi / Hello ...

你小朋友間學校係咪好谷d學生架? 想升哩?
作者: wongkaka    時間: 11-10-3 02:36


原帖由 anitawong21 於 11-10-2 23:55 發表
唔洗擔心!我個女響妳個女間學校讀緊小三,D成績差到葷,不過一般DICTIATION都有八九十分,佢話D同學都差不多,好小不及格,你早D每日同佢逐D溫就OK!你不如驚下離緊個測驗仲好,雖然唔計分,但一D都唔淺! ...

作者: klkkchan88    時間: 11-10-3 07:18

原帖由 anitawong21 於 11-10-2 23:55 發表
唔洗擔心!我個女響妳個女間學校讀緊小三,D成績差到葷,不過一般DICTIATION都有八九十分,佢話D同學都差不多,好小不及格,你早D每日同佢逐D溫就OK!你不如驚下離緊個測驗仲好,雖然唔計分,但一D都唔淺! ...

作者: Funny    時間: 11-10-3 07:47

差唔多啦! 我仔上年小一第一次都係十幾句, 而且全部係full sentence, 我諗大部份小一都係差唔多。
作者: BLouie    時間: 11-10-3 08:24

呀女第一次默書同你差不多, 不過就要默8句句子
作者: TMMA    時間: 11-10-3 08:47


[ 本帖最後由 TMMA 於 11-10-3 08:49 編輯 ]
作者: 黃巴士    時間: 11-10-3 10:06

差不多.  是否填格仔咁默, 而唔係全句默???
作者: wongkaka    時間: 11-10-3 10:14


可能有家長覺得唔多, 但我的著眼點係"第一次"

原帖由 黃巴士 於 11-10-3 10:06 發表
差不多.  是否填格仔咁默, 而唔係全句默???

作者: 黃巴士    時間: 11-10-3 10:18

原帖由 wongkaka 於 11-10-3 10:14 發表

可能有家長覺得唔多, 但我的著眼點係"第一次"

是否全句句字默?? 因為有些學校是老師讀默全句, 同學填上.
如空格: NICE TO _____ YOU.
_____ ARE YOU??
I AM _______.

作者: wongkaka    時間: 11-10-3 11:00


原帖由 黃巴士 於 11-10-3 10:18 發表

是否全句句字默?? 因為有些學校是老師讀默全句, 同學填上.
如空格: NICE TO _____ YOU.
_____ ARE YOU??
I AM _______.


作者: 黃巴士    時間: 11-10-3 11:39

我唔覺得是"多", 只係覺得未必全部小一生可掌握句式結構, 如果唔明句字結構組合, 往往都係死記.  按個別生字咁默. 當按看成單字, 比其他字詞其實又係淺喎!!
在乎是淺而多, 抑或是深而少!!!
倒過來看, 都是由於針對是第1次默書, 家長都要睇開些"分數"!!
作者: HIN2003    時間: 11-10-3 12:42

至於樓主話係第一次, 應該淺D.真你好視乎, 有好多小朋友KG已操到好勁.
有返咁上吓名氣GE小學, 就真係咁, 太淺D家長又唔LIKE.
佢寧可深D, 唔憂無學生, 大把FANS.
樓主你都識講, 這是第一次默書, 你不要比太大壓力小朋友, 比D時間去適應.
作者: joeyxlma    時間: 11-10-3 13:00

作者: hellomickey    時間: 11-10-4 21:23

樓主,學校計唔計默書分,if not咪等小朋友知道學校的要求,if yes就要認真應付...
作者: hellomickey    時間: 11-10-4 21:28

你的第一次默書內容都很普遍性 是很"病態"

作者: CandyTheMom    時間: 11-10-5 17:18     標題: 回復 1# wongkaka 的帖子

I know my neighbour who is at K3 now and her dictation at school already cover these sentences. And her mother says all children seem to be fine with the dictations. So I think it really is not too hard for P1 students these days.
作者: lojo11    時間: 11-10-7 12:57

第一次默... 都算多.... 我個仔都係默差唔多嘅句子.. 不過一次都係3-4句... 樓主, 加油.. 依家先係個開始...
作者: wongkaka    時間: 11-10-7 13:23

YES !!! 我同女女會加油!! 我已找到一個岩女女的方法幚佢易D溫, 加上我不是要佢一定高分, 只要出左力, 分數是次要, 呢次我個女返黎唔合格, 我都冇話佢, 因為我知佢已盡力

原帖由 lojo11 於 11-10-7 12:57 發表
第一次默... 都算多.... 我個仔都係默差唔多嘅句子.. 不過一次都係3-4句... 樓主, 加油.. 依家先係個開始...

作者: 呀Bow    時間: 11-10-7 13:35

樓主: 傳統教育的學校, 大部份都是這樣的, 學校是不會理會是第一次與否, 就是要讓家長一早知道學校的要求和配合(幫小朋友學習), 俾點時間慢慢適應 (小朋友 + 家長), 放鬆點吧, 加油o
作者: ok_ko    時間: 11-10-7 15:36

原帖由 wongkaka 於 11-10-2 18:26 發表
a English teacher ...

作者: To_Ma    時間: 11-10-7 20:22

原帖由 lojo11 於 11-10-7 12:57 發表
第一次默... 都算多.... 我個仔都係默差唔多嘅句子.. 不過一次都係3-4句... 樓主, 加油.. 依家先係個開始...


作者: ANNAFRIEND    時間: 11-10-7 23:37


我反而覺得學校中文深, 英文唔係深呀. 特別今日做既中文練習, 我兩個女做左好耐, 我都叫哂help呀! 我都唔明, 幼稚園都未係寫好多中文字. 開學又只得一個月, 學校寫既詞語都係有限公司, 但係今日做既練習又要做句, 又要寫好多佢地未寫過既字. 阿女幼稚園都未做過句, 我都盡量要佢地自己諗點做, 又要達到字數. 好多字佢地識講出黎但就唔識寫. 偏偏阿女做句用既字好多都未寫過, 教兩個真係教到我氣咳呀. 唉!一時間點提升佢地中文程度呢 ?
作者: ymama    時間: 11-10-8 16:52     標題: 回復 33# wongkaka 的帖子


第一次是UNSEEN, 根本不能預備, 一默是10句句子, 我記得共中一句是: My family go to church every sunday.

第二次是三頁課文, 默的時候老師會重新組合句子, 不會跟書一樣.我印象最深刻其中一句是:(中文意思:一年有12個月, 一月,二月,三月..........十二月)
There are twelve months........
作者: 阿信    時間: 11-10-8 21:03

作者: sampapa    時間: 11-10-8 22:48     標題: 回復 1# wongkaka 的帖子

Dictation of kid's school is very light.
Now is P3, since P1, just 20 words only, NO Sentence.
All words extracted from school base text book, no any extra or new word.
Schedule is one times per month.
作者: stccmc    時間: 11-10-8 23:57

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作者: wister    時間: 11-10-9 00:18     標題: 回復 1# stccmc 的帖子

有demand先會有supply,呢d係個人選擇,有d mama又like 呢d ga wo...

作者: 阿信    時間: 11-10-9 11:08     標題: 回復 37# stccmc 的帖子

間學校唔會同你默 HELLO HOW ARE YOU 呢D短句  因為佢地預左你讀呢間學校就已經識哂呢D簡單野
作者: stccmc    時間: 11-10-9 13:20

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作者: miriam    時間: 11-10-9 14:35

以下係我囡囡小一第一次英默範圍, 人地話多, 我就覺得正常, 全部都係課文入面既野, 寫過晒生字, 唔算太難.

1.        a headmaster
2.        a headmistress
3.        a class teacher
4.        a monitor
5.        an English teacher
6.        a classroom
7.        a friend
8.        a classmate
9.        a group leader
10.        my
11.        our
12.        school
13.        bus driver

1.        This is Ben.
2.        He is my friend.
3.        This is Emma.
4.        She is our monitor.
5.        We are in Class 1A.
6.        Thank you very much.
作者: 阿信    時間: 11-10-10 13:08     標題: 回復 40# stccmc 的帖子

作者: stccmc    時間: 11-10-10 23:22

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作者: eviepa    時間: 11-10-10 23:54


http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/vie ... &extra=page%3D1

作者: wongkaka    時間: 11-10-11 01:32

感激你真心的分享, 我知我的方向了!!! 感謝天主給我認識你們的小天使!!!!

原帖由 eviepa 於 11-10-10 23:54 發表


看看同不同意我的觀點。 ...

作者: motherotk    時間: 11-10-11 13:33

Dictation may benefit some kids, (e.g. some kids will use 15m have 100 marks), may destroy other kids (some kids will never be ok to do that with 1 hour revision, pain for parents and pain for kids), totally destroy their confidence, create mental health problems and induce mental health problems in some parents.

It's school's responsibilty to take care of diversified needs of children as they are only children that needs nurturing of educational professionals who are trained to take care of the learning needs of children.

It's parents' responsiblity to take care and to understand your kid, who are different from others and may have special concern and talents that you can help to address or to enlighten them.

Most dangerous schools:

only cater the needs of the "smart kids", imposed unreasonable learning demands due to their own selfish goals, want to compete with other schools! If your kids is not that "smart" in their standard, you have to face the realities as soon as possible, don't give yourself a myth!!

Most disaster situation for children:

teachers and parents comparing kids with others unreasonbly (reasonable comparison is ok), unable to face realities that your kids' learning needs may not fit this school

No definite answer to yes or no if the dictation is too many or two few or up to the standard...

[ 本帖最後由 motherotk 於 11-10-11 13:37 編輯 ]
作者: t.paulinean    時間: 11-10-11 23:21

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作者: awah112    時間: 11-10-11 23:45

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作者: stccmc    時間: 11-10-12 00:06

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作者: gotgot    時間: 11-10-12 01:02

平日溫書(英文),如學了phonics同之前背了好多sight words都對溫默書好有幫助,至少背少好多sight words,不過發現學校默書真係好多生字,學校功課又多,所以要每日溫少少,唔可以好似以前咁臨默前1,2日先開始溫!
作者: motherotk    時間: 11-10-12 10:32     標題: 回復 2# stccmc 的帖子

Dictation works well for some kids, even the dictation have no meanings at all, e.g. only words, or even difficult words, a challenge for some kids with really excellent spelling competencies, good foundation of phonics.

However, not all kids engage well with phonics (personally I hate phonic myself when I grew up), not all kids feel interest to challenge difficult words (some do, I know).

So, dictation should be designed with meaningful ways. For example, dictation on beautiful poem, simple, managable, meaningful to kids, up to their cognitive levels. Chinese pomes, some English children's poems, that will be fun and meaningful.

I know some people motivate for memorizing articles or writings from Eng. Lit., good for some kids, but also pain for some other kids.

If you kid is ok, can push them for more, if your kid is not ok (at that moment only), just wait and find someother ways to cope, don't compare on how many words we have every day for kids, that's meaningless for the kid's learning.

The only answer you will find is to ask yourself, is the way meaningful to your kids' learning, if yes, go ahead, if not, stop it as soon as possible to avoid disasters.

Kids are different, parents are different, no definite answers.

This topic let me think of one small story in my secondary school years. One of my classmates memorize the whole oxford english dictationary during summer. We were surprised how she did it, and of course the English teacher was impressive on what she did such an excellent job! Turn out the HKCEE, she only get a grade below C for English. I did not understand why at that time, how this wonderful girl, hard working girl deserve this result. Now I understand more on that, I will never asked my kid to do any learning, which is meaningless to them.

It's not about numbers of words, it about does this make sense to your kid? if it is not making any sense, just drop it as soon as possible to find  right ways of learning and teachings.

[ 本帖最後由 motherotk 於 11-10-12 18:13 編輯 ]
作者: ZASUKI    時間: 11-11-1 12:03

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