
標題: 2011年升L2A3am同學仔請入嚟! [打印本頁]

作者: Joan_Man    時間: 11-8-22 23:02     標題: 2011年升L2A3am同學仔請入嚟!

作者: cherisa    時間: 11-8-24 02:04

Hi, how are you?...my son is now at class L2A3 am, he is new student from another kindergarten this year. My son likes the school. He said he wants go to school everyday....The school seems has homework everyday,  though it seems a hard work for him, but he does the homework with heart everyday.
Before in K1 in another school, he has no homework, no letter writing, just draw lines, but now he needs to write chinese words, english words, I am still thinking whether he can handle it well or not.

My concern is whether he is really happy studying there or not. I ask him everyday whether he make friends or not at school, what he replied were: teacher said no talking in the class! teacher said no talking when having tea time! the schoolbus nanny said no talking on the school bus! I think I need to clarify with teacher first whether York will teach children discipline but ask  children to keep silence always, even on schoolbus? i think having friends to study together at school (I mean can talk at least, knowing each other)will be more happier.  

I asked my son: ha? no friends? I thought the introduction week should be some activities to know each other, but actually not. The third-day, he has homework already. I asked: do you know your classmate's name?, what is the name of the classmate who sit by you?....he said: I don't know, but the teacher knows, she can call their names! just that!

how's your child's feeling? is he/she happy for the schooling?
作者: Joan_Man    時間: 11-8-29 12:22

其實自從升左L2班後,英文功課的格仔太細了,我個女剛升L2班,揸筆已經唔係好叻,還要求他們在兩細行之間寫英文字,不能出界,真的很困難.起初還以為老師不會太嚴緊,我就讓女兒自己寫字,沒有跟example格式,結果派回家課時,我見到老師用紅筆改左好多個字.好難睇,之後我就要求女兒寫字不能出界,非常嚴,出界就擦掉,擦 !擦! 擦... 令到個女很無耐.
無幾耐學校派通告,話不要太過嚴勵要求兒女做功課,會令他們有挫敗感,不喜歡做家課,其實我都知自己太高要求  ,只是我見到老師對學生要求高,令我...
作者: cherisa    時間: 11-8-30 00:18

原帖由 Joan_Man 於 11-8-29 12:22 發表
其實自從升左L2班後,英文功課的格仔太細了,我個女剛升L2班,揸筆已經唔係好叻,還要求他們在兩細行之間寫英文字,不能出界,真的很困難.起初還以為老師不會太嚴緊,我就讓女兒自己寫字,沒有 ...

hi!你好!小兒之前讀PIPS....雖然現在晚晚都要寫字,但囝囝做得幾有滿足感,暫時都唔需要催促佢做功課,佢自己會話:好啦現在做功課啦!最初d字寫得唔直,都肯比我擦,現在就唔肯比我擦,成日就話歪了小小唔緊要啦!歪小小都ok架啦!有次返黎寫個eye字,頭兩行用small letter寫,第三行無啦啦用晒capital letter 寫...EYE....唉!我擦晒行capital letter要佢再寫過!佢喊住話capital letters都對丫嗎,都係eye啦!唔駛擦架,跟住我話:但係本功課係叫你用細楷寫,唔係用大楷寫丫寫。之後都唔係好比我擦!
其實都想問下,d班名係點分既呢?又L2yellow....又L2C ...又L2A3...係咪國際班和本地班之分?國際班係咪全普通話加英文?無廣東話既呢?
作者: jennychan08    時間: 12-2-14 17:06


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