
標題: 樂基 - 請統計大家是申請 國際班 or 中英班? [打印本頁]

作者: baby_suen    時間: 10-12-4 21:01     標題: 樂基 - 請統計大家是申請 國際班 or 中英班?

唔知有冇之前的家長申請左 國際班收左中英班 或
作者: belle2009    時間: 10-12-4 21:03

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作者: ling121933    時間: 10-12-5 01:25

不過將來如果中英班收咗要轉去INTERNATIONAL CLASS就要再考過
作者: joeytwm    時間: 10-12-8 09:35

阿仔是申請國際班interview 見net teacher!!! 不過而家有點擔心阿仔能否應付。
作者: joeytwm    時間: 10-12-8 09:36

阿仔是申請國際班interview 見net teacher!!! 不過而家有點擔心阿仔能否應付。
作者: belle2009    時間: 10-12-8 09:59

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作者: Angine    時間: 10-12-8 22:31

We applied Int'l Class (Kln Tong). Interview by PUT teacher on Dec 3. She is very nice. She asked my son in both English and Mandarin but parents in Mandarin. My son could answer her Mandarin questions and follow the Mandarin instructions.
作者: winifred102    時間: 10-12-8 23:46

You were lucky.  The interviewer that we had was also PTH teacher.  She only spoke in PTH with me and Owen.  She asked Owen all questions in PTH.  Luckily Owen could understand and answered her questions, except he could not speak his chinese name in Mandarin but in English.
作者: joeytwm    時間: 10-12-9 09:33

因為我無教佢PTH, 國際班係完全唔講廣東話,我怕阿仔聽唔明,老師又唔知佢做乜。
作者: joeywongmy    時間: 10-12-9 10:40

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作者: angelonki    時間: 10-12-9 11:01

其實中英文班有幾多時間是 English net teacher 教 ?
作者: qqbabe    時間: 10-12-9 13:48

原帖由 angelonki 於 10-12-9 11:01 發表
其實中英文班有幾多時間是 English net teacher 教 ?

net係班主任, 加一位粵語班主任, 兩位每日對住19個小朋友3個鐘, 另每日約半個鐘普通話老師.
作者: Cytine    時間: 10-12-9 18:32

I applied international class and interviewed with PTH teacher. she spoke PTH to my son but he only know English, so I translated it to English and he could do all instructions from teacher. The teacher also spoke to me in PTH for the whole interview.
作者: Angine    時間: 10-12-9 23:06     標題: 回復 6# winifred102 的帖子

Hi Winifred,

Yes I think we were quite lucky on the day of interview. The whole process was smooth and importantly Coen was in very good mood that day. Once he got in the interview room he greeted the NET and also the PTH teacher at the first two tables, and we were supposed to be at the PTH teacher table. Then the NET at the table besides ours started talking to Coen...the PTH teacher even asked if the NET would like to do our interview:p The PTH teacher firstly asked Coen all qs in Mandarin. Then asked parents. Then asked Coen some more questions in English. We interviewed for more than 20 mins.

Wow more than 3000 applications for 100 places....soooo difficult. Anyway, I think Coen did well, and let's hope for the best!
作者: 傻太    時間: 10-12-10 10:30     標題: 回復 14# Angine 的帖子

聽你咁講都好d...光頭仔果日又係被個net問左好耐, 好多野, 問到我都有d唔耐煩...

最驚佢當左光頭仔係k黎in, 因為問佢大/小, 1234, 顏色(問綠色, 光頭仔唔識); 但番黎見人地問/做d野都好簡單...

不過頻撲左個幾月, 咩都唔諗喇, 好好休息下...

PS 果3000個係包括埋k既申請...
作者: belle2009    時間: 10-12-10 10:39     標題: 回復 2# Angine 的帖子

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作者: snow228    時間: 10-12-10 10:57

考得越耐越難先越有機, 表示老師對你個b 有信心可以考難d 題目
作者: ling121933    時間: 10-12-10 14:18

作者: Angine    時間: 10-12-10 22:23     標題: 回復 4# 傻太 的帖子

Coen interviewed HKPS Kln Tong, 傻太 your son too?
When I read bk these few days seems the questions other parents mentioned were different from ours...and I found out actually the teacher asked Coen K1 questions as well...
During the interview I was quite surprise at that moment coz colours and shapes and counting were never asked in Coen's previous interviews...
Luckily, Coen knows many colours and shapes already.
Yes I know 3000 for all applicants including K1, but majority should be PN I guess.
作者: Angine    時間: 10-12-10 22:29     標題: 回復 4# belle2009 的帖子

Hi belle2009,

We did not buy the World Family, but I do have some demo dvds and Coen likes them too. He learned PTH from playgroup. He joined some languages playgroup since 14/15 months.
作者: ling121933    時間: 10-12-10 23:10

if some teachers ask the shapes and colours and some not ask, this will be not fair to the children. Actually, my son know the colour, shapes, counting from 1 to 10 also. Why not asking the same?
作者: 傻太    時間: 10-12-11 09:51     標題: 回復 19# Angine 的帖子

係呀, 九龍塘...

因為光頭仔個(st cat已經收左既)表姐第二日去見完k番黎, 對番d題目, 的確係有部份既k題目...

我見時係有奇怪, 因為個個都話hkps既interview好簡單, 但我以為佢被人話得多, 今年改番深d...

但番到黎, 睇左幾日, 個個都淨係眼耳口鼻+認卡, 因為光頭仔認唔到綠色, 我驚佢當k黎先我咪c得好唔抵??!! (因為本身我地唔係果個英文字母老c見的)  

不過都有諗係個net果日得閒得滯 , 因為成間房好似得5個小朋友interviewing...我果日唔洗係門口曬半粒鐘已經好thankful... (係門口企左5分鐘就入去)

不過過左去就算, 我都預左光頭仔唔得, 因為佢都唔係識哂 , e+都認真諗諗交左留位費既, 仲要同老公意見不合.... ...有空俾d意見 , 我住官塘, 細b下年6月頭出世, 在職媽媽, 家有工人, 住婆婆隔離座...

1. 九龍塘啟思(am)
2. 九龍塘think (pm)
3. 藍田迦南 (am)

[ 本帖最後由 傻太 於 10-12-11 10:07 編輯 ]
作者: snow228    時間: 10-12-11 21:58

how about 九龍靈糧堂 (full day), so you can spare more time to take care new born baby.
作者: Angine    時間: 10-12-11 23:40     標題: 回復 2# 傻太 的帖子

wow congrats 傻太 your second one is joining you!

If among the 3 KGs you stated I would pick Think. But that is pm...may be you can write and request for am if you really like it. I don't have an opinion on Cannan as I myself did not apply at all. For Creative, I think the language exposure may be worse off than Think. That's why I would pick Think among the 3.
作者: 傻太    時間: 10-12-13 11:35     標題: 回復 23# snow228 的帖子


其實8月時表都填埋, 相都痴埋, 但學校話11月先公佈申請詳情, 之後就miss左..
作者: 傻太    時間: 10-12-13 11:39     標題: 回復 24# Angine 的帖子

thanks for u blessing ar...

if think offers am class, we wont need to be so struggled lar...

already written the request letter for changing am class but they replied LOW chance on the registration day and replied NO chance during the tele-conversation afterwards...
作者: snow228    時間: 10-12-13 11:55

無論讀那一間, 你出年k1 都會出去考過sc, kv, hkps, km? 甘你不如選creative 啦, 反正讀那間都唔係你杯茶, 我都係因為呢個原因, 連think 既am class 我都唔交留位費, 如果最後咩offer 都無, 甘個天要注定亞b 讀creative , 近mtr, 俾佢讀一年開開心心都幾好呀

我都諗緊好唔好放棄好過佢既學校(假設未來HKPS, LH, St C, KV, KM, SKC是旦一間肯收亞b), 目的係為左將來多d 時間照顧細b (假設我未來打算生多個, 又可能唔生 )

[ 本帖最後由 snow228 於 10-12-13 12:17 編輯 ]
作者: 傻太    時間: 10-12-13 12:20     標題: 回復 27# snow228 的帖子

thanks for ur info ar…
作者: 傻太    時間: 10-12-13 12:25     標題: 回復 27# snow228 的帖子

點解唔揀think??  學費都係差唔多, 但語文會好d....

我唔介意俾光頭仔開心一年, 我只係怕出年再出去搵k, 佢仲係傻仔一名, 無間收, 焗住直升讀k1-k3, 咁咪大鑊...

我同事個囝係九龍塘啟思讀緊k3, "apple"都未識串...
作者: snow228    時間: 10-12-13 13:08

think既n班得英文同廣東話. 同埋因為我等緊蘇淅(英文國詞)同學之園(近屋企).  希望小b 可以讀到英普班

[ 本帖最後由 snow228 於 10-12-13 13:10 編輯 ]
作者: belle2009    時間: 10-12-13 14:56     標題: 回復 1# snow228 的帖子

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作者: Angine    時間: 10-12-13 19:42     標題: 回復 3# 傻太 的帖子

I agree. I think for a back up you need to pick one that you are ok to let the kid stay there till k3. That's very key.

Yes true many of us will apply hkps again, sc, kv, etc next year BUT that is an unknown result yet. Point is not the kid smart or not, there are so many other factors will affect the result. You may read the link in KG side that this year sc interview was in a mess. the weather was bad which impacted many things, so to speak the performance of the kid. Who knows next year won't happen in the same way?

It is actually not a gurantee that a kid may perform better in next year coz the expectation from the KG is higher for K1 kids right!!

Therefore my way of doing is aim high for even N1, and have a good back up that I am ok to let my kid be there till k3 just in case.
作者: winifred102    時間: 10-12-15 01:06

Agree and I have the same tactics as yours (I've applied for N1 at 9 KG's for Owen). That's why we both have worked so hard to prepare even our babies are applying for N1.  Many friends and even my parents and parents-in-law think that I worry too much.  But, hey, our effort only counts on only a half portion of the outcome.  The other half really depends on how our kids perform, their condition and most important - luck!!!  We are just trying our best here, so at least in the end whatever outcome it's going to be, we will not regret.
Maybe we should treat interviews as a little challenge or opportunities for both ourselves and our littles.  Not too worry about the outcome, but care more about the process.  During the course of preparation, we'll understand more about ourselves and our littles.  It's really an interesting process....
作者: ling121933    時間: 10-12-15 14:30     標題: 回覆 33# winifred102 的文章

作者: Angine    時間: 10-12-15 18:32     標題: 回覆 1# ling121933 的文章

Dear Winifred and ling121933,

Well said and I can't agree more!

We have done our part and now as said just hope for the best. I am sure we do everything for our kid's future. We need to be cautious not to over worry nor over nervous, otherwise our kids feel our pressure and they won't be happy.

Let's learn to find the balancing point. We need to be happy otherwise our kids won't be happy too. I am sure we can do it, for our loved one's sake!!
作者: ling121933    時間: 10-12-15 21:21     標題: 回覆 35# Angine 的文章

我其實都有北角明慧嘅am offer
作者: Angine    時間: 10-12-16 22:05

ooo I live in TKL, very close to you! It is good that you can bring him to school by yourself. I will bring my son to school too no matter what school he gets in.
原帖由 ling121933 於 10-12-15 21:21 發表
我其實都有北角明慧嘅am offer
有咩問題又可以朝 ...

作者: ling121933    時間: 10-12-17 08:26     標題: 回覆 37# Angine 的文章

咦, 將來如果一齊入到樂基or其他喺九龍塘嘅KG, 可以夾份褓母車呀!
作者: snow228    時間: 10-12-17 09:40


原帖由 ling121933 於 10-12-17 08:26 發表
咦, 將來如果一齊入到樂基or其他喺九龍塘嘅KG, 可以夾份褓母車呀!

作者: ling121933    時間: 10-12-17 10:12     標題: 回覆 39# snow228 的文章

作者: rw    時間: 10-12-17 10:31

hihi 傻太,
i have also got THINK pm offer and requested to change for AM is possible on registration day.  But i haven't called the school and ask about the progress.  Can you tell me why they tell you there is NO chance?  Thanks so much.

原帖由 傻太 於 10-12-13 11:39 發表
thanks for u blessing ar...

if think offers am class, we wont need to be so struggled lar...

already written the request letter for changing am class but they replied LOW chance on th ...

作者: snow228    時間: 10-12-17 11:15

附近啦  北角我只係報左蘇浙, 只果收我諗都要搭保母車啦, 因為條長命斜打風落雨行上行落好危險

原帖由 ling121933 於 10-12-17 10:12 發表

作者: 傻太    時間: 10-12-17 14:27

原帖由 rw 於 10-12-17 10:31 發表
hihi 傻太,
i have also got THINK pm offer and requested to change for AM is possible on registration day.  But i haven't called the school and ask about the progress.  Can you tell me why they tell yo ...

我果日嬲嬲地(因為幾個offer唔湯唔水), 打左去藍田問可唔可以transfer過去讀上午, 當然唔得喇, 我咪鬧佢&要求退番$40面試費&文件囉...(當日我同老公晨咁早分別去九龍塘(我排2x)&藍田(老公排第5)排隊, 學校之後打黎話只可以揀一間, 係就一早講明喇, 時候唔係錢呀?  請假唔係錢呀??  (我個囝係藍田/官塘見完都係收&收am咖, 講真, 係本區考黎考去都係果班人, 就算唔得我條氣都順d丫, 但排哂隊/俾哂錢先話唔俾見... )

過左一日, 反而係九龍塘think打俾我, 話藍田果邊要佢地退番俾$40俾我...我再問番轉am既問題, 佢話: 上年都係得一個轉到, 你自己諗下喇...


不過我覺得最乞人憎係兩間都係講到: 你有得讀已經好好咖喇, 出面好多人仲等緊or無得讀...
作者: kristinecheng    時間: 10-12-17 15:19


[ 本帖最後由 kristinecheng 於 11-1-24 11:56 編輯 ]
作者: 傻太    時間: 10-12-17 15:56

原帖由 kristinecheng 於 10-12-17 15:19 發表
傻太,我估我就係你講係同區考黎考去嗰班人其中一個,哈哈。而且同你一樣,都係陀緊2nd b去in,好辛苦。

其實我對think既攞表同註冊安排都覺得麻麻地,攞表限4小時內要人排長龍(當日好媽咪同我一樣係大肚婆係出邊排都唔開個班 ...

面試果日, 我作小產唔敢亂走, 老公一個帶左佢去咋, 光頭仔見9am, 8:45老公打俾我: 學校無開門喎... ...原來佢帶左個囝去藍田呀.... ...

我都覺得健康表&自動轉帳form個感覺唔好, 我老公好穩陣的, 佢係自動轉帳張表填埋銀碳($5,xxx), 但交時學校話唔可以寫銀碼, 我真係想知點解...

btw, 我會prefer THINK > YORK...
作者: snow228    時間: 10-12-17 16:07

我無報York , 如果我水頭充足一定報, 原因:
1. 提供公開試俾你番大陸考, 早人一步攞多d cert 去同人fight 名小學
2. 有領禮班 - 雖然出哂報紙俾人勁罵, 但係為左個5分, 好緊要既5分, york, 值得讀

[ 本帖最後由 snow228 於 10-12-17 16:19 編輯 ]
作者: 傻太    時間: 10-12-17 16:14

原帖由 snow228 於 10-12-17 16:07 發表
我無報York , 如果我水頭充足一定報, 原因:
1. 提供公開試俾你番大陸考, 早人一步攞多d cert 去同人fight 名小學
2. 有洗禮班 - 雖然出哂報紙俾人勁罵, 但係為左個5分, 好緊要既5分, yo ...

我報左無去in, 水頭就算夠, 有得揀我都唔會揀俾人掠...:;pppp: ...我覺得間學校怪怪地, 幾 下...

我識兩個, 一個舊年面試全程喊, 乜都無做過, 都收; 另一個今年間間reject(唔係waiting, 仲要一月出世), 都收....
作者: snow228    時間: 10-12-17 16:25

其實我當初都無諗過報樂基ka, 之前對佢認識唔係好深, 講出名sc, kv 仲出名, 不過經其他人討論完一番後先發覺佢幾好.  其實我一心想亞b 讀so 浙, 我in 完更鐘意呢間學校, 不過in so 淅當日亞b 係訓覺時間, 勁唔合作, in 得唔係甘好, 都寄望不大
如果今年樂基, so 浙都唔收, 我計過數出年k 要報20間, 真係辛苦哂亞b同c6

[ 本帖最後由 snow228 於 10-12-17 16:33 編輯 ]
作者: kristinecheng    時間: 10-12-17 18:06


[ 本帖最後由 kristinecheng 於 11-1-24 11:55 編輯 ]
作者: kristinecheng    時間: 10-12-17 18:13

原帖由 snow228 於 10-12-17 16:07 發表
我無報York , 如果我水頭充足一定報, 原因:
1. 提供公開試俾你番大陸考, 早人一步攞多d cert 去同人fight 名小學
2. 有領禮班 - 雖然出哂報紙俾人勁罵, 但係為左個5分, 好緊要既5分, yo ...

[ 本帖最後由 kristinecheng 於 11-1-24 11:54 編輯 ]
作者: Angine    時間: 10-12-17 18:47

I would not consider York at all. I don't like this school and I disagree with their whole philosophy. It is not my cup of tea.

People think sc and kv are more famous mainly because the two kgs have longer history. hkps is a very good school being admired by many parents in recent years. Therefore competition is so keen to get in.

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