
標題: KV K3 parents - any good news on P1 interviews? [打印本頁]

作者: cy664    時間: 10-11-22 14:16     標題: KV K3 parents - any good news on P1 interviews?

KV parent is so silence in BK. May I have more information so can release my worry. My kid is K1 now so I want to well prepare and adjust my expectation.

I really want to know the no of kids in  each class can enter those famour school or have chance to enter 2nd interview ?
作者: stliu    時間: 10-11-22 22:44

其實, KV 家長在BK 唔算靜, 如果你真係有留意, 大家一向都算樂意回應, 我係K3 的家長, 我就曾經在這裡找到好多答案, 仲識左好多好朋友.
呢排可能真係靜 D, 因為大家都忙於應付小一的面試呀. 老實講, 到呢一刻, 可能大家都未知小朋友來緊會響邊間小學讀書, 因為有D 學校先剛完成第二輪面試咋. 而且, 家長們都好內斂, 未必想咁樣公開地講有咩學校收呀.
考小一, 真係有好多因素在內, 我相信, 就算你問老師, 佢都未必有每班入名校的人數呀. 何況係呢度的留言板呢?
原帖由 cy664 於 10-11-22 14:16 發表
KV parent is so silence in BK. May I have more information so can release my worry. My kid is K1 now so I want to well prepare and adjust my expectation.

I really want to know the no of kids in  each ...

作者: cy664    時間: 10-11-23 13:15


Thank you for your advice.
I just want to know the estimation only.
I think every year also have the similar no of boys or girls could enter those famour schools. I know SC would release those figures for their K2 parents for information in the talk.
The teachers in K3 would send a reply slip to the parents and advise them to complete and return to school in June each year. Although the figures may not the final one, it also can reflect the general pictures. Not sure KV would release such data to the K2 or K3' parents.
作者: Camom    時間: 10-11-23 22:53

原帖由 cy664 於 10-11-23 13:15 發表

Thank you for your advice.
I just want to know the estimation only.
I think every year also have the similar no of boys or girls could enter those famour schools. I know SC would release those ...

I suggest you to post this question again later.  Most of the schools will announce the final result in Dec, 2010 while Ying Wa will be as late as 29 Jan, 2011.  So be patient and hope you'll get your answer by then.
作者: Daisy媽咪    時間: 10-11-24 09:05

原帖由 Camom 於 10-11-23 22:53 發表

I suggest you to post this question again later.  Most of the schools will announce the final result in Dec, 2010 while Ying Wa will be as late as 29 Jan, 2011.  So be patient and hope you'll get yo ...

我囝囝上年畢業, 現已小一.  你想知参考回覆, 可以用search function 睇番d reply.  
總括一句, 考私小同直資, 最重要係小朋友表現同當時佢既發揮, 讀邊間kinder 唔會有好大關係.
我身邊既識既, 有d考到好好既直資, 亦有d一間都考唔到.
不過, 係kent 入面, 老師train 得小朋友好淡定, 守規矩, 所以會比其他學校優勝. 而讀得kent, 家長的支援理應不少, 所以成功率又大大提升, 亦不足為奇.
作者: YinKiuLam    時間: 10-11-25 20:10

agreed. 700 K3 student at KV and I guess only 5% is taken by DGS, DBS, LS, MCS.
作者: onelokgor    時間: 10-11-26 10:54

我反而係好奇係唔係大部份既kv 學生係唔係都只會考私小or 直資, 而好少係靠大抽獎上小學呢
作者: Daisy媽咪    時間: 10-11-26 10:58

原帖由 onelokgor 於 10-11-26 10:54 發表
我反而係好奇係唔係大部份既kv 學生係唔係都只會考私小or 直資, 而好少係靠大抽獎上小學呢

唔係吧, 可能佢地冇講啦... 我個女同學仔有幾個都係kent 畢業, 而亞仔自已都係最後入左津校, 不過亦有考私校打抵吧 !!!
作者: cy664    時間: 10-11-29 12:45


Why you guess only 5% enter DGS, DBS, LS, MCS ?

For LS and MCS, we cannot control the result. It is goveronment allocation.

But DBS and DGS depend on the performance of our kids. I am not sure the entrance rate is so low for those famous private and DSS in KV.
作者: YinKiuLam    時間: 10-12-12 22:27

if less than 5%. DO you think KC and SC still attractive ?
作者: Hidiwong    時間: 10-12-13 16:21

作者: ac119    時間: 10-12-24 00:17

As I know, quite a lot of girls got 2nd interview from DGJS.  

Now, my daughter and one of her friend from KV got accepted.  I guess there must be some others coz we are now in Christmas Hoilday.
作者: chingchingb.ma    時間: 10-12-25 11:18     標題: 回復 1# ac119 的帖子

I know 2 boys and 2 girls got accepted by DBS and DGJS respectively.
作者: ac119    時間: 10-12-25 18:49

My daughter is from K3C, how abt the others? Any idea?  That's really a good news.
作者: DGJS    時間: 11-1-2 17:40

congratulation to all.

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