
標題: 港IB考生平均分超全球 英基加拿大國際漢基包攬7滿分狀元 [打印本頁]

作者: elbar    時間: 11-7-15 12:47     標題: 港IB考生平均分超全球 英基加拿大國際漢基包攬7滿分狀元



中產家長對國際文憑試(IBDP,International Baccalaureate Diploma)趨之若鶩,原來本港IB考生亦特別標青!今屆全港共出產7名滿分IB狀元,比率為全球考生的3倍;狀元以外的考生亦屬高水平,以45分為滿分,港生平均分高達34.3,較全球平均分更高出4.6分。



滿分狀元比率 高全球2倍




加拿大國際 狀元比率稱冠






9中學辦課程 涉男拔弘立







[ 本帖最後由 elbar 於 11-7-15 12:49 編輯 ]
作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-15 14:46     標題: 回復 1# elbar 的帖子

Now we can see vsa result here, what is this newspaper?
作者: Radiomama    時間: 11-7-15 16:22

作者: Christi    時間: 11-7-15 22:20


作者: Christi    時間: 11-7-15 22:26

作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-16 05:52     標題: 回復 3# Radiomama 的帖子

作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-16 14:23

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作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-16 14:57

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作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-17 07:31     標題: 回覆 1# Annie123 的文章

作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-17 11:05

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作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-17 14:39     標題: 回復 1# Annie123 的帖子

英國要看讀什麼科目那間大學。 以前聖安德魯曾是28\29都收的,現在要35\36了,university college London web site lists clearly the ib marks requirement of every department too.
作者: Christi    時間: 11-7-17 23:12

我反而想問問如果IB肥佬,會點做?重考抑或隨便找一間野鷄大學?  因為之前聽過耀中負責升學的老師說,好些著名大學不接受重考IB的成績...
作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-18 08:04

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作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-19 06:45     標題: 回覆 1# Annie123 的文章

28 29分是好些年前的事了,現在35 36 跑不了。
作者: annie40    時間: 11-7-19 13:58


据知英美加办IB课程的大部分是私校, 交的学费绝不便宜.  而且大部分是要成绩卓著的才收取的. 因此也是资源丰富的.

基本每间香港的IS 每年成绩也有参差的. Here is the some average for your ref.

CIS : 36
LPC : 37 - 38
ESF : 34 -35
FIS  : 35-36
Some others : could be 33-34.  I don't know exactly.  

与LPC收取超级好学生的results 作参考, 其他学校已是非常出色了.  

不管念那家IS, 如平常成绩是头25%, 取38+ 机会很高. 如保持头10% 应得40+ 还有好的college 看重孩子整体能力, 如真想收取此孩子, 回把acceptance score 定得好低.  低到似'好大仔甲濑随街跳'

鼓励孩子追求梦想, 发热发光 , 应该会有惊喜!


原帖由 Annie123 於 11-7-17 11:05 發表

我以為英國好的大學要求很高,37-38分會不會很 man 車邊?我以為要 40+ 分?
孩子們說起碼有 34-35 分,只是 "有著落" 的意思,應該是只可以入美國不太熱門的 st ...

作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-19 15:29

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作者: Ving    時間: 11-7-19 15:56


同埋講到DBS, ISF學生考IB后會提高个result, DBS 我就有信心,ISF 就有D保留,始終系新
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-19 21:19

原帖由 Christi 於 11-7-17 23:12 發表
我反而想問問如果IB肥佬,會點做?重考抑或隨便找一間野鷄大學?  因為之前聽過耀中負責升學的老師說,好些著名大學不接受重考IB的成績...
thanks. ...

Yes, I researched that in a link www.thestudentroom.co.uk and I also shared that in the post NSS vs IB.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-19 21:24

原帖由 Ving 於 11-7-19 15:56 發表

同埋講到DBS, ISF學生考IB后會提高个result, DBS 我就有信心,ISF 就有D保留,始終系新

For DBS, their students' will be polarised. Some will be very outstanding, some may be marginal due to IBDP is the only solution for them as they took French instead Chinese in junior high, they can't take NSS.

For some professional programs, yes, like medicine.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-19 21:31

原帖由 Annie123 於 11-7-18 08:04 發表

28-29 分 應該只是 minimum requirement 罷,但我相信沒有多少人真的可以拿個 minimum 就入讀。

Even in HK,the Big 3 looks for 30+ in IB score....

For UK universities, check "the student room" website, a lot of useful info, esp medical schools

作者: Ving    時間: 11-7-19 22:55     標題: 回復 19# ANChan59 的帖子

Is it worth to take IB in ISF? cos the school fee is the high compared with DBS, St Paul co-educ but ISF acadmeic record is unknown?
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-19 23:19

原帖由 Ving 於 11-7-19 22:55 發表
Is it worth to take IB in ISF? cos the school fee is the high compared with DBS, St Paul co-educ but ISF acadmeic record is unknown?

Personally, I don't know ISF, I am not in a position to compare it with other schools. I know a bit more in SPCC and DBS's IBDP only.
作者: Christi    時間: 11-7-20 13:38

Thanks ANChan59.

很多人覺得IB難肥佬l.maybe , or maybe not.但聽過一位校長的說法,是IB的TOK(theory of knowledge)一科,雖然只佔3分,寫的essay也相對較短(1200-1600字),但如果TOK肥咗,無論其他幾科成績幾好,成個IB都會肥的.有些考生係因為TOK所以IB肥佬的.
作者: elbar    時間: 11-7-23 13:13     標題: 上訴成功 李寶椿再添IB狀元

馮 婉 莹 ( 右 ) 早 前 獲 尤 德 爵 士 紀 念 基 金 海 外 獎 學 金 。






作者: PCMW    時間: 11-7-24 19:06

作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-24 23:08     標題: 回復 1# PCMW 的帖子

can you tell us more about the paper you saw? what sort of subject and its level?

even if they are more difficult, HK students are still pretty good.
作者: Christi    時間: 11-7-24 23:17

其實在IBD考到好成績,與他們之前是不是讀過PYP,MYP有冇關係? 須知本港的傳統學校的訓練,與PYP,MYP的訓練基本上是兩碼事,但是如果以這位考生的經歷看來,她一直都是在傳統學校,只是預科在李寶椿讀2年.我不相信2年可以令她完全翻新,換言之,要在IBD考好成績與之前是不是讀PYP,MYP沒有關係???或者她只是個別例子而已?

原帖由 elbar 於 11-7-23 13:13 發表

馮 婉 莹 ( 右 ) 早 前 獲 尤 德 爵 士 紀 念 基 金 海 外 獎 學 金 。

  (星島日報報道)國際文憑大學預科課程(IB)早前放榜,於李寶椿聯合世界書院讀預科的香 ...

作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-25 09:15     標題: 回復 1# Christi 的帖子

我想傳統的訓練,對理科有好處,文科不敢說。你看她沒講學科是standard level /high level, 但tok 見真章了,難度大了。
不知她是否risk taker, explorer,家庭中十年前也有這樣的lpc畢業生,成績好上好大學,出來工作后老媽只有嘆气的份。
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-25 10:20     標題: 回復 27# Christi 的帖子

My son also come from non-IB primary and middle schools, there is not much difference in learning, except smaller class size and MOI is English and Chinese. But he needs to pay more attention on languages as the standard and rubbic not the same as HKDSE. The lab report format and commentary are not the same, so the Pre-IB steers them to focus on the difference between the two systems.

We also aware many new DSS- "IB approach" schools in HK, they are not IB authorised schools in PYP and MYP.... In HK, most ESF and IS schools are through-train in IB, and not local DSS. So a few years later, we can see the difference of the local IB schools vs ESF & IS....

Her HKCEE standard is excellent (8A's due to CCSC limited their students to take 8 subjects, her potential may be more than 8A's) and she may need to focus more on languages at standard level, she will maximise the score and nothing wrong. Like HKU Medicine min req, English HL - 4, SL -5, university will consider that.

Most universities using predicted and actual scores as screening criteria, like 38, 42...... Maximise the score is critical and understandable. Even my son wants to take 4 HL, but his teacher also advise him limited to 3 HL......

For LPCUWC, most local students are either EAS or 5-6 As candidates. She was eligible to get into university through EAS last year, so her standard is exceptional. Her appeal is on EE & TOK, she needs one A to secure 3 bonus point and achieve perfect score.

PYP and MYP is not necessary for great IBDP score. My observation on IB, it provides a unique learning environment in HK, like small class learning, activity-based, ........ not directly suffered from endless educational reforms..... that's what I want for my boy.... Great IB score is a bonus (38+). How about you?
作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-25 11:10     標題: 回復 2# Christi 的帖子

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作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-25 11:15     標題: 回復 30# Annie123 的帖子

Agreed with your scoring strategy of IBDP and why to pick PYP and MYP....
作者: WYmom    時間: 11-7-25 11:27

原帖由 ANChan59 於 11-7-25 10:20 發表
In HK, most ESF and IS schools are through-train in IB, and not local DSS. So a few years later, we can see the difference of the local IB schools vs ESF & IS....

Most ESF schools are not through train IB schools.  In the past, they are all using UK system (GCSE OL and AL), recently change to use IBD in all secondary schools and some primaries use PYP.  Their secondary schools still require students to do GCSE before IBD.  Now only the 2 new PIS - RC and DC are IB through train.

So I don't think through train IB is necessary for getting very good IBD results.  It all depends on the abilities of students.

[ 本帖最後由 WYmom 於 11-7-25 11:28 編輯 ]
作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-25 11:41

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作者: WYmom    時間: 11-7-25 11:51

原帖由 Annie123 於 11-7-25 11:41 發表

國際學校有一個現象,就是在 GRADE 9 - 10,都會有一個 "離港潮",很多學生都會選擇到外國讀高中。很多 IBDP 生,恐怕都不是從小學就讀國際學校。
我沒有數據,不過可以從某國際學校 ...

Choosing English A + Mandarin B and get 4 & 7?  Which school is it?  If the student is Chinese and has studied in local school for years, he/she should choose Mandarin A, right?  Getting a "7" in Mandarin B by a Chinese student will really be "looked down" by unversities!!  So to me it's really a bad result.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-25 11:58     標題: 回覆 34# WYmom 的文章


Your description is more precise and you know ESF more than I.

Take iGCSE is a good strategy and nothing to do with through train.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-25 12:00     標題: 回復 34# WYmom 的帖子

I know some teachers or IB coordinator recommended students to take Chinese B and score 7 to enhance their school results and increase the chance to take hot programs.

For the new language syllabus in 2013, may be even more students will take Chinese B, as no more A2.

[ 本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 11-7-25 12:02 編輯 ]
作者: Shoeshine    時間: 11-7-25 12:03

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作者: WYmom    時間: 11-7-25 12:19

原帖由 Shoeshine 於 11-7-25 12:03 發表
I understand that English A1 is a must (or at least a norm) for IS.  Am I wrong?

Wouldn't the taking of Chinese/Mandarin A give the university admission officers an impression that one's English is n ...

Taking Chinese A allows the student to get a Bilingual Diploma, why is it an implication of poor English?? Top Chinese students will take English A + Chinese A.  It is important for one to be good at both language in such a competitive world now.

[ 本帖最後由 WYmom 於 11-7-25 12:23 編輯 ]
作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-25 12:21     標題: 回復 2# ANChan59 的帖子

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作者: WYmom    時間: 11-7-25 12:34

原帖由 ANChan59 於 11-7-25 12:00 發表
I know some teachers or IB coordinator recommended students to take Chinese B and score 7 to enhance their school results and increase the chance to take hot programs.

For the new language syllabus i ...

Taking Chinese B maybe acceptable for students who study in a real international school for primary and secondary, but obviously not for those who have studied in local schools for 10 years.  If you were the university admission officer, what will you think?
作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-25 12:36     標題: 回復 6# WYmom 的帖子

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作者: WYmom    時間: 11-7-25 12:58

原帖由 Annie123 於 11-7-25 12:36 發表
先更正資料,剛在看那學校網頁,學生今年 ENGLISH A 的 NORM 是 5 (舊年才是 4),不好意思。不過,我也覺得這個成績令人很困惑。

I think in the mind of experienced admission officers, there is an equivalent scale, say, a "7" in Chinese B = "5" in Chinese A, just my guess...

Taking which paper depends on the faculties you wish to apply... say if one wants to apply law in HK, then I think English A (HL) + Chinese A(HL) are necessary...

Well, I expect my kids choosing subjects and levels based on their abilities and interest genuinely... I believe those who have the guts to face higher challenges will be much more appreciated...
作者: Shoeshine    時間: 11-7-25 13:03     標題: 回復 38# WYmom 的帖子

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作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-25 13:07

原帖由 Annie123 於 11-7-25 12:21 發表
不能說沒 A1 A2 之分。
其實仍然有兩個 LANGUAGE A:一個是 literature 為主 (近似現時的 A1);一個是 literature + language (少很多 literature compoment,應該比現時 A2 容易些)。我不知會怎樣識別兩科,會不會是 A (lit ...

I talked to my son's English and Chinese teachers two weeks ago. Before that, I also thought Literature is more advance compared with literature and language study, they explained to me separately that they are similar level with different emphasis both at HL and SL.

They guessed so many students particular in Chinese opt for B and A2 to get better grades, IBO changed that in 2013 and my boy will be the first batch for new syllabus.
作者: Shoeshine    時間: 11-7-25 13:08     標題: 回復 40# WYmom 的帖子

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作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-25 13:11

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作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-25 13:18

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作者: WYmom    時間: 11-7-25 13:19

原帖由 Shoeshine 於 11-7-25 13:03 發表
Sorry, I think I didn't make myself clear.  I meant most IS students would choose English A1 as the Group 1 subject.  If  they choose Chinese A1 as Group 1 subject, they would give the university admi ...

Oh, if students choose Chinese A as gp 1, that implies that their Chinese is better than English.  I think it really depends on the confidence of the students on their language abilities.   No surprise for CIS students.  For ESF, students have to take English A1 as group 1.  I think most importantly is choosing the right subjects and levels matching the requirements of the faculties one desired.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-25 13:28

原帖由 WYmom 於 11-7-25 13:19 發表
Oh, if students choose Chinese A as gp 1, that implies that their Chinese is better than English.  I think it really depends on the confidence of the students on their language abilities.   No surpr ...

Thanks, now I know why CIS improved so much in last few years.

I guess Chinese A1 is a reason, but their students may also improve in other subjects.
作者: Shoeshine    時間: 11-7-25 13:41

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作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-25 13:44

原帖由 Shoeshine 於 11-7-25 13:41 發表
Perhaps a school's result is better assessed by looking at the universities/colleges their graduates go to rather than the IB scores they get.  Getting a perfect or near perfect score may not necessar ...

Agreed, IB score + final destination is the best evidence....

[ 本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 11-7-25 15:36 編輯 ]
作者: annie40    時間: 11-7-25 14:34     標題: 回復 12# WYmom 的帖子

这儿给大家一点参考, 朋友的两个儿子都是United World College 学生, 现在美国读大学.  她说外国大学见你黑头发, 便理所当然的认为你中文是应该是高分的.  因此admission officer唔多欣赏你的中文成绩, 一般来说当此乃闲科吧!  像反是你的second language是French or Spanish, 感觉佷不一样.

这是海处大学的情况, 在港的大学肯定是知道孩子是超班的中英兼备
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-25 14:38

原帖由 annie40 於 11-7-25 14:34 發表
这儿给大家一点参考, 朋友的两个儿子都是United World College 学生, 现在美国读大学.  她说外国大学见你黑头发, 便理所当然的认为你中文是应该是高分的.  因此admission officer唔多欣赏你的中文成绩, 一般来说当此 ...


The same for Oxford and Cambridge, but they also consider the actual IB score >> languages
作者: Shoeshine    時間: 11-7-25 15:24

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作者: iamfine    時間: 11-7-25 15:34

I don't know any university intake officers, but, judging from the fact that CIS students do go to very good universities, it doesn't appear to me that those who are in charge of admission share any consensus that Chinese (language A or B) is a "soft" subject for Chinese students.
作者: Shoeshine    時間: 11-7-25 15:56

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作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-25 19:00     標題: 回復 9# WYmom 的帖子

student can choose both eng and chinese as A1 subjects,

for ESF , understand they don't go for authorization of PYP/MYP but for IGCSE, but I remembered reading their EOI content page, same as other PYP school's EOI.

after studying chinese for over 6 years, can't take chinese under B group, this is what my child told me.
作者: Shoeshine    時間: 11-7-25 19:15     標題: 回復 57# mattsmum 的帖子

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作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-25 19:33

原帖由 Shoeshine 於 11-7-25 19:15 發表
"...after studying chinese for over 6 years, can't take chinese under B group..."

Sorry, what does it mean?  You mean he is too good or too bad for Chinese B?  So what language is he doing?

When you study a language more than certain (6??) years, you can't take B, must be A.
作者: Shoeshine    時間: 11-7-25 20:35

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作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-25 20:51     標題: 回復 3# Shoeshine 的帖子

He must take Chinese under group A, not B, that is what I was told, but I need to confess, I am yet to read the original document from ibo.

Children can take French or Japanese if their Chinese is not good after 6 years study.
作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-25 20:57     標題: 回覆 1# mattsmum 的文章

I discussed with an ib Chinese teacher months ago, what he said ewas similar to what I read from somebody's web site( I lost the web site information, the credit goes to that website.):

A1 語言是目前DP這個科組的叫法,從2011年起,第一組科目會有重大改變,2013年起開辦考試。下學年開始唸DP的學生就可以有以下三科選擇:

i.  “語言A -- 文學”---- 類似現時“A1語言”那樣的科目。

ii. “語言A  -- 語言及文學”----- 跟現時在第2科組(第二語言)中的“A2語言”很相似, 即較“A1語言”少一點文學元素,較多研讀其他類型的寫作,但同樣需要理解分析的技巧,而且需要分析不同情境(context)對文章意義的影響(例如宣傳跟學術的寫作有何不同等)。

iii.“文學及表演”----- 可作第一或第六科組(藝術)的科目。會只開標準課程,探討文學與戲劇的關係,特別是要研究文本的細節,探討當中的“轉化”( transformation),應較適合有戲劇訓練根底的學生。

2.       第二語言 ---- 重點要求是學生能夠在不同用途上,運用所選的語言。目前這科組主要有三個不同科目:

i.  “初學”(只可考標準程度)---- 學生須在DP之前沒有讀過這語文。

ii. “B語言” ---- 學生在DP之前,已開始學習了一段時間。2011年起,“B語言”課程會有更清晰的核心主題,作爲語言(包括詞彙、風格等)及文化學習的基礎。屆時,高等程度則會加入兩部文學作品。重點是培養語言及文化之間的溝通能力。

iii.“A2語言”---- 語言加上文學的課程,為已有相當程度的學生而設。但2012年的考試之後,“A2語言”將從這個科組消失。
作者: Shoeshine    時間: 11-7-25 21:08

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作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-25 21:27

I really don't know, my son said the whole class would have to take Chinese and English in A group.

I fond a website with pass papers, which I had tried to find and check out their exam content, maybe we should all check out the ibo website and gather more information and share here:Www.freeexampapers.com
作者: Shoeshine    時間: 11-7-25 21:37

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作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-25 22:06     標題: 回覆 1# Shoeshine 的文章

thanks for the googled document, also look at the past papers to figure out how difficult or easy chinese can be.
作者: WYmom    時間: 11-7-25 22:08     標題: 回復 2# Shoeshine 的帖子

According to the new changes, Chinese students will have to choose both English A and Chinese A in Group 1, then must they choose another language B in group 2?  Very confusing!
作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-25 22:19


the hk part of the story.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-25 22:57

原帖由 mattsmum 於 11-7-25 22:19 發表

the hk part of the story.

It will be outdated for our kids in 2013 afterward.

My son sent emails to HKU, CUHK and HKUST to ask their requirement of IB languages in 2013, they have no clue what's going on and only CUHK admission office officially replied to him, keep in A SL/HL in Chinese & English, don't opt for B.

You may ask what's the answers from other two, they asked my son to check from the website. Then my son told him the change of syllabus and not reflected in the website, then they can't further answer his question.
作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-25 23:05     標題: 回復 1# ANChan59 的帖子

That article did discuss the coming change, the  important message is the current arrangement :

Baptish U
For IB Diploma applicants, Score 4 or above out of 7 in IB English A1 or A2 (Higher or Standard Level) is regarded as equivalent to Grade D AS Use of English ."

That is the current bench mark which can only behigher I think.

[ 本帖最後由 mattsmum 於 11-7-25 23:06 編輯 ]
作者: Shoeshine    時間: 11-7-25 23:07

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作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-25 23:10     標題: 回復 4# WYmom 的帖子

The ibo document said you can choose both from group 1:"choose one from group 1, one from group 1  or group 2"
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-25 23:13     標題: 回覆 70# mattsmum 的文章

Score 4 is the passing score for IB, be honest, nothing exciting.

I am thinking English in Group 2, A SL in Literature and Language Study; Chinese in Group 1, B. He may score Chinese 7 and English 6..... to maximise the score..
作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-25 23:14     標題: 回覆 2# Shoeshine 的文章

"The question is whether there is a rule saying that if a student has been studying a language for x number of years, then he can only choose the second language from group 1.'

can't find this in the ibo document, but heard about this from teachers, should ask them as they are the professional.

the options are possible. A friend's child selected english + italian ( studied for 2 years) and got bilingual diploma.
作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-25 23:25     標題: 回覆 2# ANChan59 的文章

from earlier discussion:"先更正資料,剛在看那學校網頁,學生今年 ENGLISH A 的 NORM 是 5 (舊年才是 4),不好意思。不過,我也覺得這個成績令人很困惑"

i am confused too, checking the pass paper to see the difference.
作者: foolish.mom    時間: 11-7-25 23:40

Please note that in CIS, only 9 students out of >100 took A1 in Chinese.  The other >90% still took A1 HL or SL in English.  I guess that most of the 9 students joined CIS after grade 9 or even grade 11.

Heard from another parent in CIS that the school recommended her son to take A2 in Chinese in IBDP (He was all the way in Chinese 1st language in MYP). Her son convinced the school to let him switched to Mandarin B HL. The reasons are simple: 1. he can get high score (most likely 7 in Mandarin B), 2. he can concentrate his time in other subjects. If he stays in Chinese A2, he may get a 5, or luckily a 6 if he spends much effort. A difference in 2 points may be critical for the type of U admitted.
作者: Shoeshine    時間: 11-7-25 23:41

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作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-25 23:51

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作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-25 23:57     標題: 回覆 1# Annie123 的文章

i don't know but there are lots of pass papers from IB to uk's 11+ 13+ exam papers, i had downloaded a number of them already, hope it is fine for my computer. i had been trying to find chinese past paper but difficult, almost impossible to find.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-25 23:58

Two tips from my boy's teacher:

1. Her recommendation - study any language more than 3 years, aim for A and not B.
2. Different programs and different universities have different preference, send email to them to get official answers.

My son did (2) for HKU, CUHK and HKUST for language requirements.
作者: ksenia    時間: 11-7-26 00:10

i'm confused
should my daughter pick Chi A HL and Eng A HL or just Eng A SL? She's from a local school and will be switching to an IS in September. Is HL and SL similar? So SL is easier to get a 7 right? but do universities favour HL?please help!
作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-26 00:17

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作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-26 00:35

原帖由 Annie123 於 11-7-26 00:17 發表
Just used a Mac to browse the site. Could not find anything for Chinese/Mandarin.

I used IE and downlaoded some past papers in Chinese, can't download model answer and comment from examiner, may be needed to buy credits.
作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-26 07:39     標題: 回覆 3# ksenia 的文章

You mean she is going to take ibdp? Or just myp? Our discussiois on ibdp only. For choosing of subjects, ib teachers will advise, they are the professionals.
作者: WYmom    時間: 11-7-26 07:45

原帖由 ANChan59 於 11-7-25 22:57 發表

It will be outdated for our kids in 2013 afterward.

My son sent emails to HKU, CUHK and HKUST to ask their requirement of IB languages in 2013, they have no clue what's going on and only CUHK admis ...

Thanks a lot for your sharing.  So if our kids want to apply U in HK including CUHK, they must take English A and Chinese A in group 1, which may be more difficult than before??  And also not sure if they have choose one more languagefrom group 2.  The exam papers of group 1 maybe different from the past after the change.

My kid's school will discuss with parents only by coming Sept...my kid will sit for IBD in 2014.
作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-26 08:26

Is Chinese needed for getting into hk universities? Why not opt for English A1 and another language such as French b or French ab initio.
作者: ksenia    時間: 11-7-26 08:44     標題: 回覆 84# mattsmum 的文章

IBDP. It's a new school for her so it's kinda difficult for the teachers to know her ability.
作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-26 09:21     標題: 回覆 1# ksenia 的文章

Then you should check the ibo document about language to assess the difference in HL and SL and check the pass papers too. I think it is the training difference . Fie IS student, they are used to questions like  : commentary on the following article, or comment on the character of xxx in romeo and Julie.Such question is  like open question.
Also check out what subject/level she should take, she need3 SL and 3HL as the minimum.

[ 本帖最後由 mattsmum 於 11-7-26 09:25 編輯 ]
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-26 09:41

原帖由 mattsmum 於 11-7-26 08:26 發表
Is Chinese needed for getting into hk universities? Why not opt for English A1 and another language such as French b or French ab initio.

Some programs need Chinese and Cantonese is a must, like medicine, law ......
作者: iamfine    時間: 11-7-26 10:03

原帖由 ANChan59 於 11-7-25 23:13 發表

I am thinking English in Group 2, A SL in Literature and Language Study; Chinese in Group 1, B. He may score Chinese 7 and English 6. ...

Sounds like a good move.

On the other hand, it's a tough call for those students whose Chinese is not as good as their English. Making them take Chinese A is to risk dropping 1 or 2 points, which may turn out to be more than crucial.

I can now start to understand why some lower secondary students at my son's school are asking their kids to learn a third language (Spanish and Latin are most popular at the moment).  Probably their parents are thinking of not doing Chinese in IBDP exam and taking Spanish/Latin B instead.  The problem with this approach is, without Chinese, they have to give up HKU/CU law and medicine.

So many factors to consider.  Need to think and rethink.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-26 10:21     標題: 回復 90# iamfine 的帖子

As more parents shared their views and findings, more information and scenario, it's good for us to reconsider different scenario.

Happy discussion is fun.......
作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-26 10:27     標題: 回復 3# mattsmum 的帖子

中文A high level pass paper 1(2006)












[ 本帖最後由 mattsmum 於 11-7-26 10:28 編輯 ]
作者: mattsmum    時間: 11-7-26 10:36     標題: 回復 1# mattsmum 的帖子

中文A1 standard level paper 1

作者: Shoeshine    時間: 11-7-26 10:50

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作者: WYmom    時間: 11-7-26 10:54     標題: 回復 2# mattsmum 的帖子

Do you think a local school student can answer such Chinese IB papers very well??
作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-26 10:58

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作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-26 11:05

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作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-7-26 11:18

原帖由 Annie123 於 11-7-26 11:05 發表

The main problem with Language B would be, how IBO classify whether a person CAN take Language B.
Like someone said, more than 3 years of studying a language would not be eligible to take Langauge B ...

How about cheating? Assume study less than certain years and get better score......

I know some IB teachers push their students to A1........ If getting better score in A2 or B, may be a downward spiral.

My son started the SAT class, one boy accidentally from CIS, he is taking Chinese B. Of course he studies more than 3-5 years in Chinese.

Any differenve between Mandarin/Chinese in IB subjects?
作者: Annie123    時間: 11-7-26 11:29

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作者: JarJarBin    時間: 11-7-26 13:14

Oh my goodness.  As a mom, I studied in LS from kindergarden to Form 5 in HK, but I cannot even read the Chinese HL paper.  For the Chinese SL paper, I just barely 90% understand.  It is impossible for a IS student to do this paper.  I cannot imagine that the paper is sooooo hard.  Then my son (study in IS from kinder to primary now) has no hope to study law in HK la

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