
標題: 10-12月出世既細仔細女, 請問今年有冇私校/ 直資既offer? [打印本頁]

作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 10-11-30 10:30     標題: 10-12月出世既細仔細女, 請問今年有冇私校/ 直資既offer?

我身邊既朋友d細仔細女(10-12月出生), 全部都未有一間私校/ 直資既offer, 想問吓bk 既家長, 你地既細仔細女有冇私校/ 直資既offer呀, 如有可唔可以share係邊間.

我個仔(細仔)出年考, 想知道向而家出生率高咗之後, 邊間私校/ 直資仲會比機會收細仔細女.

Thanks so much.

[ 本帖最後由 bb@wonderland 於 10-11-30 13:44 編輯 ]
作者: kkhon    時間: 10-11-30 10:49

仔仔10月尾細仔st.Joe(kwun tong)同德雅收咗。
作者: meia    時間: 10-11-30 10:54

My girl was born in Nov.  She got offer from GT, HKUGA....

Haha, she is rejected by TSL, CKY

We have not tried the super famous school like SPCC, DGS cos they are not my cup of tea....
作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 10-11-30 11:07     標題: Thanks for your reply

kkhon and meia,

Thanks so much for your reply. Congrats! Your kid must be very smart.
作者: kkhon    時間: 10-11-30 11:15

作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 10-11-30 11:28

原帖由 kkhon 於 10-11-30 11:15 發表
我覺得不是所有小學要大仔,細仔一樣得。其實每間學校校長收生標準同喜愛都不同,面試時表現最緊要。好似英華喜愛斯文小朋友,dbs喜愛叻得嚟有d佻皮的。先了解學校喜愛那種型小朋友及父母,盡量迎合便大有機會。 ...

多謝你既分亨. 我都明白最重要係睇表現.
因為, 係in kindergarten時, 已發現有d kindergarten雖然接受細仔細女apply, 但最後根本唔收10月後出生既. 如果係咁, 根本=用出生月份screen 走咗一班年齡較細. 咁表現好都冇用.
作者: mimi1102    時間: 10-11-30 11:36

Kindergarten 時睇大/細仔女可以明白, 因為果時佢地咁細, 相差一兩個月, 真係會差好遠, 但係去到 k1, 基本上距離已經慢慢縮近.
小女都係細女, 都有學校收, 你唔洗擔心.

原帖由 bb@wonderland 於 10-11-30 11:28 發表

多謝你既分亨. 我都明白最重要係睇表現.
因為, 係in kindergarten時, 已發現有d kindergarten雖然接受細仔細女apply, 但最後根本唔收10月後出生既. 如果係咁, 根本=用出生月份screen 走咗一班年齡較細. 咁表現好 ...

作者: meia    時間: 10-11-30 11:43

While I agree that many small kids are really smart, generally speaking, schools tend to prefer big kids.  My friends (who are teachers) confirm this.  

I guess the school will not screen out the small kids from the very begining.  However, they do prefer big kids.  At the Q&A session of one briefing session, a parent asked whether the school prefers big kids, the speaker replied "yes" and said the difference in ability for children is measured by months (or even weeks).  As such, those rejected may reapply next year as a "big kid".......The schools believe that big kids will outperform small kids in general.

Don't worry! The difference (between big and small kids) will gradually diminish when they turn 7 or 8.  Once you got admitted, it is another story.

[ 本帖最後由 meia 於 10-11-30 11:54 編輯 ]
作者: jumbo_mandy    時間: 10-11-30 11:50

原帖由 bb@wonderland 於 10-11-30 10:30 發表
我身邊既朋友d細仔細女(10-12月出生), 全部都未有一間私校/ 直資既offer, 想問吓bk 既家長, 你地既細仔細女有冇私校/ 直資既offer呀, 如有可唔可以share係邊間.

我個仔(細仔)出年考, 想知道向而家出生率高咗之後,  ...

認識 4位10-11月出生的細囡 (3個kv生, 1個S.Cat生), 全部GH 有offer, 及 DGJS 有2nd interview!
作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 10-11-30 11:54

原帖由 meia 於 10-11-30 11:43 發表
While I agree that many small kids are really smart, generally speaking, schools tend to prefer big kids.  My friends (who are teachers) confirm this.
The difference (between big and small kids) will ...

Indeed, I understand the reasons behind for school preferring big kids.  So facing next year challenges, I need to get prepared and understand more.
Still struggling, whether let my boy to repeat K3 (which some of my friends suggested), but up till now his performance is  up to standard.  Is it really worth to repeat K3 in order to have a higher chance to be admitted by private/DSS?
作者: dada1113    時間: 10-11-30 12:13

原帖由 bb@wonderland 於 10-11-30 10:30 發表
我身邊既朋友d細仔細女(10-12月出生), 全部都未有一間私校/ 直資既offer, 想問吓bk 既家長, 你地既細仔細女有冇私校/ 直資既offer呀, 如有可唔可以share係邊間.

我個仔(細仔)出年考, 想知道向而家出生率高咗之後,  ...

My daughter is born in Nov and she got offer from GH and TSL :)
作者: cranberry    時間: 10-11-30 12:17

My son was born in Dec and got accepted by 崇真 and St. Francis. Don't worry too much. If parents can help them more in P.1 then I think it's a more essential element to let them settle down easily.

原帖由 dada1113 於 10-11-30 12:13 發表

My daughter is born in Nov and she got offer from GH and TSL :)

作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 10-11-30 13:45

Thanks again for bk parents' sharing, up to now, from the replies, those private / DSS accept small kids include:
- GH
- St. Francis
- 崇真
- GT
- St.Joseph (kwun tong)
- 德雅
Any more parents can share? thanks!
作者: artroboy    時間: 10-11-30 13:47

St. paul boys (my friend's kid)
St. louis

原帖由 bb@wonderland 於 10-11-30 13:45 發表
Thanks again for bk parents' sharing, up to now, from the replies, those private / DSS accept small kids include:
- GH
- St. Francis
- 崇真
- GT
- St.Joseph (kwun tong)
- 德雅
Any more p ...

作者: kochiman2004    時間: 10-11-30 14:08     標題: 回覆 13# bb@wonderland 的文章

My daughter ... October ...

(1) offering: Kln TL & HK TL
(2) DGJS - 2nd interview
(3) Rejected: SPCC, KTS
(4) No show for 2nd interview: LOGO
(5) Will give up 1st interview: Alliance
作者: wanmum    時間: 10-11-30 14:19

原帖由 kochiman2004 於 10-11-30 14:08 發表
My daughter ... October ...

(1) offering: Kln TL & HK TL
(2) DGJS - 2nd interview
(3) Rejected: SPCC, KTS
(4) No show for 2nd interview: LOGO
(5) Will give up 1st interview: Alliance

May I know if your daughter is October 2004 or 2005?  Thx.
作者: a2mapa    時間: 10-11-30 14:25

My son born in Dec 2005, got 3 offers: RC, SFA and St Louis.   
We are so desperate at the beginning as we received either rejection letters or no chance for 2nd interview.   I believe famous 1st tier DSS/private schools are looking for smart kids and usually big boys/girls got this advantage, though some small girls/boys are very brilliant and can enter 2nd interview.
In any case, difference between small and big will gradually disappear in the coming years.  
So small boys and girls, add oil  ^0^
原帖由 bb@wonderland 於 30/11/2010 13:45 發表
Thanks again for bk parents' sharing, up to now, from the replies, those private / DSS accept small kids include:
- GH
- St. Francis
- 崇真
- GT
- St.Joseph (kwun tong)
- 德雅
Any more p ...

作者: a2mapa    時間: 10-11-30 14:44

I also struggled this point (repeat 3) before.  I would choose this path if I found my son's ability is really behind the normal standard and not yet really for primary school, rather than due to "no offer by DSS/private school" (as you can still try central allocation in Jan 2011).
May be small boys/girls got another adv.  => can try primary 1 (though the youngest in the class), if they cannot cope with it.   If the primary place is not your cup of tea,  you can let your kid to try out primary life first.  You can apply your favourite DSS/private schools next year and the chance should be greater.

原帖由 bb@wonderland 於 30/11/2010 11:54 發表

Indeed, I understand the reasons behind for school preferring big kids.  So facing next year challenges, I need to get prepared and understand more.
Still struggling, whether let my boy to repeat K3 ...

作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 10-11-30 14:52

原帖由 a2mapa 於 10-11-30 14:44 發表
I also struggled this point (repeat 3) before.  I would choose this path if I found my son's ability is really behind the normal standard and not yet really for primary school, rather than due to "no  ...

Thanks for your suggestions, would really consider about it.
Also Congratulations to your boy, get the offers from RC and SFA, they are also my targeted school. As a Dec Boy, he must be very brilliant.
作者: ABTreasures    時間: 10-11-30 15:00

My daughter ... October 2005...

(1) offering: CPS
(2) finished 2nd interview, pending results: DGJS, SSPCS
(3) Waiting: GH
(3) Rejected: SPCC, HKUGA
(4) No show for 2nd interview: TSL, KTS

I guess not too bad for my girl....
作者: kochiman2004    時間: 10-11-30 15:09

原帖由 wanmum 於 10-11-30 14:19 發表

May I know if your daughter is October 2004 or 2005?  Thx.

End of Oct, 2005, small small girl ....
作者: wanmum    時間: 10-11-30 15:32

原帖由 kochiman2004 於 10-11-30 15:09 發表

End of Oct, 2005, small small girl ....

Your small girl is smart.  My son is even smaller, born in Nov 2005.  Up to now, he got only WL in RC and an offer in Tak Nga.  Still worry if let him study in Tak Nga with so many girls but only a few boys though Tak Nga is a good and caring school.
作者: kochiman2004    時間: 10-11-30 15:40

... normally ... girl is a bit more mature than boy during that age ... Tak Nga is OK wor ... although I've missed to apply to it ... because many of my friends' kids are studying in Tak Nga ... which is small class .... better care ... last year P1, the smallest class is only x19 pupils ... very good care to each kids ...
作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 10-11-30 16:15

Updated lists:
- GH
- St. Francis
- 崇真
- GT
- St.Joseph (kwun tong)
- 德雅
- RC
- St. Louis
- Kln TL
- St. paul boys
- 救恩
- 蘇浙
作者: kochiman2004    時間: 10-11-30 16:28

... can you translate those schools into Chinese ... thank you ...
作者: loveboy    時間: 10-11-30 21:15

我仔仲細呀!!!12月24日~~12月已經尾...仲要12月既尾呀><到現在一個offer都沒~但我只係in左3間~仲要係大熱~~smc,tsl,pk....e家等大抽獎啦~~諗住好好的找一間好既band one 津校,下年再插私小/直資~~唔知有沒家長好似我咁呢??
作者: Carina11    時間: 10-11-30 21:59

作者: EQ    時間: 10-11-30 22:30

My son was born in Dec 05,
rec'd offers fr KRS n St Joe.
作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 10-12-1 11:17

I tried to  put the Chinese name as well. (Please correct me if there is any mistakes)
Updated lists:
- GH (德望)
- St. Francis 聖方濟各英文小學
- 崇真
- TSL 保良局陳守仁小學
- HKUGA 港大同學會小學
- GT 優才(楊殷有娣)書院
- St.Joseph (kwun tong)聖若瑟英文小學
- 德雅
- RC 高主教書院小學部
- St. Louis 聖類斯學校 (小學部)
- Kln TL 九龍真光中學(小學部)
- HK TL 香港真光中學(小學部)
- CPS 啟思小學
- St. paul boys 聖保羅書院小學
- 救恩
- 蘇浙
- KRS 禮賢
- 啟基
作者: eddieng    時間: 10-12-1 17:35

作者: Elsa18    時間: 10-12-1 17:42

Thanks for sharing! I'm gathering information for my son, 12/06!!
作者: wasabi-cat    時間: 10-12-1 17:45

我個女都係 12 月尾,考既全部都係一線直資同私校,有 2nd in 等緊 result,但未有 firm offer. 以我觀察所得,大部份直資私校都有收細仔細女,但相比大仔大女,個比例係少好多 lor. 如果係一流既直資、私校,就差不多唔使諗,除非個小朋友係好標青。
作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 10-12-2 09:10

原帖由 wasabi-cat 於 10-12-1 17:45 發表
我個女都係 12 月尾,考既全部都係一線直資同私校,有 2nd in 等緊 result,但未有 firm offer. 以我觀察所得,大部份直資私校都有收細仔細女,但相比大仔大女,個比例係少好多 lor. 如果係一流既直資、私校,就差不多唔使諗,除非個 ...

Thanks for sharing. From the bk parents' replies, really can't see 1st tier DSS/private school, but it is still encouraging to see cases with small kids being accepted. Congrats again to all those brilliant little ones.
Updated lists:
- GH (德望)
- St. Francis 聖方濟各英文小學
- 崇真
- TSL 保良局陳守仁小學
- HKUGA 港大同學會小學
- GT 優才(楊殷有娣)書院
- St.Joseph (kwun tong)聖若瑟英文小學
- 德雅
- RC 高主教書院小學
- St. Louis 聖類斯學校 (小學部)
- Kln TL 九龍真光中學(小學部)
- HK TL 香港真光中學(小學部)
- CPS 啟思小學
- St. paul boys 聖保羅書院小學
- 救恩
- 蘇浙
- KRS 禮賢
- 啟基
- 陸慶濤
- 播道
作者: huicat    時間: 10-12-2 13:15     標題: 回覆 1 bb@wonderland 的文章

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: chingchingb.ma    時間: 10-12-2 13:44


原帖由 bb@wonderland 於 10-12-2 09:10 發表

Thanks for sharing. From the bk parents' replies, really can't see 1st tier DSS/private school, but it is still encouraging to see cases with small kids being accepted. Congrats again to all those b ...

[ 本帖最後由 chingchingb.ma 於 10-12-2 13:51 編輯 ]
作者: BBTWIN    時間: 10-12-3 00:22

我對女差一日就10月出世, 學校都當佢地係10月女. 德雅, 啟基收左. 兩間真光只係waiting list. 其實我都巳經好滿意, 因為當初諗係會全軍覆沒而且會收reject letter, 點知一封都冇, 巳經當贏左 .
作者: cranberry    時間: 10-12-3 08:33

Actually, it's very happy to see that there are so many offers to small kids. I think it doesn't really depend on the ages of kids but rather some other factors. A mum let her small boy to repeat last year but still can't get any 2nd tier schools' offers,  not to mention the 1st tier.

原帖由 bb@wonderland 於 10-12-2 09:10 發表

Thanks for sharing. From the bk parents' replies, really can't see 1st tier DSS/private school, but it is still encouraging to see cases with small kids being accepted. Congrats again to all those b ...

作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 10-12-3 10:03

Updated lists:
- GH (德望)
- St. Francis 聖方濟各英文小學
- 崇真
- TSL 保良局陳守仁小學
- HKUGA 港大同學會小學
- GT 優才(楊殷有娣)書院
- St.Joseph (kwun tong)聖若瑟英文小學
- 德雅
- RC 高主教書院小學部
- St. Louis 聖類斯學校 (小學部)
- Kln TL 九龍真光中學(小學部)
- HK TL 香港真光中學(小學部)
- CPS 啟思小學
- St. paul boys 聖保羅書院小學
- 救恩
- 蘇浙
- KRS 禮賢
- 啟基
- 陸慶濤
- 播道
- Piu Kiu
作者: kochiman2004    時間: 10-12-3 14:38

作者: fanwong29    時間: 10-12-7 15:43     標題: 還有SMC聖瑪加利 王錦輝

原帖由 bb@wonderland 於 10-12-3 10:03 發表
Updated lists:
- GH (德望)
- St. Francis 聖方濟各英文小學
- 崇真
- TSL 保良局陳守仁小學
- HKUGA 港大同學會小學
- GT 優才(楊殷有娣)書院
- St.Joseph (kwun tong)聖若瑟英文小學
- 德雅
- RC 高主教書院小 ...

作者: olimo    時間: 10-12-7 16:46

咁好多都收細 b
只看 interview表現
作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 10-12-7 17:10

Updated lists:
- GH (德望)
- St. Francis 聖方濟各英文小學
- 崇真
- TSL 保良局陳守仁小學
- HKUGA 港大同學會小學
- GT 優才(楊殷有娣)書院
- St.Joseph (kwun tong)聖若瑟英文小學
- 德雅
- RC 高主教書院小學部
- St. Louis 聖類斯學校 (小學部)
- Kln TL 九龍真光中學(小學部)
- HK TL 香港真光中學(小學部)
- CPS 啟思小學
- St. paul boys 聖保羅書院小學
- 救恩
- 蘇浙
- KRS 禮賢
- 啟基
- 陸慶濤
- 播道
- Piu Kiu
- SMC聖瑪加利
- 王錦輝
作者: Lilna    時間: 10-12-8 15:24

I think small girls get better chances.  Small boys not as many offers.
作者: prudencecho    時間: 10-12-12 23:17

作者: bb@wonderland    時間: 10-12-13 12:32

Some 1st tier DSSs have released the results, any good news from small boys and girls?
作者: fanwong29    時間: 10-12-13 15:16     標題: 回復 3# Lilna 的帖子


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