
標題: 聖公會幼稚園 [打印本頁]

作者: janice007    時間: 11-6-21 17:20     標題: 聖公會幼稚園

本帖最後由 janice007 於 12-2-6 16:44 編輯



我知e 幾間都係local stream, 少英文﹐唔知有無國語讀﹐課程又唔知係深定淺﹐所以希望認識e幾間學校既媽媽可以俾d啟示俾我吧﹗

感激 ^^

[ 本帖最後由 janice007 於 11-6-21 17:21 編輯 ]
作者: ethanmummy    時間: 11-6-21 20:07

SKH butler and central will move to causeway bay in September.  but the syllubus and course structure will be different.  As mentioned by the staff in central SKH, the application process for K1 will remain separate.  

Past record indicated that central campus has more applications. not sure whether it will change because both school will be in the same location.

SKY is a very local stream school.  focus on discipline and manner.  I like the school, in particular, the staff.  All of the them are very caring, good to your kids and to the parents.

One word, wonderful school.  My elder son studied in Victoria before.  I would say SKH is better.
作者: EvaKim    時間: 11-6-21 21:52

SKH Central - 120 out of ~2,000 applications (need to take 2 days for interview)

SKH Mount Butler - 60 out of ~1,000 applications. Only have AM class
作者: janice007    時間: 11-6-22 10:52

原帖由 ethanmummy 於 11-6-21 20:07 發表
SKH butler and central will move to causeway bay in September.  but the syllubus and course structure will be different.  As mentioned by the staff in central SKH, the application process for K1 will  ...

你好﹗ 我想問下其實維記同聖公會最大差別晌邊﹖如果讀維記可以學多d英普﹐反而聖公會就只有中文同少量英文﹐家長們要帶小朋友出外面補習下英普﹐如果學校識左就可以放多少少時間學第二d 野﹖


以你所知﹐SKH Mt Butler/Central campus 邊間會好d?因為我都唔知應該報邊間﹖ 兩間對我來說都唔會太遠。

作者: janice007    時間: 11-6-22 11:12

原帖由 EvaKim 於 11-6-21 21:52 發表
SKH Central - 120 out of ~2,000 applications (need to take 2 days for interview)

SKH Mount Butler - 60 out of ~1,000 applications. Only have AM class

作者: snow228    時間: 11-6-22 12:26

作者: ethanmummy    時間: 11-6-22 21:45

My elder son graduated from Victoria and now is in SPCPS, now in P.2.  Victoria has strong training in Eng, his English standard is quite good and does not need to 補習. But weak in chinese. When he started P1, he needed to work very hard to catch up the standard. If u plan to have yr kids to go to 傳統名校, such as DBS, DGS, SPCCPS, strong Chinese is more important.
作者: ethanmummy    時間: 11-6-22 21:51

SKH has high rate entering in 名校,because their parents work very hard prepare their kids. My son is now at K1, I always hear how other parents prepare for the profile, search for interview class, how to enter into 公開比賽。
作者: eggmama    時間: 11-6-23 07:27

Interview 見唔見家長?thx for sharing.
作者: EvaKim    時間: 11-6-23 09:03

More than one third of the time was given to interview the parents and this is an important part of the interview. The teacher asked daddy questions and it's best for daddy to interact well with the teacher during the interview.
作者: janice007    時間: 11-6-23 11:51

原帖由 ethanmummy 於 11-6-22 21:51 發表
SKH has high rate entering in 名校,because their parents work very hard prepare their kids. My son is now at K1, I always hear how other parents prepare for the profile, search for interview class, how ...

其實我想問下K1有咩公開比賽可以參加下﹖ 你仔仔d同學多數晌K1學緊d咩架﹖
作者: janice007    時間: 11-6-23 11:52

原帖由 EvaKim 於 11-6-23 09:03 發表
More than one third of the time was given to interview the parents and this is an important part of the interview. The teacher asked daddy questions and it's best for daddy to interact well with the t ...

即係媽咪同daddy都要入去 interview? 唔知有咩我哋要注意呢﹖多數問咩問題架﹖

雖然仲有一段日子﹐但我怕答錯野搞到呀B無得入呀 !
作者: EvaKim    時間: 11-6-23 12:41

Although it's not compulsory for daddy and mother go together with the kid, I didn't see any exception. Based on last year's experience, the teacher asked:
- what are the strengths and weaknesses of your kid
- How do you improve given your son's weakness?
- what activities do you have with your son during the weekend?
- any family activities w bigger family given your son is a single child?

Hope this helps
作者: ethanmummy    時間: 11-6-23 22:36

作者: janice007    時間: 12-2-6 16:43

提下大家, 全港最遲先有得 interview 既聖公會將於本周六收表呀﹗
作者: sunnygirl    時間: 12-2-6 17:20     標題: 回覆:janice007 的帖子


作者: janice007    時間: 12-2-7 12:32

作者: sunnygirl    時間: 12-2-7 13:11     標題: 回覆:janice007 的帖子

打算九點 左右去到,你呢?

作者: myfanwy    時間: 12-2-7 14:37

I heard from others that there is a past student who rank first in K3 did not got offer from DBS or SPCC, not sure if it is true.
作者: Lilo    時間: 12-2-7 14:59

作者: myfanwy    時間: 12-2-7 16:19

回復 Lilo 的帖子

Really? I also heard that they consider highly on the kindergarten academic results

作者: janice007    時間: 12-2-7 16:22

回復 myfanwy 的帖子

作者: 日日見住你    時間: 12-2-7 17:00

作者: Lilo    時間: 12-2-7 17:09

作者: myfanwy    時間: 12-2-7 18:04

If that is the case, if the kid did not get any award in the kindergarten but got some award from external competition, he or she still have chance to get into St Paul's if they have good interview with the school?
作者: dimeola    時間: 12-2-8 01:41

有無人知大概交 form 要排幾耐?
作者: flopsybunnies    時間: 12-2-8 12:28

本人仍心大心細不知是否替小女報讀聖公會幼稚園。若然他們收男女生比例大約2:1, 咁咪好似男校女生?

據知聖光堂曾為香港靈糧堂幼稚園的臨時校舍,現年九月將會做聖公會幼稚園的臨時校舍。未知有否家長知道內部環境如何? 有沒有兒童洗手間等幼兒設施?本人看見附近聖保祿醫院有工程,不知會否影響上課?

煩請各位家長給點指教! 謝謝!!

作者: minimini    時間: 12-2-9 10:01


作者: Fullstop    時間: 12-2-9 12:14

作者: minimini    時間: 12-2-10 09:50

作者: 日日見住你    時間: 12-2-10 10:55

minimini 發表於 12-2-10 09:50
係咪即係得2月18日一日面試?直至而家囡囡乜offer都未有,好擔心最後一次機會都冇offer! ...


作者: Lilo    時間: 12-2-10 11:58

回復 myfanwy 的帖子

St Paul's Co-edu最主要都係睇interview表現同埋你係邊個group,有人校內無獎但都入到,有人有獎返而入唔到。仲有校外獎都要睇下係乜野獎,當年李校長講到明個d人人都有或者唔係大獎唔使放入portfolio,考琴都要3級以上先好寫!
作者: moubb    時間: 12-2-10 15:27


作者: 日日見住你    時間: 12-2-10 17:22

本帖最後由 日日見住你 於 12-2-10 17:22 編輯
moubb 發表於 12-2-10 15:27
我囝囝喺SKH讀幫K3,其實我覺得除咗SKH的家長PROFILE係佢其中一個有較高比列入直資/私校的原因外,其實學校 ...

我小朋友係 skh k1學生,唔知你可唔可以pm我,邊間學校收左你仔仔,又或者今年k3考小一的成績呀.因為我有點擔心考小一的壓力.thanks so much!

作者: myfanwy    時間: 12-2-10 18:22

Lilo 發表於 12-2-10 11:58
回復 myfanwy 的帖子

St Paul's Co-edu最主要都係睇interview表現同埋你係邊個group,有人校內無獎但都入 ...

作者: PWHPOPO    時間: 12-2-10 21:14

回復 moubb 的帖子

非常同意SKH是一間好好幼稚園進,尤其是for boy。除了不同的升小一講座之外,运有每天的新聞分享時間,也幫助到考小一呢!最感動的是梁校長會親筆為每個小朋友寫recommandation letter(最多4封)呢!小兒也是k3!
作者: sweetlollipop    時間: 12-2-10 23:57

回復 PWHPOPO 的帖子


作者: 上等人    時間: 12-2-11 00:21

我個小朋友都係n無人仕, 可唔可以試下呢間? (但係我住新界)
作者: Unclejt    時間: 12-2-11 00:36

Lilo 發表於 12-2-10 11:58
回復 myfanwy 的帖子

St Paul's Co-edu最主要都係睇interview表現同埋你係邊個group,有人校內無獎但都入 ...
Too sad that it's also our own experience.  My boy couldn't get into SPCC with 3 品學獎...
作者: gigi812    時間: 12-2-11 00:50

這間學校真係真心辨學, 有興趣報聖公會的家長, 值得一試考入讀, 我囝囝都係讀聖公會架, 有關於考小學, 我真感受到, 學校真心幫忙和認真協助家長, 解決有關升小學的問題. 連我小朋友咩性格, 優點和缺點, 老師都同我傾, 提我到時考小學時, 留意咩問題.  推薦信你是可以要求, 寫4間學校 (等於4封), 家長門水平亦很好, 大家時常交流心得, 大家都很喜歡聖公會, . excited:
作者: 叮噹媽媽    時間: 12-2-11 10:10     標題: 回覆:聖公會幼稚園


作者: 叮噹媽媽    時間: 12-2-11 10:10     標題: 回覆:聖公會幼稚園


作者: cccbaby    時間: 12-2-11 10:10

回復 sunnygirl 的帖子

around 2 hours.

作者: cccbaby    時間: 12-2-11 10:11

回復 叮噹媽媽 的帖子

Well. after seeing this picture, I think it will take more than 2 hours then.
作者: 叮噹媽媽    時間: 12-2-11 10:14     標題: 回覆:cccbaby 的帖子

Surprisingly the queue is moving pretty quick, I think it will be within

作者: laurettata    時間: 12-2-11 10:30     標題: 回覆:叮噹媽媽 的帖子


作者: 叮噹媽媽    時間: 12-2-11 10:41     標題: 回覆:聖公會幼稚園


作者: LPN    時間: 12-2-11 11:00     標題: 回覆:聖公會幼稚園


作者: cccbaby    時間: 12-2-11 11:09

回復 myfanwy 的帖子

All parents have their own preference. You think DGS or SPCC are the best. Other parents may have other prefernece ka ma. Besides, I didn't know the kindergarten would give rankings to kids nowadays.

作者: PWHPOPO    時間: 12-2-11 18:39

回復 sweetlollipop 的帖子


作者: janice007    時間: 12-2-13 12:31

知唔知上年大概考d咩﹖ 幾多位家長可以陪同﹖
作者: sunnygirl    時間: 12-2-13 13:03     標題: 回覆:janice007 的帖子

交表時聽到隔離家長問可以幾多個家長同小朋友一齊in, 老師答兩個。

作者: GIPW    時間: 12-2-13 22:18

Good luck to the parents.   I think this is a very good school
作者: Lilo    時間: 12-2-14 15:32

回復 myfanwy 的帖子


作者: sunnygirl    時間: 12-2-14 16:11     標題: 回覆:聖公會幼稚園

SKH 女仔讀好唔好?有無讀緊嘅媽咪可以分享下?

作者: Go師奶    時間: 12-2-14 16:16

我想問去年interview問甚麼問題(包括小朋友及父母)? 可否有人分享一下?
作者: 日日見住你    時間: 12-2-14 17:14

Go師奶 發表於 12-2-14 16:16
我想問去年interview問甚麼問題(包括小朋友及父母)? 可否有人分享一下?
謝謝! ...




作者: 日日見住你    時間: 12-2-14 17:15

sunnygirl 發表於 12-2-14 16:11
SKH 女仔讀好唔好?有無讀緊嘅媽咪可以分享下?




作者: cat.lui    時間: 12-2-15 10:19

若果先生不能出席面試, 會否比校方覺得唔重視而有所扣分呢?

作者: mamay    時間: 12-2-15 11:29

本帖最後由 mamay 於 12-2-15 11:39 編輯
cat.lui 發表於 12-2-15 10:19
若果先生不能出席面試, 會否比校方覺得唔重視而有所扣分呢?

I want to know, too.  
I am thinking not to attend as my son's performance is poor when I am there (he will stick with me).

By the way, we go there after 1pm.  Seems that the queue is shorter.  
The interview date is Feb 25 late morning.

I guess they have 2 days interview

作者: 日日見住你    時間: 12-2-15 11:37

作者: cat.lui    時間: 12-2-15 12:30

thank you 日日掛住你
作者: 叮噹媽媽    時間: 12-2-15 18:45     標題: 回覆:mamay 的帖子

Hi Mammy, will you release RHS if you get offer from SHK?

作者: janice007    時間: 12-2-17 19:14

明天及下星期就interview, 點解無咩人講下既﹖

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