
標題: Good Hope letter [打印本頁]

作者: LuLuciaMa    時間: 10-12-21 12:25     標題: Good Hope letter

Everyone receive the letter from good hope?
作者: charlotte2008    時間: 10-12-21 12:34

Yesterday, the staff advised they had not sent out any letter yet. Therefore, we may have to wait few more days ... .... or probably by tomorrow the earliest if they  really despatch the letter today.
作者: LuLuciaMa    時間: 10-12-21 12:37

need to wait again!!!
作者: eva007    時間: 10-12-22 14:22

anyone receive the letter?
作者: waiwai_kwan    時間: 10-12-23 14:19     標題: Good Hope Letter

Just called Good Hope and the receptionist confirm all K1 result sent out yesterday.........check check your mailbox today.  Good Luck to all!!!!!!!!!!!
作者: Cutemom0808    時間: 10-12-23 14:42

原帖由 waiwai_kwan 於 10-12-23 14:19 發表
Just called Good Hope and the receptionist confirm all K1 result sent out yesterday.........check check your mailbox today.  Good Luck to all!!!!!!!!!!!

作者: BallBall417    時間: 10-12-23 14:51

作者: littlecook    時間: 10-12-23 15:00     標題: 回復 1# BallBall417 的帖子

作者: cookiegg    時間: 10-12-23 15:06

作者: charlotte2008    時間: 10-12-23 16:22

Ha... all result letters had been sent out yesterday ??? !!
I've just checked the mailbox.... still with no letter yet..... so worried !!!
作者: B.B.BaBa    時間: 10-12-23 16:35

作者: dudulun    時間: 10-12-23 17:47

作者: tongtong2007    時間: 10-12-23 17:51

作者: siden    時間: 10-12-23 17:59

作者: helina    時間: 10-12-23 18:48

not yet
作者: may12    時間: 10-12-23 19:02

我昨日下午5點幾打去,個staff 話全部未寄,但會係31/12/10or before 收到,得150個位
作者: mlca1314    時間: 10-12-23 20:41

作者: eva007    時間: 10-12-24 11:24

anyone receive the letter?
作者: Agenda    時間: 10-12-24 11:42

Not yet
作者: audreymok    時間: 10-12-24 11:44

好心急, 得唔得都想有個"知字
作者: Joeff    時間: 10-12-24 11:52

收到啦,waiting list。
作者: audreymok    時間: 10-12-24 11:57

Will you choose GH if it accepts you?  I know you have SC offer.

原帖由 Joeff 於 10-12-24 11:52 發表
收到啦,waiting list。

作者: Tazman    時間: 10-12-24 12:08



原帖由 Joeff 於 10-12-24 11:52 發表
收到啦,waiting list。

作者: bearcat2003    時間: 10-12-24 12:12

作者: Tazman    時間: 10-12-24 12:13

舊年第一年辨學, 聽 d 媽咪講 compeitition 都唔算太大, 有 d 有 offer end up 都唔去讀, 寧願去番九龍塘個幾間名幼稚園.  不過今年好似好大咁...點算呀~
作者: Tazman    時間: 10-12-24 12:15

你個老師唔問小朋友問題呀?  我個group 個老師遂個問呀...不過我就覺得後面個老師 (一個) 聽/睇/寫唔切囉, 可能邊個打邊個都唔知, 咁多小朋友一齊 in ~

原帖由 bearcat2003 於 10-12-24 12:12 發表

作者: Tazman    時間: 10-12-24 12:18

想問下, 封信係中文定英文架 ?  因為想叫工人姐姐同我睇, 不過如果係中文就唔駛了~

[ 本帖最後由 Tazman 於 10-12-24 12:21 編輯 ]
作者: soscho    時間: 10-12-24 12:20

你地都好丫, waitlist, 亞女係reject ar, 其實佢前一晚嘔, 漏夜仲去左睇急症, 訓得3個中又要in, 佢係咁的情況有咁既表現已經好好, 但直頭唔收, 真係有d失望, 佢個日係有d扭計, 食住葯黎你仲想佢點
作者: 澄澄天下    時間: 10-12-24 12:21

原帖由 bearcat2003 於 10-12-24 12:12 發表

作者: bearcat2003    時間: 10-12-24 12:22

作者: Tazman    時間: 10-12-24 12:23

thanks ~

原帖由 bearcat2003 於 10-12-24 12:22 發表

作者: charlotte2008    時間: 10-12-24 12:26

Anyone got an offer ?
The postman will be arriving at afternoon..... I am so nervous.
作者: audreymok    時間: 10-12-24 12:32

just got the letter, waiting
作者: Joeff    時間: 10-12-24 12:53

作者: bearcat2003    時間: 10-12-24 12:55


原帖由 Joeff 於 10-12-24 12:53 發表

作者: sharon26788    時間: 10-12-24 13:14

作者: rc_ac    時間: 10-12-24 13:50

I also got the letter. Waiting list.
作者: yywing    時間: 10-12-24 13:51

also waiting
作者: evacalbee    時間: 10-12-24 13:54

咁係咪情願今日收唔到好d呢? :)
作者: 008mama    時間: 10-12-24 13:55

我都收到信,係 rejected !!!
其實一開始就係一個唔公平o既 game, interview 的時間,阿囡表現良好,但老師根本就無睇過佢一眼, 所以自己都知可能會係內定,根本就唔係睇小朋友表現 !!!
(我并不是因為唔收而講學校壞話,但老師 interview 的表現,真係.......連戲都廢是同你做咁 :evil: )
我唔開心o既係連 waiting 都無 ! 完全唔係睇小朋友o既表現, 唉...........
(本身小囡真的不是太差,已有 sc offer):(
作者: 澄澄天下    時間: 10-12-24 14:10

又係reject, good hope = no hope
作者: qyeternity    時間: 10-12-24 14:18

My daugher is 0803, got AM offer

Remarks: The offer letter is simply a piece of paper.
作者: chu__chu    時間: 10-12-24 14:22

Received a single piece of paper accepting my gal to pm class too. Mine is 0811 samll gal.

What a merry Christmas for us! Thanks God!
作者: michelle_0623    時間: 10-12-24 14:23

My daugher is 0811, got PM offer

The offer letter is simply a piece of paper, 拆個時好冇心機..以為又waiting...BUT...thanks GOD!!
作者: gracekam912    時間: 10-12-24 14:24

原帖由 qyeternity 於 10-12-24 14:18 發表
My daugher is 0803, got AM offer

Remarks: The offer letter is simply a piece of paper.


作者: qyeternity    時間: 10-12-24 14:27

原帖由 gracekam912 於 10-12-24 14:24 發表



Thanks! still struggling, but probably we will not take the offer, anyway, good luck to you all too!

Hope that your gal could get AM offer too, gracekam912!
作者: charlotte2008    時間: 10-12-24 14:32

終於有人收到offer , 有番D希望和生氣 , 恭喜哂有offer的家長&小朋友 , 很替你們高興 .
我還在等待郵差叔叔 , 快D嚟啦 , 超級緊張和期待 , 得唔得都好 , 我也想快些知道 , 了咗件心事 , 唔駛成日諗住.....唉 !!
作者: charlotte2008    時間: 10-12-24 14:34

May I ask if you have got another better offer ? What is your most 心儀 target kinder ? Offered yet ?

原帖由 qyeternity 於 10-12-24 14:27 發表

Thanks! still struggling, but probably we will not take the offer, anyway, good luck to you all too!

Hope that your gal could get AM offer too, gracekam912!

作者: ng254    時間: 10-12-24 14:35     標題: 回復 46# qyeternity 的帖子

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: prudencecho    時間: 10-12-24 14:36

有offer既囡囡一定好叻...我個囡個日十分之唔起眼..好靜(想起眼都無用..個老師淨係顧住個d好aggressive既小朋友..無咩理我個囡 )..我個女0812細囡...我估都係reject多
作者: mlca1314    時間: 10-12-24 14:40

作者: soscho    時間: 10-12-24 14:44

有waiting 的mama 唔好唔開心喇, 亞女連waiting 的機會都冇咪仲慘, 佢係0811
作者: babycoming    時間: 10-12-24 14:57

恭喜晒各位師妹,我女而加讀緊k1,welcome gh大家庭
作者: smallmom08    時間: 10-12-24 15:03

May I know the background of the student who got the offer?  Are you Catholic or are you professional?
作者: neb    時間: 10-12-24 15:04

rejected  十分肯定這不會是一個很美好的聖誕。現在唯有把希望放在後面的spc 和 schk啦。如果都不成功就無奈地要讀番sc.
作者: charlotte2008    時間: 10-12-24 15:10

我仲慘 , 仲要等多幾日聖誕假期 , 郵差已派咗信 , 但冇Good Hope 嘅信, 仲要折磨多幾日 , 過一个鬱悶的長假 , 唉 !!!
作者: Tazman    時間: 10-12-24 15:11

唔好唔開心啦, 你小朋友有SC OFFER 已經好好啦...

原帖由 neb 於 10-12-24 15:04 發表
rejected  十分肯定這不會是一個很美好的聖誕。現在唯有把希望放在後面的spc 和 schk啦。如果都不成功就無奈地要讀番sc.

作者: qyeternity    時間: 10-12-24 15:15

原帖由 charlotte2008 於 10-12-24 14:34 發表
May I ask if you have got another better offer ? What is your most 心儀 target kinder ? Offered yet ?

Frankly & heartfelt thankful by heart, Good Hope is the 7th offer that my daughter have.

My husband and I target for one-dragon girl school for our daughter, undoubtedly, good hope is a famous and good school, the kindergarten is new so we don't have any comments on it, but for the primary and secondary section, Good Hope is not only famous for its academic results, but also on its physical and musical performance.
作者: 008mama    時間: 10-12-24 15:17

原帖由 neb 於 10-12-24 15:04 發表
rejected  十分肯定這不會是一個很美好的聖誕。現在唯有把希望放在後面的spc 和 schk啦。如果都不成功就無奈地要讀番sc.

其實 sc 都唔差呀, 好過好多一條龍d 幼稚園,不過就煩在無 backup, 到時要考小學就會好煩 !!!
坦白講 gh 都咁難, spk & schk 更難.......
作者: evacalbee    時間: 10-12-24 15:18     標題: 回復 55# neb 的帖子

作者: qyeternity    時間: 10-12-24 15:23

原帖由 ng254 於 10-12-24 14:35 發表
Thanks for reminding the accept letter is one piece only.

What is your choice then?  Kln Tong kinders? One dragon kinder?

We particularly like the kindergarten campus as it is new and really makes us feel warm with religious decorations.

However, in view of long run for the future of my daughter, we take consideration of school fee in primary and secondardy section, we opine that it is too expensive for this one dragon school.... (from my memory, $37,000 for primary and over $40,000 to $50,000 for secondary studies)

Both of my husband and I are professional and we earn more than 100k per month, but we opine that if our daughter can have choices, we will take offer for kindergartens with vochour redemption first. (Deduction of $1,600 for the academic year of 2011-2012)
作者: Tazman    時間: 10-12-24 15:25

有 OFFER 既媽媽, 可唔可以講下幾時註冊 & 交留位費?  因為想知幾時可能有位放番出黎...THANKS
作者: Tazman    時間: 10-12-24 15:26

You will choose St. Clare's then?  Probably you would want to wait for SPK & SHCK results.

原帖由 qyeternity 於 10-12-24 15:23 發表

We particularly like the kindergarten campus as it is new and really makes us feel warm with religious decorations.

However, in view of long run for the future of my daughter, we take consideration ...

[ 本帖最後由 Tazman 於 10-12-24 15:28 編輯 ]
作者: qyeternity    時間: 10-12-24 15:30     標題: 回復 63# Tazman 的帖子

Yes, among the offers we have, I like St.Clare's more while my husband likes KV or SC. TL is still under consideration as my gal got pm offer only.

[ 本帖最後由 qyeternity 於 10-12-24 15:31 編輯 ]
作者: Tazman    時間: 10-12-24 15:33

My girl got St Clare's offer too, but the long commute from Kowloon side to the school is my biggest concern.  So I am quite keen on GH ~

原帖由 qyeternity 於 10-12-24 15:30 發表
Yes, among the offers we have, I like St.Clare's more while my husband like KV or SC. TL is still under consideration.

[ 本帖最後由 Tazman 於 10-12-24 15:49 編輯 ]
作者: yklovem    時間: 10-12-24 15:33

收到啦,又係waiting! 呀女interview表現已經算唔錯,有答老師問題兼講"good morning" "thank you" & 拍櫈等,都係得waiting....

作者: qyeternity    時間: 10-12-24 15:34

原帖由 Tazman 於 10-12-24 15:25 發表
有 OFFER 既媽媽, 可唔可以講下幾時註冊 & 交留位費?  因為想知幾時可能有位放番出黎...THANKS

Registration date: 7th January2010 and the fee is $660,
作者: nancytnf    時間: 10-12-24 15:34

Hi qyeternity!
My daughter got offer from St Clare's too.  However, I'm still struggling between St Clare's or True Light.  Due to Catholic backgroud, I like St Clare's more, also English standard of students are quite good.  In terms of campus environment and academic consideration, it seems True Light is better.  Really don't know how to choose.
Can you share with me why you like St. Clare's?  Thanks.

原帖由 qyeternity 於 10-12-24 15:30 發表
Yes, among the offers we have, I like St.Clare's more while my husband likes KV or SC. TL is still under consideration as my gal got pm offer only.

作者: Tazman    時間: 10-12-24 15:34

Thanks for the information ~

原帖由 qyeternity 於 10-12-24 15:34 發表

Registration date: 7th January2010 and the fee is $660,

作者: qyeternity    時間: 10-12-24 15:38

原帖由 Tazman 於 10-12-24 15:33 發表
My girl got St Clare's offer too, but the long commute from Kowloon side to the school is my biggest concern.  So I am quite knee on GH ~

We live in Kowloon too. I may send my daughter to North Point and take school bus therein. As my elder son is in Primary 5, we may move to HK Island in the coming future for easy assessibility.
作者: wiman    時間: 10-12-24 15:43

有無人知今年有幾多人in 德望呀?有無4000-5000人呢?
作者: Tazman    時間: 10-12-24 15:49

more than 1500 applications...150 in-take

原帖由 wiman 於 10-12-24 15:43 發表
有無人知今年有幾多人in 德望呀?有無4000-5000人呢?

作者: qyeternity    時間: 10-12-24 15:58

It depends on what do you think about the campus, frankly, one of my friend's daugther goes to other primary school instead of St.Clare's due to lack of facilities therein, but she told me that St.Clare's is good indeed. The princiapl speaks in English all the time no matter during assemblies or in the campus.

If you are Catholic, I think it is better to choose St.Clare's because your gal will definitely get confused towards the religion when she grows up.

In any event, both TL and St.Clare's are good one dragon kindergartens with comparatively cheap school fee, it's true that St.Clare's may focus more on English and even French in its primary section, but some BK parents said TL's English is 1 year difficult than others too.

Really not easy to make decision.... how about your daugther, I think she likes TL more becuase of the slides there, hahhahah!

原帖由 nancytnf 於 10-12-24 15:34 發表
Hi qyeternity!
My daughter got offer from St Clare's too.  However, I'm still struggling between St Clare's or True Light.  Due to Catholic backgroud, I like St Clare's more, also English standard of  ...

[ 本帖最後由 qyeternity 於 10-12-24 16:10 編輯 ]
作者: wiman    時間: 10-12-24 16:02

我想請教下: 真光,德望同民生, 那間較好?(除有無學卷)
作者: nancytnf    時間: 10-12-24 16:04     標題: 回復 73# qyeternity 的帖子

agree for all you said.  she likes TL's slides and smal house very much.  For St Clare, she got motion sickness when we took taxi in the early morning so she may not feel good with her.
good luck for the next!!
作者: prudencecho    時間: 10-12-24 16:15

作者: wiman    時間: 10-12-24 16:18

作者: natnatkk    時間: 10-12-24 16:22

我女女都是 waiting,有d失望!
當日佢表現好好,很明顯是7個小朋友當中,最好的一個,而且 Daddy 話份卷填得好好 ... 點知 ...
可能是今年競爭太激烈 + 冇運!
作者: Grace1010    時間: 10-12-24 16:27

作者: qyeternity    時間: 10-12-24 16:39

Yeah, my daughter had the interview in early morning at St. Clare's and she told me that she doesn't like the school...

Anyway, both my husband and I like girl schools more, you know, the society is changing and the moral standard is getting lower.... better to send our gal to girl school at St.Clare's.

TL is co-ed in kindergarten and primary, right? One more thing, the school fee for primary is $30,600 for St.Clare's and $28,900 for TL.

原帖由 nancytnf 於 10-12-24 16:04 發表
agree for all you said.  she likes TL's slides and smal house very much.  For St Clare, she got motion sickness when we took taxi in the early morning so she may not feel good with her.
good luck for  ...

作者: mlca1314    時間: 10-12-24 16:44

作者: prudencecho    時間: 10-12-24 16:47

作者: seagleone    時間: 10-12-24 16:52

.........rejected...........................poor me..........................
作者: 008mama    時間: 10-12-24 16:56

咁多人 waiting or rejected, 真係好想知佢地用乜準則去選學生 ??
作者: Tazman    時間: 10-12-24 16:56

唔知 GH 出多唔多 waiting list 呢?  如果好似 SC 咁多, 都唔好指意佢有位囉~
作者: PoorParent    時間: 10-12-24 16:58

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: Tazman    時間: 10-12-24 17:07

其實如果留心留意下, good hope 有 offer 既小朋友亦有唔少其他 kinder offer 係手, 呢 d 小朋友真係好叻.  所以 good hope 個 interview 睇落兒戲, 其實應該有佢選小朋友既方法...good job to those little girls who got offers  ~

[ 本帖最後由 Tazman 於 10-12-24 17:11 編輯 ]
作者: charlotte2008    時間: 10-12-24 17:14

請問有offer嘅係咪都係大女呀 ? 係9/2008之前定之後呢 ?
作者: 008mama    時間: 10-12-24 17:16

原帖由 Tazman 於 10-12-24 17:07 發表
其實如果留心留意下, good hope 有 offer 既小朋友亦有唔少其他 kinder offer 係手, 呢 d 小朋友真係好叻.  所以 hope hope 個 interview 睇落兒戲, 其實應該有佢選小朋友既方法...good job to those little girls w ...

佢地根本無問問題,同埋無 mark 分, 佢地又怎樣知道小朋友叻唔叻呢 ?
in 咁多間,我覺得最公平都係 SC & KV, 佢地問好多問題,好似認真d 囉
作者: qyeternity    時間: 10-12-24 17:17

In term of monetary consideration, I will choose TL because of its comparatively cheap school fee and so-far-so-good academic performance. If without the worries on financial issue, then I will definitely take GH offer as it is strong in academic, musical and physical performance --- girl school too!

Admittedly location is better for GH to those of us who live in Kowloon, but when both of my husbnad and I wonder we need to pay $90,000 for kindergarten, $222,000 for primary and at least $250,000 (more expensive for senior forms) for secondary studies, we can only say that we surrender..... just bear in mind apart from school fee, still a lot of extra-curricular activities, like playing the piano, ballet....

原帖由 PoorParent 於 10-12-24 16:58 發表
My girls situation is silmilar as yours: offers from SC, LH, St. Thomas, True Light (Caine)whole day, Good Hope pm.
We are choosing between GH vs TL (live in kowloon)
We are concerning the academic st ...

作者: LL222    時間: 10-12-24 17:23     標題: 回覆 50# prudencecho 的文章

作者: qyeternity    時間: 10-12-24 17:24

DGS.... no la, the reason that we wanna choose one dragon school just because we think that the competition is too keen these few years, really not easy to get a place. I would rather let my daugther grow up in the same one-dragon school rather than taking part in keen competition again three years later... be frank, really getting tired.
作者: Smile08    時間: 10-12-24 17:27

Also rejected.
作者: PoorParent    時間: 10-12-24 17:27     標題: 回復 87# Tazman 的帖子

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: LL222    時間: 10-12-24 17:35

Reject 同waiting是否不只一張紙?
作者: pumpumpurin    時間: 10-12-24 17:51

收到信喇...我個女係0801 大女...
作者: choiman    時間: 10-12-24 18:46

0812, waiting list.
作者: babyck    時間: 10-12-24 18:55

0812, waiting also...............
作者: siden    時間: 10-12-24 19:42

作者: stinkyrabbit111    時間: 10-12-24 21:51

0712 girl and received am offer,

we actually applied last year and got rejected, I wrote them a few letters, so for 細b don't give up hope!! 出年做大b, 機會好d(but not 100% guarantee of course!!)..

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