
標題: LeBeaumont - complaint [打印本頁]

作者: momo627    時間: 11-3-18 03:00     標題: LeBeaumont - complaint

I have joined the CWB branch since last Nov, starting from Nov last yr. Original it is referred by my friends and saying it allows flexibility in class so you can pick the time you want and take any class when the time suits you. Also it allow prior notice for changing schedule or cancellation of classes. As my son's progress is good so from Feb I change from having 8 lessons per mth to 12 lesson and referred 3 parents to join.

Actually in between, there have been problems in problems as there is a staff who always did the wrong booking, often I have to call everyweek to check if the scheudule is correct and later on I found another staff who is more experience so she helped me to check everything right for me.

Also, there are 2 free trial class in Feb, so I did it. When I do my Feb payment b4 trial class, I asked if I can pay for 8 lesson per mth first then pay extra after I had the 1st free trial (only a few days later) and the staff said ok and marked it on invoive. When I did the payment, that "staff" said no and argue with me and I was so angry at that time as their staff "promise" there is no problem, if the previous one said no at that time, I will pay the fee for 12 lessson at that time....that "staff" gave me no reason and can't answer me why they can't keep their promise and until I talked to her for 30 min, she finally agreed, but said she will take one of my preivous "free trial" as paid lesson......this is really unbelievable...so I call the previous staff again and she told me actually there is no problem for "paying extra from 8 to 12 lessons" and she will remain my previous trial class free.

In Feb CNY, they allowed 2 free trial language classes and when I did the booking, they said no problem. When I do my last trial, the staff said there is problem in printing so Chinese and English verson are not the same, so as my booking in on the 8/2, (but 8/2 in Eng verson, 7/2 in Chinese Verson) due to fault of their marketing dept, but no staff called me there is such a problem so I can't get the free trial. So shouldn't when I booked my 2nd trial 1 week b4, they should note the problem and when they check against the record, they will know there is a booking of free trial so they should call their customer if I can change a day earlier?

Now, they will come up with new policy, saying we have to set out our time schedule for the whole month, no change of class unless you change it when you pay (meaningless as you just set out the time schedule on the date you paid, how come you tell them your proposed change?) And any sick leave require doctor certificate. I agree that there may be abuse use, but to me, I never do this. However, will you give up a $250 class or go to have doctor consulation and pay $200 for doctor certifcate? So that's why I see so many parents letting their children to attend the classes (several times I saw) with big cold, flu and you can see they have running noses and keeps coughing in the classes, and my son got sick twice because of this (even there are only 3 children in the class)...this will make the parents to continuously bring their sick babies to the class and affects other health. Once, my son coughs heavily, I asked my maid to ask the staff if he can attend the class, they said ok....see, they won't concern about hygiene and baby health.

So I wrote to their director and reflects my complaint to his "staff" (actually she made me mad as she seldom did the booking right") and my opinion on the new policy, as I think no change of time schedule to us is risky for having 3 lessons a week, so maybe they can allow some max. change of classes may help; and I do remind him the possibility of that the parents will bring sick kids to the class, and here is the reply I received (he wrote to his staff and copied to me):

"What Mrs. xxxx described in her letter is inconsistent with the good feedback I have received about you from so many other parents in Causeway Bay. There appear to be some serious misunderstanding between Mrs. xxxx and the office.

Changes in time schedule has been the main source of complaint, in this and many other cases. We have tried out the "flexible" arrangement for so long, but proven unsuccessful.

With effect from 1st April 2011, we shall go along with the standard practice adopted by all schools in HK. Change in schedule will not be allowed unless the request is made in person at the time of the payment of monthly tuition fees. We may lose some students because of the change. But we have to put the system right to avoid unnecessary conflicts with students who stay with us. "

See, they have so many students and they won't worry to lose one. And they have confidence in their staff performance and even I ask him to ask the other staff I contact who always help me to correct the schedule for 3 weeks, they kept on saying her performance is good....so maybe our standard are not consistant with them.

Of course for the sake of my son, as he likes the Spanish teacher, I will let him to continue but will gradually reduce our lesson to 8 lesson per mth and 4 lesson later, though actually I seldom changed my time schedule except to suit my son's music lesson as it requires 1 week prior booking so we can't always fix the date for music class thus need to change the language class; as well as the PN interview.

[ 本帖最後由 momo627 於 11-3-18 03:02 編輯 ]
作者: RAY媽    時間: 11-3-18 15:37

你果次叫好啦.... TST 那邊"唔高"那位女仕D態度令我番咗7個月都CUT咗以後都唔番。

問番原本有DISCOUNT 嘅堂, 佢老小姐發脾氣,黑面叫個後生仔:"搞掂"佢呀 <=== 即係我... 我問得好有禮貌架.... 結果搞清楚俾番錢我...

本來想繼續番, 不過真係有D乞兒FEEL...

舊時有個大眼女仔幾好幾NICE, 唔知叫VINCE 定 VERONICA... 後來唔見佢... 剩低依位無禮貌嘅老小姐....
作者: eveningsit    時間: 11-3-18 18:05

My daughter has studied in LeBeaumont for 10 mons already.  

At the very beginning, my daughter learnt 4 languages and pay $4000 each month.  I loved it because of its friendly staff in TKO and the flexibility of its classes.  But now, my daughter only attends 2 languages classess and because of the change of its policy, maybe I would cut all the classess in April. But I think its spanish teacher is very good.

I had made 2 complaints because it arranged their teacher's interview in normal lesson and the late follow-up of the assessment.

My daughter is studying English, Cantonese and Mandarin (same or better quality compared with LeBeaumont) in another centre and she loves it very much.  Now she spends 2 hours there from Mon to Fri and the fee will be around $2900 now, 10 hours a week compared with only 2 hours a week at $2240 in Lebeaumont!!!

[ 本帖最後由 eveningsit 於 11-3-21 15:05 編輯 ]
作者: 3pigmama    時間: 11-3-18 22:06

您係咪指英文名M 字頭果個? 佢之前計錯數.超錯.
原帖由 RAY媽 於 11-3-18 15:37 發表
你果次叫好啦.... TST 那邊"唔高"那位女仕D態度令我番咗7個月都CUT咗以後都唔番。

問番原本有DISCOUNT 嘅堂, 佢老小姐發脾氣,黑面叫個後生仔:"搞掂"佢呀  ...

作者: momo627    時間: 11-3-19 03:11

I thought I am the only "absolute case" as said by the boss. He keeps on sending me emails detailing how good to learn language in his school...I can see from his emails (very lengthy) they are sample emails sent to everyone with "names" amended.

I am angry as I can quote so many examples that his staff surely has problem but, oh, he doesn't care wether his staff is competent but very serious on his "new policy", even losing students is no problem. Right, may be he is rich and doesn't care about the business.

Actually I do suggest he can allow 1 or 2 prior notice of change lesson or 2 times max. for a mth can surely solve the problem. See, he is very short sight and in his "repeated emails" sent to me after the one I shown here, he keeps on talking how good his school is.....very annoying....pls. solve your staff problem first before sending me such theroy la.

Feel so sorry to 3 mammys that I referred last month as at that time there is no sign of new policy implement......but haha, almost every week, their staff told me they have new arrangement and new policy, and even in the mth of Feb, when I try to work out the time schedule for the language and music class, they do more than 5 updates in that month so everytime when I finally work out the schedule, they change it again and again......really can't understand how they manage the school.
作者: momo627    時間: 11-3-19 03:15

原帖由 eveningsit 於 11-3-18 18:05 發表
My daughter has studied in LeBeaumont for 10 mons already.  

At the very beginning, my daughter learnt 4 languages and pay $4000 each month.  I loved it because of its friendly staff in TKO and the f ...

I am thinking to change from 3 to 2 lessons a week as well if it is not ok for Apr, but will last for May to July only, then I will have 1 or 2 lessons only at Sat after my son go to PN, cos we only get pm offer up to the moment so we can't attend morning class on weekdays to let him for more rest.

How about you? How old is your daughter and does she attend morning or afternoon classes on weekdays? And I saw you mentioned 2 hours from Mon to Fri, so your daughter spend 2 hours each day (5 days) for 3 languages? Will she feel tired? and does she attend other class like music? And would you mind pm me the center you think good?

Thanks a lot.

[ 本帖最後由 momo627 於 11-3-19 03:19 編輯 ]
作者: momo627    時間: 11-3-19 03:24

原帖由 RAY媽 於 11-3-18 15:37 發表
你果次叫好啦.... TST 那邊"唔高"那位女仕D態度令我番咗7個月都CUT咗以後都唔番。

問番原本有DISCOUNT 嘅堂, 佢老小姐發脾氣,黑面叫個後生仔:"搞掂"佢呀  ...

actually I found errors since I joined last Nov and every week I need to double check and everytime her answer when I asked her why there are errors she said "I don't know"; even I mark on the handbook, she makes mistakes yet.

And that time when I ask to pay extra for cost difference between 8 and 12 lesson per month as other staff promised me before, she made me like Ii am pegging her also la. So I try to ask if there are other staff but those young man at the reception are seem newly employed and ask for her help (so no use) and some experienced staff are in their own room.....really headache.

I wonder if there are other good language schools that any mammys can recommend. Actually their price is not low compared with others, I joined as my friend recommended me as her daughter also joined it and thinks it is good.
作者: eveningsit    時間: 11-3-19 12:51

原帖由 momo627 於 11-3-19 03:15 發表

I am thinking to change from 3 to 2 lessons a week as well if it is not ok for Apr, but will last for May to July only, then I will have 1 or 2 lessons only at Sat after my son go to PN, cos we only ...

My daughter is nearly 20-mon old.  She will go to PN school in Aug or Sept and she got an AM offer.  Now she is attending PM class in LeBeaumont started from Jan because I hope she will contiue to learn Spanish and French after going to PN school.  But because the change of policy, maybe cancel all the classes later.

The name of the centre will be pm you later.  Pls chk.

[ 本帖最後由 eveningsit 於 11-3-21 03:58 編輯 ]
作者: RAY媽    時間: 11-3-19 14:45

原帖由 eveningsit 於 11-3-19 12:51 發表

My daughter is nearly 20-mon old.  She will go to PN school in Aug or Sept and she got an AM offer.  Now she is attending PM class started from Jan because I hope she will contiue to learn Spanish a ...

Would you kindly PM me too?  Thank you very much!!!!
作者: hagupit    時間: 11-3-19 23:37

原帖由 eveningsit 於 11-3-18 18:05 發表
My daughter has studied in LeBeaumont for 10 mons already.  

At the very beginning, my daughter learnt 4 languages and pay $4000 each month.  I loved it because of its friendly staff in TKO and the f ...

Could you please pm the centers info?  Thanks!
作者: yiedip    時間: 11-3-20 09:48

原帖由 eveningsit 於 11-3-18 18:05 發表
My daughter has studied in LeBeaumont for 10 mons already.  

At the very beginning, my daughter learnt 4 languages and pay $4000 each month.  I loved it because of its friendly staff in TKO and the f ...

Hi eveningsit, would you please pm me the name and details of the centre?  Many thanks
作者: felicityn    時間: 11-3-21 12:19

Hi, eveningsit

Would U mind to pm me about the centre that U choose now? I am also looking for another centre for little kid.


原帖由 eveningsit 於 11-3-18 18:05 發表
My daughter has studied in LeBeaumont for 10 mons already.  

At the very beginning, my daughter learnt 4 languages and pay $4000 each month.  I loved it because of its friendly staff in TKO and the f ...

作者: baby-cj    時間: 11-3-21 16:39

原帖由 eveningsit 於 11-3-19 12:51 發表

My daughter is nearly 20-mon old.  She will go to PN school in Aug or Sept and she got an AM offer.  Now she is attending PM class in LeBeaumont started from Jan because I hope she will contiue to l ...

eveningsit, would you mind to pls PM me the centre info also?  Tks!
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-3-21 18:56

作者: momo627    時間: 11-3-22 04:58

thanks a lot, eveningsit.
作者: babycomeon    時間: 11-3-24 16:40     標題: 東山新制

我覺得新制係就係有的唔慣,但係可能對我來講冇乜太大分別,因為我個仔由一歲讀到而家,都三歲啦,我都慣左一次過book哂一個月的堂,等姐姐容易記得帶佢去上堂,如果唔fix哂,姐姐會帶錯時間,到時我又要鬧佢,又要每日提佢,仲煩!同埋咁樣有個好處,就係我個仔自己而家都知道自己幾時上乜堂。TST個小姐真係幾好,經佢解釋new policy後,我發覺有D月份我係平左,好似June,因為我上Tue, Wed, Thu,我比12堂錢就能上14堂,計落著數左,你地check check la.
作者: baozi    時間: 11-3-24 22:11

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作者: steffib    時間: 11-4-4 22:15     標題: 回覆 1# baozi 的文章

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