
標題: 港大同學會小學VS嘉諾撒聖心學校 [打印本頁]

作者: annaykw    時間: 11-4-27 23:13     標題: 港大同學會小學VS嘉諾撒聖心學校

作者: milkteahk    時間: 11-6-21 21:16

作者: babybear    時間: 11-6-21 21:43

作者: tungmom    時間: 11-6-21 21:51

They are very different, depends your kid's character. Some kinder classmates of my daughter are studying in P.1 now and they are very happy. The parents told me just have 1-2 homework a day and most of the time they just need do some drawings. I think the parents must buy and trust the school because they don't have any exam so the parents said they actually didn't know their kid's academic performance. Their putonghua standard is quite high.
But one of the parents told me that she wants to change the school for her elder daughter who is in P.3 now because she is worried about the standard of the secondary school. As another parent has a son studying in their secondary school, she commented that some students are really "hea". They will accept some F.1 students from other schools but the quality is low. It is not the band one students' choice.
作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 11-6-22 10:49

公道說話, 而家HKUGAC收外來生, 都係收BAND ONE, 如果BAND TWO真係要其他方面表現出色至可以, 外來生想入亦唔係易
講返小學, 真係好睇你想要咩, 一個橙一個蘋果好難比較, 當然, 揀聖心既會佔大多數, 因為有TRACK RECORD又傳統名校, 質數有保證, 但亦有家長讀完聖心KINDER選擇唔直升, 亦有讀開傳統學校既家長選擇轉去HKUGA小學, 一定有原因
成日都話, 選校係睇小朋友性格同父母期望, 只有你知道自己想小朋友成為一個點既人, 揀得HKUGA, 學既野同一般學校唔一樣, 你又唔可以太心急(譬如話, HKUGA學生同傳統學生鬥GRAMMAR, 我敢講會輸, 但比創意比普通話, 又分分鐘贏WOR, 出黎社會做事除左讀書叻仲要識變通, 世上無完美既學校, 一樣多左另一樣自然少左, 睇你想點取捨)
原帖由 tungmom 於 11-6-21 09:51 PM 發表
They are very different, depends your kid's character. Some kinder classmates of my daughter are studying in P.1 now and they are very happy. The parents told me just have 1-2 homework a day and most  ...

作者: redkoni    時間: 11-6-22 11:41

原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 11-6-22 10:49 發表
公道說話, 而家HKUGAC收外來生, 都係收BAND ONE, 如果BAND TWO真係要其他方面表現出色至可以, 外來生想入亦唔係易
講返小學, 真係好睇你想要咩, 一個橙一個蘋果好難比較, 當然, 揀聖心既會佔大多數, 因為有TRACK REC ...

作者: lui    時間: 11-6-22 22:41

First, I don't think hkugc only accept band one outsider as my friends daughter ranked band two got an offer. The standard of their student from primary is quite high. I support 活動教學 as it doesnt mean the school don't have their targeted achievement or standard on each subject. Not just a free hand teaching.
作者: godsend    時間: 11-6-23 23:02

講真真係有好多呢D CASE, 本人覺得走既都係D進取D既家長, 但當然仲有好多捧場客或根本走唔郁.

原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 11-6-22 10:49 發表

作者: TSEHANG    時間: 11-6-24 14:32

作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 11-6-24 15:52

呢間學校學校模式係咁, 唔似傳統教法, 好多野唔會有絕對"對"或"錯"既答案, 亦有時的確係要求家長一齊配合, 唔係要家長教知識, 而係要家長教小朋友點去搵答案(即點去搵資料, 點消化, 然後答出黎或者做個project)
我地家長有時都講笑話, 讀傳統學校功課雖然多d, 但straight forward容易跟, 讀呢間學校, 雖然得幾題但就唸餐飽, 分分鐘花既時間仲多(我都聽過有補習班唔肯接我地學生架, 話唔知點教wor)
所以有家長會覺得無安全感, 覺得唔知學左咩咁

原帖由 TSEHANG 於 11-6-24 02:32 PM 發表

作者: tungmom    時間: 11-6-25 00:47

這只是我本人的選擇,我亦反對將學校二分法,甚麼活動教學,傳統教學,其實不少傳統學校都不再傳統了,雖然未至於要常做project,都是以傳統功課為主,但上堂時選不乏生動有趣。以我囡囡學校為例,我常聽她講數學老師用布偶,英文老師和她們玩遊戲,班主任又經常送貼紙和交具獎勵她們。在剛過去的復活節個假期,英文功課就是每人派了一隻Mr Bunny免仔,Mr Bunny是由外國來到她們家住,她們在假期裡就要帶著她四處遊玩,影下相片貼在工作紙,並著她們寫下去過的地方。囡囡果然帶住Bunny周圍去,仲沿途同Bunny講英文介紹香港,我覺得這些功課設計不錯呀!


作者: redkoni    時間: 11-6-25 02:50

原帖由 tungmom 於 11-6-25 00:47 發表
我覺得要發揮創意,懂整合分析,懂思辯,都必先須要有紥實的學術基礎,不然一齊只會流於空泛、空談。我其實不是特別贊成傳統教學,但眼見我幾個80後下屬的語文根基實在很差,中文文理不通,英文文法更錯漏百出,不禁想女兒有穩固的語 ...

作者: babybear    時間: 11-6-25 10:22


原帖由 tungmom 於 11-6-25 00:47 發表
我覺得要發揮創意,懂整合分析,懂思辯,都必先須要有紥實的學術基礎,不然一齊只會流於空泛、空談。我其實不是特別贊成傳統教學,但眼見我幾個80後下屬的語文根基實在很差,中文文理不通,英文文法更錯漏百出,不禁想女兒有穩固的語 ...

作者: tinyuichan    時間: 11-6-25 13:34

兩間咁唔同嘅學校, 好少家長會一齊報, 點唔同法其他人已講得好清楚, 冇人可以幫揀, 你應該搞清楚其實你想點!
作者: frenchfries    時間: 11-6-25 14:07     標題: 回復 11# tungmom 的帖子

作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 11-6-27 11:18

有架, 包括我自己, 當年都有報傳統小學, 差一步就讀埋(港冊7月尾至叩門成功)
心大心細, 其實好正常既, 世上唔會有完美既學校, 一樣得左, 就一定失另一樣, 問題係家長點去取捨姐

原帖由 tinyuichan 於 11-6-25 01:34 PM 發表
兩間咁唔同嘅學校, 好少家長會一齊報, 點唔同法其他人已講得好清楚, 冇人可以幫揀, 你應該搞清楚其實你想點!

作者: ptm    時間: 11-6-27 11:49     標題: 回復 16# Charlotte_mom 的帖子

I totally agree with you.^^
作者: easydad    時間: 11-6-27 12:26

Odd as it may sound, nowadays, we should not rely on schools to teach anymore, especially those so-call "top notch" schools.  Just review the textbook used, the students work and the exam context, one can easily find that none of them match.  Easy cirriculum, difficult exams but somehow most students get 90+.  Why?

Thus, I don't think getting parents more involved officially is really a bad thing as parents need to get involved anyway.  After all, this is also our duty as parents too.  To me, the key is what to get involved in.  I don't mind making projects with my kids.  Yet, I do mind drilling my kids to enhance his dictation skills or math speed at small age.  

Another important thing to me is proper value building.  Most famous government subsidized schools have changed to self funding.  In the past, these schools have students from all kinds of background.  Look at what happened last few years?  Many of them were transformed to "noble and rich" schools.  Yes, there may still be a small percentage of pupils from normal families.  Yet, I am scared of thinking what my kids would turn out if being rasied in such distorted environment.

I picked HKUGA over one of the top school in town.  No regret whatsoever.   

Disclaimer - I like to take my kids to go to wet markets more than to fancy shopping malls.  Readers beware of how odd I can be.

[ 本帖最後由 easydad 於 11-6-27 12:28 編輯 ]
作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 11-6-27 14:27


我當年決定揀HKUGA, 某程度上係自己一直都係傳統學習, 去到大學, 發現原來知識係無限(而家有INTERNET, 就更明顯, 禁個掣就十幾萬個LINKS), 點睇都睇唔完, 要識點去將佢變成自己既野, 至係真正學習, 學校只係會為你將最基本既野解釋一次, 以後就靠自己
當然, 我都明白有父母會擔心: 大學就話姐, 小學生連字都唔識多個, 點可以咁學, 亦認同"背誦"係學習重要一環, 所以, 我話一定有取捨就係咁解
題外話, 我個仔都好ENJOY去街市SHOPPING , 因為可以揀佢鐘意食既野
原帖由 easydad 於 11-6-27 12:26 PM 發表
Odd as it may sound, nowadays, we should not rely on schools to teach anymore, especially those so-call "top notch" schools.  Just review the textbook used, the students work and the exam context, one ...

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