
標題: 版主蘆山真面目. [打印本頁]

作者: pipip929    時間: 11-8-23 15:23     標題: 版主蘆山真面目.

今日無意中睇見, 真係聞名不如見面.  =)
多謝Ian 一直既分享!
作者: w_y    時間: 11-8-23 15:28

相信呢度好多人見過. 我都好榮幸係其中之一 .
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-23 15:40

  finally be found
作者: pipip929    時間: 11-8-23 15:43

Ian Tsang 大大隻字. 吾駛估啦掛...
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-23 15:48

原帖由 pipip929 於 11-8-23 15:43 發表
Ian Tsang 大大隻字. 吾駛估啦掛...

thank you may be I need to ask if I can have that photo back for my daughter's portfolio.  All my friends said the photo was taken very well.  
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-23 15:49

原帖由 w_y 於 11-8-23 15:28 發表
相信呢度好多人見過. 我都好榮幸係其中之一 .

You were there last Saturday?  
作者: w_y    時間: 11-8-23 15:56

係呀! 非常愉快的早上!
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-23 15:58

原帖由 w_y 於 11-8-23 15:56 發表
係呀! 非常愉快的早上!

Glad to hear that!  

Sorry for my unplanned speech during the technical problems with the computer!
作者: Oscar66    時間: 11-8-23 16:03

作者: w_y    時間: 11-8-23 16:04

唔使sorry, 不過你下次上台記住要"低頭"!! 你知唔知台下幾多家長一見你就嘩一聲, 仿似揭開左咩神秘面紗咁!
當然最愉快係當天更確定我幫小兒找對了學校. 家校理念一致! 不過張椅就坐到我腰骨痛左一晚.
作者: pipip929    時間: 11-8-23 16:04

作者: w_y    時間: 11-8-23 16:05

原帖由 Oscar66 於 11-8-23 16:03 發表

作者: pipip929    時間: 11-8-23 16:07

東地, 副刊- kiss
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-23 16:10

原帖由 w_y 於 11-8-23 16:04 發表
唔使sorry, 不過你下次上台記住要"低頭"!! 你知唔知台下幾多家長一見你就嘩一聲, 仿似揭開左咩神秘面紗咁!
當然最愉快係當天更確定我幫小兒找對了學校. 家校理念一致! 不過張椅就坐到我腰骨痛左一晚. ...

If this is a slightly more commercial kindergarten, I think the issue with your back can be easily solved.  However, I believe the sisters and teachers would prefer to spend the money for the children, not for the parents.  I believe you and the other parents wouldn't mind to be slightly uncomfortable.

Next time I will put a mask on my face, hehe!
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-23 16:11

原帖由 pipip929 於 11-8-23 16:04 發表

A parents' day.
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-23 16:12

原帖由 Oscar66 於 11-8-23 16:03 發表

作者: w_y    時間: 11-8-23 16:19

Ian 真係好熱心, 無論在教育版定學校, 多謝你.
PIPI929 等我又搵本睇下, 追下 "星" 先!! 唔該你.
作者: pipip929    時間: 11-8-23 16:23

我女2008 oct 細女. 上年interveiw肥晒佬, 今年係附近幼稚園上k1. 打算年尾再部處下.
想轉佢做大女, 但發現吾係咁多學校肯收大女.  唉.
作者: w_y    時間: 11-8-23 16:36

你不如試考插班. 十月出生又係女仔, 只要多花少少心機, 未必需要轉做大女.
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-23 16:36

原帖由 pipip929 於 11-8-23 16:23 發表
我女2008 oct 細女. 上年interveiw肥晒佬, 今年係附近幼稚園上k1. 打算年尾再部處下.
想轉佢做大女, 但發現吾係咁多學校肯收大女.  唉.

September and October children are the toughest cases, since they would be consider "too big" sometimes as super big B and small being small B.

But no need to give up, there are still many choices and the most important thing is a caring family.  There are certainly some kindergartens which will at least allow her application.  Alternatively, you can try to apply K2.  Good luck!
作者: pipip929    時間: 11-8-23 16:44

多謝大家鼓勵, 我會努力再試架啦.~
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 11-8-23 16:54

原帖由 pipip929 於 11-8-23 16:07 發表
東地, 副刊- kiss

你唔好[獨樂樂],快 d post Ian 張靚仔相上來,等大家[眾樂樂]。
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-23 17:05

原帖由 w_y 於 11-8-23 16:19 發表
Ian 真係好熱心, 無論在教育版定學校, 多謝你.
PIPI929 等我又搵本睇下, 追下 "星" 先!! 唔該你.

That's not just my efforts, need a lot of parents' support!
作者: pipip929    時間: 11-8-23 17:12

haha.. 張相真係影得好好, 囡囡大個左好多.
影得好自然, 眼神一致. good.
作者: w_y    時間: 11-8-23 17:15

封面果個應該係小學生喎?!  我暫時只能在網上睇到封面.
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-23 17:21

原帖由 w_y 於 11-8-23 17:15 發表
封面果個應該係小學生喎?!  我暫時只能在網上睇到封面.

The one on the cover is just a child model, not a real student!  
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-23 17:23

btw, I will contribute to write  articles (as a column writer) for this magazine irregularly.  
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 11-8-23 17:56

原帖由 w_y 於 11-8-23 17:15 發表
封面果個應該係小學生喎?!  我暫時只能在網上睇到封面.

求 link
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 11-8-23 17:56

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-8-23 17:23 發表
btw, I will contribute to write  articles (as a column writer) for this magazine irregularly.  

can you share your articles here as well?  allowed?
作者: saintbernard888    時間: 11-8-23 18:03

咦以後有d咩公開活動可以通知我嗎?? 謝謝...
作者: w_y    時間: 11-8-23 18:30

只有左上角你會見到KISS 封面, 但我找不到內文link.
作者: Angine    時間: 11-8-23 19:28

woww super! Really want to read the article. Can Ian share? Can't read in the link...
作者: Christi    時間: 11-8-23 23:05

以下是該期有關Ian的部份......(啊~~版主你成為一時熱話了呢! )

  平常心應付面試嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園家長教師會主席、聖類斯舊生會董事Ian Tsang,其大女兒Shannon,就讀嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園,明年將升讀小學,雖然直屬學校嘉諾撒聖心學校私立部取錄機會高,但Ian仍早作準備多報四間名校,因為他希望讓女兒體驗其他學校,不想太早局限一個選擇。Ian說:「學校找合適的學生,學生也找合適的學校,面試是了解雙方的機會,女兒可以夾一夾不同學校,再作決定。」Ian今年年初,已留意學校的開放日及簡介會,搜集資料作準備,但Ian沒有為女兒加操應付面試,一切靠平日管教,最重要是平常心,「如禮貌要從小培養成習慣,不是面試前才特訓。」放鬆心情就有好表現,Ian曾看見有家長在試場與子女反覆練習答題,令答題變得「機械式」,影響發揮。不過,為了令學校了解女兒的優點,Ian近日專注培養女兒的畫畫和音樂才華,並改善不足之處。」Ian相信總會有學校賞識女兒,取錄入學。


[ 本帖最後由 Christi 於 11-8-24 00:00 編輯 ]
作者: Oscar66    時間: 11-8-23 23:12

Hi Ian,
你是否讀兩間中學,我以為你係高主教畢業,但又見kiss講你係聖類斯舊生,兩間都是我target for my son future, he will in K1 on Sept, 你可能覺得我太快plan, 但我想知我又無太高期望?thanks in advance!
作者: joyjoy815    時間: 11-8-23 23:14

作者: LittlePanda101    時間: 11-8-23 23:31

I will buy one tmr too! Exciting
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-23 23:43

原帖由 Christi 於 11-8-23 23:05 發表
以下是該期有關Ian的部份......(啊~~版主你成為一時熱話了呢! )

  平常心應付面試嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園家長教師會主席、聖類斯舊生會董事Ian Tsang,其大女兒Shannon,就讀嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園,明年將 ...

Wow!  Any copyrights issue?  But thanks for your efforts to re-type them!

Actually I proposed this special issue so I have gave information to them, in order to put everything together.  The interview was a late request and totally unexpected.  It took over four hours across two days......
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-23 23:46

原帖由 Oscar66 於 11-8-23 23:12 發表
Hi Ian,
你是否讀兩間中學,我以為你係高主教畢業,但又見kiss講你係聖類斯舊生,兩間都是我target for my son future, he will in K1 on Sept, 你可能覺得我太快plan, 但我想知我又無太高期望?thanks in advance! ...

No, I studied from St. Louis kindergarten -> primary -> secondary thru matriculation.  Never studied in Raimondi.

I think a lot of parents would compare between them.  They are both good schools, just depends on what would fit your son and your family.   Good luck!
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-23 23:48

原帖由 joyjoy815 於 11-8-23 23:14 發表

Thanks for the support!

How do you feel about the contents?  At least I am glad that they let me say what I wanna say (not twisting them), in a neutral way.
作者: joyjoy815    時間: 11-8-24 00:05

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-8-23 23:48 發表

Thanks for the support!

How do you feel about the contents?  At least I am glad that they let me say what I wanna say (not twisting them), in a neutral way.

好中肯........不會一面倒"聖心"........我都估唔到你都會 consider 其他學校....一個開放式為態度....睇完很認同你對子女的栽培......
Kiss 我都追左幾期.....佢地 writer 既質素幾好...
作者: Christi    時間: 11-8-24 00:05

哈哈,我都係copy and paste咋. 另外已經注明出處嘞. No thanks. 應該係我地多謝你既幫忙~~~  

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-8-23 23:43 發表

Wow!  Any copyrights issue?  But thanks for your efforts to re-type them!

Actually I proposed this special issue so I have gave information to them, in order to put everything together.  The interv ...

作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-24 00:25

Thanks, probably too 中肯 so the article is so short.  If I said I have trained Shannon to learn 10 musical instruments or 11 languages, then they will have a full issue talking about the story!  haha, just kidding!!

Well, we always want to leave the options to apply other schools during secondary stage.  But the reality is there are no guarantees so need to be prepared.  As we explained the situation to Shannon, she understand and agree to try out other schools so we would take this opportunity to explore more.  At the end, there are changes in her characters over the years and so does the family.  Just need to match one that fits.

Wish us luck!

原帖由 joyjoy815 於 11-8-24 00:05 發表

好中肯........不會一面倒"聖心"........我都估唔到你都會 consider 其他學校....一個開放式為態度....睇完很認同你對子女的栽培......
Kiss 我都追左幾 ...

作者: joyjoy815    時間: 11-8-24 00:35

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-8-24 00:25 發表
Thanks, probably too 中肯 so the article is so short.  If I said I have trained Shannon to learn 10 musical instruments or 11 languages, then they will have a full issue talking about the story!  haha ...

From your description, your girl is mature enough to enter this 'primary school selection game". Hope she will find the best which fits her.
It is a tough one, not only for the parents but also, for the little one who is going to attend the interview. It is really a challenge but at the same time, a very good opportunity to 'learn'.
By the way.. if you are talking about 10 musical instruments or 11 languages, you will not just be a full issue... you surely will be on A1 headline...  
作者: winifred102    時間: 11-8-24 00:44

Hi Ian,
I've been reading your posts for quite sometime on BK and I read your latest article in Oriental Sunday too.  I cannot agree with you more as per what you mentioned in the article.
My husband is an old boy of a well-known Govt aided school in Kowloon Tong and with the religious background many people think that we almost need not to worry about my son's P1 placement as he has a very high chance being able to get into his dad's school.  However, I do believe that I should not limit my son's opportunities to this school only.  My son is still young (only 2.5) and his ability and talents are yet to be discovered.  I have some relatives who have kids studying in traditional local school and I'm not sure if traditional education system really suits my son (since he is very active most of the time) and I believe that we as parents should find the most suitable for him, rather than just aiming at those famous schools in town.  That's why I've been trying hard to learn the local education system as well as the differences among Govt aided schools, DSS, private and international schools.
It's lucky that there are a lot of parents here who are willing to share their knowledge and experience in the BK forum.  Hope that my journey of exploration for my son's education can be shortened via the sharing process of knowledge with all parents here and more important I can eventually find the most suitable for my son.

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-8-23 23:48 發表

Thanks for the support!

How do you feel about the contents?  At least I am glad that they let me say what I wanna say (not twisting them), in a neutral way.

作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-24 08:08

原帖由 joyjoy815 於 11-8-24 00:35 發表

From your description, your girl is mature enough to enter this 'primary school selection game". Hope she will find the best which fits her.
It is a tough one, not only for the parents but a ...

Thanks for the compliment.  Shannon is indeed a simple but mature girl.  Not sure if it sounds contradictory to others, but this is what the parents would like her to be brought up.  At the end, it is the child's own personality combined with the family values.

Being on a magazine is already consider too high-profile for us , but in order to spread the correct messages across, one would have to step up.  A1 is just way too much, haha!
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-24 08:14

原帖由 winifred102 於 11-8-24 00:44 發表
Hi Ian,
I've been reading your posts for quite sometime on BK and I read your latest article in Oriental Sunday too.  I cannot agree with you more as per what you mentioned in the article.
My husband  ...

Hi winifred102,

Thank you so much for sharing your view and I am glad to find another parent who would agree with this thinking.  In a way, parents in Hong Kong nowadays are just too busy and their minds are too occupied.  So, sometimes it is easy to feel withdraw and would rather choose to take the easy way out.  There are no rights or wrongs, as I just told some parents over a gathering, what suits the family is also an important factor.  So my advice is don't push too hard of yourself.  At the end, the right path will also come to you.

I wish you good luck and all the best!

作者: 小曳人    時間: 11-8-24 09:47

Ian, 唔怪之得你話有仔就一定讀SLS啦...又知道咁多內部消息, 原來你仲係舊生會嘅人!

作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-24 10:04

原帖由 小曳人 於 11-8-24 09:47 發表
Ian, 唔怪之得你話有仔就一定讀SLS啦...又知道咁多內部消息, 原來你仲係舊生會嘅人!

I didn't mention this before?  haha, not convenient to do so since BK is BK, and I have other responsibilities in other positions mar!  

Well, if you can involve so heavily and able to contribute, also know its future direction agree with your own philosophy, then you won't hesitate to send your own kids to study in this school.  Don't u agree?
作者: 小曳人    時間: 11-8-24 14:09

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-8-24 10:04 發表

I didn't mention this before?  haha, not convenient to do so since BK is BK, and I have other responsibilities in other positions mar!  

Well, if you can involve so heavily and able to contribute,  ...


作者: Oscar66    時間: 11-8-24 14:25

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-8-23 23:46 發表

No, I studied from St. Louis kindergarten -> primary -> secondary thru matriculation.  Never studied in Raimondi.

I think a lot of parents would compare between them.  They are both good schools, j ...

Thanks Ian,
I known what's my plan for my son.
作者: ac917    時間: 11-8-24 16:18

作者: Angine    時間: 11-8-24 17:21

Thanks so much Christi!
Ian - well said and can't agree with you more. I am sure you did share a lot more good points but being cut short...
I am sure you will continue sharing the exciting journey of Shannon in coming months. Look forward to learning from your experience, though mine is a 2.5 yr old boy...but I guess you will apply co-ed schools for Shannon right?
Good luck and all the best!
原帖由 Christi 於 11-8-23 23:05 發表 ..
以下是該期有關Ian的部份......(啊~~版主你成為一時熱話了呢! )

  平常心應付面試嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園家長教師會主席、聖類斯舊生會董事Ian Tsang,其大女兒Shannon,就讀嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園,明年將 ...

作者: esther.cy    時間: 11-8-24 17:59

Ian, I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for your advice during the time I chose between 2 kinders last year.

Finally see your face in "Oriental Sunday", too!
作者: yipbebe    時間: 11-8-24 18:06

作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-24 19:16

原帖由 Sumyeema1 於 11-8-23 17:56 發表

can you share your articles here as well?  allowed?

Hi Sumyeema,

I believe I would not be allowed to post the same article here due to copyrights issue.  But you won't need to read from me lar!

作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-24 19:17

原帖由 ac917 於 11-8-24 16:18 發表

作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-24 19:19

Thank you very much for the good wishes!

Most of the schools we will applied are girls-only or girls-majority.  Still deciding whether to apply to one "co-ed" school......

原帖由 Angine 於 11-8-24 17:21 發表
Thanks so much Christi!
Ian - well said and can't agree with you more. I am sure you did share a lot more good points but being cut short...
I am sure you will continue sharing the exciting journey of ...

作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-24 19:21

原帖由 esther.cy 於 11-8-24 17:59 發表
Ian, I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for your advice during the time I chose between 2 kinders last year.

Finally see your face in "Oriental Sunday", too!

Hi esther.cy,

It is my honor to be able to share.  

作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-24 19:31

原帖由 yipbebe 於 11-8-24 18:06 發表
有個問題我想請教Ian,文中有提及小朋友的禮貌應該從小教育,我都十分認同。我的兒子今年K1,是一個活潑好動的孩子,但是每次要他向陌生人,又或是他的同學或同學媽媽說早晨,他都只會沈默不語。請問有什麼方法可以令小朋友變得 ...

Actually the manner is not just limited to what they express.  And very likely your son is not being impolite, may be he is just shy.

I have shared similar experience with my daughters and understand they can just be going through different stages of their development.  So, no need to be too anxious if they cannot repeat what you teach them to be polite and with good manner.

Two important things, be patient and also be a good role model.  The kids are a reflection of us, in front of them.  So, the best pre-school education are the parents.  They learn a lot from us so we will need to be consistent to act the way we teach them.  Another big factor is time.  At the end, they are children.  I know many parents would like to see quick result, but those couldn't last.  We need them to do things through learning but also they must understand the reason and agree upon it.

My elder daughter and I took almost a year to pray in front of her younger sister, until she finally willing to pray with us voluntarily (and so is their mother eventually).  It takes time, no need to be pushy, the same to the kids, and the adults.

My best wishes to you!

作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 11-8-24 21:49     標題: 回覆 55# iantsang 的文章

haha, i just bought Oriental Sunday.
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-25 10:20

原帖由 Sumyeema1 於 11-8-24 21:49 發表
haha, i just bought Oriental Sunday.

Sumyeema, please don't tease me lar!
作者: iloveu3939    時間: 11-8-25 10:50

I've asked my husband to buy the "oriental sunday" yesterday which we seldom buy before!
I then found you out in the magazine and told him that you are the model daddy in BK! Haha~
作者: himuimui    時間: 11-8-25 11:22

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-25 11:37

原帖由 iloveu3939 於 11-8-25 10:50 發表
I've asked my husband to buy the "oriental sunday" yesterday which we seldom buy before!
I then found you out in the magazine and told him that you are the model daddy in BK! Haha~

Thanks for the support, frankly I think I have never bought Oriental Sunday before also!
作者: YumYummy    時間: 11-8-25 11:41

Hi Ian,

I seldom buy magazine before too, but urge to buy "Oriental Sunday" once reading this thread!!  

You are really the GREAT model daddy in our hearts!
作者: yipbebe    時間: 11-8-25 11:48

Thanks for your sharing, Ian.
I bought the magazine right after work yesterday. Ha ha ~
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-25 12:04

Thank you everyone for the support.  It is very important for me too to receive the support from all of you (not related to whether you have bought the magazine!).

Because at the end, I am trading off my time to spend with my family to stay here.  Frankly I have thought of giving up along the way, but it is the support from you all that I have chosen to keep it up!

Thank you very much!

作者: LL222    時間: 11-8-25 12:04

I will buy also!
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-25 12:12

原帖由 LL222 於 11-8-25 12:04 發表
I will buy also!

I am starting to feel embarrassed......
作者: iloveu3939    時間: 11-8-25 12:33

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-8-25 12:04 發表
Thank you everyone for the support.  It is very important for me too to receive the support from all of you (not related to whether you have bought the magazine!).

Because at the end, I am trading of ...

Undoubtedly, you have spent lots of time here helping the parents in need and even keep patrolling through the topics and threads.  Let me be a selfish one and say "Ian, Please Stay! BK Needs You!"
作者: kaka9251    時間: 11-8-25 13:52

Dear Ian
I am one of the super fans also.
Your daughter is so lovely and really thanks for all the share in BK
I also interested which 4 other primary school will you consider?
作者: 小曳人    時間: 11-8-25 14:01

Ian, 最近有電視台揾我,我諗,不如叫佢揾你啱d!

你睇你d fans多到呀...
作者: pipip929    時間: 11-8-25 15:15

原帖由 小曳人 於 11-8-25 14:01 發表
Ian, 最近有電視台揾我,我諗,不如叫佢揾你啱d!

你睇你d fans多到呀...

咁我都好經常睇你寫既野.. 你咪吃醋呢~~
黎, 先影張靚相黎比大家, 等大家嘩一聲.:D :D
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 11-8-25 15:23

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-8-25 10:20 發表

Sumyeema, please don't tease me lar!


本 kiss OK 架, 入邊有教大家整 profile, 可以參考參考。 我仲未開始整,你開工未呀? 我聽聞你地學校升自己小學都要整架。
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-25 18:08

原帖由 kaka9251 於 11-8-25 13:52 發表
Dear Ian
I am one of the super fans also.
Your daughter is so lovely and really thanks for all the share in BK
I also interested which 4 other primary school will you consider?

haha, actually the reporter asked me for the list already so I reluctantly gave her.  But she has been very helpful to keep the secret for me.

I would like to keep this as a secret since I am still finalizing with my elder daughter.  Will share it at the right time.  Sorry about that.
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-25 18:12

原帖由 小曳人 於 11-8-25 14:01 發表
Ian, 最近有電視台揾我,我諗,不如叫佢揾你啱d!

你睇你d fans多到呀...

TVB or RTHK?  Don't say that, you have lots of fans too!

I think many of the parents here are more suitable to be on TV than me.  Frankly for those who have know me these years, I am too neutral so basically there are no angles for a TV show!!!  I would consider setting up talk in the future since that is probably more useful for parents.  Being on magazine is already too high profile for me.

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 11-8-25 18:16 編輯 ]
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-25 18:15

原帖由 Sumyeema1 於 11-8-25 15:23 發表


本 kiss OK 架, 入邊有教大家整 profile, 可以參考參考。 我仲未開始整,你開工未呀? 我聽聞你地學校升自己小學都要整架。

I feel sorry as I am suppose to contribute to that profile making section too......  however, I need to protect my daughter just a bit more so eventually turned them down.

I am targeting to finish the profile next week.  But probably will only share it late this year, sorry.
作者: lovelinda    時間: 11-8-26 04:00

me too!
Hi ! Ian, nice to meet you! I mean......in Oriental Sunday....haha

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-8-25 10:20 發表

Sumyeema, please don't tease me lar!

作者: 小曳人    時間: 11-8-26 06:52

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-8-25 18:12 發表

TVB or RTHK?  Don't say that, you have lots of fans too!

I think many of the parents here are more suitable to be on TV than me.  Frankly for those who have know me these years, I am too neutral so ...

you are special, becoz you are the daddy among this most-c9-group.
but actually, that is a bit too higher profile for me too.
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-26 10:39

原帖由 lovelinda 於 11-8-26 04:00 發表
me too!
Hi ! Ian, nice to meet you! I mean......in Oriental Sunday....haha

作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-26 10:46

原帖由 小曳人 於 11-8-26 06:52 發表

you are special, becoz you are the daddy among this most-c9-group.
but actually, that is a bit too higher profile for me too.

I am glad to find more daddies involve lately so it is good for the children and families.  Actually in my daughter's kindergarten, the number of daddy volunteers is quite high (also commented by Quality Assurance inspector when they visited).  At the end, the children's education is a family topic, both parents should involve.

Too bad so you turned them down?  Otherwise can see your family on TV!

btw, does your husband recognize me?
作者: 小曳人    時間: 11-8-26 14:13

原帖由 iantsang 於 11-8-26 10:46 發表

Too bad so you turned them down?  Otherwise can see your family on TV!

btw, does your husband recognize me?

no.. will meet the reporter next week.. see what can i help /what they want 1st.

no, he didnt recognize you.  may be becoz he was not the active ones in school.
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-8-26 14:42

原帖由 小曳人 於 11-8-26 14:13 發表

no.. will meet the reporter next week.. see what can i help /what they want 1st.

no, he didnt recognize you.  may be becoz he was not the active ones in school.

That's good, looking forward for your sharing!
作者: irenelfy    時間: 11-8-26 16:56

o...I just read this post...it maybe out of stock already if I buy it tonight...
Many Thanks to Ian for your sharing and help!!! Add oil and stay with us!

作者: yanmi0707    時間: 11-9-2 01:57

嘩...非常認同既方法....我都要跟 Ian 呢D方法去努力教我囡囡...
原帖由 iantsang 於 11-8-24 19:31 發表

Actually the manner is not just limited to what they express.  And very likely your son is not being impolite, may be he is just shy.

I have shared similar experience with my daughters and understa ...

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