
標題: 協恩 Interview [打印本頁]

作者: chachamother    時間: 11-2-21 16:54     標題: 協恩 Interview

阿女星期六去咗 協恩 Interview,佢出來話好難,考哂學科嘅問題: 中、英、數都考哂,阿女話英文勁難,中文考成語反而阿女話ok,數學都可以,佢話考英文時,個老師勁黑面,今次實無機會 second in 啦!佢地一句都無同阿女傾過,我估佢地第一次,主力睇學科喇!我仲想阿女可以靠把口取勝,又話 interview 佔很重,似乎都係只看成績。唉!
作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-2-21 17:18

會有2nd interview 架?  請問有無人知幾時會通知呢?
作者: coolkid    時間: 11-2-21 19:17

我都有響我個post 提過同問過, D 老師勁黑面, 無eye contact, 學校arrangement 勁差, 最少都響個日話俾人聽幾時收到通知
作者: coolkid    時間: 11-2-21 19:20

不過我個囡覺得中文難過 英文喎....
作者: lanlan1999    時間: 11-2-21 20:36

係呀~ 個女話考哂中, 英, 數 三個主要科目~ 仲話好多都唔識.  唉~
作者: miss_wong_wong    時間: 11-2-21 22:47

不過,3月中收到信,叫我哋3月尾second in .我同個女開心到彈起.
原帖由 chachamother 於 11-2-21 16:54 發表
阿女星期六去咗 協恩 Interview,佢出來話好難,考哂學科嘅問題: 中、英、數都考哂,阿女話英文勁難,中文考成語反而阿女話ok,數學都可以,佢話考英文時,個老師勁黑面,今次實無機會 second in 啦!佢地一句都無同阿女傾過,我估佢地第 ...

作者: chachamother    時間: 11-2-21 23:06

原帖由 miss_wong_wong 於 11-2-21 22:47 發表
不過,3 ...

作者: qqbaby123    時間: 11-2-22 05:38


另外,原來唔係直資都有2nd interview,

作者: chachamother    時間: 11-2-22 10:44

上次聽簡介會話,2nd In 會喺 三月頭呀!會 In 父母。

原帖由 qqbaby123 於 11-2-22 05:38 發表

另外,原來唔係直資都有2nd interview,


作者: Sherryko9    時間: 11-2-22 10:52


原帖由 chachamother 於 11-2-22 10:44 發表
上次聽簡介會話,2nd In 會喺 三月頭呀!會 In 父母。

作者: LittleKidult    時間: 11-2-22 12:43

嘩! 孤兒咪唔使讀呢間學校? 怕且單親都有d難道............
作者: jessimm    時間: 11-2-22 13:41

原帖由 LittleKidult 於 11-2-22 12:43 發表
嘩! 孤兒咪唔使讀呢間學校? 怕且單親都有d難道............

作者: maggie-baby    時間: 11-2-22 13:43

唔你嫁,我舊年同亞女去2nd In,父母一齊入去,坐在亞女身邊,主要是考亞女,考完最后才問父母一條很簡單問題:為什麼考佢間學校?
作者: kwokyk    時間: 11-2-22 19:36

阿女今年P.5,明年想報協恩,請問 考maths用中文or 英文?
考中文用普通話or 廣東話?
作者: coolkid    時間: 11-2-23 08:37     標題: 回覆 14# kwokyk 的文章

Maths 係用中文
作者: LittleKidult    時間: 11-2-23 10:23

原帖由 maggie-baby 於 11-2-22 13:43 發表
唔你嫁,我舊年同亞女去2nd In,父母一齊入去,坐在亞女身邊,主要是考亞女,考完最后才問父母一條很簡單問題:為什麼考佢間學校?

果然.........揀學校的不是學生本人, 而是父母.....
作者: kwokyk    時間: 11-2-23 23:37


原帖由 coolkid 於 11-2-23 08:37 發表
Maths 係用中文

作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-2-24 17:41


原帖由 kwokyk 於 11-2-23 23:37 發表

作者: appleapple    時間: 11-2-24 22:16

1st interview時, 校長在場嗎?

原帖由 OfficeMgr 於 11-2-24 17:41 發表

作者: coolkid    時間: 11-2-25 10:03     標題: 回覆 19# appleapple 的文章

作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-3-1 14:29

作者: 709394    時間: 11-3-1 15:07

有成16XX人申請表NO. 不知再選多少人2ND INTERVIEW 呢?
作者: 709394    時間: 11-3-1 15:16

Sorry, 按錯制, 走錯隔離台。
不過都想知吓有多少人可以2nd interview?
而且 HY 1st IN. 數學題不是考學校常規數, 全部好似是奧數題, 沒有讀過奧數怎辦???

原帖由 709394 於 11-3-1 15:07 發表
有成16XX人申請表NO. 不知再選多少人2ND INTERVIEW 呢?

作者: miss_wong_wong    時間: 11-3-1 16:34

原帖由 709394 於 11-3-1 15:16 發表
Sorry, 按錯制, 走錯隔離台。
不過都想知吓有多少人可以2nd interview?
而且 HY 1st IN. 數學題不是考學校常規數, 全部好似是奧數題, 沒有讀過奧數怎辦???

作者: coolkid    時間: 11-3-1 19:48

我無去簡介會, 請問用電話定信通知lei......

原帖由 chachamother 於 11-2-22 10:44 發表
上次聽簡介會話,2nd In 會喺 三月頭呀!會 In 父母。

作者: miss_wong_wong    時間: 11-3-1 23:16

原帖由 coolkid 於 11-3-1 19:48 發表
我無去簡介會, 請問用電話定信通知lei......

作者: qqbaby123    時間: 11-3-2 03:44     標題: 回覆 26# miss_wong_wong 的文章

作者: kelly2111999    時間: 11-3-2 09:54

作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-3-2 10:14

Miss Wong Wong,

你收到的是否通知2nd interview?  因為我問過學校問會電話通知到為止....好心急呀!

原帖由 miss_wong_wong 於 11-3-1 23:16 發表

作者: miss_wong_wong    時間: 11-3-2 15:04

我係收到2nd interview通知.信上面有約見日期 / 時間.

原帖由 OfficeMgr 於 11-3-2 10:14 發表
Miss Wong Wong,

你收到的是否通知2nd interview?  因為我問過學校問會電話通知到為止....好心急呀!

[ 本帖最後由 miss_wong_wong 於 11-3-2 20:34 編輯 ]
作者: miss_wong_wong    時間: 11-3-2 15:08


原帖由 qqbaby123 於 11-3-2 03:44 發表

作者: est    時間: 11-3-2 23:54

有冇人知幾時會公佈second in名單及多少人可以有second in?
作者: littlecat    時間: 11-3-3 16:42

我囡囡考完出嚟都話好難, 但我抱住平常心, 有2nd Interview當然好開心, 冇既都冇所謂, 我而家只係寄望另一間自行中學, 希望可以成功被取錄!
作者: miss_wong_wong    時間: 11-3-3 21:41

有2nd Interview嘅小朋友要加油呀!
作者: coolkid    時間: 11-3-3 21:49

可唔可以講多D 2nd in 考D 乜? 問D乜? 學術性定日常性嘅問題?

原帖由 miss_wong_wong 於 11-3-3 21:41 發表
有2nd Interview嘅小朋友要加油呀!

作者: miss_wong_wong    時間: 11-3-3 23:30

作者: miss_wong_wong    時間: 11-3-3 23:44


[ 本帖最後由 miss_wong_wong 於 11-3-3 23:47 編輯 ]
作者: specialapple    時間: 11-3-7 17:09

啱啱收到電話,要我們去2ND 面試.
作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-3-7 17:37


恭喜, 你個囡囡2nd interview 係幾時呀?

原帖由 specialapple 於 11-3-7 17:09 發表
啱啱收到電話,要我們去2ND 面試.

作者: miss_wong_wong    時間: 11-3-7 17:38

恭喜!  恭喜!  

作者: specialapple    時間: 11-3-7 17:50     標題: 回覆 1# miss_wong_wong 的文章

Thank you.  My daughter will be interviewed on this Saturday, 12.3.  She will also attend DGS's 2nd interview this week.
作者: coolkid    時間: 11-3-7 21:54

我無收到....個囡見到呢個post 實好失望 :(
淨係用電話好易miss call, 再者我都唔知ah 囡留左邊個電話....
今日5點幾我都miss 咗個3字頭嘅call, 不過如果係協恩都應該會留message 啦.....唉!

原帖由 specialapple 於 11-3-7 17:50 發表
Thank you.  My daughter will be interviewed on this Saturday, 12.3.  She will also attend DGS's 2nd interview this week.

作者: miss_wong_wong    時間: 11-3-7 22:04



原帖由 specialapple 於 11-3-7 17:50 發表
Thank you.  My daughter will be interviewed on this Saturday, 12.3.  She will also attend DGS's 2nd interview this week.

作者: specialapple    時間: 11-3-8 09:06     標題: 回覆 2# coolkid 的文章

Apart from telephone call, HYS said a letter will be sent later.  Don't worry.  The telephone number is 2711 XXXX.
作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-3-8 10:56


Take it easy.  We haven't got their call yet neither.  

原帖由 coolkid 於 11-3-7 21:54 發表
我無收到....個囡見到呢個post 實好失望 :(
淨係用電話好易miss call, 再者我都唔知ah 囡留左邊個電話....
今日5點幾我都miss 咗個3字頭嘅call, 不過如果係協恩都應該會留message 啦.....唉!


作者: coolkid    時間: 11-3-8 12:01

依家去梗toilet 都攞住個電話..
作者: specialapple    時間: 11-3-8 13:37     標題: 回覆 1# coolkid 的文章

Relax.  My husband also missed the call.  Then they call me.
作者: papa66    時間: 11-3-8 14:08

原帖由 coolkid 於 11-3-8 12:01 發表
依家去梗toilet 都攞住個電話..

They will call until Mar 18, some may need to wait for 2 weeks!
作者: sakura65    時間: 11-3-8 14:24

作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-3-8 15:01

唔好擔心啦(雖然我都係), 擔心黎都無用, 放鬆D~~

原帖由 coolkid 於 11-3-8 12:01 發表
依家去梗toilet 都攞住個電話..

作者: miss_wong_wong    時間: 11-3-8 15:05

作者: meimeimama1    時間: 11-3-8 15:38     標題: 回覆 49# sakura65 的文章

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: coolkid    時間: 11-3-8 15:39

乜唔係3/12 2nd in ?

原帖由 papa66 於 11-3-8 14:08 發表

They will call until Mar 18, some may need to wait for 2 weeks!

作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-3-8 15:44

我估計信分開兩批...1st slot 2nd on 12 Mar; 2nd slot on 19 Mar....be patient

原帖由 coolkid 於 11-3-8 15:39 發表
乜唔係3/12 2nd in ?

作者: miss_wong_wong    時間: 11-3-8 16:03


原帖由 meimeimama1 於 11-3-8 15:38 發表
所以我估面試時d老師都係咁瓜 ...

作者: papa66    時間: 11-3-8 20:16

原帖由 coolkid 於 11-3-8 15:39 發表
乜唔係3/12 2nd in ?

Asked HYS school office directly.
作者: wunma    時間: 11-3-9 09:54

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: specialapple    時間: 11-3-9 11:01     標題: 回覆 1# wunma 的文章

Thanks for your encouragement.  My daughter will attend DGS's interview this afternoon.  So, now, my feeling is so complicated.

Good luck for all girls.
作者: littlecat    時間: 11-3-9 17:23

我囡囡同學昨日已收到2nd interview 信, 但我就未有
作者: meimeimama1    時間: 11-3-9 19:40     標題: 回覆 59# littlecat 的文章

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: miss_wong_wong    時間: 11-3-9 19:45



原帖由 wunma 於 11-3-9 09:54 發表
見到大家這樣辛苦, 忍唔住分享一吓我囡的經驗:

- 1st interview表現自以為唔好, 唔一定冇2nd interview;
- 2nd interview 是用信通知, 再電話double confirm, 學校每天見部分學生, 有時學校有活動冇時間就唔見學生, ...

作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-3-10 10:33



原帖由 wunma 於 11-3-9 09:54 發表
見到大家這樣辛苦, 忍唔住分享一吓我囡的經驗:

- 1st interview表現自以為唔好, 唔一定冇2nd interview;
- 2nd interview 是用信通知, 再電話double confirm, 學校每天見部分學生, 有時學校有活動冇時間就唔見學生, ...

作者: coolkid    時間: 11-3-12 20:24

有冇2nd in 完嘅sister 上嚟講下, 有無暗示收唔收?
作者: specialapple    時間: 11-3-12 23:05     標題: 回覆 1# coolkid 的文章

我話希望再見, 個副校長話我都希望再見, 咁算唔算暗示?  But today, I already recieved an accepted letter from from St Paul Co Ede.
作者: hingmami    時間: 11-3-12 23:38


原帖由 specialapple 於 11-3-12 23:05 發表
我話希望再見, 個副校長話我都希望再見, 咁算唔算暗示?  But today, I already recieved an accepted letter from from St Paul Co Ede.

作者: hingmami    時間: 11-3-12 23:43

原帖由 specialapple 於 11-3-12 23:05 發表
我話希望再見, 個副校長話我都希望再見, 咁算唔算暗示?  But today, I already recieved an accepted letter from from St Paul Co Ede.

作者: specialapple    時間: 11-3-13 17:51

我唔會等到7月, 去等一D 唔 係100%肯定的結果.  所以我會報SPCC.  大抽獎太恐怖了.
作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-3-14 12:13


原帖由 specialapple 於 11-3-13 17:51 發表
我唔會等到7月, 去等一D 唔 係100%肯定的結果.  所以我會報SPCC.  大抽獎太恐怖了.

作者: est    時間: 11-3-14 12:18

Can anyone share about the 2nd interview?
1) How many interviewers are there?
2)Are the questions difficult to answer?
3)Any hints given to interviewees to show that the school will accept them?
Many thanks!
作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-3-14 14:26


You got call for 2nd interview?

原帖由 est 於 11-3-14 12:18 發表
Can anyone share about the 2nd interview?
1) How many interviewers are there?
2)Are the questions difficult to answer?
3)Any hints given to interviewees to show that the school will accept them?
Many  ...

作者: est    時間: 11-3-14 15:08

Not yet at this moment.  Still waiting.
作者: specialapple    時間: 11-3-14 16:35     標題: 回覆 3# est 的文章

(1)  two interviewers, one is vice headmistress and one is a teacher (I don't know his rank).
(2) questions incluidng HK and world news, some policitial questions (ask you to give some opinions over the matter) and your daily life.
(3)  At the end of the interivew, I said goodbye and hope to see you later and the vice headmister also said hope to see you later.  I don't think she gave any hit.

Anyway, good luck to all of you.
作者: coolkid    時間: 11-3-14 18:24

Wow....world news and political questions....quite hard to an age 11 girls....
If ask parents....i will go to die....

原帖由 specialapple 於 11-3-14 16:35 發表
(1)  two interviewers, one is vice headmistress and one is a teacher (I don't know his rank).
(2) questions incluidng HK and world news, some policitial questions (ask you to give some opinions over t ...

作者: papa66    時間: 11-3-14 23:46

Anyone got call or letter for 2nd Interview?

原帖由 est 於 11-3-14 15:08 發表
Not yet at this moment.  Still waiting.

作者: coolkid    時間: 11-3-15 08:04

其實係咪真的有第二批2nd in 嫁呢?

原帖由 papa66 於 11-3-14 23:46 發表
Anyone got call or letter for 2nd Interview?

作者: papa66    時間: 11-3-15 16:28

This kind of waiting is killing me.

I called the school office again.  They still say they are calling by small batches until Mar 18.  No more information was given even I tried to ask more.

HYS is the dream school of my daughter, she should be doing good in the 1st interview and she was first in her form in the existing primary school; she got interschool music and speech competition prizes, very active in helping the community and schools; speak very fluent english and putonghua; and she got dozens of merits and awards and got very good reference letters from her headmaster and others....and yet she did not have a chance for 2nd interview yet (I hope it is "yet").

May be HYS has a list of preferred schools and my daughter's primary school is not among them.  Her school did not have students joined HYS for the past few years.

My daughter will be very disappointed as we already turned down another DSS school offer in favor of HYS.  It is nearly driving me mad......

原帖由 coolkid 於 11-3-15 08:04 發表
其實係咪真的有第二批2nd in 嫁呢?

作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-3-15 16:35


This is HYS style of selection!  Hope you will be receving their call soon.

原帖由 papa66 於 11-3-15 16:28 發表
This kind of waiting is killing me.

I called the school office again.  They still say they are calling by small batches until Mar 18.  No more information was given even I tried to ask more.

HYS is  ...

作者: wunma    時間: 11-3-15 17:24

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: papa66    時間: 11-3-15 20:52

She ranked #1 consecutively.   And alphabetical order should not be the reason.

My wife reminds me that during the briefing session, they already allocated students from the famous primary schools to sit at the front part of the hall.  Students like my daughter who does not belong to those APS/KTS etc are allocated to sit at the far back.  And this reinforced my guess that HYS does have preferred list of schools.   If this is the case, there will never be a fair chance to those good students studying in "other" schools".

Anyway, if it is what HYS does, I can only regret myself by overlooking this fact.  I should had discouraged my daughter at the very beginning.

May be I am thinking too much, my daughter has a much higher EQ than me and she view things positive.  Anyhow, she is a band1 student and she should grep a band1 school even in the lucky draw.

原帖由 wunma 於 11-3-15 17:24 發表

你囡囡校內名次如何呢? 我知有些同學是很遲才見的, 總覺得你囡囡是有機會見的, 不要太失望. 敢問你的性名英文字母會否很後, 所以根alpha排先後見呢? (不肯定) ...

作者: CactusVC    時間: 11-3-15 22:57

Hi specialapple,

Could your daughter answer all questions on news, especially political portion?

I think most of the 11-age children cannot answer well and give opinion in English.  Please share.

Million tons of thanks!:D

原帖由 specialapple 於 11-3-14 16:35 發表
(1)  two interviewers, one is vice headmistress and one is a teacher (I don't know his rank).
(2) questions incluidng HK and world news, some policitial questions (ask you to give some opinions over t ...

作者: specialapple    時間: 11-3-16 09:31     標題: 回覆 1# CactusVC 的文章

Yes, she watched Pearl news through internet everyday which had a full transcript.  So she knew the news about Egypt and compared the democracy among Egypt, HK and China.
作者: wunma    時間: 11-3-16 10:31

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作者: coolkid    時間: 11-3-16 13:37

妳呢個info(須然唔肯定) 令我地嘅希望又再燃起... our surname starts with 'Y'

原帖由 wunma 於 11-3-15 17:24 發表

你囡囡校內名次如何呢? 我知有些同學是很遲才見的, 總覺得你囡囡是有機會見的, 不要太失望. 敢問你的性名英文字母會否很後, 所以根alpha排先後見呢? (不肯定) ...

作者: coolkid    時間: 11-3-16 13:41

妳呢個info 更令ah 囡嘅期望大大提升, 因全校得2個小朋友報喳..

原帖由 wunma 於 11-3-16 10:31 發表


你知道學校面試的程序嗎? 我的理解, 是把所有報讀的學生(來自全港不同學校約數百人), 按教統局提供的總成績(包括五, 六年級的呈分試成績)排名, 得出名單後安排面 ...

作者: littlecat    時間: 11-3-16 15:03

我到今日仲未收到2nd interview letter, 我諗都係唔得多
作者: CactusVC    時間: 11-3-16 20:13

Your daughter is really very smart.  I understand why she can be accepted by SPCC.  Congratulation!

My daughter doesn't read any news.  She can't answer even in Chinese.  She should fail in the interview.

原帖由 specialapple 於 11-3-16 09:31 發表
Yes, she watched Pearl news through internet everyday which had a full transcript.  So she knew the news about Egypt and compared the democracy among Egypt, HK and China.

作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-3-17 10:49

HYS will call for 2nd interview till tomorrow.  In this case, my daugther most likely failed :(
作者: coolkid    時間: 11-3-17 11:51

啱啱收到電話, 不過未confirm 時間......
我頭先見到個來電係2711 字頭, 開梗會都唔理, 即刻pick 個call....


原帖由 OfficeMgr 於 11-3-17 10:49 發表
HYS will call for 2nd interview till tomorrow.  In this case, my daugther most likely failed :(

作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-3-17 11:56


原帖由 coolkid 於 11-3-17 11:51 發表
啱啱收到電話, 不過未confirm 時間......
我頭先見到個來電係2711 字頭, 開梗會都唔理, 即刻pick 個call....


作者: wunma    時間: 11-3-17 12:00

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: kinheimom    時間: 11-3-17 12:26

點解咁少人發表有得2nd in? 我老公呀哥個女都好叻,都係考呢間, 仲未聽到佢收到通知?  真係咁難,定係自己小學個d女5駛2nd in?
作者: papa66    時間: 11-3-17 12:56


We also got called for 2nd interview.  A great relief to me.  

I see DGS and SPCC are accepting students.  I should had also enrolled these 2 schools for my daughter, but we did not do so because she likes HYS more.  

Sour grapes feeling to me when I read the DGS and SPCC entries.

My daughter reads Standards everyday and she always have her point of views on things happened lately.  Now she has a chance for 2nd interview and I think (hope) she can do well.   Hope our daughters can be schoolmates in Aug (HYS starts school year at mid Aug this year).

原帖由 coolkid 於 11-3-17 11:51 發表
啱啱收到電話, 不過未confirm 時間......
我頭先見到個來電係2711 字頭, 開梗會都唔理, 即刻pick 個call....


作者: wunma    時間: 11-3-17 13:12

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: hahe    時間: 11-3-17 14:11

協小是不用2ND IN的. 成績是BAND1或 BAND2 頭基本上是直升的。
作者: KK    時間: 11-3-17 14:15

原帖由 hahe 於 11-3-17 14:11 發表
協小是不用2ND IN的. 成績是BAND1或 BAND2 頭基本上是直升的。

作者: hahe    時間: 11-3-17 14:20

嚟緊呢年都一樣。都是要填政府張選校FORM, 都是7月先知RESULT.不過成績好就一定無問題,會直升的。
作者: OfficeMgr    時間: 11-3-17 15:09

It's 3pm now, didn't receive any calls yet!  So sad :(

原帖由 papa66 於 11-3-17 12:56 發表

We also got called for 2nd interview.  A great relief to me.  

I see DGS and SPCC are accepting students.  I should had also enrolled these 2 schools for my daughter, but we did not ...

作者: kinheimom    時間: 11-3-17 15:49

咁你地知5知究竟協恩仲有幾多個位比非協恩小學既girls? 同埋按照以前收生practice,佢地係咪都係prefer一些九龍塘或者較有名氣既英小, 例如宣道/聖方濟各?
作者: KK    時間: 11-3-17 16:00

原帖由 hahe 於 11-3-17 14:20 發表
嚟緊呢年都一樣。都是要填政府張選校FORM, 都是7月先知RESULT.不過成績好就一定無問題,會直升的。

作者: kinheimom    時間: 11-3-17 16:05

我諗轉左直資後,係會由協恩自已100%決定收5收,5係再3成自行/7成派位 ~ 情況應該好似英華男校個d 咁, 自己操大權 ~ 英華好似係收番大約一半自已學生,另外個d 會勸退, 再自己收d勁人

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